CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION brunnel(is_bridge BOOL, is_tunnel BOOL, is_ford BOOL) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT CASE WHEN is_bridge THEN 'bridge' WHEN is_tunnel THEN 'tunnel' WHEN is_ford THEN 'ford' ELSE NULL END; $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE STRICT; -- The classes for highways are derived from the classes used in ClearTables -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION highway_class(highway TEXT, public_transport TEXT) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT CASE WHEN highway IN ('motorway', 'motorway_link') THEN 'motorway' WHEN highway IN ('trunk', 'trunk_link') THEN 'trunk' WHEN highway IN ('primary', 'primary_link') THEN 'primary' WHEN highway IN ('secondary', 'secondary_link') THEN 'secondary' WHEN highway IN ('tertiary', 'tertiary_link') THEN 'tertiary' WHEN highway IN ('unclassified', 'residential', 'living_street', 'road') THEN 'minor' WHEN highway IN ('service', 'track') THEN highway WHEN highway IN ('pedestrian', 'path', 'footway', 'cycleway', 'steps', 'bridleway', 'corridor') OR public_transport IN ('platform') THEN 'path' WHEN highway = 'raceway' THEN 'raceway' ELSE NULL END; $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE; -- The classes for railways are derived from the classes used in ClearTables -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION railway_class(railway TEXT) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT CASE WHEN railway IN ('rail', 'narrow_gauge', 'preserved', 'funicular') THEN 'rail' WHEN railway IN ('subway', 'light_rail', 'monorail', 'tram') THEN 'transit' ELSE NULL END; $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE STRICT; -- Limit service to only the most important values to ensure -- we always know the values of service CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION service_value(service TEXT) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT CASE WHEN service IN ('spur', 'yard', 'siding', 'crossover', 'driveway', 'alley', 'parking_aisle') THEN service ELSE NULL END; $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE STRICT;