
184 wiersze
5.3 KiB
Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

import binascii
import urllib.request
import urllib.error
import datetime
from position import decode_position
from subprocess import *
jsons = []
def decode_callsign(code):
callsign = ''
while code > 0:
s = code % 40
if s == 0: callsign += '-'
elif s < 11: callsign += chr(47 + s)
elif s < 14: callsign += '-'
else: callsign += chr(51 + s)
code /= 40
return callsign
def encode_callsign(callsign):
x = 0
for i in range(len(callsign)-1,-1,-1):
x *= 40
c = ord(callsign[i])
if c >= 65 and c <= 90: x += c - 51
elif c >= 97 and c <= 122: x += c - 83
elif c >= 48 and c <= 57: x += c - 47
return x
Decodes an APRS/SSDV image packet (APRS header must be removed already)
sqlite - Database handle
reciever - The call of the receiving station
call - The call of the transmitter
data - Binary data
def insert_image(sqlite, receiver, call, tim, posi, data, typ, server, grouping):
global jsons
if not (typ is 'I' and len(data) == 125) and not (typ is 'J' and len(data) == 124):
return # APRS message has invalid type or length (or both)
# Decode various meta data
timd,x,y,z,teld,new = decode_position(tim, posi, None)
imageID = data[0]
packetID = (data[1] << 8) | data[2]
data = binascii.hexlify(data[3:]).decode("ascii")
# Debug
print('Received %s-Packet Image %d Packet %d' % (typ, imageID, packetID))
# Insert
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO image (call,time,imageID,packetID,lat,lon,alt)
VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)""",
(call, int(timd.timestamp()), imageID, packetID, y, x, int(z))
if typ is 'I':
# Encode callsign (ensure callsign has no more than 6 chars)
bcall = call.split('-') # Split callsign and SSID
if len(bcall) == 1: # No SSID available, so take the callsign
bcall = bcall[0][0:6]
elif(len(bcall[0]) < 5): # Callsign has 4 chars, so take it with the SSID
bcall = bcall[0] + bcall[1][0:2]
elif(len(bcall[0]) < 6): # Callsign has 5 chars, so take it with the last digit of the SSID
bcall = bcall[0] + bcall[1][-1]
bcall = bcall[0][0:6] # Callsign has 6 chars, so take the call without SSID
data = ('67%08x%02x%04x' % (encode_callsign(bcall), imageID, packetID)) + data
UPDATE image
SET data1 = ?
WHERE call = ?
AND time = ?
AND imageID = ?
AND packetID = ?""",
(data, call, int(timd.timestamp()), imageID, packetID)
elif typ is 'J':
UPDATE image
SET data2 = ?
WHERE call = ?
AND time = ?
AND imageID = ?
AND packetID = ?""",
(data, call, int(timd.timestamp()), imageID, packetID)
# Get both data entries
cur = sqlite.cursor()
SELECT data1,data2
FROM image
WHERE call = ?
AND time = ?
AND imageID = ?
AND packetID = ?""",
(call, int(timd.timestamp()), imageID, packetID)
row = cur.fetchall()[0]
if row[0] != None and row[1] != None: # Both entries have been received
data = ''.join(row)
# Calculate CRC for SSDV server
crc = binascii.crc32(binascii.unhexlify(data)) & 0xffffffff
# Update CRC in DB
UPDATE image
SET crc = ?
WHERE call = ?
AND time = ?
AND imageID = ?
AND packetID = ?""",
("%08x" % crc, call, int(timd.timestamp()), imageID, packetID)
# SSDV decode
cur = sqlite.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT GROUP_CONCAT('55' || data1 || data2 || crc, '') FROM image WHERE call = ? AND imageID = ? AND time = ? GROUP BY imageID ORDER BY packetID", (call, imageID, int(timd.timestamp())))
name = 'html/images/%s-%d-%d.jpg' % (call.replace('-',''), int(timd.timestamp()), imageID)
f = open(name, 'wb')
process = Popen(['./ssdv', '-d'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=f, stderr=PIPE)
dummy,err = process.communicate()
# Create message for SSDV server (and save to array)
ssdv = '55' + data + ('%08x' % crc)
\"type\": \"packet\",
\"packet\": \"""" + ssdv + """\",
\"encoding\": \"hex\",
\"received\": \"""" +'T')[:19] + """Z\",
\"receiver\": \"""" + receiver + """\"
if len(jsons) >= grouping: # Enough packets collected, send them all to the server
req = urllib.request.Request(server)
req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
json = "{\"type\":\"packets\",\"packets\":[" + ",".join(jsons) + "]}" # Group all SSDV packets into a big JSON
jsons = []
err = True
while err:
print('Send to SSDV data server')
result = urllib.request.urlopen(req, "".join(json.split(' ')).encode("ascii")) # Send packets to server
print('Response from SSDV-Server: OK')
err = False
except urllib.error.URLError as error:
if not hasattr(error, 'code'): # (Bug in urllib) most likely network not available
print('Error: Could not connect to SSDV-Server')
elif error.code == 400:
print('Response from SSDV-Server: %s' %'ascii').replace('\n',''))
err = False
print('SSDV-Server connection error... try again')
except urllib.error.HTTPError as error: # The server did not like our packets :(
print('Send to SSDV data server: failed (the server did not like our packets :( )')