
834 wiersze
25 KiB

// This file is part of LeanSDR (c) <>.
// See the toplevel README for more information.
// Multi-channel legacy decoder.
// Currently FM mono only.
// Multithreading is a quick hack; will be replaced with proper
// synchronization primitives.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "fftw3.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <pthread.h>
// For control socket
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
// For PMP
#include <sys/fcntl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#define MLMRX_DEEMPH 1
void fatal(const char *s) { perror(s); exit(1); }
void fail(const char *s) { fprintf(stderr, "** leanmlmrx: %s\n", s); exit(1); }
// Max FM channels
static const int MAXCHANS = 201; // 20 MHz, 100 kHz spacing
// Number of FFTs between thread synchronizations.
static const int wqsize = 1024; // about 100 Hz for Fq=200kHz
struct ci16 { int16_t re; int16_t im; };
struct thread_data {
struct runtime *run;
pthread_t pth;
struct job {
ci16 *buf1; // Leftover samples from previous chunk
int nbuf1;
ci16 *buf2; // New samples
volatile bool go; // buf ready. Set by reader, cleared by fft.
uint16_t *ph; // Estimated phases [nchans]
volatile bool done; // ph ready. Set by fft, cleared by joiner.
} jobs[wqsize];
int qread, qfft, qjoin;
fftwf_complex *in, *out;
fftwf_plan p;
uint64_t nexecs;
static const int NTHREADS = 2;
inline void yield() {
uint64_t nwaitr=0, nwaitf1=0, nwaitf2=0, nwaitj=0;
struct chan {
double F;
int ibin; // Nearest left bin
float bw[2][2][2]; // weight[bin0|1][line][col]
bool enabled;
uint16_t derot;
// Runtime
uint16_t prevph; // Discriminator state
float rms; // For squelch
struct config {
bool pmp; // PMP input mode
float Fs; // Sample rate (Hz)
float Fc; // Center frequency (Hz)
float Fq; // Quadrature rate (Hz), 0=autoselect
float maxdev; // FM maximum deviation (Hz)
float deemph; // De-emphasis time constant (s)
int N; // FFT size
int nchans;
chan chans[MAXCHANS];
float squelch; // RMS threshold (0..1, 0 = monitor)
float Fau; // Audio sample rate (Hz), 0=autoselect
bool wav; // Output wav header
int fd_info; // FD for aux output, or -1
float info_rate; // Spectrum estimation rate (Hz)
int fd_control; // FD for control input, or -1
: pmp(false), Fs(25.6e6), Fc(98e6), Fq(0),
maxdev(75e3), deemph(50e-6),
N(64), nchans(0), squelch(0),
wav(false), fd_info(-1), info_rate(1),
{ };
struct spectrum_estimator {
int size;
fftwf_complex *in, *out;
fftwf_plan plan;
float *avgpower;
spectrum_estimator(int _size) {
size = _size;
in = (fftwf_complex*)fftwf_malloc(sizeof(*in )*size);
out = (fftwf_complex*)fftwf_malloc(sizeof(*out)*size);
plan = fftwf_plan_dft_1d(size, in, out, -1, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
avgpower = NULL;
void process(ci16 *buf) {
for ( int i=0; i<size; ++i ) {
in[i][0] = buf[i].re;
in[i][1] = buf[i].im;
float power[size];
for ( int i=0; i<size; ++i )
power[i] = out[i][0]*out[i][0] + out[i][1]*out[i][1];
if ( ! avgpower ) {
avgpower = new float[size];
memcpy(avgpower, power, sizeof(power));
float kavg = 0.5;
for ( int i=0; i<size; ++i )
avgpower[i] = avgpower[i]*(1-kavg) + power[i]*kavg;
void output(FILE *f) {
fprintf(f, "SPECTRUM [");
for ( int i=0; i<size; ++i ) {
float db = 10 * log10f(avgpower[(size/2+i)&(size-1)]);
fprintf(f, "%s%f", (i?",":""), db);
fprintf(f, "]\n");
struct runtime {
config *cfg;
uint16_t lut_atan2[256][256];
float lut_audioscale[MAXCHANS+1];
pthread_t reader;
thread_data threads[NTHREADS];
// Input buffer
int stride;
int next_th; // Worker thread for next FFT
int nskip; // Samples to skip before next FFT
ci16 *leftover; // Leftover samples for next FFT
int nleftover;
bool eof; // Set by reader thread
// Statistics
ci16 iqmin, iqmax;
uint64_t nsamples;
// Aux output
FILE *f_info;
// Control input
FILE *f_control;
spectrum_estimator *spestim;
uint64_t spestim_phase;
runtime(config *_cfg) {
cfg = _cfg;
// Precompute atan2 table
for ( int iy=0; iy<256; ++iy )
for ( int ix=0; ix<256; ++ix ) {
float a = atan2f((int8_t)(uint8_t)iy,(int8_t)(uint8_t)ix);
lut_atan2[iy][ix] = (int16_t)(a*65536/(2*M_PI));
// Precompute audio scaling vs number of channels.
// Assuming uncorrelated signals, we can scale by sqrt(N) instead of N.
for ( int i=0; i<=MAXCHANS; ++i )
lut_audioscale[i] = i ? 1/sqrtf(i) : 0;
stride = floor(cfg->Fs/cfg->Fq + 0.5);
if ( stride < cfg->N ) fail("FFT windows overlap");
next_th = 0;
nskip = 0;
leftover = new ci16[stride];
nleftover = 0;
eof = false; = = 32767; = = -32768;
nsamples = 0;
// Aux output
if ( cfg->fd_info < 0 ) {
f_info = NULL;
spestim = NULL;
} else {
f_info = fdopen(cfg->fd_info, "w");
if ( ! f_info ) fatal("fdopen(fd_info)");
spestim = new spectrum_estimator(1024);
spestim_phase = 0;
// Setup control input
if ( cfg->fd_control < 0 )
f_control = NULL;
else {
int flags = fcntl(cfg->fd_control, F_GETFL, 0);
fcntl(cfg->fd_control, F_SETFL, flags|O_NONBLOCK);
f_control = fdopen(cfg->fd_control, "r");
if ( ! f_control ) fatal("fdopen(fd_control)");
void process_samples(runtime *run, ci16 *buf, int count) {
config *cfg = run->cfg;
// Spectrum estimation
if ( run->f_info ) {
run->spestim_phase += count;
spectrum_estimator *spe = run->spestim;
if ( run->spestim_phase>=cfg->Fs/cfg->info_rate && count>=spe->size ) {
run->spestim_phase = 0;
// Also output generic information
fprintf(run->f_info, "CHANNELS [");
for ( int i=0; i<cfg->nchans; ++i )
fprintf(run->f_info, "%s{\"freq\":\"%.5f\",\"enabled\":%s}",
(i?",":""), cfg->chans[i].F/1e6,
fprintf(run->f_info, "]\n");
run->nsamples += count;
// Inside a skipped segment ?
if ( count < run->nskip ) {
run->nskip -= count;
buf += run->nskip;
count -= run->nskip;
run->nskip = 0;
while ( run->nleftover+count > cfg->N ) {
// Enough samples for one FFT
// in run->leftover[run->nleftover] followed by buf[count].
// Statistics on one sample per chunk
ci16 *s = buf;
if ( s->re < run-> ) run-> = s->re;
if ( s->re > run-> ) run-> = s->re;
if ( s->im < run-> ) run-> = s->im;
if ( s->im > run-> ) run-> = s->im;
// Assign FFT job to next thread
thread_data *td = &run->threads[run->next_th];
run->next_th = (run->next_th+1) % NTHREADS;
// Add to queue
thread_data::job *job = &td->jobs[td->qread];
while ( job->go ) { ++nwaitr; yield(); } // Busy
job->buf1 = run->leftover;
job->nbuf1 = run->nleftover;
job->buf2 = buf;
job->go = true;
td->qread = (td->qread+1) % wqsize;
// Skip to end of chunk
// TBD Allow overlapping here (careful if nleftover!=0)
int nused = cfg->N - run->nleftover;
buf += nused;
count -= nused;
run->nleftover = 0;
// Skip to beginning of next chunk
int skip = run->stride - cfg->N;
if ( count > skip ) {
buf += skip;
count -= skip;
} else {
count = 0;
run->nskip = skip - count;
// Copy leftover samples, if any.
// Cost of copying is negligible if batch size is much larger than N.
memcpy(run->leftover+run->nleftover, buf, sizeof(ci16)*count);
run->nleftover += count;
void poll_control(runtime *run) {
if ( ! run->f_control ) return; // Control channel not used
char cmd[256];
if ( ! fgets(cmd, sizeof(cmd), run->f_control) ) return; // EWOULDBLOCK
config *cfg = run->cfg;
// Parse command on control channel
int arg;
if ( sscanf(cmd,"MUTE %d", &arg)==1 && arg>=0 && arg<cfg->nchans )
cfg->chans[arg].enabled = false;
else if ( sscanf(cmd,"UNMUTE %d",&arg)==1 && arg>=0 && arg<cfg->nchans )
cfg->chans[arg].enabled = true;
else if ( sscanf(cmd,"GET /MUTE=%d", &arg)==1 && arg>=0 && arg<cfg->nchans )
cfg->chans[arg].enabled = false;
else if ( sscanf(cmd,"GET /UNMUTE=%d",&arg)==1 && arg>=0 && arg<cfg->nchans )
cfg->chans[arg].enabled = true;
fprintf(stderr, "Ignoring unrecognized command '%s'\n", cmd);
// Reader thread (PMP streaming variant)
void thread_reader_pmp(runtime *run) {
int fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDONLY);
static off_t memsize = (off_t)512 << 20;
void *map = mmap(NULL, memsize, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
if ( map == MAP_FAILED ) fatal("mmap");
char *physmem = (char*)map;
struct {
uint64_t magic;
uint64_t physaddr;
uint64_t size;
uint64_t canary;
} pointer;
while ( fread(&pointer, sizeof(pointer), 1, stdin) == 1 ) {
if ( pointer.magic != 0x504d5031 ) fatal("PMP: bad magic");
char *buf = physmem + pointer.physaddr;
if ( *(uint64_t*)buf == pointer.canary )
process_samples(run, (ci16*)buf, pointer.size/sizeof(ci16));
fprintf(stderr, "PMP: Buffer overrun\n");
// Reader thread, pipe streaming variant
void thread_reader_stdin(runtime *run) {
// Read alternately into two buffers each large enough to fill
// the work queue, so that we won't overwrite data before it
// has been processed.
static const int bufsize = 1 << 20;
ci16 *buf1 = new ci16[bufsize];
ci16 *buf2 = new ci16[bufsize];
while ( true ) {
size_t nr1 = fread(buf1, sizeof(ci16), bufsize, stdin);
if ( ! nr1 ) break;
process_samples(run, buf1, nr1);
size_t nr2 = fread(buf2, sizeof(ci16), bufsize, stdin);
if ( ! nr2 ) break;
process_samples(run, buf2, nr2);
#if 0
// Wait before overwriting the input buffer
for ( int t=0; t<NTHREADS; ++t )
for ( int i=0; i<wqsize; ++i )
while ( run->threads[t].jobs[i].go ) { ++nwaitr; yield(); }
fprintf(stderr, "EOF\n");
fprintf(stderr, "IQ range %d..%d + %d..%dw\n",
run->, run->, run->, run->;
void *thread_reader(void *arg) {
runtime *run = (runtime*)arg;
if ( run->cfg->pmp )
#if 1
float dur = run->nsamples / run->cfg->Fs;
fprintf(stderr, "nsamples=%lld (%f s)\n", (long long)run->nsamples, dur);
fprintf(stderr, "nwaitr=%lld (%.0f Hz)\n", (long long)nwaitr, nwaitr/dur);
fprintf(stderr, "nwaitf1=%lld (%.0f Hz)\n", (long long)nwaitf1, nwaitf1/dur);
fprintf(stderr, "nwaitf2=%lld (%.0f Hz)\n", (long long)nwaitf2, nwaitf2/dur);
fprintf(stderr, "nwaitj=%lld (%.0f Hz)\n", (long long)nwaitj, nwaitj/dur);
uint64_t nexecs = run->threads[0].nexecs + run->threads[1].nexecs;
fprintf(stderr, "nfft=%lld+%lld=%lld (%.0f Hz)\n",
(long long)run->threads[0].nexecs,
(long long)run->threads[1].nexecs,
(long long)nexecs,
run->eof = true;
return NULL;
// FFT worker threads
void *thread_fft(void *arg) {
thread_data *td = (thread_data*)arg;
runtime *run = td->run;
config *cfg = run->cfg;
while ( true ) {
thread_data::job *job = &td->jobs[td->qfft];
while ( ! job->go ) { ++nwaitf1; yield(); } // buf is not ready
fftwf_complex *pin = td->in;
#define IQSHIFT 0 // Use this to simulate 1-bit sampling
// Use leftover samples
ci16 *buf = job->buf1;
for ( int n=job->nbuf1; n--; ++buf,++pin ) {
(*pin)[0] = buf->re >> IQSHIFT;
(*pin)[1] = buf->im >> IQSHIFT;
buf = job->buf2;
for ( int n=cfg->N-job->nbuf1; n--; ++buf,++pin ) {
(*pin)[0] = buf->re >> IQSHIFT;
(*pin)[1] = buf->im >> IQSHIFT;
// Release buf
job->go = false;
#if 0
// Hamming
for ( int i=0; i<N; ++i ) {
float k = 0.54 - 0.46*cosf(2*M_PI*i/(N-1));
in[i][0] *= k;
in[i][1] *= k;
while ( job->done ) { ++nwaitf2; yield(); } // ph[] is busy
// Compute phases
uint16_t *pph = job->ph;
for ( chan *ch=cfg->chans;
++ch,++pph ) {
fftwf_complex *p = &td->out[ch->ibin];
// Apply linear combination of nearest bins
float d[2] = { 0, 0 };
for ( int b=0; b<2; ++b )
for ( int i=0; i<2; ++i )
d[i] += ch->bw[b][i][0]*p[b][0] + ch->bw[b][i][1]*p[b][1];
// atan
#if 0
int16_t sph = atan2f(d[1], d[0]) * 65536 / (2*M_PI); // float->int
uint16_t ph = sph; // uint -> int
while ( d[0]<-126 || d[0]>126 || d[1]<-126 || d[1]>126 ) {
d[0] *= 0.5;
d[1] *= 0.5;
uint8_t ix=(int8_t)d[0], iy=(int8_t)d[1];
uint16_t ph = run->lut_atan2[iy][ix];
*pph = ph;
job->done = true;
td->qfft = (td->qfft+1) % wqsize;
// WAV utilities
void fwbe32(FILE *f, uint32_t v) {
fprintf(f, "%c%c%c%c", v>>24, (v>>16)&255, (v>>8)&255, v&255);
void fwle32(FILE *f, uint32_t v) {
fprintf(f, "%c%c%c%c", v&255, (v>>8)&255, (v>>16)&255, (v>>24)&255);
void fwle16(FILE *f, uint16_t v) {
fprintf(f, "%c%c", v&255, (v>>8)&255);
void write_wav_header(FILE *f, float Fau) {
uint32_t nsamples = 0;
fwbe32(f, 0x52494646); // tag='RIFF'
fwle32(f, nsamples ? 36+nsamples : 0); // chunk size
fwbe32(f, 0x57415645); // format='WAVE'
fwbe32(f, 0x666d7420); // id='fmt '
fwle32(f, 16); // fmt chunk size
fwle16(f, 1); // codec=PCM
fwle16(f, 1); // channels=1
fwle32(f, Fau); // sample rate
fwle32(f, Fau); // byte rate
fwle16(f, 1); // alignment
fwle16(f, 8); // bits per sample
fwbe32(f, 0x64617461); // id='data'
fwle32(f, nsamples); // data chunk size
int run(config &cfg) {
int audiodecim; // +decimation or -interpolation factor
if ( ! cfg.Fq ) {
if ( cfg.Fau ) {
// Select smallest (sub)multiple of audio rate with enough bandwidth
if ( cfg.Fau > 2*cfg.maxdev ) {
audiodecim = -floor(cfg.Fau/(2*cfg.maxdev));
cfg.Fq = cfg.Fau / (-audiodecim);
} else {
audiodecim = ceilf((2*cfg.maxdev)/cfg.Fau);
cfg.Fq = cfg.Fau * audiodecim;
} else {
// Demodulate consecutive blocs
cfg.Fq = cfg.Fs / cfg.N;
cfg.Fau = cfg.Fq;
audiodecim = 1;
} else {
if ( ! cfg.Fau ) {
// Output audio without decimation
cfg.Fau = cfg.Fq;
audiodecim = 1;
} else {
// Check that audio decimation is integer
audiodecim = floor(cfg.Fq/cfg.Fau + 0.5);
if ( fabs(cfg.Fau*audiodecim-cfg.Fq) > 0.5 )
fatal("Audio decimation ratio (Fq/Fa) must be an integer\n");
if ( cfg.Fq < 2*cfg.maxdev )
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Fq too slow for FM deviation\n");
fprintf(stderr, "IQ sample rate %.3f kHz\n", cfg.Fs/1000);
fprintf(stderr, "Channel quadrature rate %.3f kHz\n", cfg.Fq/1000);
fprintf(stderr, "Audio rate %.0f Hz\n", cfg.Fau);
fprintf(stderr, "FFT cut-off %.0f kHz\n", cfg.Fs/cfg.N/1000);
fprintf(stderr, "Realtime requires %.0f %d-point FFTs per second\n",
cfg.Fq, cfg.N);
runtime run(&cfg);
// Setup channels
for ( struct chan *ch=cfg.chans; ch<cfg.chans+cfg.nchans; ++ch ) {
float fbin = cfg.N * (ch->F-cfg.Fc) / cfg.Fs;
int bin = floor(fbin);
float Frel = fbin - bin;
if ( Frel < 0.125 ) { // Round to 0
// Use low bin
ch->bw[0][0][0] = 1; ch->bw[0][0][1] = 0;
ch->bw[0][1][0] = 0; ch->bw[0][1][1] = 1;
ch->bw[1][0][0] = 0; ch->bw[1][0][1] = 0;
ch->bw[1][1][0] = 0; ch->bw[1][1][1] = 0;
} else if ( Frel < 0.375 ) { // Rount to 0.25
// Rotate -45x3, +135
ch->bw[0][0][0] = 0.707; ch->bw[0][0][1] = 0.707;
ch->bw[0][1][0] = -0.070; ch->bw[0][1][1] = 0.707;
ch->bw[1][0][0] = -0.2; ch->bw[1][0][1] = -0.2;
ch->bw[1][1][0] = 0.2; ch->bw[1][1][1] = -0.2;
} else if ( Frel < 0.625 ) { // Round to 0.5
// Rotate -90, +90
ch->bw[0][0][0] = 0; ch->bw[0][0][1] = 1;
ch->bw[0][1][0] = -1; ch->bw[0][1][1] = 0;
ch->bw[1][0][0] = 0; ch->bw[1][0][1] = -1;
ch->bw[1][1][0] = 1; ch->bw[1][1][1] = 0;
} else if ( Frel < 0.875 ) { // Round to 0.75
// Rotate -135, +45x3
ch->bw[0][0][0] = -0.2; ch->bw[0][0][1] = 0.2;
ch->bw[0][1][0] = -0.2; ch->bw[0][1][1] = -0.2;
ch->bw[1][0][0] = 0.707; ch->bw[1][0][1] = -0.707;
ch->bw[1][1][0] = 0.707; ch->bw[1][1][1] = 0.707;
} else { // Round to 1
// Use high bin
ch->bw[0][0][0] = 0; ch->bw[0][0][1] = 0;
ch->bw[0][1][0] = 0; ch->bw[0][1][1] = 0;
ch->bw[1][0][0] = 1; ch->bw[1][0][1] = 0;
ch->bw[1][1][0] = 0; ch->bw[1][1][1] = 1;
// Scale for fast atan2 lookup
for ( int b=0; b<2; ++b )
for ( int i=0; i<2; ++i )
for ( int j=0; j<2; ++j )
ch->bw[b][i][j] *= 8.0 * 128 / 2048 / cfg.N;
ch->ibin = (cfg.N+bin) % cfg.N;
float derot = 2*M_PI * (ch->F-cfg.Fc) * run.stride/cfg.Fs;
while ( derot > M_PI ) derot -= 2*M_PI;
while ( derot < -M_PI ) derot += 2*M_PI;
ch->derot = (int16_t) (derot * 65536 / (2*M_PI));
fprintf(stderr, " channel fbin=%.2f ibins=%d,%d derot=%f\n",
fbin, ch->ibin, ch->ibin+1, derot);
ch->prevph = 0;
ch->rms = 1;
// Spawn FFT threads
for ( thread_data *td=run.threads; td<run.threads+NTHREADS; ++td ) {
td->run = &run;
for ( int i=0; i<wqsize; ++i ) {
td->jobs[i].ph = new uint16_t[cfg.nchans];
td->jobs[i].go = false;
td->jobs[i].done = false;
td->qread = td->qfft = td->qjoin = 0;
td->in = (fftwf_complex*) fftwf_malloc(sizeof(*td->in) *cfg.N);
td->out = (fftwf_complex*) fftwf_malloc(sizeof(*td->out)*cfg.N);
td->p = fftwf_plan_dft_1d(cfg.N, td->in, td->out, -1, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
if ( pthread_create(&td->pth, NULL, thread_fft, td) )
td->nexecs = 0;
// Spawn the reader/dispatcher thread
if ( pthread_create(&run.reader, NULL, thread_reader, &run) )
#if 0
float Ftest = 4.25;
fprintf(stderr, "Carrier %f between bins\n", Ftest);
thread_data *td = &run.threads[0];
for ( int i=0; i<cfg.N; ++i ) {
for ( int i=0; i<10; ++i )a
fprintf(stderr, "%3d %f %f\n", i, td->out[i][0], td->out[i][1]);
// Demodulate and output
fprintf(stderr, "De-emphasis: %.0f us\n", cfg.deemph*1e6);
float alpha_deemph = 1 / (cfg.Fq*cfg.deemph);
float t_squelch = 0.1; // Squelch response time (s)
float alpha_squelch = 1 / (cfg.Fau*t_squelch);
uint16_t audioclock = 0;
float discr_gain = cfg.Fq/65536/(2*cfg.maxdev); // Scale from 16-bit angles
discr_gain *= 0.75; // Allow some roll-off
discr_gain *= 256; // Scale to 8-bit audio out
float deemph = 0; // Filter state
if ( cfg.wav ) { write_wav_header(stdout, cfg.Fau); fflush(stdout); }
static const int audiobatch = 8192;
int8_t audiobuf[audiobatch], *audioptr=audiobuf;
while ( ! run.eof ) {
for ( thread_data *td=run.threads; td<run.threads+NTHREADS; ++td ) {
thread_data::job *job = &td->jobs[td->qjoin];
while ( !job->done && !run.eof ) { ++nwaitj; yield(); } // Not ready
if ( run.eof ) break;
// Compute one audio sample
float audio = 0; // Sum of channels
int nactive = 0; // Unmuted and not squelched
uint16_t *pph = job->ph;
for ( chan *ch=cfg.chans; ch<cfg.chans+cfg.nchans; ++ch,++pph ) {
if ( ! ch->enabled ) continue;
int16_t dph = *pph - ch->prevph - ch->derot; // uint modulo -> int
ch->prevph = *pph;
float dev = dph;
if ( cfg.squelch ) {
ch->rms = ch->rms*(1-alpha_squelch)
+ (dev*dev/(32768*32768))*alpha_squelch;
if ( ch->rms > 1-cfg.squelch ) continue;
audio += dev;
deemph = deemph*(1-alpha_deemph) + audio*alpha_deemph;
audio = deemph;
if ( audiodecim < 0 ) {
// Upsample (repeat)
audio *= run.lut_audioscale[nactive];
int8_t au = audio * discr_gain;
if ( cfg.wav ) au ^= 128; // Make unsigned
for ( int repeat=-audiodecim; --repeat>=0; ) {
*audioptr = au;
if ( ++audioptr == audiobuf+audiobatch ) {
int nw = write(1, audiobuf, sizeof(audiobuf));
if ( nw != sizeof(audiobuf) ) fatal("write");
audioptr = audiobuf;
} else {
// Downsample (decimate)
if ( ++audioclock == audiodecim ) {
audioclock = 0;
audio *= run.lut_audioscale[nactive];
int8_t au = audio * discr_gain;
if ( cfg.wav ) au ^= 128; // Make unsigned
*audioptr = au;
if ( ++audioptr == audiobuf+audiobatch ) {
int nw = write(1, audiobuf, sizeof(audiobuf));
if ( nw != sizeof(audiobuf) ) fatal("write");
audioptr = audiobuf;
job->done = false;
td->qjoin = (td->qjoin+1) % wqsize;
} // threads
} // main loop
for ( thread_data *td=run.threads; td<run.threads+NTHREADS; ++td ) {
//fftwf_free(in); // double-free bug ?
fprintf(stderr, "Exiting.\n");
return 0;
// CLI
void usage(const char *name, FILE *f, int c, const char *info=NULL) {
fprintf(f, "Usage: %s [options] CHANNEL ... < IQ > RAWAUDIO\n", name);
fprintf(f, "Read int16 I/Q from stdin, demodulate multiple FM channels,\n"
"write int8 mono audio to stdout.\n");
" --pmp Input by reference to /dev/mem\n"
" --fs FLOAT IQ sampling rate (Hz)\n"
" --fc FLOAT Center RF frequency (Hz)\n"
" -N INT FFT size\n"
" --fq FLOAT Quadrature rate (Hz)\n"
" --maxdev FLOAT FM deviation (Hz)\n"
" --deemph FLOAT De-emphasis time constant (s)\n"
" --fa FLOAT Audio sampling rate\n"
" --wav Output WAV header\n"
" --fd-info INT Output aux info to this file descriptor\n"
" --info-rate FLOAT Aux info refresh rate (Hz)\n"
" --fd-control INT Read MUTE/UNMUTE requests from this FD\n"
"Channel syntax:\n"
" FreqMHz Single channel\n"
" Min:Step:Max Multiple channels with fixed separation\n"
" (...) Same as above, muted initially\n"
if ( info ) fprintf(f, "Error while processing '%s'\n", info);
void add_chan(config *cfg, double fMHz, bool enabled) {
float f = fMHz * 1e6;
if ( cfg->nchans == MAXCHANS ) fail("Too many channels");
struct chan *ch = &cfg->chans[cfg->nchans];
ch->F = f;
ch->enabled = enabled;
#ifndef VERSION
#define VERSION "undefined"
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
config cfg;
for ( int i=1; i<argc; ++i ) {
double fmin, fmax, fstep;
int nchars;
if ( ! strcmp(argv[i],"--fs") && i+1<argc )
cfg.Fs = atof(argv[++i]);
else if ( ! strcmp(argv[i],"--fc") && i+1<argc )
cfg.Fc = atof(argv[++i]);
else if ( ! strcmp(argv[i],"--pmp") )
cfg.pmp = true;
else if ( ! strcmp(argv[i],"-N") && i+1<argc )
cfg.N = atoi(argv[++i]);
else if ( ! strcmp(argv[i],"--maxdev") && i+1<argc )
cfg.maxdev = atof(argv[++i]);
else if ( ! strcmp(argv[i],"--fq") && i+1<argc )
cfg.Fq = atof(argv[++i]);
else if ( ! strcmp(argv[i],"--deemph") && i+1<argc )
cfg.deemph = atof(argv[++i]);
else if ( ! strcmp(argv[i],"--squelch") && i+1<argc )
cfg.squelch = atof(argv[++i]);
else if ( ! strcmp(argv[i],"--fa") && i+1<argc )
cfg.Fau = atof(argv[++i]);
else if ( ! strcmp(argv[i],"--wav") )
cfg.wav = true;
else if ( ! strcmp(argv[i],"--fd-info") && i+1<argc )
cfg.fd_info = atoi(argv[++i]);
else if ( ! strcmp(argv[i],"--info-rate") && i+1<argc )
cfg.info_rate = atof(argv[++i]);
else if ( ! strcmp(argv[i],"--fd-control") && i+1<argc )
cfg.fd_control = atoi(argv[++i]);
else if ( !strcmp(argv[i], "-h") )
usage(argv[0], stdout, 0);
else if ( ! strcmp(argv[i], "--version") ) {
printf("%s\n", VERSION);
else if ( argv[i][0] == '-' )
else if ( sscanf(argv[i], "%lf:%lf:%lf", &fmin,&fstep,&fmax) == 3 ) {
for ( double f=fmin; f<fmax+fstep/2; f+=fstep )
add_chan(&cfg, f, true);
else if ( sscanf(argv[i], "(%lf:%lf:%lf)", &fmin,&fstep,&fmax) == 3 ) {
for ( double f=fmin; f<fmax+fstep/2; f+=fstep )
add_chan(&cfg, f, false);
else if ( sscanf(argv[i], "%lf", &fmin) == 1 ) {
add_chan(&cfg, fmin, true);
else if ( sscanf(argv[i], "(%lf)", &fmin) == 1 ) {
add_chan(&cfg, fmin, false);
usage(argv[0], stderr, 1, argv[i]);
if ( ! cfg.nchans ) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: no channel specified\n");
return run(cfg);