
41 wiersze
2.1 KiB

id: "poi"
description: |
[Points of interests]( containing
a of a variety of OpenStreetMap tags. Mostly contains amenities, sport, shop and tourist POIs.
buffer_size: 64
srs: +proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs +over
name: The OSM [`name`]( value of the POI.
name_en: The english `name:en` value if available.
class: |
More general classes of POIs. If there is no more general `class` for the `subclass`
this field will contain the same value as `subclass`.
But for example for schools you only need to style the class `school` to filter the subclasses `school`
and `kindergarten`. Or use the class `shop` to style all shops.
subclass: |
Original value of either the
or [`shop`](
tag. Use this to do more precise styling.
rank: |
The POIs are ranked ascending according to their importance within a grid. The `rank` value shows the
local relative importance of a POI within it's cell in the grid. This can be used to reduce label density at z14.
Since all POIs already need to be contained at `z14` you can use `less than rank=10` epxression to limit
POIs. At some point like z17 you can show all POIs.
geometry_field: geometry
srid: 900913
query: (SELECT geometry, name, name_en, class, subclass, rank FROM layer_poi(!bbox!, z(!scale_denominator!), !pixel_width!)) AS t
- ./poi_polygon_update.sql
- ./class.sql
- ./layer.sql
- type: imposm3
mapping_file: ./mapping.yaml