#this installs the basic software for build-a-pi #km4ack 20200513 TEMPCRON=$MYPATH/cron.tmp DIR=$MYPATH/temp mkdir -p $DIR source $MYPATH/config ################################ # HOTSPOT ################################ HOTSPOT(){ HS="/usr/bin/autohotspotN" if [ ! -f "$HS" ]; then #pass variables with script because run as root sudo bash $MYPATH/functions/autohotspot "$SHACKSSID" "$SHACKPASS" "$HSPASS" echo "*/5 * * * * sudo /usr/bin/autohotspotN >/dev/null 2>&1" >> $TEMPCRON else echo ################################ echo ################################ echo " FATAL ERROR" echo "HOTSPOT ALREADY INSTALLED ONCE" echo " CANNOT INSTALL AGAIN" echo " WILL CONTINUE IN 10 SECONDS" echo ################################ echo ################################ sleep 10 fi } ################################ # HOTSPOT TOOLS ################################ HSTOOLS(){ if [ -d $HOME/hotspot-tools2 ]; then rm -rf $HOME/hotspot-tools2 fi git clone https://github.com/km4ack/hotspot-tools2.git $HOME/hotspot-tools2 sudo cp $HOME/hotspot-tools2/hstools.desktop /usr/share/applications/hotspot-tools.desktop } ################################ # GPS ################################ GPS(){ cd $DIR wget --tries 2 --connect-timeout=60 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/km4ack/pi-scripts/master/gpsinstall chmod +x $DIR/gpsinstall sudo $DIR/gpsinstall rm $DIR/gpsinstall #Set GPS by serial ID #GPS Variable set by main script or update script #and placed in config file sudo sed -i "s|DEVICES.*$|DEVICES=\"$GPS\"|g" /etc/default/gpsd #add xgps to menu cat > xgps.desktop < ardopgui.desktop <> $FILE echo "Host=local" >> $FILE echo "Port=8515" >> $FILE } ################################ # HAMLIB ################################ HAMLIB(){ cd $DIR wget --tries 2 --connect-timeout=60 https://sourceforge.net/projects/hamlib/files/hamlib/3.3/hamlib-3.3.tar.gz tar -xzf $DIR/hamlib-3.3.tar.gz rm $DIR/hamlib-3.3.tar.gz cd $DIR/hamlib-3.3 ./configure make sudo make install sudo ldconfig } ################################ # DIREWOLF ################################ DIREWOLF(){ cd $HOME git clone https://www.github.com/wb2osz/direwolf cd $HOME/direwolf mkdir build && cd build sudo apt-get install -y libasound2-dev cmake cmake .. make -j 4 sudo make install make install-conf sed -i "s/N0CALL/$CALL/" "$HOME/direwolf.conf" sed -i 's/# ADEVICE plughw:1,0/ADEVICE plughw:2,0/' $HOME/direwolf.conf sed -i '/#PTT\ \/dev\/ttyUSB0\ RTS/a #Uncomment line below for PTT with sabrent sound card\n#PTT RIG 2 localhost:4532' $HOME/direwolf.conf rm -rf $HOME/direwolf } ################################ # AX25 ################################ AX25(){ sudo apt-get install -y ax25-tools echo "wl2k "$CALL" 1200 255 7 Winlink" | sudo tee -a /etc/ax25/axports sudo apt-get install -y ax25-apps } ################################ # PULSE AUDIO Control ################################ PULSE(){ sudo apt-get install -y pavucontrol }