kopia lustrzana https://github.com/openmaptiles/openmaptiles
496 wiersze
20 KiB
496 wiersze
20 KiB
# First section - common variable initialization
# Ensure that errors don't hide inside pipes
SHELL = /bin/bash
.SHELLFLAGS = -o pipefail -c
# Options to run with docker and docker-compose - ensure the container is destroyed on exit
# Containers run as the current user rather than root (so that created files are not root-owned)
DC_OPTS ?= --rm -u $(shell id -u):$(shell id -g)
# If set to a non-empty value, will use postgis-preloaded instead of postgis docker image
# Local port to use with postserve
PPORT ?= 8090
export PPORT
# Local port to use with tileserver
TPORT ?= 8080
export TPORT
# Allow a custom docker-compose project name
ifeq ($(strip $(DC_PROJECT)),)
DC_PROJECT := $(notdir $(shell pwd))
DOCKER_COMPOSE := docker-compose
DOCKER_COMPOSE := docker-compose --project-name $(DC_PROJECT)
# Make some operations quieter (e.g. inside the test script)
ifeq ($(strip $(QUIET)),)
QUIET_FLAG := --quiet
# Use `xargs --no-run-if-empty` flag, if supported
XARGS := xargs $(shell xargs --no-run-if-empty </dev/null 2>/dev/null && echo --no-run-if-empty)
# If running in the test mode, compare files rather than copy them
ifeq ($(TEST_MODE),yes)
# create images in ./build/devdoc and compare them to ./layers
GRAPH_PARAMS=./build/devdoc ./layers
# update graphs in the ./layers dir
# Set OpenMapTiles host
OMT_HOST := http://$(firstword $(subst :, ,$(subst tcp://,,$(DOCKER_HOST))) localhost)
# This defines an easy $(newline) value to act as a "\n". Make sure to keep exactly two empty lines after newline.
define newline
# Determine area to work on
# If $(area) parameter is not set and data/*.osm.pbf finds only one file, use it as $(area).
# Otherwise all make targets requiring area param will show an error.
# Note: If there are no data files, and user calls make download area=... once,
# they will not need to use area= parameter after that because there will be just a single file.
# historically we have been using $(area) rather than $(AREA), so make both work
area ?= $(AREA)
# Ensure the $(AREA) param is set, or try to automatically determine it based on available data files
ifeq ($(strip $(area)),)
# if $area is not set. set it to the name of the *.osm.pbf file, but only if there is only one
data_files := $(wildcard data/*.osm.pbf)
ifneq ($(word 2,$(data_files)),)
AREA_ERROR := The 'area' parameter (or env var) has not been set, and there are more than one data/*.osm.pbf files: $(patsubst data/%.osm.pbf,'%',$(data_files))
ifeq ($(word 1,$(data_files)),)
AREA_ERROR := The 'area' parameter (or env var) has not been set, and there are no data/*.osm.pbf files
# Keep just the name of the data file, without the .osm.pbf extension
area := $(strip $(basename $(basename $(notdir $(data_files)))))
# Rename area-latest.osm.pbf to area.osm.pbf
# TODO: This if statement could be removed in a few months once everyone is using the file without the `-latest`?
ifneq ($(area),$(area:-latest=))
$(shell mv "data/$(area).osm.pbf" "data/$(area:-latest=).osm.pbf")
area := $(area:-latest=)
$(warning ATTENTION: File data/$(area)-latest.osm.pbf was renamed to $(area).osm.pbf.)
AREA_INFO := Detected area=$(area) based on the found data/$(area)-latest.osm.pbf (renamed to $(area).osm.pbf). Use 'area' parameter (or env var) to override.
AREA_INFO := Detected area=$(area) based on the found data/ pbf file. Use 'area' parameter (or env var) to override.
# If set, this file will be downloaded in download-osm and imported in the import-osm targets
PBF_FILE ?= data/$(area).osm.pbf
# For download-osm, allow URL parameter to download file from a given URL. Area param must still be provided.
ifneq ($(strip $(url)),)
DOWNLOAD_AREA := $(area)
# import-borders uses these temp files during border parsing/import
export BORDERS_CLEANUP_FILE ?= data/borders/$(area).cleanup.pbf
export BORDERS_PBF_FILE ?= data/borders/$(area).filtered.pbf
export BORDERS_CSV_FILE ?= data/borders/$(area).lines.csv
# The file is placed into the $EXPORT_DIR=/export (mapped to ./data)
export MBTILES_FILE ?= $(area).mbtiles
# Location of the dynamically-generated imposm config file
export IMPOSM_CONFIG_FILE ?= data/$(area).repl.json
# download-osm generates this file with metadata about the file
AREA_DC_CONFIG_FILE ?= data/$(area).dc-config.yml
ifeq ($(strip $(area)),)
define assert_area_is_given
@echo ""
@echo "ERROR: $(AREA_ERROR)"
@echo ""
@echo " make $@ area=<area-id>"
@echo ""
@echo "To download an area, use make download <area-id>"
@echo "To list downloadable areas, use make list-geofabrik and/or make list-bbbike"
@exit 1
ifneq ($(strip $(AREA_INFO)),)
define assert_area_is_given
@echo "$(AREA_INFO)"
.PHONY: all
all: init-dirs build/openmaptiles.tm2source/data.yml build/mapping.yaml build-sql
.PHONY: help
@echo "=============================================================================="
@echo " OpenMapTiles https://github.com/openmaptiles/openmaptiles "
@echo "Hints for testing areas "
@echo " make list-geofabrik # list actual geofabrik OSM extracts for download -> <<your-area>> "
@echo " ./quickstart.sh <<your-area>> # example: ./quickstart.sh madagascar "
@echo " "
@echo "Hints for designers:"
@echo " make start-maputnik # start Maputnik Editor + dynamic tile server [ see $(OMT_HOST):8088 ]"
@echo " make start-postserve # start dynamic tile server [ see $(OMT_HOST):$(PPORT)} ]"
@echo " make start-tileserver # start maptiler/tileserver-gl [ see $(OMT_HOST):$(TPORT) ]"
@echo " "
@echo "Hints for developers:"
@echo " make # build source code"
@echo " make list-geofabrik # list actual geofabrik OSM extracts for download"
@echo " make list-bbbike # list actual BBBike OSM extracts for download"
@echo " make download area=albania # download OSM data from any source and create config file"
@echo " make download-geofabrik area=albania # download OSM data from geofabrik.de and create config file"
@echo " make download-osmfr area=asia/qatar # download OSM data from openstreetmap.fr and create config file"
@echo " make download-bbbike area=Amsterdam # download OSM data from bbbike.org and create config file"
@echo " make generate-dc-config # scan data file and generate tile generation config file with bbox"
@echo " make psql # start PostgreSQL console"
@echo " make psql-list-tables # list all PostgreSQL tables"
@echo " make vacuum-db # PostgreSQL: VACUUM ANALYZE"
@echo " make analyze-db # PostgreSQL: ANALYZE"
@echo " make generate-qareports # generate reports [./build/qareports]"
@echo " make generate-devdoc # generate devdoc including graphs for all layers [./layers/...]"
@echo " make bash # start openmaptiles-tools /bin/bash terminal"
@echo " make destroy-db # remove docker containers and PostgreSQL data volume"
@echo " make start-db # start PostgreSQL, creating it if it doesn't exist"
@echo " make start-db-preloaded # start PostgreSQL, creating data-prepopulated one if it doesn't exist"
@echo " make stop-db # stop PostgreSQL database without destroying the data"
@echo " make clean-unnecessary-docker # clean unnecessary docker image(s) and container(s)"
@echo " make refresh-docker-images # refresh openmaptiles docker images from Docker HUB"
@echo " make remove-docker-images # remove openmaptiles docker images"
@echo " make pgclimb-list-views # list PostgreSQL public schema views"
@echo " make pgclimb-list-tables # list PostgreSQL public schema tables"
@echo " cat .env # list PG database and MIN_ZOOM and MAX_ZOOM information"
@echo " cat quickstart.log # transcript of the last ./quickstart.sh run"
@echo " make help # help about available commands"
@echo "=============================================================================="
.PHONY: init-dirs
@mkdir -p build/sql/parallel
@mkdir -p build/openmaptiles.tm2source
@mkdir -p data/borders
@mkdir -p cache
build/openmaptiles.tm2source/data.yml: init-dirs
ifeq (,$(wildcard build/openmaptiles.tm2source/data.yml))
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) run $(DC_OPTS) openmaptiles-tools generate-tm2source openmaptiles.yaml --host="postgres" --port=5432 --database="openmaptiles" --user="openmaptiles" --password="openmaptiles" > $@
build/mapping.yaml: init-dirs
ifeq (,$(wildcard build/mapping.yaml))
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) run $(DC_OPTS) openmaptiles-tools generate-imposm3 openmaptiles.yaml > $@
.PHONY: build-sql
build-sql: init-dirs
ifeq (,$(wildcard build/sql/run_last.sql))
@mkdir -p build/sql/parallel
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) run $(DC_OPTS) openmaptiles-tools bash -c \
'generate-sql openmaptiles.yaml --dir ./build/sql \
&& generate-sqltomvt openmaptiles.yaml \
--key --gzip --postgis-ver 3.0.1 \
--function --fname=getmvt >> ./build/sql/run_last.sql'
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf build
.PHONY: destroy-db
# TODO: Use https://stackoverflow.com/a/27852388/177275
destroy-db: DC_PROJECT := $(shell echo $(DC_PROJECT) | tr A-Z a-z)
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) down -v --remove-orphans
docker volume ls -q -f "name=^$(DC_PROJECT)_" | $(XARGS) docker volume rm
rm -rf cache
.PHONY: start-db-nowait
start-db-nowait: init-dirs
@echo "Starting postgres docker compose target using $${POSTGIS_IMAGE:-default} image (no recreate if exists)" && \
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) up --no-recreate -d postgres
.PHONY: start-db
start-db: start-db-nowait
@echo "Wait for PostgreSQL to start..."
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) run $(DC_OPTS) openmaptiles-tools pgwait
# Wrap start-db target but use the preloaded image
.PHONY: start-db-preloaded
start-db-preloaded: export POSTGIS_IMAGE=openmaptiles/postgis-preloaded
start-db-preloaded: export COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT=180
start-db-preloaded: start-db
.PHONY: stop-db
@echo "Stopping PostgreSQL..."
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) stop postgres
.PHONY: list-geofabrik
list-geofabrik: init-dirs
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) run $(DC_OPTS) openmaptiles-tools download-osm list geofabrik
.PHONY: list-bbbike
list-bbbike: init-dirs
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) run $(DC_OPTS) openmaptiles-tools download-osm list bbbike
# download, download-geofabrik, download-osmfr, and download-bbbike are handled here
# The --imposm-cfg will fail for some of the sources, but we ignore that error -- only needed for diff mode
OSM_SERVERS := geofabrik osmfr bbbike
ALL_DOWNLOADS := $(addprefix download-,$(OSM_SERVERS)) download
OSM_SERVER=$(patsubst download,,$(patsubst download-%,%,$@))
$(ALL_DOWNLOADS): init-dirs
ifneq ($(strip $(url)),)
$(if $(OSM_SERVER),$(error url parameter can only be used with non-specific download target:$(newline) make download area=$(area) url="$(url)"$(newline)))
ifeq (,$(wildcard $(PBF_FILE)))
@echo "Downloading $(DOWNLOAD_AREA) into $(PBF_FILE) from $(if $(OSM_SERVER),$(OSM_SERVER),any source)"
@$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) run $(DC_OPTS) openmaptiles-tools bash -c ' \
if [[ "$$DIFF_MODE" == "true" ]]; then \
download-osm $(OSM_SERVER) "$(DOWNLOAD_AREA)" \
--imposm-cfg "$(IMPOSM_CONFIG_FILE)" \
--output "$(PBF_FILE)" ; \
else \
download-osm $(OSM_SERVER) "$(DOWNLOAD_AREA)" \
--output "$(PBF_FILE)" ; \
@echo ""
@echo "Data files $(PBF_FILE) already exists, skipping the download."
.PHONY: generate-dc-config
ifeq (,$(wildcard $(AREA_DC_CONFIG_FILE)))
@$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) run $(DC_OPTS) openmaptiles-tools bash -c ' \
download-osm make-dc "$(PBF_FILE)" \
--make-dc "$(AREA_DC_CONFIG_FILE)" \
--id "$(area)"'
@echo "Configuration file $(AREA_DC_CONFIG_FILE) already exists, no need to regenerate."
.PHONY: psql
psql: start-db-nowait
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) run $(DC_OPTS) openmaptiles-tools sh -c 'pgwait && psql.sh'
.PHONY: import-osm
import-osm: all start-db-nowait
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) run $(DC_OPTS) openmaptiles-tools sh -c 'pgwait && import-osm $(PBF_FILE)'
.PHONY: update-osm
update-osm: all start-db-nowait
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) run $(DC_OPTS) openmaptiles-tools sh -c 'pgwait && import-update'
.PHONY: import-diff
import-diff: all start-db-nowait
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) run $(DC_OPTS) openmaptiles-tools sh -c 'pgwait && import-diff'
.PHONY: import-data
import-data: start-db
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) run $(DC_OPTS) import-data
.PHONY: import-borders
import-borders: start-db-nowait
# If CSV borders file already exists, use it without re-parsing
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) run $(DC_OPTS) openmaptiles-tools sh -c \
'pgwait && import-borders $$([ -f "$(BORDERS_CSV_FILE)" ] && echo load $(BORDERS_CSV_FILE) || echo import $(PBF_FILE))'
.PHONY: import-sql
import-sql: all start-db-nowait
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) run $(DC_OPTS) openmaptiles-tools sh -c 'pgwait && import-sql' | \
awk -v s=": WARNING:" '$$0~s{print; print "\n*** WARNING detected, aborting"; exit(1)} 1'
ifneq ($(wildcard $(AREA_DC_CONFIG_FILE)),)
DC_CONFIG_TILES := -f docker-compose.yml -f $(AREA_DC_CONFIG_FILE)
.PHONY: generate-tiles
generate-tiles: all start-db
@echo "Generating tiles into $(MBTILES_LOCAL_FILE) (will delete if already exists)..."
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) $(DC_CONFIG_TILES) run $(DC_OPTS) generate-vectortiles
@echo "Updating generated tile metadata ..."
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) $(DC_CONFIG_TILES) run $(DC_OPTS) openmaptiles-tools \
mbtiles-tools meta-generate "$(MBTILES_LOCAL_FILE)" ./openmaptiles.yaml --auto-minmax --show-ranges
.PHONY: start-tileserver
start-tileserver: init-dirs
@echo " "
@echo "***********************************************************"
@echo "* "
@echo "* Download/refresh maptiler/tileserver-gl docker image"
@echo "* see documentation: https://github.com/maptiler/tileserver-gl"
@echo "* "
@echo "***********************************************************"
@echo " "
docker pull maptiler/tileserver-gl
@echo " "
@echo "***********************************************************"
@echo "* "
@echo "* Start maptiler/tileserver-gl "
@echo "* ----------------------------> check $(OMT_HOST):$(TPORT) "
@echo "* "
@echo "***********************************************************"
@echo " "
docker run $(DC_OPTS) -it --name tileserver-gl -v $$(pwd)/data:/data -p $(TPORT):$(TPORT) maptiler/tileserver-gl --port $(TPORT)
.PHONY: start-postserve
start-postserve: start-db
@echo " "
@echo "***********************************************************"
@echo "* "
@echo "* Bring up postserve at $(OMT_HOST):$(PPORT)"
@echo "* --> can view it locally (use make start-maputnik)"
@echo "* --> or can use https://maputnik.github.io/editor"
@echo "* "
@echo "* set data source / TileJSON URL to $(OMT_HOST):$(PPORT)"
@echo "* "
@echo "***********************************************************"
@echo " "
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) up -d postserve
.PHONY: stop-postserve
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) stop postserve
.PHONY: start-maputnik
start-maputnik: stop-maputnik start-postserve
@echo " "
@echo "***********************************************************"
@echo "* "
@echo "* Start maputnik/editor "
@echo "* ---> go to $(OMT_HOST):8088 "
@echo "* ---> set data source / TileJSON URL to $(OMT_HOST):$(PPORT)"
@echo "* "
@echo "***********************************************************"
@echo " "
docker run $(DC_OPTS) --name maputnik_editor -d -p 8088:8888 maputnik/editor
.PHONY: stop-maputnik
-docker rm -f maputnik_editor
.PHONY: generate-qareports
generate-qareports: start-db
# generate all etl and mapping graphs
.PHONY: generate-devdoc
generate-devdoc: init-dirs
mkdir -p ./build/devdoc && \
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) run $(DC_OPTS) openmaptiles-tools sh -c \
'generate-etlgraph openmaptiles.yaml $(GRAPH_PARAMS) && \
generate-mapping-graph openmaptiles.yaml $(GRAPH_PARAMS)'
.PHONY: bash
bash: init-dirs
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) run $(DC_OPTS) openmaptiles-tools bash
.PHONY: import-wikidata
import-wikidata: init-dirs
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) run $(DC_OPTS) openmaptiles-tools import-wikidata --cache /cache/wikidata-cache.json openmaptiles.yaml
.PHONY: reset-db-stats
reset-db-stats: init-dirs
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) run $(DC_OPTS) openmaptiles-tools psql.sh -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -P pager=off -c 'SELECT pg_stat_statements_reset();'
.PHONY: list-views
list-views: init-dirs
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) run $(DC_OPTS) openmaptiles-tools psql.sh -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -A -F"," -P pager=off -P footer=off \
-c "select schemaname, viewname from pg_views where schemaname='public' order by viewname;"
.PHONY: list-tables
list-tables: init-dirs
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) run $(DC_OPTS) openmaptiles-tools psql.sh -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -A -F"," -P pager=off -P footer=off \
-c "select schemaname, tablename from pg_tables where schemaname='public' order by tablename;"
.PHONY: psql-list-tables
psql-list-tables: init-dirs
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) run $(DC_OPTS) openmaptiles-tools psql.sh -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -P pager=off -c "\d+"
.PHONY: vacuum-db
vacuum-db: init-dirs
@echo "Start - postgresql: VACUUM ANALYZE VERBOSE;"
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) run $(DC_OPTS) openmaptiles-tools psql.sh -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -P pager=off -c 'VACUUM ANALYZE VERBOSE;'
.PHONY: analyze-db
analyze-db: init-dirs
@echo "Start - postgresql: ANALYZE VERBOSE;"
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) run $(DC_OPTS) openmaptiles-tools psql.sh -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -P pager=off -c 'ANALYZE VERBOSE;'
.PHONY: list-docker-images
docker images | grep openmaptiles
.PHONY: refresh-docker-images
refresh-docker-images: init-dirs
ifneq ($(strip $(NO_REFRESH)),)
@echo "Skipping docker image refresh"
@echo ""
@echo "Refreshing docker images... Use NO_REFRESH=1 to skip."
ifneq ($(strip $(USE_PRELOADED_IMAGE)),)
POSTGIS_IMAGE=openmaptiles/postgis-preloaded \
docker-compose pull --ignore-pull-failures $(QUIET_FLAG) openmaptiles-tools generate-vectortiles postgres
docker-compose pull --ignore-pull-failures $(QUIET_FLAG) openmaptiles-tools generate-vectortiles postgres import-data
.PHONY: remove-docker-images
@echo "Deleting all openmaptiles related docker image(s)..."
@docker images "openmaptiles/*" -q | $(XARGS) docker rmi -f
@docker images "maputnik/editor" -q | $(XARGS) docker rmi -f
@docker images "maptiler/tileserver-gl" -q | $(XARGS) docker rmi -f
.PHONY: clean-unnecessary-docker
@echo "Deleting unnecessary container(s)..."
@docker ps -a -q --filter "status=exited" | $(XARGS) docker rm
@echo "Deleting unnecessary image(s)..."
@docker images | grep \<none\> | awk -F" " '{print $$3}' | $(XARGS) docker rmi
.PHONY: test-perf-null
test-perf-null: init-dirs
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) run $(DC_OPTS) openmaptiles-tools test-perf openmaptiles.yaml --test null --no-color
.PHONY: build-test-pbf
build-test-pbf: init-dirs
docker-compose run $(DC_OPTS) openmaptiles-tools /tileset/.github/workflows/build-test-data.sh