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#pragma once
#include "Graph.h"
#include "BinaryHeap.h"
#include <list>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
#define EVEN 2
#define ODD 1
#define UNLABELED 0
class Matching
//Parametric constructor receives a graph instance
Matching(Graph & G);
//Solves the minimum cost perfect matching problem
//Receives the a vector whose position i has the cost of the edge with index i
//If the graph doest not have a perfect matching, a const char * exception will be raised
//Returns a pair
//the first element of the pair is a list of the indices of the edges in the matching
//the second is the cost of the matching
pair< list<int>, double > SolveMinimumCostPerfectMatching(vector<double> & cost);
//Solves the maximum cardinality matching problem
//Returns a list with the indices of the edges in the matching
list<int> SolveMaximumMatching();
//Grows an alternating forest
void Grow();
//Expands a blossom u
//If expandBlocked is true, the blossom will be expanded even if it is blocked
void Expand(int u, bool expandBlocked);
//Augments the matching using the path from u to v in the alternating forest
void Augment(int u, int v);
//Resets the alternating forest
void Reset();
//Creates a blossom where the tip is the first common vertex in the paths from u and v in the hungarian forest
int Blossom(int u, int v);
void UpdateDualCosts();
//Resets all data structures
void Clear();
void DestroyBlossom(int t);
//Uses an heuristic algorithm to find the maximum matching of the graph
void Heuristic();
//Modifies the costs of the graph so the all edges have positive costs
void PositiveCosts();
list<int> RetrieveMatching();
int GetFreeBlossomIndex();
void AddFreeBlossomIndex(int i);
void ClearBlossomIndices();
//An edge might be blocked due to the dual costs
bool IsEdgeBlocked(int u, int v);
bool IsEdgeBlocked(int e);
//Returns true if u and v are adjacent in G and not blocked
bool IsAdjacent(int u, int v);
Graph & G;
list<int> free;//List of free blossom indices
vector<int> outer;//outer[v] gives the index of the outermost blossom that contains v, outer[v] = v if v is not contained in any blossom
vector< vector<int> > deep;//deep[v] is a list of all the original vertices contained inside v, deep[v] = v if v is an original vertex
vector< list<int> > shallow;//shallow[v] is a list of the vertices immediately contained inside v, shallow[v] is empty is the default
vector<int> tip;//tip[v] is the tip of blossom v
vector<bool> active;//true if a blossom is being used
vector<int> type;//Even, odd, neither (2, 1, 0)
vector<int> forest;//forest[v] gives the father of v in the alternating forest
vector<int> root;//root[v] gives the root of v in the alternating forest
vector<bool> blocked;//A blossom can be blocked due to dual costs, this means that it behaves as if it were an original vertex and cannot be expanded
vector<double> dual;//dual multipliers associated to the blossoms, if dual[v] > 0, the blossom is blocked and full
vector<double> slack;//slack associated to each edge, if slack[e] > 0, the edge cannot be used
vector<int> mate;//mate[v] gives the mate of v
int m, n;
bool perfect;
list<int> forestList;
vector<int> visited;