FROM busybox:1 AS build ARG PHANPY_RELEASE_VERSION WORKDIR /root/phanpy_release RUN wget "${PHANPY_RELEASE_VERSION}/phanpy-dist.tar.gz" && \ tar -xvf "phanpy-dist.tar.gz" -C /root/phanpy_release && \ rm "phanpy-dist.tar.gz" # --- FROM busybox:1 # Create a non-root user to own the files and run our server RUN adduser -D static USER static WORKDIR /home/static # Copy the static website # Use the .dockerignore file to control what ends up inside the image! COPY --chown=static:static --from=build /root/phanpy_release /home/static # Run BusyBox httpd CMD ["httpd", "-f", "-v", "-p", "8080"]