################################################################## # # # # # # # # # ##### # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # ##### ####### # ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ##### # # # # # ################################################################## #20200620 DESK=$(printenv | grep DISPLAY) MYPATH="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd)" LOGO=${MYPATH}/logo.png RB=${HOME}/.config/KM4ACK BASE=${MYPATH}/base.txt ADDITIONAL=${MYPATH}/additional.txt UTILITY=${MYPATH}/utility.txt FLSUITE=${MYPATH}/flsuite.txt CONFIG=${MYPATH}/config FUNCTIONS=${MYPATH}/functions TEMPCRON=${MYPATH}/cron.tmp DIR=${MYPATH}/temp WHO=$(whoami) VERSION=$(grep "version=" ${MYPATH}/changelog | sed 's/version=//') DATE=$(date) FINISH() { if [ -f "${BASE}" ]; then rm ${BASE} fi if [ -f "${ADDITIONAL}" ]; then rm ${ADDITIONAL} fi if [ -f "${FLSUITE}" ]; then rm ${FLSUITE} fi if [ -f "${UTILITY}" ]; then rm ${UTILITY} fi } trap FINISH EXIT #check for display. can't run from SSH if [ -z "$DESK" ]; then cat <${NOTICEPATH}/intro.txt Build a Pi 3.2.0 and later does not support RaspiOS Buster or earlier versions of RaspiOS. You should consider upgrading to RaspiOS 11 (Bullseye). By clicking ok you will be moved to the last version of Build a Pi (3.1.4) that supports Pi OS Buster. Please note there are no plans to update Build a Pi for Buster going forward. In other words, you are on your own if it is broke and you are still running Pi OS 10 (Buster). EOF INTRO=$(yad --width=600 --height=300 --text-align=center --center --title="Out of Date OS Detected!" --show-uri \ --image ${LOGO} --window-icon=${LOGO} --image-on-top --separator="|" --item-separator="|" \ --text-info \ --button="OK":1 <${NOTICEPATH}/intro.txt \ --button="Exit":2 \ >/dev/null 2>&1) BUT=$? echo $BUT if [ $BUT = 2 ] || [ $BUT = 252 ]; then exit fi rm ${NOTICEPATH}/intro.txt cd $HOME/pi-build git checkout buster bash build-a-pi & exit ##################################### # end Old OS Check ##################################### #install YAD & jq as needed clear echo echo echo "#######################################" echo "# Updating repository & installing #" echo "# a few needed items before we begin #" echo "#######################################" sudo apt-get update if ! hash yad 2>/dev/null; then sudo apt install -y yad fi if ! hash jq 2>/dev/null; then sudo apt install -y jq fi if ! hash bc >/dev/null; then sudo apt install -y bc fi ##################################### # Check if run before ##################################### if [ -f "${RB}" ]; then bash ${MYPATH}/update & exit fi ##################################### # Check user is pi ##################################### if [ "$WHO" != 'pi' ]; then yad --form --width=500 --text-align=center --center --title="Build-a-Pi" --text-align=center \ --image ${LOGO} --window-icon=${LOGO} --image-on-top --separator="|" --item-separator="|" \ --text="USER NAME IS NOT PI\rThis script is designed to be run as the pi user. Please set the user name to pi \ and try again. You can change the user name after the build is complete but some configuration may not work \ as expected" \ --button=gtk-close exit 1 fi ##################################### # notice to user ##################################### cat <${MYPATH}/intro.txt This script takes approximately 4 hours to complete if you choose to install everything. If you find it helpful please consider a donation to encourage future development. https://paypal.me/km4ack EOF INTRO=$(yad --width=550 --height=250 --text-align=center --center --title="Build-a-Pi" --show-uri \ --image ${LOGO} --window-icon=${LOGO} --image-on-top --separator="|" --item-separator="|" \ --text-info \ --button="Continue":2 <${MYPATH}/intro.txt \ >/dev/null 2>&1) BUT=$? if [ ${BUT} = 252 ]; then rm ${MYPATH}/intro.txt exit fi rm ${MYPATH}/intro.txt ##################################### # Create autostart dir #used to autostart conky at boot ##################################### mkdir -p ${HOME}/.config/autostart ##################################### # Get User Call ##################################### CALL() { INFO=$(yad --form --width=420 --text-align=center --center --title="Build-a-Pi" \ --image ${LOGO} --window-icon=${LOGO} --image-on-top --separator="|" --item-separator="|" \ --text="version $VERSION" \ --field="Call Sign*" \ --field="* Required":LBL \ --button="Continue":2) BUT=$? if [ ${BUT} = 252 ]; then exit fi } CALL CALL=$(echo ${INFO} | awk -F "|" '{print $1}') CALL=${CALL^^} #Verify call not empty ATTEMPTS=0 while [ -z "$CALL" ]; do if [ $ATTEMPTS -eq 3 ]; then yad --form --width=420 --text-align=center --center --title="Build-a-Pi" --text-align=center \ --image ${LOGO} --window-icon=${LOGO} --image-on-top --separator="|" --item-separator="|" \ --text="Empty callsign after 3 attempts. Quiting!" \ --button=gtk-ok exit fi yad --form --width=420 --text-align=center --center --title="Build-a-Pi" --text-align=center \ --image ${LOGO} --window-icon=${LOGO} --image-on-top --separator="|" --item-separator="|" \ --text="Call Can't be Blank" \ --button=gtk-ok ((ATTEMPTS = ATTEMPTS + 1)) CALL CALL=$(echo ${INFO} | awk -F "|" '{print $1}') CALL=${CALL^^} done echo "CALL=$CALL" >${CONFIG} ##################################### # Base Apps ##################################### yad --center --list --checklist --width=600 --height=600 --separator="" \ --image ${LOGO} --column=Check --column=App --column=Description \ --print-column=2 --window-icon=${LOGO} --image-on-top --text-align=center \ --text="Base Applications" --title="Build-a-Pi" \ false "HOTSPOT" "Hot Spot Generator for Portable Ops" \ false "HSTOOLS" "Tools to Manage Hot Spot" \ false "GPS" "GPS Software" \ false "GPSUPDATE" "Tool to Manage GPS Devices" \ false "ARDOP" "Modem for HF" \ false "ARDOPGUI" "GUI for ARDOP" \ false "HAMLIB" "Needed for Rig Control" \ false "DIREWOLF" "Software TNC" \ false "AX25" "Data Link Layer Protocol" \ false "PULSE" "Pulse Audio Control Interface" \ --button="Exit":1 \ --button="Check All and Continue":3 \ --button="Next":2 >${BASE} BUT=$? if [ ${BUT} = 252 ] || [ ${BUT} = 1 ]; then exit fi if [ ${BUT} = 3 ]; then BASEAPPS=(HOTSPOT HSTOOLS GPS ARDOP ARDOPGUI HAMLIB DIREWOLF AX25 PULSE GPSUPDATE) for i in "${BASEAPPS[@]}"; do echo "$i" >>${BASE} done fi #check if hotspot is chosen for install & get info if needed HS=$(grep "HOTSPOT" ${BASE}) if [ -n "$HS" ]; then HSINFO() { #unblock wifi sudo rfkill unblock all >/dev/null 2>&1 #bring wifi up sudo ifconfig wlan0 up #LIST=$(sudo iw dev "wlan0" scan ap-force | egrep "^BSS|SSID:" | grep SSID: | sed 's/SSID://' | awk '{ print $1 }') #LIST=$(echo $LIST | sed 's/ /|/g') LIST=$(sudo iw dev "wlan0" scan ap-force | sed -ne 's/^.*SSID: \(..*\)/\1/p' | sort | uniq | paste -sd '|') HSINFO=$(yad --center --form --width=400 --height=400 --separator="|" --item-separator="|" \ --image ${LOGO} --column=Check --column=App --column=Description \ --window-icon=${LOGO} --image-on-top --text-align=center \ --text="HotSpot Information\r\rPlease enter the information\rbelow \ for the Hot Spot\rNOTE: The last field is the password for the hotspot. You will use this password to \ connect to your Pi when it is in hotspot mode This password can only contain letters and numbers" \ --title="Build-a-Pi" \ --field="Home Wifi SSID":CB "$LIST" \ --field="Home Wifi Password" \ --field="Hot Spot Password" \ --button="Exit":1 \ --button="Continue":2 \ --button="Refresh Wifi":3) BUT=$? if [ ${BUT} = 3 ]; then HSINFO #Call HSINFO function fi if [ ${BUT} = 252 ] || [ ${BUT} = 1 ]; then exit fi #} #HSINFO #fi SHACKSSID=$(echo $HSINFO | awk -F "|" '{print $1}') SHACKPASS=$(echo $HSINFO | awk -F "|" '{print $2}') HSPASS=$(echo $HSINFO | awk -F "|" '{print $3}') #Check password length if [ -n "$HS" ]; then COUNT=${#HSPASS} if [ ${COUNT} -lt 8 ]; then yad --center --form --width=300 --height=200 --separator="|" \ --image ${LOGO} --window-icon=${LOGO} --image-on-top --text-align=center \ --text="Hotspot password has to be 8-63 characters" --title="Build-a-Pi" \ --button=gtk-ok HSINFO fi fi } HSINFO fi echo "SHACKSSID=$SHACKSSID" >>${CONFIG} echo "SHACKPASS=\"$SHACKPASS\"" >>${CONFIG} echo "HSPASS=\"$HSPASS\"" >>${CONFIG} ################################### #CHECK IF GPS IS CHOSEN TO INSTALL# ################################### GPSINSTALL=$(cat ${BASE} | grep GPS) if [ -n "${GPSINSTALL}" ]; then yad --center --height="300" --width="300" --form --separator="|" --item-separator="|" --title="GPS" \ --image ${LOGO} --window-icon=${LOGO} --image-on-top \ --text="\r\r\r\r\rConnect your GPS to the pi" \ --button="Continue":2 BUT=$? USB=$(ls /dev/serial/by-id) USB=$(echo "NONE $USB") #see https://github.com/km4ack/pi-build/issues/293 USB=$(echo $USB | sed "s/\s/|/g") GPS=$(yad --center --height="600" --width="300" --form --separator="|" --item-separator="|" --title="GPS" \ --image ${LOGO} --window-icon=${LOGO} --image-on-top \ --text="Choose Your GPS" \ --field="GPS":CB "$USB") BUT=$? if [ ${BUT} = 252 ] || [ ${BUT} = 1 ]; then echo exiting exit fi GPS=$(echo ${GPS} | awk -F "|" '{print $1}') GPS=/dev/serial/by-id/${GPS} echo "GPS=${GPS}" >>${CONFIG} fi ##################################### # FLSUITE ##################################### yad --center --list --checklist --width=600 --height=600 --separator="" \ --image ${LOGO} --column=Check --column=App --column=Description \ --print-column=2 --window-icon=${LOGO} --image-on-top --text-align=center \ --text="FLDIGI Suite" --title="Build-a-Pi" \ false "FLRIG" "Rig Contol GUI" \ false "FLDIGI" "Digital Software" \ false "FLAMP" "File Transfer Program" \ false "FLNET" "Net Control Software" \ false "FLMSG" "Forms Manager" \ false "FLWRAP" "File Encapsulation" \ --button="Exit":1 \ --button="Check All and Continue":3 \ --button="Next":2 >${FLSUITE} BUT=$? if [ ${BUT} = 252 ] || [ ${BUT} = 1 ]; then exit fi if [ ${BUT} = 3 ]; then FLAPPS=(FLRIG FLDIGI FLAMP FLNET FLMSG FLWRAP) for i in "${FLAPPS[@]}"; do echo "$i" >>${FLSUITE} done fi ##################################### # Ham Apps ##################################### yad --center --list --checklist --width=600 --height=600 --separator="" \ --image ${LOGO} --column=Check --column=App --column=Description \ --print-column=2 --window-icon=${LOGO} --image-on-top --text-align=center \ --text="Ham Applications" --title="Build-a-Pi" \ false "CONKY" "System Information Display" \ false "PI-APRS" "APRS Message Application" \ false "CHIRP" "Program Radios" \ false "GARIM" "File Transfer Program" \ false "PAT" "Radio Email Application" \ false "PAT-MENU" "Control for Pat Winlink" \ false "JS8CALL" "Weak Signal Digital Mode Software" \ false "M0IAX" "Tools for JS8Call Messages" \ false "WSJTX" "Weak Signal Digital Mode Software" \ false "PYQSO" "Logging Software" \ false "CQRLOG" "Logging Software" \ false "HAMRS" "Logging Software" \ false "EES" "KM4ACK Emergency Email Server" \ false "QSSTV" "Slow Scan TV" \ false "GRIDTRACKER" "Track Grids in WSJTX" \ false "HAMCLOCK" "Clock for Ham Radio Ops" \ false "PROPAGATION" "Propagation Prediction Software" \ false "YAAC" "Yet Another APRS Client" \ false "XASTIR" "APRS Client" \ false "GPREDICT" "Satellite Tracking" \ false "TQSL" "LOTW Software" \ false "GRIDCALC" "Grid Calculation Software" \ --button="Exit":1 \ --button="Check All and Continue":3 \ --button="Next":2 >${ADDITIONAL} BUT=$? if [ ${BUT} = 252 ] || [ ${BUT} = 1 ]; then exit fi if [ ${BUT} = 3 ]; then ADDAPPS=(CONKY PI-APRS CHIRP GARIM PAT PAT-MENU JS8CALL M0IAX WSJTX PYQSO CQRLOG HAMRS EES QSSTV GRIDTRACKER HAMCLOCK PROPAGATION YAAC XASTIR GPREDICT TQSL GRIDCALC) for i in "${ADDAPPS[@]}"; do echo "$i" >>${ADDITIONAL} done fi #check if hamclock is being installed HCCHECK=$(grep "HAMCLOCK" ${ADDITIONAL}) if [ -n "$HCCHECK" ]; then HC=$(yad --form --width=420 --text-align=center --center --title="Build-a-Pi" \ --image ${LOGO} --window-icon=${LOGO} --image-on-top --separator="|" --item-separator="|" \ --text="version $VERSION" \ --field="Ham Clock Size":CB "SMALL|LARGE" \ --button="Continue":2) HC=$(echo $HC | awk -F "|" '{print $1}') sed -i 's/HAMCLOCK//' ${ADDITIONAL} echo $HC >>${ADDITIONAL} fi PATCHECK=$(grep "PAT" ${ADDITIONAL}) if [ -n "$PATCHECK" ]; then INFO=$(yad --form --width=420 --text-align=center --center --title="Build-a-Pi" \ --image ${LOGO} --window-icon=${LOGO} --image-on-top --separator="|" --item-separator="|" \ --text="version $VERSION" \ --field="Six Character Grid Square" \ --field="Winlink Password" \ --field="Password is case sensitive":LBL \ --button="Continue":2) GRID=$(echo ${INFO} | awk -F "|" '{print $1}') GRID=${GRID^^} WL2KPASS=$(echo ${INFO} | awk -F "|" '{print $2}') echo "GRID=$GRID" >>${CONFIG} echo "WL2KPASS=\"$WL2KPASS\"" >>${CONFIG} fi ##################################### # Utilities ##################################### yad --center --list --checklist --width=600 --height=600 --separator="" \ --image ${LOGO} --column=Check --column=App --column=Description \ --print-column=2 --window-icon=${LOGO} --image-on-top --text-align=center \ --text="Utilities" --title="Build-a-Pi" \ false "DIPOLE" "Dipole Calculator" \ false "PACKETSEARCH" "Winlink Packet Tool" \ false "CALLSIGN" "Call sign lookup" \ false "TEMPCONVERT" "Temperature Converter" \ false "GPARTED" "Disk Utility Tool" \ false "SHOWLOG" "Log file viewer" \ false "PISTATS" "Pi3/4 Stats Monitor" \ false "TELNET" "Telnet Protocol" \ false "PITERM" "piQtTermTCP Terminal Program" \ false "QTSOUND" "piQtSoundModem" \ false "SECURITY" "File Encryption Software" \ false "YGATE" "Yaesu APRS Software" \ false "BPQ" "LinBPQ Software" \ false "BATT" "Battery Test Script" \ false "VNC" "VNC Client Application" \ false "ZYGRIB" "Grib File Viewer" \ --button="Exit":1 \ --button="Check All and Continue":3 \ --button="Install Selected":2 >${UTILITY} BUT=$? if [ ${BUT} = 252 ] || [ ${BUT} = 1 ]; then exit fi if [ ${BUT} = 3 ]; then UTILAPPS=(DIPOLE PACKETSEARCH CALLSIGN TEMPCONVERT GPARTED SHOWLOG PISTATS TELNET PITERM QTSOUND SECURITY YGATE BPQ BATT VNC ZYGRIB) for i in "${UTILAPPS[@]}"; do echo "$i" >>${UTILITY} done fi #backup crontab crontab -l >$TEMPCRON echo "@reboot sleep 10 && export DISPLAY=:0 && ${MYPATH}/.complete" >>$TEMPCRON ${MYPATH}/.funfacts & #upgrade the system sudo apt-get -y upgrade sudo apt -y full-upgrade #fix issue 254 05JULY2021 sudo sed -i 's/#hdmi_force_hotplug=1/hdmi_force_hotplug=1/' config.txt #set wallpaper #fix issue 193 sudo cp $HOME/pi-build/bap-wallpaper.jpg /usr/share/rpd-wallpaper/ pcmanfm --set-wallpaper /usr/share/rpd-wallpaper/bap-wallpaper.jpg mkdir -p ${DIR} 2>/dev/null #add virtual sound card link for pulse audio cd ${DIR} || ! echo "Failure" cat >tempsound <tempsound <>${HOME}/.bashrc #set update script to exec chmod +x ${MYPATH}/update ${MYPATH}/build-a-pi #create build-a-pi menu item cd ${MYPATH} || ! echo "Failure" cat >build-a-pi.desktop <> ${RB} source ${FUNCTIONS}/base.function while read i; do $i done <${BASE} ##################################### # Install FLSUITE ##################################### source ${FUNCTIONS}/flsuite.function #perform memory increase if needed CHECKFL="${MYPATH}/flsuite.txt" if [ -s "$CHECKFL" ]; then FLSTART fi touch ${RB} while read i; do $i done <${FLSUITE} #Perform memory reset if needed if [ -s "$CHECKFL" ]; then FLSTOP fi ##################################### # Install ADDITIONAL Apps ##################################### source ${FUNCTIONS}/additional.function while read i; do $i done <${ADDITIONAL} ##################################### # Install KM4ACK Utilites ##################################### source ${FUNCTIONS}/utility.function while read i; do $i done <${UTILITY} #create new menu subcategories. One for FLDIGI Suite and #one for Build a Pi. bash ${HOME}/pi-build/menu-update ##################################### # END CLEANUP ##################################### #Remove temp files rm ${BASE} ${ADDITIONAL} ${UTILITY} ${FLSUITE} >/dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf ${DIR} >/dev/null 2>&1 sudo apt -y autoremove > /dev/null 2>&1 #restore crontab crontab ${TEMPCRON} rm ${TEMPCRON} echo "WE ARE ALL DONE HERE. If you close this window, you will have to reboot manually." #reboot when done yad --width=400 --height=200 --title="Reboot" --image ${LOGO} \ --text-align=center --skip-taskbar --image-on-top \ --wrap --window-icon=${LOGO} \ --undecorated --text="Build Finished \rReboot Required\r\r" \ --button="Reboot Now":0 \ --button="Exit":1 BUT=$(echo $?) if [ ${BUT} = 0 ]; then echo rebooting sudo reboot elif [ ${BUT} = 1 ]; then exit fi