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// L=============================================================================
// L This software is distributed under the MIT license.
// L Copyright 2021 Péter Kardos
// L=============================================================================
#pragma once
#include "Vector.hpp"
#include <array>
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
namespace mathter {
// Shapes
template <class T, int Dim>
class Hyperplane;
template <class T, int Dim>
class Line {
using VectorT = Vector<T, Dim>;
/// <summary> Does not zero-initialize members. </summary>
Line() = default;
/// <summary> Construct a line through <paramref name="base"/> in given <paramref name="direction"/>. </summary>
/// <param name="base"> Any point in 3D space. </param>
/// <param name="direction"> Must be normalized. </param>
Line(const VectorT& base, const VectorT& direction) : direction(direction), base(base) {
/// <summary> Constructs a line through both points. </summary>
/// <param name="point1"> Base of the line. </param>
/// <param name="point2"> Specifies direction only. </param>
static Line Through(const VectorT& point1, const VectorT& point2) {
return Line(point1, SafeNormalize(point2 - point1));
/// <summary> A 2D plane and line are equivalent, converts representation. Only for 2D. </summary>
Line(const Hyperplane<T, 2>& plane);
/// <summary> Return the signed direction of the line (as given in constructor). </summary>
VectorT Direction() const { return direction; }
/// <summary> Returns the base point or point1 as given in constructor. </summary>
VectorT Base() const { return base; }
/// <summary> Returns the point at <paramref name="param"/> distance from the base point along direction. </summary>
VectorT PointAt(T param) const { return base + param * direction; }
VectorT direction, base;
template <class T, int Dim>
class LineSegment {
using VectorT = Vector<T, Dim>;
LineSegment() : point1(0), point2(0) {
point2(0) = 1;
LineSegment(const VectorT& base, const VectorT& direction, T length) {
point1 = base;
point2 = base + direction * length;
LineSegment(const VectorT& point1, const VectorT& point2) : point1(point1), point2(point2) {}
T Length() const { return mathter::Length(point2 - point1); }
VectorT Direction() const { return Normalize(point2 - point1); }
VectorT Start() const { return point1; }
VectorT End() const { return point2; }
VectorT Interpol(T t) const { return t * point2 + (T(1) - t) * point1; }
mathter::Line<T, Dim> Line() const {
return mathter::Line<T, Dim>{ point1, Direction() };
VectorT point1, point2;
template <class T, int Dim>
class Ray : protected Line<T, Dim> {
// Inhreitance is protected to deny casting.
// Casting is bad 'cause we don't want to implicit cast a Ray to a Line and Intersect() it with a plane.
using Line<T, Dim>::Line;
using Line<T, Dim>::Through;
using Line<T, Dim>::Direction;
using Line<T, Dim>::Base;
using Line<T, Dim>::PointAt;
using Line<T, Dim>::direction;
using Line<T, Dim>::base;
mathter::Line<T, Dim> Line() const {
return static_cast<mathter::Line<T, Dim>>(*this);
template <class T, int Dim>
class Hyperplane {
using VectorT = Vector<T, Dim>;
Hyperplane() : normal(0), scalar(0) { normal(0) = 1; }
Hyperplane(const VectorT& base, const VectorT& normal) : normal(normal) {
scalar = Dot(normal, base);
Hyperplane(const VectorT& normal, T scalar) : normal(normal), scalar(scalar) {
Hyperplane(const Line<T, 2>& line) {
static_assert(Dim == 2, "Plane dimension must be two, which is a line.");
normal = { -line.Direction()(1), line.Direction()(0) };
scalar = Dot(normal, line.Base());
const VectorT& Normal() const { return normal; }
T Scalar() const { return scalar; }
template <bool Packed>
T Distance(const Vector<T, Dim, Packed>& point) {
return Dot(point, normal) - scalar;
VectorT normal;
T scalar;
template <class T, int Dim>
Line<T, Dim>::Line(const Hyperplane<T, 2>& plane) {
static_assert(Dim == 2, "Line dimension must be two, since it a plane in 2 dimensional space.");
// Intersect plane's line with line through origo perpendicular to plane to find suitable base
T a = plane.Normal()(0);
T b = plane.Normal()(1);
T d = plane.Scalar();
T div = (a * a + b * b);
base = { a * d / div, b * d / div };
direction = { b, -a };
template <class T>
class Triangle3D {
Triangle3D() = default;
Triangle3D(const Vector<T, 3, false>& a, const Vector<T, 3, false>& b, const Vector<T, 3, false>& c) : a(a), b(b), c(c) {}
Vector<T, 3, false> a, b, c; // Corners of the traingle.
// Intersections
template <class T, class U>
class Intersection;
template <class T, class U>
auto Intersect(const T& t, const U& u) {
return Intersection<T, U>(t, u);
// Plane-line intersection
template <class T, int Dim>
class Intersection<Hyperplane<T, Dim>, Line<T, Dim>> {
using PlaneT = Hyperplane<T, Dim>;
using LineT = Line<T, Dim>;
using VectorT = Vector<T, Dim>;
Intersection(const PlaneT& plane, const LineT& line);
bool Intersecting() const { return !std::isinf(param); }
VectorT Point() const { return line.PointAt(param); }
T LineParameter() const { return param; }
LineT line;
T param;
template <class T, int Dim>
class Intersection<Line<T, Dim>, Hyperplane<T, Dim>> : public Intersection<Hyperplane<T, Dim>, Line<T, Dim>> {
using PlaneT = Hyperplane<T, Dim>;
using LineT = Line<T, Dim>;
Intersection(const LineT& line, const PlaneT& plane) : Intersection<Hyperplane<T, Dim>, Line<T, Dim>>(plane, line) {}
// Plane-line segment intersection
template <class T, int Dim>
class Intersection<Hyperplane<T, Dim>, LineSegment<T, Dim>> {
using PlaneT = Hyperplane<T, Dim>;
using LineT = LineSegment<T, Dim>;
using VectorT = Vector<T, Dim>;
Intersection(const PlaneT& plane, const LineT& line) {
lineSegment = line;
auto intersection = Intersect(plane, line.Line());
param = intersection.LineParameter() / line.Length();
bool Intersecting() const { return T(0) <= param && param <= T(1); }
VectorT Point() const { return lineSegment.Interpol(param); }
T InterpolParameter() const { return param; }
T LineParameter() const { return param * lineSegment.Length(); }
LineT lineSegment;
T param;
template <class T, int Dim>
class Intersection<LineSegment<T, Dim>, Hyperplane<T, Dim>> : public Intersection<Hyperplane<T, Dim>, LineSegment<T, Dim>> {
using PlaneT = Hyperplane<T, Dim>;
using LineT = LineSegment<T, Dim>;
Intersection(const LineT& line, const PlaneT& plane) : Intersection<Hyperplane<T, Dim>, LineSegment<T, Dim>>(plane, line) {}
template <class T, int Dim>
Intersection<Hyperplane<T, Dim>, Line<T, Dim>>::Intersection(const PlaneT& plane, const LineT& line) {
this->line = line;
// We have to solve the system of linear equations for x,y,z,t
// |d | |a b c 0| |x|
// |px| |1 0 0 p| |y|
// |py| = |0 1 0 q| * |z|
// |pz| |0 0 1 r| |t|
// b = A * x
// where [px,py,pz] + t*[p,q,r] = [x,y,z] is the line's equation
// and ax + by + cz + d = 0 is the plane's equation
Vector<T, Dim + 1> b;
Vector<T, Dim + 1> A_inv_t;
// Fill up 'b'
b = -plane.Scalar() | line.Base();
// Fill up 'A_inv_t', which is the last line of A^-1, used to calculate 't'
A_inv_t = 1 | plane.Normal();
// Compute result of the equation
T scaler = Dot(line.Direction(), plane.Normal());
T x_t = Dot(A_inv_t, b);
T t = x_t / scaler;
param = -t;
// 2D line intersection
// with lines
template <class T>
class Intersection<Line<T, 2>, Line<T, 2>> {
using LineT = Line<T, 2>;
Intersection(const LineT& l1, const LineT& l2) {
line2 = l2;
auto intersection = Intersect(Hyperplane<T, 2>(l1), l2);
param2 = intersection.LineParameter();
param1 = std::isinf(param2) ? std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity() : Length(intersection.Point() - l1.Base());
bool Intersecting() const { return !std::isinf(param1); }
T LineParameter1() const { return param1; }
T LineParameter2() const { return param2; }
Vector<T, 2> Point() const { return line2.PointAt(param2); }
T param1, param2;
LineT line2;
// with hyperplanes
template <class T>
class Intersection<Hyperplane<T, 2>, Hyperplane<T, 2>> : public Intersection<Line<T, 2>, Line<T, 2>> {
Intersection(const Hyperplane<T, 2>& p1, const Hyperplane<T, 2>& p2) : Intersection<Line<T, 2>, Line<T, 2>>(p1, p2) {}
// line segments
template <class T>
class Intersection<LineSegment<T, 2>, LineSegment<T, 2>> {
Intersection(const LineSegment<T, 2>& l1, const LineSegment<T, 2>& l2) {
lineSegment1 = l1;
lineSegment2 = l2;
auto intersection = Intersect(l1.Line(), l2.Line());
if (intersection.Intersecting()) {
param1 = intersection.LineParameter1() / l1.Length();
param2 = intersection.LineParameter2() / l2.Length();
else {
param1 = param2 = std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity();
bool Intersecting() const {
return (T(0) <= param1 && param1 <= T(1))
&& (T(0) <= param2 && param2 <= T(1));
Vector<T, 2> Point() const { return lineSegment1.Interpol(param1); }
T InterpolParameter1() const { return param1; }
T InterpolParameter2() const { return param2; }
T LineParameter1() const { return param1 * lineSegment1.Length(); }
T LineParameter2() const { return param2 * lineSegment2.Length(); }
T param1;
T param2;
LineSegment<T, 2> lineSegment1;
LineSegment<T, 2> lineSegment2;
// line segment vs line2d
template <class T>
class Intersection<LineSegment<T, 2>, Line<T, 2>> {
Intersection(const LineSegment<T, 2>& line1, const Line<T, 2>& line2) {
auto inter = Intersect(line1.Line(), line2);
if (inter.Intersecting() && inter.LineParameter1() < line1.Length()) {
param1 = inter.LineParameter1();
param2 = inter.LineParameter2();
else {
param1 = param2 = std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity();
bool Intersecting() const { return !isinf(param1); }
Vector<T, 2> Point() const { return line1.Line().PointAt(param1); }
T LineParameter1() const { return param1; }
T InterpolParameter1() const { return param1 / line1.Length(); }
T LineParameter2() const { return param2; }
T param1;
T param2;
LineSegment<T, 2> line1;
template <class T>
class Intersection<Line<T, 2>, LineSegment<T, 2>> : private Intersection<LineSegment<T, 2>, Line<T, 2>> {
Intersection(const Line<T, 2>& line1, const LineSegment<T, 2>& line2)
: Intersection<LineSegment<T, 2>, Line<T, 2>>(line2, line1) {}
using Intersection<LineSegment<T, 2>, Line<T, 2>>::Intersecting;
using Intersection<LineSegment<T, 2>, Line<T, 2>>::Point;
T LineParameter1() const { return Intersection<LineSegment<T, 2>, Line<T, 2>>::LineParameter2(); }
T InterpolParameter2() const { return Intersection<LineSegment<T, 2>, Line<T, 2>>::InterpolParameter1(); }
T LineParameter2() const { return Intersection<LineSegment<T, 2>, Line<T, 2>>::LineParameter1(); }
// Ray-triangle intersection (M<>ller-Trumbore algorithm)
template <class T>
class Intersection<Ray<T, 3>, Triangle3D<T>> {
using VectorT = Vector<T, 3, false>;
Intersection(const Ray<T, 3>& ray, const Triangle3D<T>& triangle);
bool IsIntersecting() const { return intersecting; }
VectorT Point() const { return point; }
template <class U>
U Interpolate(const U& a, const U& b, const U& c) const;
T GetT() const { return t; }
T GetU() const { return u; }
T GetV() const { return v; }
T t, u, v;
bool intersecting;
VectorT point;
template <class T>
Intersection<Ray<T, 3>, Triangle3D<T>>::Intersection(const Ray<T, 3>& ray, const Triangle3D<T>& triangle) {
constexpr T EPSILON = T(0.00000001);
VectorT edge1 = triangle.b - triangle.a;
VectorT edge2 = triangle.c - triangle.a;
VectorT h = Cross(ray.Direction(), edge2);
T a = Dot(edge1, h);
if (std::abs(a) < EPSILON) {
intersecting = false;
T f = T(1) / a;
VectorT s = ray.Base() - triangle.a;
u = f * Dot(s, h);
if (u < T(0) || u > T(1)) {
intersecting = false;
VectorT q = Cross(s, edge1);
v = f * Dot(ray.Direction(), q);
if (v < 0.0 || u + v > 1.0) {
intersecting = false;
t = f * Dot(edge2, q);
intersecting = t > EPSILON;
if (intersecting) {
point = ray.PointAt(t);
template <class T>
template <class U>
U Intersection<Ray<T, 3>, Triangle3D<T>>::Interpolate(const U& a, const U& b, const U& c) const {
T w = T(1) - u - v;
return u * b + v * c + w * a;
template <class T, int Dim, int Order>
class BezierCurve {
static_assert(Order >= 1, "Bezier curve must have order n>=1.");
using VectorT = Vector<T, Dim, false>;
VectorT operator()(T t) const {
return EvalInterpolRecurse(t);
VectorT EvalInterpolRecurse(T t) const;
std::array<VectorT, Order + 1> p;
template <class T, int Dim, int Order>
auto BezierCurve<T, Dim, Order>::EvalInterpolRecurse(T t) const -> VectorT {
std::array<VectorT, Order + 1> reduction = p;
T u = T(1) - t;
for (int i = Order; i >= 1; --i) {
for (int j = 1; j <= i; ++j) {
reduction[j - 1] = u * reduction[j - 1] + t * reduction[j];
return reduction[0];
} // namespace mathter