Documentation for each component can be find in the respective source directory.
**Import Components**
- **[import-external](/src/import-external)**: Import all data that is not directly form OpenStreetMap (NaturalEarth, OpenStreetMapData, custom data files)
- **[import-osm](/src/import-osm)**: Import OpenStreetMap planet files into PostGIS using imposm3
- **[import-sql](/src/import-sql)**: Provision and generate SQL used in the different layers. Contains most of the SQL logic.
**Export Components**
- **[export-worker](/src/export-worker)**: Responsible for rendering vector tiles using the vector data source **[osm2vectortiles.tm2source](/osm2vectortiles.tm2source)**. Exports can be run together with a message queue like RabbitMQ or standalone for smaller extracts where it is not necessary to divide the work into several parts.
- **[merge-jobs](/src/merge-jobs)**: Merges results of distributed rendering together into a single planet MBTiles file.
**Changed Tile Detection Components**
- **[changed-tiles](/src/changed-tiles)**: Calculate list of changed tiles
- **[generate-jobs](/src/generate-jobs)**: Responsible for creating JSON jobs for rendering the planet initially or jobs for updating the planet.
**Download planet file or extract** from [Planet OSM]( or [Geofabrik]( and store it in `import` folder.
**Start up message queue server**. The message queue server will track the jobs and results.
docker-compose up -d rabbitmq
**Divide the planet into jobs** from z8 down to z14 and publish the jobs to RabbitMQ.
To render the entire planet choose the top level tile `0/0/0` and choose job zoom level `8`.
docker-compose run \
-e TILE_X=0 -e TILE_Y=0 -e TILE_Z=0 \
-e JOB_ZOOM=8 \
**Scale up the workers** to render the jobs. Make sure the `BUCKET_NAME`, `AWS_ACCESS_KEY`, `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` and `AWS_S3_HOST` are configured correctly in order for the worker to upload the results to S3.
docker-compose scale export-worker=4
Watch progress at RabbitMQ management interface. Check the exposed external Docker port of the RabbitMQ management interface at port `15672`.
1. Ensure you have `export/planet.mbtiles` file present to merge the jobs into. Reuse a low level zoom extract generated earlier or download an existing low level zoom extract from
**Download latest OSM changelogs**. If you are working with the planet remove the `OSM_UPDATE_BASEURL` from the `environment` section in `update-osm-diff`. If you are using a custom extract from Geofabrik you can specify a custom update url there.
Download latest changelogs **since the last change date of the planet.pbf**.
docker-compose run update-osm-diff
Now **import the downloaded OSM diffs** in `export/latest.osc.gz` into the database. This may take up to half a day.
After that you have successfully applied the diff updates to the database and you can either rerender the entire planet or just the tiles that have changed.