call = $call; } function getLastActivity() { $act = array(); $stmt = Database::getInstance()->prepare(" SELECT * FROM ( SELECT CAST(STRFTIME('%s', 'now') as DECIMAL) - rxtime as lasttime,'pos' as type FROM position WHERE call = :call UNION ALL SELECT CAST(STRFTIME('%s', 'now') as DECIMAL) - rxtime as lasttime,'img' as type FROM image WHERE call = :call ) GROUP BY type ORDER BY lasttime DESC "); $stmt->bindValue(':call', $this->call, SQLITE3_TEXT); $query = $stmt->execute(); while($row = $query->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) $act[$row['type']] = $row['lasttime']; return $act; } function getPictures($from, $to=NULL) { if(is_null($to)) $to = time() + 1; if($from > $to) return array(); // Error $from is larger than $to if($from - $to > 64281600) $from = $from + 64281600; // Max. 744 days (2 non leap years + 14 weeks) $stmt = Database::getInstance()->prepare(" SELECT,call,MIN(rxtime) as time_first,MAX(rxtime) as time_last, COUNT(*) as count,imageID,MAX(packetID) as packetID FROM ( SELECT id FROM image WHERE :from <= rxtime AND rxtime <= :to AND call = :call GROUP BY id ORDER BY id ASC ) as s JOIN image t ON = GROUP BY "); $stmt->bindValue(':call', $this->call, SQLITE3_TEXT); $stmt->bindValue(':from', $from, SQLITE3_INTEGER); $stmt->bindValue(':to', $to, SQLITE3_INTEGER); $query = $stmt->execute(); $pics = array(); while($row = $query->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) $pics[] = new Image($row); return $pics; } function getLastTelemetry() { $stmt = Database::getInstance()->prepare("SELECT * FROM position WHERE call = :call ORDER BY rxtime DESC LIMIT 1"); $stmt->bindValue(':call', $this->call, SQLITE3_TEXT); $query = $stmt->execute(); return new Telemetry($query->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)); } function getTelemetry($from, $to=NULL) { if(is_null($to)) $to = time() + 1; if($from > $to) return array(); // Error $from is larger than $to if($from - $to > 64281600) $from = $from + 64281600; // Max. 744 days (2 non leap years + 14 weeks) $stmt = Database::getInstance()->prepare(" SELECT * FROM position WHERE (( :from <= rxtime AND rxtime <= :to AND org = 'pos' ) OR ( :from <= gps_time AND gps_time <= :to AND org = 'log' )) AND call = :call ORDER BY rxtime ASC "); $stmt->bindValue(':call', $this->call, SQLITE3_TEXT); $stmt->bindValue(':from', $from, SQLITE3_INTEGER); $stmt->bindValue(':to', $to, SQLITE3_INTEGER); $query = $stmt->execute(); $datasets = array(); while($row = $query->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) { $datasets[] = new Telemetry($row); } return $datasets; } function getPacketCount() { $stmt = Database::getInstance()->prepare("SELECT * FROM ( SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt86400,'pos' as type FROM position WHERE call = :call AND rxtime+86400 > CAST(STRFTIME('%s', 'now') as DECIMAL) UNION ALL SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt86400,'img' as type FROM image WHERE call = :call AND rxtime+86400 > CAST(STRFTIME('%s', 'now') as DECIMAL) ) AS a JOIN ( SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt3600,'pos' as type FROM position WHERE call = :call AND rxtime+3600 > CAST(STRFTIME('%s', 'now') as DECIMAL) UNION ALL SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt3600,'img' as type FROM image WHERE call = :call AND rxtime+3600 > CAST(STRFTIME('%s', 'now') as DECIMAL) ) AS b JOIN ( SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt300,'pos' as type FROM position WHERE call = :call AND rxtime+300 > CAST(STRFTIME('%s', 'now') as DECIMAL) UNION ALL SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt300,'img' as type FROM image WHERE call = :call AND rxtime+300 > CAST(STRFTIME('%s', 'now') as DECIMAL) ) AS c WHERE a.type = b.type AND a.type = c.type "); $stmt->bindValue(':call', $this->call, SQLITE3_TEXT); $query = $stmt->execute(); $ret = array(); while($row = $query->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) $ret[$row['type']] = $row; return $ret; } function getCall() { return $this->call; } } ?>