import binascii import urllib.request import urllib.error from datetime import datetime from subprocess import * import time import threading from shutil import copyfile import base91 def decode_callsign(code): callsign = '' while code > 0: s = code % 40 if s == 0: callsign += '-' elif s < 11: callsign += chr(47 + s) elif s < 14: callsign += '-' else: callsign += chr(51 + s) code /= 40 return callsign def encode_callsign(callsign): x = 0 for i in range(len(callsign)-1,-1,-1): x *= 40 c = ord(callsign[i]) if c >= 65 and c <= 90: x += c - 51 elif c >= 97 and c <= 122: x += c - 83 elif c >= 48 and c <= 57: x += c - 47 return x imageProcessor = None imageData = {} lock = threading.RLock() def imgproc(): global imageData while True: with lock: for _id in imageData: (call, data) = imageData[_id] filename = 'html/images/%s-%d.jpg' % (call.replace('-',''), _id) f = open(filename, 'wb') process = Popen(['./ssdv', '-d'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=f, stderr=PIPE) process.stdin.write(data) dummy,err = process.communicate() f.close() filename2 = 'html/images/%s.jpg' % (call.replace('-','')) copyfile(filename, filename2) imageData = {} # Clear data time.sleep(1) w = time.time() def insert_image(db, receiver, call, data_b91): global imageProcessor,imageData,w data = base91.decode(data_b91) if len(data) != 174: return # APRS message has invalid type or length (or both) cur = db.cursor() # Decode various meta data imageID = data[0] packetID = (data[1] << 8) | data[2] data = binascii.hexlify(data[3:]).decode("ascii") # Encode callsign (ensure callsign has no more than 6 chars) bcall = call.split('-') # Split callsign and SSID if len(bcall) == 1: # No SSID available, so take the callsign bcall = bcall[0][0:6] elif(len(bcall[0]) < 5): # Callsign has 4 chars, so take it with the SSID bcall = bcall[0] + bcall[1][0:2] elif(len(bcall[0]) < 6): # Callsign has 5 chars, so take it with the last digit of the SSID bcall = bcall[0] + bcall[1][-1] else: bcall = bcall[0][0:6] # Callsign has 6 chars, so take the call without SSID data = ('68%08x%02x%04x' % (encode_callsign(bcall), imageID, packetID)) + data data += "%08x" % (binascii.crc32(binascii.unhexlify(data)) & 0xffffffff) timd = int( # Find image ID (or generate new one) _id = None cur.execute("SELECT `id`,`packetID` FROM `image` WHERE `call` = %s AND `imageID` = %s AND `rxtime`+10*60 >= %s ORDER BY `rxtime` DESC LIMIT 1", (call, imageID, timd)) fetch = cur.fetchall() if len(fetch): _id = fetch[0][0] lastPacketId = fetch[0][1] if _id is None: # Generate ID cur.execute("SELECT `id`+1 FROM `image` ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1") fetch = cur.fetchall() if len(fetch): _id = fetch[0][0] else: # No entries in the database _id = 0 # Debug print('Received image packet Call=%s ImageID=%d PacketID=%d ServerID=%d' % (call, imageID, packetID, _id)) # Insert into database cur.execute(""" INSERT IGNORE INTO `image` (`call`,`rxtime`,`imageID`,`packetID`,`data`,`id`) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)""", (call, timd, imageID, packetID, data, _id) ) if w+0.5 < time.time(): db.commit() w = time.time() with lock: allData = '' cur.execute("SELECT `data` FROM `image` WHERE `id` = %s ORDER BY `packetID`", (_id,)) for data, in cur.fetchall(): allData += '55' + data + (144*'0') imageData[_id] = (call, binascii.unhexlify(allData)) if imageProcessor is None: imageProcessor = threading.Thread(target=imgproc) imageProcessor.start()