
17 wiersze
673 B

#include "BitCrushEffect.h"
BitCrushEffect::BitCrushEffect() {}
// algorithm from https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=163880
OsciPoint BitCrushEffect::apply(int index, OsciPoint input, const std::vector<std::atomic<double>>& values, double sampleRate) {
double value = values[0];
// change rage of value from 0-1 to 0.0-0.78
double rangedValue = value * 0.78;
double powValue = pow(2.0f, 1.0 - rangedValue) - 1.0;
double crush = powValue * 12;
double x = powf(2.0f, crush);
double quant = 0.5 * x;
double dequant = 1.0f / quant;
return OsciPoint(dequant * (int)(input.x * quant), dequant * (int)(input.y * quant), dequant * (int)(input.z * quant));