kopia lustrzana https://github.com/jameshball/osci-render
327 wiersze
15 KiB
327 wiersze
15 KiB
This file contains the basic framework code for a JUCE plugin processor.
#pragma once
#define VERSION_HINT 2
#include <JuceHeader.h>
#include "shape/Shape.h"
#include "concurrency/AudioBackgroundThread.h"
#include "concurrency/AudioBackgroundThreadManager.h"
#include "visualiser/VisualiserSettings.h"
#include "audio/Effect.h"
#include "audio/ShapeSound.h"
#include "audio/ShapeVoice.h"
#include "audio/PublicSynthesiser.h"
#include "audio/SampleRateManager.h"
#include <numbers>
#include "audio/DelayEffect.h"
#include "audio/PitchDetector.h"
#include "audio/WobbleEffect.h"
#include "audio/PerspectiveEffect.h"
#include "obj/ObjectServer.h"
#include "UGen/Env.h"
#include "UGen/ugen_JuceEnvelopeComponent.h"
#include "audio/CustomEffect.h"
#include "audio/DashedLineEffect.h"
class OscirenderAudioProcessor : public juce::AudioProcessor, juce::AudioProcessorParameter::Listener, public EnvelopeComponentListener, public SampleRateManager
#if JucePlugin_Enable_ARA
, public juce::AudioProcessorARAExtension
~OscirenderAudioProcessor() override;
void prepareToPlay (double sampleRate, int samplesPerBlock) override;
void releaseResources() override;
#ifndef JucePlugin_PreferredChannelConfigurations
bool isBusesLayoutSupported (const BusesLayout& layouts) const override;
void processBlock (juce::AudioBuffer<float>&, juce::MidiBuffer&) override;
juce::AudioProcessorEditor* createEditor() override;
bool hasEditor() const override;
const juce::String getName() const override;
void setAudioThreadCallback(std::function<void(const juce::AudioBuffer<float>&)> callback);
bool acceptsMidi() const override;
bool producesMidi() const override;
bool isMidiEffect() const override;
double getTailLengthSeconds() const override;
int getNumPrograms() override;
int getCurrentProgram() override;
void setCurrentProgram(int index) override;
const juce::String getProgramName(int index) override;
void changeProgramName(int index, const juce::String& newName) override;
void getStateInformation(juce::MemoryBlock& destData) override;
void setStateInformation(const void* data, int sizeInBytes) override;
void parameterValueChanged(int parameterIndex, float newValue) override;
void parameterGestureChanged(int parameterIndex, bool gestureIsStarting) override;
void envelopeChanged(EnvelopeComponent* changedEnvelope) override;
double getSampleRate() override;
std::atomic<double> currentSampleRate = 0.0;
AudioBackgroundThreadManager threadManager;
juce::SpinLock effectsLock;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Effect>> toggleableEffects;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Effect>> luaEffects;
std::atomic<double> luaValues[26] = { 0.0 };
std::shared_ptr<Effect> frequencyEffect = std::make_shared<Effect>(
[this](int index, OsciPoint input, const std::vector<std::atomic<double>>& values, double sampleRate) {
frequency = values[0].load();
return input;
}, new EffectParameter(
"Controls how many times per second the image is drawn, thereby controlling the pitch of the sound. Lower frequencies result in more-accurately drawn images, but more flickering, and vice versa.",
VERSION_HINT, 220.0, 0.0, 12000.0, 0.1
std::shared_ptr<Effect> volumeEffect = std::make_shared<Effect>(
[this](int index, OsciPoint input, const std::vector<std::atomic<double>>& values, double sampleRate) {
volume = values[0].load();
return input;
}, new EffectParameter(
"Controls the volume of the sound. Works by scaling the image and sound by a factor.",
VERSION_HINT, 1.0, 0.0, 3.0
std::shared_ptr<Effect> thresholdEffect = std::make_shared<Effect>(
[this](int index, OsciPoint input, const std::vector<std::atomic<double>>& values, double sampleRate) {
threshold = values[0].load();
return input;
}, new EffectParameter(
"Clips the sound and image to a maximum value. Applying a harsher threshold results in a more distorted sound.",
VERSION_HINT, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0
std::shared_ptr<Effect> traceMax = std::make_shared<Effect>(
new EffectParameter(
"Trace max",
"Defines the maximum proportion of the image that is drawn before skipping to the next frame. This has the effect of 'tracing' out the image from a single dot when animated. By default, we draw until the end of the frame, so this value is 1.0.",
VERSION_HINT, 0.75, 0.0, 1.0
std::shared_ptr<Effect> traceMin = std::make_shared<Effect>(
new EffectParameter(
"Trace min",
"Defines the proportion of the image that drawing starts from. This has the effect of 'tracing' out the image from a single dot when animated. By default, we start drawing from the beginning of the frame, so this value is 0.0.",
VERSION_HINT, 0.25, 0.0, 1.0
std::shared_ptr<DelayEffect> delayEffect = std::make_shared<DelayEffect>();
std::shared_ptr<DashedLineEffect> dashedLineEffect = std::make_shared<DashedLineEffect>();
std::function<void(int, juce::String, juce::String)> errorCallback = [this](int lineNum, juce::String fileName, juce::String error) { notifyErrorListeners(lineNum, fileName, error); };
std::shared_ptr<CustomEffect> customEffect = std::make_shared<CustomEffect>(errorCallback, luaValues);
std::shared_ptr<Effect> custom = std::make_shared<Effect>(
new EffectParameter("Lua Effect", "Controls the strength of the custom Lua effect applied. You can write your own custom effect using Lua by pressing the edit button on the right.", "customEffectStrength", VERSION_HINT, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
std::shared_ptr<PerspectiveEffect> perspectiveEffect = std::make_shared<PerspectiveEffect>();
std::shared_ptr<Effect> perspective = std::make_shared<Effect>(
new EffectParameter("3D Perspective", "Controls the strength of the 3D perspective projection.", "perspectiveStrength", VERSION_HINT, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0),
new EffectParameter("Focal Length", "Controls the focal length of the 3D perspective effect. A higher focal length makes the image look more flat, and a lower focal length makes the image look more 3D.", "perspectiveFocalLength", VERSION_HINT, 2.0, 0.0, 10.0),
VisualiserParameters visualiserParameters;
BooleanParameter* midiEnabled = new BooleanParameter("MIDI Enabled", "midiEnabled", VERSION_HINT, false, "Enable MIDI input for the synth. If disabled, the synth will play a constant tone, as controlled by the frequency slider.");
BooleanParameter* inputEnabled = new BooleanParameter("Audio Input Enabled", "inputEnabled", VERSION_HINT, false, "Enable to use input audio, instead of the generated audio.");
std::atomic<float> frequency = 220.0f;
juce::SpinLock parsersLock;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FileParser>> parsers;
std::vector<ShapeSound::Ptr> sounds;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<juce::MemoryBlock>> fileBlocks;
std::vector<juce::String> fileNames;
int currentFileId = 0;
std::vector<int> fileIds;
std::atomic<int> currentFile = -1;
juce::ChangeBroadcaster broadcaster;
std::atomic<bool> objectServerRendering = false;
juce::ChangeBroadcaster fileChangeBroadcaster;
FloatParameter* attackTime = new FloatParameter("Attack Time", "attackTime", VERSION_HINT, 0.005, 0.0, 1.0);
FloatParameter* attackLevel = new FloatParameter("Attack Level", "attackLevel", VERSION_HINT, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
FloatParameter* decayTime = new FloatParameter("Decay Time", "decayTime", VERSION_HINT, 0.095, 0.0, 1.0);
FloatParameter* sustainLevel = new FloatParameter("Sustain Level", "sustainLevel", VERSION_HINT, 0.6, 0.0, 1.0);
FloatParameter* releaseTime = new FloatParameter("Release Time", "releaseTime", VERSION_HINT, 0.4, 0.0, 1.0);
FloatParameter* attackShape = new FloatParameter("Attack Shape", "attackShape", VERSION_HINT, 5, -50, 50);
FloatParameter* decayShape = new FloatParameter("Decay Shape", "decayShape", VERSION_HINT, -20, -50, 50);
FloatParameter* releaseShape = new FloatParameter("Release Shape", "releaseShape", VERSION_HINT, -5,-50, 50);
Env adsrEnv = Env::adsr(
std::vector<EnvCurve>{ attackShape->getValueUnnormalised(), decayShape->getValueUnnormalised(), releaseShape->getValueUnnormalised() }
juce::MidiKeyboardState keyboardState;
IntParameter* voices = new IntParameter("Voices", "voices", VERSION_HINT, 4, 1, 16);
BooleanParameter* animateFrames = new BooleanParameter("Animate", "animateFrames", VERSION_HINT, true, "Enables animation for files that have multiple frames, such as GIFs or Line Art.");
BooleanParameter* animationSyncBPM = new BooleanParameter("Sync To BPM", "animationSyncBPM", VERSION_HINT, false, "Synchronises the animation's framerate with the BPM of your DAW.");
FloatParameter* animationRate = new FloatParameter("Animation Rate", "animationRate", VERSION_HINT, 30, -1000, 1000, 0.01);
FloatParameter* animationOffset = new FloatParameter("Animation Offset", "animationOffset", VERSION_HINT, 0, -10000, 10000, 0.1);
BooleanParameter* invertImage = new BooleanParameter("Invert Image", "invertImage", VERSION_HINT, false, "Inverts the image so that dark pixels become light, and vice versa.");
std::shared_ptr<Effect> imageThreshold = std::make_shared<Effect>(
[this](int index, OsciPoint input, const std::vector<std::atomic<double>>& values, double sampleRate) {
return input;
}, new EffectParameter(
"Image Threshold",
"Controls the probability of visiting a dark pixel versus a light pixel. Darker pixels are less likely to be visited, so turning the threshold to a lower value makes it more likely to visit dark pixels.",
VERSION_HINT, 0.5, 0, 1
std::shared_ptr<Effect> imageStride = std::make_shared<Effect>(
[this](int index, OsciPoint input, const std::vector<std::atomic<double>>& values, double sampleRate) {
return input;
}, new EffectParameter(
"Image Stride",
"Controls the spacing between pixels when drawing an image. Larger values mean more of the image can be drawn, but at a lower fidelity.",
VERSION_HINT, 4, 1, 50, 1, false
double animationTime = 0.f;
PitchDetector pitchDetector{*this};
std::shared_ptr<WobbleEffect> wobbleEffect = std::make_shared<WobbleEffect>(pitchDetector);
// shouldn't be accessed by audio thread, but needs to persist when GUI is closed
// so should only be accessed by message thread
juce::String currentProjectFile;
juce::File lastOpenedDirectory = juce::File::getSpecialLocation(juce::File::userHomeDirectory);
juce::SpinLock fontLock;
juce::Font font = juce::Font(juce::Font::getDefaultSansSerifFontName(), 1.0f, juce::Font::plain);
ShapeSound::Ptr objectServerSound = new ShapeSound();
void addLuaSlider();
void updateEffectPrecedence();
void updateFileBlock(int index, std::shared_ptr<juce::MemoryBlock> block);
void addFile(juce::File file);
void addFile(juce::String fileName, const char* data, const int size);
void addFile(juce::String fileName, std::shared_ptr<juce::MemoryBlock> data);
void removeFile(int index);
int numFiles();
void changeCurrentFile(int index);
void openFile(int index);
int getCurrentFileIndex();
std::shared_ptr<FileParser> getCurrentFileParser();
juce::String getCurrentFileName();
juce::String getFileName(int index);
juce::String getFileId(int index);
std::shared_ptr<juce::MemoryBlock> getFileBlock(int index);
void setObjectServerRendering(bool enabled);
void addErrorListener(ErrorListener* listener);
void removeErrorListener(ErrorListener* listener);
void notifyErrorListeners(int lineNumber, juce::String id, juce::String error);
std::atomic<double> volume = 1.0;
std::atomic<double> threshold = 1.0;
bool prevMidiEnabled = !midiEnabled->getBoolValue();
juce::SpinLock audioThreadCallbackLock;
std::function<void(const juce::AudioBuffer<float>&)> audioThreadCallback;
std::vector<BooleanParameter*> booleanParameters;
std::vector<FloatParameter*> floatParameters;
std::vector<IntParameter*> intParameters;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Effect>> allEffects;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Effect>> permanentEffects;
juce::SpinLock errorListenersLock;
std::vector<ErrorListener*> errorListeners;
ShapeSound::Ptr defaultSound = new ShapeSound(*this, std::make_shared<FileParser>(*this));
PublicSynthesiser synth;
bool retriggerMidi = true;
ObjectServer objectServer{*this};
const double VOLUME_BUFFER_SECONDS = 0.1;
std::vector<double> volumeBuffer;
int volumeBufferIndex = 0;
double squaredVolume = 0;
double currentVolume = 0;
std::shared_ptr<Effect> getEffect(juce::String id);
BooleanParameter* getBooleanParameter(juce::String id);
FloatParameter* getFloatParameter(juce::String id);
IntParameter* getIntParameter(juce::String id);
void openLegacyProject(const juce::XmlElement* xml);
std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Effect>, EffectParameter*> effectFromLegacyId(const juce::String& id, bool updatePrecedence = false);
LfoType lfoTypeFromLegacyAnimationType(const juce::String& type);
double valueFromLegacy(double value, const juce::String& id);
void changeSound(ShapeSound::Ptr sound);
void parseVersion(int result[3], const juce::String& input) {
std::istringstream parser(input.toStdString());
parser >> result[0];
for (int idx = 1; idx < 3; idx++) {
parser.get(); //Skip period
parser >> result[idx];
bool lessThanVersion(const juce::String& a, const juce::String& b) {
int parsedA[3], parsedB[3];
parseVersion(parsedA, a);
parseVersion(parsedB, b);
return std::lexicographical_compare(parsedA, parsedA + 3, parsedB, parsedB + 3);
const double MIN_LENGTH_INCREMENT = 0.000001;
juce::AudioPlayHead* playHead;