#!/usr/bin/python import serial,os,re,datetime from subprocess import call import base91 import binascii import urllib2 import io import sys import argparse import aprs # Parse arguments from terminal parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='APRS/SSDV decoder') parser.add_argument('-c', '--call', help='Callsign of the station', required=True) parser.add_argument('-l', '--log', help='Name of the logfile') parser.add_argument('-n', '--grouping', help='Amount packets that will be sent to the SSDV server in one request', default=1, type=int) parser.add_argument('-d', '--device', help='Serial device (\'-\' for stdin)', default='-') parser.add_argument('-b', '--baudrate', help='Baudrate for serial device', default=9600, type=int) parser.add_argument('-s', '--server', help='Server URL', default='https://ssdv.habhub.org/api/v0/packets') args = parser.parse_args() if args.device == 'I': # Connect to APRS-IS aprsis = aprs.TCP('DL4MDW', aprs_filter='t/u u/APECAN') aprsis.start() elif args.device is not '-': # Use serial connection (probably TNC) try: serr = serial.Serial( port=args.device, baudrate=args.baudrate, ) except: sys.stderr.write('Error: Could not open serial port\n') sys.exit(1) ser = io.TextIOWrapper(io.BufferedRWPair(serr, serr, 1), newline = '\r', line_buffering = True) # Define Newline as \r # Open logging file if args.log is not None: try: f = open(args.log, 'a') except: sys.stderr.write('Error: Could not open logging file\n') sys.exit(1) jsons = [] def received_data(data): global jsons if str(type(data)) == "": # APRS-IS call = str(data.source) aprs = data.text[3:] receiver = 'APRS-IS/' + str(data.path.pop()) else: # serial or stdin # Parse line and detect data m = re.search("(.*)\>APECAN(.*):\{\{I(.*)", data) try: call = m.group(1) aprs = m.group(3) receiver = 'APRS/'+m.group(2) if len(m.group(2)) > 0 else 'APRS/'+args.call except: return # message format incorrect (probably no APRS message or line cut off too short) if args.log is not None: f.write(data) # Log data to file data = base91.decode(aprs) # Decode Base91 if len(data) != 219: return # APRS message sampled too short # Calculate CRC for SSDV server crc = binascii.crc32(data) & 0xffffffff # Create message for SSDV server (and save to array) ssdv = '55' + binascii.hexlify(data) + ('%08x' % crc) + (64*'0') jsons.append("""{ \"type\": \"packet\", \"packet\": \"""" + ssdv + """\", \"encoding\": \"hex\", \"received\": \"""" + datetime.datetime.now().isoformat('T')[:19] + """Z\", \"receiver\": \"""" + receiver + """\" }""") print datetime.datetime.now().isoformat('T') + ' Received packet call %02x%02x%02x%02x image %d packet %d' % (data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5], data[7] + data[6] * 256) if len(jsons) >= args.grouping: # Enough packets collected, send them all to the server req = urllib2.Request(args.server) req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') json = "{\"type\":\"packets\",\"packets\":[" + ",".join(jsons) + "]}" # Group all SSDV packets into a big JSON jsons = [] try: error = True while error: try: result = urllib2.urlopen(req, "".join(json.split(' '))) # Send packets to server print 'Send to SSDV data server: OK' error = False except urllib2.URLError, error: if error.code == 400: print 'The SSDV server indicated a faulty packet: ' + error.read() error = False else: print 'Send to SSDV data server: failed (connection error :( trying again...)' except urllib2.HTTPError, error: # The server did not like our packets :( print 'Send to SSDV data server: failed (the server did not like our packets :( )' print error.read() if args.device == 'I': # APRS-IS aprsis.receive(callback=received_data) # Register APRS callback else: # stdin or serial while 1: data = sys.stdin.readline() if args.device is '-' else ser.readline() # Read a line received_data(data)