#ifndef __TYPES_H__ #define __TYPES_H__ typedef enum { // Modulation type MOD_NOT_SET, MOD_OOK, MOD_2FSK, MOD_2GFSK, MOD_AFSK } mod_t; // Protocol type typedef enum { PROT_SSDV_2FSK, PROT_APRS_AFSK, PROT_APRS_2GFSK, PROT_UKHAS_2FSK, PROT_MORSE } prot_t; typedef enum { CONF_PARM, CONF_UNIT, CONF_EQNS, CONF_BITS } telemetry_conf_t; typedef enum { TEL_SATS, TEL_TTFF, TEL_VBAT, TEL_VSOL, TEL_PBAT, TEL_ISOL, TEL_PRESS, TEL_TEMP, TEL_HUM } telemetry_t; typedef struct { char callsign[16]; // APRS callsign uint8_t ssid; // APRS SSID uint16_t symbol; // APRS symbol char path[16]; // APRS path uint16_t preamble; // Preamble in milliseconds telemetry_t tel[5]; // Telemetry types bool tel_enc; // Transmit telemetry encoding information uint16_t tel_enc_cycle; // Telemetry encoding cycle in seconds char tel_comment[32]; // Telemetry comment } aprs_conf_t; typedef enum { SLEEP_DISABLED, SLEEP_WHEN_VBAT_BELOW_THRES, SLEEP_WHEN_VSOL_BELOW_THRES, SLEEP_WHEN_VBAT_ABOVE_THRES, SLEEP_WHEN_VSOL_ABOVE_THRES, SLEEP_WHEN_DISCHARGING, SLEEP_WHEN_CHARGING, SLEEP_WHEN_INSIDE_ITU1, SLEEP_WHEN_INSIDE_ITU2, SLEEP_WHEN_INSIDE_ITU3 } sleep_type_t; typedef struct { sleep_type_t type; uint16_t vbat_thres; uint16_t vsol_thres; } sleep_conf_t; typedef struct { uint8_t speed; // OOK speed in wpm } ook_conf_t; typedef struct { uint8_t bits; uint8_t stopbits; uint16_t predelay; uint16_t baud; uint16_t shift; } fsk_conf_t; typedef struct { uint8_t dummy; // Not used yet } afsk_conf_t; typedef struct { uint32_t speed; } gfsk_conf_t; typedef struct { // Radio message type uint8_t msg[512]; // Message (data) uint32_t bin_len; // Binary length uint32_t freq; // Frequency int8_t power; // Power in dBm mod_t mod; // Modulation ook_conf_t* ook_conf; // OOK config fsk_conf_t* fsk_conf; // 2FSK config afsk_conf_t* afsk_conf; // AFSK config gfsk_conf_t* gfsk_conf; // 2GFSK config } radioMSG_t; typedef enum { RES_QCIF, RES_QVGA, RES_VGA, RES_XGA, RES_UXGA, RES_MAX } resolution_t; typedef struct { char callsign[8]; // Callsign resolution_t res; // Camera resolution uint8_t quality; // JPEG quality uint8_t *ram_buffer; // Camera Buffer (do not set in config) size_t ram_size; // Size of buffer (do not set in config) bool no_camera; // Camera disabled bool redundantTx; // Redundand packet transmission (APRS only) } ssdv_conf_t; typedef enum { FREQ_STATIC, // Fixed frequency FREQ_APRS_REGION // APRS region dependent (it changes it frequency automatically depending on which APRS frequency is used in this region) } freq_type_t; typedef struct { freq_type_t type; uint32_t hz; } freq_conf_t; typedef enum { TRIG_ONCE, // Trigger once and never again (e.g. transmit specific position packet only at startup) TRIG_NEW_POINT, // Triggered when new track point available TRIG_TIMEOUT, // Triggered by timeout (e.g. trasmit position every 120sec) TRIG_CONTINOUSLY // Continue continously (e.g. send new image once old image sent completely) } trigger_type_t; typedef struct { trigger_type_t type; // Trigger type uint32_t timeout; // Timeout in seconds } trigger_conf_t; typedef struct { char callsign[16]; // Callsign char format[150]; // Format } ukhas_conf_t; typedef struct { uint32_t log_size; uint32_t log_cycle; uint32_t log_num; } log_conf_t; typedef struct { char callsign[16]; // Callsign char format[50]; // Format } morse_conf_t; typedef struct { char name[32]; // Radio int8_t power; freq_conf_t frequency; prot_t protocol; // Timing uint32_t init_delay; uint32_t packet_spacing; sleep_conf_t sleep_conf; trigger_conf_t trigger; // Modulation union { fsk_conf_t fsk_conf; afsk_conf_t afsk_conf; gfsk_conf_t gfsk_conf; ook_conf_t ook_conf; }; // Protocol union { morse_conf_t morse_conf; ukhas_conf_t ukhas_conf; aprs_conf_t aprs_conf; }; ssdv_conf_t ssdv_conf; // Watchdog systime_t wdg_timeout; // Time at which watchdog will reset the STM32, 0 inactive } module_conf_t; #endif