#!/bin/bash set -o errexit set -o pipefail set -o nounset ########################################### # OpenMapTiles quickstart.sh for x86_64 linux # # Example calls ... # ./quickstart.sh # ./quickstart.sh africa # ./quickstart.sh alabama # ./quickstart.sh alaska # ./quickstart.sh albania # ./quickstart.sh alberta # ./quickstart.sh alps # .... # # to list areas : make download-geofabrik-list # see more QUICKSTART.md # if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then osm_area=albania # default test country echo "No parameter - set area=$osm_area " else osm_area=$1 fi testdata=${osm_area}.osm.pbf ## Min versions ... MIN_COMPOSE_VER=1.7.1 MIN_DOCKER_VER=1.10.0 STARTTIME=$(date +%s) STARTDATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M%z") githash=$( git rev-parse HEAD ) log_file=./quickstart.log rm -f $log_file echo " " echo "=====================================================================================" echo " Docker check & Download images " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "====> : Please check the Docker and docker-compose version!" echo " : We are using docker-compose v2 file format! see more at https://docs.docker.com/" echo " : Minimum required Docker version: $MIN_DOCKER_VER+" echo " : Minimum required docker-compose version: $MIN_COMPOSE_VER+" echo " : See the .travis build for the currently supported versions." echo " : Your docker system:" docker --version docker-compose --version # based on: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16989598/bash-comparing-version-numbers function version { echo "$@" | tr -cs '0-9.' '.' | gawk -F. '{ printf("%03d%03d%03d\n", $1,$2,$3); }'; } COMPOSE_VER=$(docker-compose version --short) if [ "$(version "$COMPOSE_VER")" -lt "$(version "$MIN_COMPOSE_VER")" ]; then echo "ERR: Your Docker-compose version is Known to have bugs , Please Update docker-compose!" exit 1 fi DOCKER_VER="$(docker -v | awk -F '[ ,]+' '{ print $3 }')" if [ "$(version "$DOCKER_VER")" -lt "$(version "$MIN_DOCKER_VER")" ]; then echo "ERR: Your Docker version is not compatible. Please Update docker!" exit 1 fi echo " " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "====> : Pulling or refreshing OpenMapTiles docker images " make refresh-docker-images ##### backup log from here ... exec &> >(tee -a "$log_file") echo " " echo "=====================================================================================" echo " Start processing " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "====> : OpenMapTiles quickstart! [ https://github.com/openmaptiles/openmaptiles ] " echo " : This will be logged to the $log_file file (for debugging) and to the screen" echo " : Area : $osm_area " echo " : Git version : $githash " echo " : Started : $STARTDATE " echo " : Your bash version: $BASH_VERSION" echo " : Your OS : $OSTYPE" docker --version docker-compose --version if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu" ]]; then echo " " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo " : This is working on x86_64 ; Your kernel is:" uname -r uname -m KERNEL_CPU_VER=$(uname -m) if [ "$KERNEL_CPU_VER" != "x86_64" ]; then echo "ERR: Sorry this is working only on x86_64!" exit 1 fi echo " : --- Memory, CPU info ---- " mem=$( grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -I {} echo "scale=4; {}/1024^2" | bc ) echo "system memory (GB): ${mem} " grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo echo cpu number: $(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo) x $(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "bogomips" | head -1) cat /proc/meminfo | grep Free else echo " " echo "Warning : Platforms other than Linux are less tested" echo " " fi echo " " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "====> : Stopping running services & removing old containers" make clean-docker echo " " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "====> : Checking OpenMapTiles docker images " docker images | grep openmaptiles echo " " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "====> : Making directories - if they don't exist ( ./build ./data ./pgdata ) " mkdir -p pgdata mkdir -p build mkdir -p data echo " " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "====> : Removing old MBTILES if exists ( ./data/*.mbtiles ) " rm -f ./data/*.mbtiles if [ ! -f ./data/${testdata} ]; then echo " " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "====> : Downloading testdata $testdata " rm -f ./data/* #wget $testdataurl -P ./data make download-geofabrik area=${osm_area} echo " " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "====> : Osm metadata : $testdata " cat ./data/osmstat.txt echo " " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "====> : Generated docker-compose config " cat ./data/docker-compose-config.yml else echo " " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "====> : The testdata ./data/$testdata exists, we don't need to download! " fi if [ ! -f ./data/${testdata} ]; then echo " " echo "Missing ./data/$testdata , Download or Parameter error? " exit 404 fi echo " " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "====> : Remove old generated source files ( ./build/* ) ( if they exist ) " docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/tileset openmaptiles/openmaptiles-tools make clean echo " " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "====> : Code generating from the layer definitions ( ./build/mapping.yaml; ./build/tileset.sql )" echo " : The tool source code: https://github.com/openmaptiles/openmaptiles-tools " echo " : But we generate the tm2source, Imposm mappings and SQL functions from the layer definitions! " docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/tileset openmaptiles/openmaptiles-tools make echo " " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "====> : Start PostgreSQL service ; create PostgreSQL data volume " echo " : Source code: https://github.com/openmaptiles/postgis " echo " : Thank you: https://www.postgresql.org ! Thank you http://postgis.org !" docker-compose up -d postgres echo " " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "====> : Drop and Recreate PostgreSQL public schema " # Drop all PostgreSQL tables # This is add an extra safe belt , if the user modify the docker volume seetings make forced-clean-sql echo " " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "====> : Start importing water data from http://openstreetmapdata.com into PostgreSQL " echo " : Source code: https://github.com/openmaptiles/import-water " echo " : Data license: http://openstreetmapdata.com/info/license " echo " : Thank you: http://openstreetmapdata.com/info/supporting " docker-compose run --rm import-water echo " " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "====> : Start importing border data from http://openstreetmap.org into PostgreSQL " echo " : Source code: https://github.com/openmaptiles/import-osmborder" echo " : Data license: http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright" echo " : Thank you: https://github.com/pnorman/osmborder " docker-compose run --rm import-osmborder echo " " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "====> : Start importing http://www.naturalearthdata.com into PostgreSQL " echo " : Source code: https://github.com/openmaptiles/import-natural-earth " echo " : Terms-of-use: http://www.naturalearthdata.com/about/terms-of-use " echo " : Thank you: Natural Earth Contributors! " docker-compose run --rm import-natural-earth echo " " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "====> : Start importing OpenStreetMap Lakelines data " echo " : Source code: https://github.com/openmaptiles/import-lakelines " echo " : https://github.com/lukasmartinelli/osm-lakelines " echo " : Data license: .. " docker-compose run --rm import-lakelines echo " " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "====> : Start importing OpenStreetMap data: ./data/${testdata} -> imposm3[./build/mapping.yaml] -> PostgreSQL" echo " : Imposm3 documentation: https://imposm.org/docs/imposm3/latest/index.html " echo " : Thank you Omniscale! " echo " : Source code: https://github.com/openmaptiles/import-osm " echo " : The OpenstreetMap data license: https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright (ODBL) " echo " : Thank you OpenStreetMap Contributors ! " docker-compose run --rm import-osm echo " " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "====> : Start SQL postprocessing: ./build/tileset.sql -> PostgreSQL " echo " : Source code: https://github.com/openmaptiles/import-sql " docker-compose run --rm import-sql echo " " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "====> : Analyze PostgreSQL tables" make psql-analyze echo " " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "====> : Start generating MBTiles (containing gzipped MVT PBF) from a TM2Source project. " echo " : TM2Source project definitions : ./build/openmaptiles.tm2source/data.yml " echo " : Output MBTiles: ./data/tiles.mbtiles " echo " : Source code: https://github.com/openmaptiles/generate-vectortiles " echo " : We are using a lot of Mapbox Open Source tools! : https://github.com/mapbox " echo " : Thank you https://www.mapbox.com !" echo " : See other MVT tools : https://github.com/mapbox/awesome-vector-tiles " echo " : " echo " : You will see a lot of deprecated warning in the log! This is normal! " echo " : like : Mapnik LOG> ... is deprecated and will be removed in Mapnik 4.x ... " docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f ./data/docker-compose-config.yml run --rm generate-vectortiles echo " " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "====> : Add special metadata to mbtiles! " docker-compose run --rm openmaptiles-tools generate-metadata ./data/tiles.mbtiles docker-compose run --rm openmaptiles-tools chmod 666 ./data/tiles.mbtiles echo " " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "====> : Stop PostgreSQL service ( but we keep PostgreSQL data volume for debugging )" docker-compose stop postgres echo " " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "====> : Inputs - Outputs md5sum for debugging " rm -f ./data/quickstart_checklist.chk md5sum build/mapping.yaml >> ./data/quickstart_checklist.chk md5sum build/tileset.sql >> ./data/quickstart_checklist.chk md5sum build/openmaptiles.tm2source/data.yml >> ./data/quickstart_checklist.chk md5sum ./data/${testdata} >> ./data/quickstart_checklist.chk md5sum ./data/tiles.mbtiles >> ./data/quickstart_checklist.chk md5sum ./data/docker-compose-config.yml >> ./data/quickstart_checklist.chk md5sum ./data/osmstat.txt >> ./data/quickstart_checklist.chk cat ./data/quickstart_checklist.chk ENDTIME=$(date +%s) ENDDATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M%z") MODDATE=$(stat -c %y ./data/${testdata} ) echo " " echo " " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "-- S u m m a r y --" echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo " " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "====> : (disk space) We have created a lot of docker images: " echo " : Hint: you can remove with: docker rmi IMAGE " docker images | grep openmaptiles echo " " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "====> : (disk space) We have created this new docker volume for PostgreSQL data:" echo " : Hint: you can remove with : docker volume rm openmaptiles_pgdata " docker volume ls -q | grep openmaptiles echo " " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "====> : (disk space) We have created the new vectortiles ( ./data/tiles.mbtiles ) " echo " : Please respect the licenses (OdBL for OSM data) of the sources when distributing the MBTiles file." echo " : Created from $testdata ( file moddate: $MODDATE ) " echo " : Size: " ls ./data/*.mbtiles -la echo " " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "The ./quickstart.sh $osm_area is finished! " echo "It takes $(($ENDTIME - $STARTTIME)) seconds to complete" echo "We saved the log file to $log_file ( for debugging ) You can compare with the travis log !" echo " " echo "Start experimenting! And check the QUICKSTART.MD file!" echo "Available help commands (make help) " make help echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo " Acknowledgments " echo " Thanks to all free, open source software developers and Open Data Contributors! " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"