-- Checks to ensure that test data was imported correctly DO $$ DECLARE cnt integer; BEGIN -- Clear prior results DELETE FROM omt_test_failures WHERE test_type='update'; -- Test 100: Verify re-tag of national_park to protected_area worked SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt FROM osm_park_polygon_gen_z5 WHERE boundary='national_park'; IF cnt <> 0 THEN INSERT INTO omt_test_failures VALUES(100, 'update', 'osm_park_polygon_gen_z5 national_park expected 0, got ' || cnt); END IF; SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt FROM osm_park_polygon_gen_z5 WHERE boundary='protected_area'; IF cnt <> 2 THEN INSERT INTO omt_test_failures VALUES(100, 'update', 'osm_park_polygon_gen_z5 protected_area expected 2, got ' || cnt); END IF; -- Test 200: Verify aerodrome deleted and modified SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt FROM osm_aerodrome_label_point; IF cnt <> 2 THEN INSERT INTO omt_test_failures VALUES(200, 'update', 'osm_aerodrome_label_point expected 2, got ' || cnt); END IF; SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt FROM osm_aerodrome_label_point WHERE icao='KOMT' AND ele='124' AND name='OpenMapTiles International Airport'; IF cnt <> 1 THEN INSERT INTO omt_test_failures VALUES(200, 'update', 'osm_aerodrome_label_point failed to update attributes'); END IF; -- Test 300: Verify landuse modified SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt FROM osm_landcover_polygon WHERE mapping_key='natural' AND subclass='scrub'; IF cnt <> 1 THEN INSERT INTO omt_test_failures VALUES(300, 'update', 'osm_landcover_polygon natural=scrub expected 1, got ' || cnt); END IF; SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt FROM osm_landcover_polygon WHERE mapping_key='natural' AND subclass='wood'; IF cnt <> 0 THEN INSERT INTO omt_test_failures VALUES(300, 'update', 'osm_landcover_polygon natural=wood expected 0, got ' || cnt); END IF; -- Test 400: Verify new city added SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT relation_id) INTO cnt FROM osm_border_linestring WHERE admin_level=8; IF cnt <> 2 THEN INSERT INTO omt_test_failures VALUES(400, 'update', 'osm_border_linestring city count expected 2, got ' || cnt); END IF; -- Test 500: Highways -- Same-named road previous split into 3 parts, now merged because the middle segment had toll=yes removed SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring WHERE tags->'name' = 'OpenMapTiles Secondary 3'; IF cnt <> 1 THEN INSERT INTO omt_test_failures VALUES(500, 'update', 'osm_transportation_linestring unsplit road count expected 1, got ' || cnt); END IF; -- Verify expressway tag updated SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt FROM osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z9 WHERE highway = 'primary' AND expressway = TRUE; IF cnt < 1 THEN INSERT INTO omt_test_failures VALUES(500, 'import', 'osm_transportation_linestring z9 update expressway expected >=1, got ' || cnt); END IF; -- Verify tags changed SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt FROM osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z9 WHERE is_tunnel = TRUE AND is_bridge = FALSE AND toll = FALSE AND layer = -1 AND bicycle = 'yes' AND foot = 'yes' AND horse = 'yes'; IF cnt <> 1 THEN INSERT INTO omt_test_failures VALUES(500, 'update', 'osm_transportation_linestring z9 update tags expected 1, got ' || cnt); END IF; -- Test 600 -- check if name was applied correctly -- for atm SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt FROM osm_poi_point WHERE subclass = 'atm' AND tags->'name' = 'OpenMapTiles ATM'; IF cnt <> 2 THEN INSERT INTO omt_test_failures VALUES(600, 'update', 'osm_poi_point atm with name "OpenMapTiles ATM" expected 2, got ' || cnt); END IF; SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt FROM osm_poi_point WHERE subclass = 'atm' AND tags->'name' = 'New name'; IF cnt <> 1 THEN INSERT INTO omt_test_failures VALUES(600, 'update', 'osm_poi_point atm with name "New name" expected 1, got ' || cnt); END IF; -- for parcel_locker SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt FROM osm_poi_point WHERE subclass = 'parcel_locker' AND tags->'name' like 'OpenMapTiles Parcel Locker%'; IF cnt <> 2 THEN INSERT INTO omt_test_failures VALUES(600, 'update', 'osm_poi_point atm with name "OpenMapTiles Parcel Locker%" expected 2, got ' || cnt); END IF; SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt FROM osm_poi_point WHERE subclass = 'parcel_locker' AND tags->'name' = 'Different operator PL001'; IF cnt <> 1 THEN INSERT INTO omt_test_failures VALUES(600, 'update', 'osm_poi_point parcel_locker with name "Different operator PL001" expected 1, got ' || cnt); END IF; -- for charging_station SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt FROM osm_poi_point WHERE subclass = 'charging_station' AND tags->'name' = 'OpenMapTiles Charging Station'; IF cnt <> 1 THEN INSERT INTO omt_test_failures VALUES(600, 'update', 'osm_poi_point charging_station with name "OpenMapTiles Charging Station" expected 1, got ' || cnt); END IF; SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt FROM osm_poi_point WHERE subclass = 'charging_station' AND tags->'name' = 'OpenMapTiles Charging Station Brand'; IF cnt <> 1 THEN INSERT INTO omt_test_failures VALUES(600, 'update', 'osm_poi_point charging_station with name "OpenMapTiles Charging Station Brand" expected 1, got ' || cnt); END IF; SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt FROM osm_poi_polygon WHERE subclass = 'charging_station' AND tags->'name' = 'OpenMapTiles Charging Station'; IF cnt <> 1 THEN INSERT INTO omt_test_failures VALUES(600, 'update', 'osm_poi_polygon charging_station with name "OpenMapTiles Charging Station" expected 1, got ' || cnt); END IF; END; $$; DO $$ DECLARE cnt integer; BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) INTO cnt FROM omt_test_failures; IF cnt > 0 THEN RAISE '% unit test(s) failed on updates. Details can be found in table omt_test_failures.', cnt USING ERRCODE = '0Z000'; END IF; END; $$;