Discard lines behind camera when processing grease penicl line art

DJLevel3 2024-04-23 09:25:45 -06:00 zatwierdzone przez James H Ball
rodzic 894a21f7d8
commit f13258e195
1 zmienionych plików z 10 dodań i 5 usunięć

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@ -157,13 +157,18 @@ std::vector<Line> LineArtParser::generateFrame(juce::Array <juce::var> objects,
double rotatedY2 = end.x * allMatrices[i][4] + end.y * allMatrices[i][5] + end.z * allMatrices[i][6] + allMatrices[i][7];
double rotatedZ2 = end.x * allMatrices[i][8] + end.y * allMatrices[i][9] + end.z * allMatrices[i][10] + allMatrices[i][11];
double x = rotatedX * focalLength / rotatedZ;
double y = rotatedY * focalLength / rotatedZ;
// I think this discards every line with a vertex behind the camera? Needs more testing.
// - DJ_Level_3
if (rotatedZ < 0 && rotatedZ2 < 0) {
double x2 = rotatedX2 * focalLength / rotatedZ2;
double y2 = rotatedY2 * focalLength / rotatedZ2;
double x = rotatedX * focalLength / rotatedZ;
double y = rotatedY * focalLength / rotatedZ;
frame.push_back(Line(x, y, x2, y2));
double x2 = rotatedX2 * focalLength / rotatedZ2;
double y2 = rotatedY2 * focalLength / rotatedZ2;
frame.push_back(Line(x, y, x2, y2));