DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_store_transportation_highway_linestring ON osm_highway_linestring; -- Create bounding windows for country-specific processing -- etldoc: ne_10m_admin_0_countries -> ne_10m_admin_0_gb_buffer CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ne_10m_admin_0_gb_buffer AS SELECT ST_Buffer(geometry, 10000) FROM ne_10m_admin_0_countries WHERE iso_a2 = 'GB'; -- etldoc: ne_10m_admin_0_countries -> ne_10m_admin_0_ie_buffer CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ne_10m_admin_0_ie_buffer AS SELECT ST_Buffer(geometry, 10000) FROM ne_10m_admin_0_countries WHERE iso_a2 = 'IE'; -- Assign pseudo-networks based highway classification -- etldoc: osm_highway_linestring -> gbr_route_members_view -- etldoc: ne_10m_admin_0_gb_buffer -> gbr_route_members_view CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW gbr_route_members_view AS SELECT osm_id AS member, substring(ref FROM E'^[ABM][0-9ABM()]+') AS ref, -- See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Roads_in_the_United_Kingdom CASE WHEN highway = 'motorway' THEN 'omt-gb-motorway' WHEN highway = 'trunk' THEN 'omt-gb-trunk' WHEN highway IN ('primary','secondary') THEN 'omt-gb-primary' END AS network FROM osm_highway_linestring WHERE length(ref) > 1 AND ST_Intersects(geometry, (SELECT * FROM ne_10m_admin_0_gb_buffer)) AND highway IN ('motorway', 'trunk', 'primary', 'secondary') ; -- etldoc: osm_highway_linestring -> ire_route_members_view -- etldoc: ne_10m_admin_0_ie_buffer -> ire_route_members_view CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ire_route_members_view AS SELECT osm_id AS member, substring(ref FROM E'^[MNRL][0-9]+') AS ref, -- See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Ireland/Roads CASE WHEN highway = 'motorway' THEN 'omt-ie-motorway' WHEN highway IN ('trunk','primary') THEN 'omt-ie-national' ELSE 'omt-ie-regional' END AS network FROM osm_highway_linestring WHERE length(ref) > 1 AND ST_Intersects(geometry, (SELECT * FROM ne_10m_admin_0_ie_buffer)) AND highway IN ('motorway', 'trunk', 'primary', 'secondary', 'unclassified') ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION osm_route_member_network_type(network text, ref text) RETURNS route_network_type AS $$ SELECT CASE -- https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/United_States_roads_tagging WHEN network = 'US:I' THEN 'us-interstate'::route_network_type WHEN network = 'US:US' THEN 'us-highway'::route_network_type WHEN network LIKE 'US:__' THEN 'us-state'::route_network_type -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans-Canada_Highway WHEN network LIKE 'CA:transcanada%' THEN 'ca-transcanada'::route_network_type WHEN network = 'CA:QC:A' THEN 'ca-provincial-arterial'::route_network_type WHEN network = 'CA:ON:primary' THEN CASE WHEN ref LIKE '4__' THEN 'ca-provincial-arterial'::route_network_type WHEN ref = 'QEW' THEN 'ca-provincial-arterial'::route_network_type ELSE 'ca-provincial'::route_network_type END WHEN network = 'CA:MB:PTH' AND ref = '75' THEN 'ca-provincial-arterial'::route_network_type WHEN network = 'CA:AB:primary' AND ref IN ('2','3','4') THEN 'ca-provincial-arterial'::route_network_type WHEN network = 'CA:BC' AND ref IN ('3','5','99') THEN 'ca-provincial-arterial'::route_network_type WHEN network LIKE 'CA:__' OR network LIKE 'CA:__:%' THEN 'ca-provincial'::route_network_type WHEN network = 'omt-gb-motorway' THEN 'gb-motorway'::route_network_type WHEN network = 'omt-gb-trunk' THEN 'gb-trunk'::route_network_type WHEN network = 'omt-gb-primary' THEN 'gb-primary'::route_network_type WHEN network = 'omt-ie-motorway' THEN 'ie-motorway'::route_network_type WHEN network = 'omt-ie-national' THEN 'ie-national'::route_network_type WHEN network = 'omt-ie-regional' THEN 'ie-regional'::route_network_type END; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS transportation_route_member_coalesced ( member bigint, network varchar, ref varchar, osm_id bigint not null, role varchar, type smallint, name varchar, osmc_symbol varchar, colour varchar, ref_colour varchar, network_type route_network_type, concurrency_index integer, rank integer, PRIMARY KEY (member, network, ref) ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_osm_route_member(full_update bool) RETURNS void AS $$ BEGIN -- Analyze tracking and source tables before performing update ANALYZE transportation_name.network_changes; ANALYZE osm_highway_linestring; ANALYZE osm_route_member; DELETE FROM transportation_route_member_coalesced USING transportation_name.network_changes c WHERE c.is_old IS TRUE AND transportation_route_member_coalesced.member = c.osm_id; -- Create GBR/IRE relations (so we can use it in the same way as other relations) -- etldoc: gbr_route_members_view -> transportation_route_member_coalesced INSERT INTO transportation_route_member_coalesced (member, network, ref, network_type, concurrency_index, osm_id) SELECT member, network, coalesce(ref, '') AS ref, osm_route_member_network_type(network, coalesce(ref, '')) AS network_type, 1 AS concurrency_index, 0 AS osm_id FROM gbr_route_members_view WHERE full_update OR EXISTS( SELECT NULL FROM transportation_name.network_changes c WHERE c.is_old IS FALSE AND c.osm_id = gbr_route_members_view.member ) GROUP BY member, network, coalesce(ref, '') ON CONFLICT (member, network, ref) DO NOTHING; -- etldoc: ire_route_members_view -> transportation_route_member_coalesced INSERT INTO transportation_route_member_coalesced (member, network, ref, network_type, concurrency_index, osm_id) SELECT member, network, coalesce(ref, '') AS ref, osm_route_member_network_type(network, coalesce(ref, '')) AS network_type, 1 AS concurrency_index, 0 AS osm_id FROM ire_route_members_view WHERE full_update OR EXISTS( SELECT NULL FROM transportation_name.network_changes c WHERE c.is_old IS FALSE AND c.osm_id = ire_route_members_view.member ) GROUP BY member, network, coalesce(ref, '') ON CONFLICT (member, network, ref) DO NOTHING; -- etldoc: osm_route_member -> transportation_route_member_coalesced INSERT INTO transportation_route_member_coalesced SELECT osm_route_member_filtered.*, osm_route_member_network_type(network, ref) AS network_type, DENSE_RANK() OVER ( PARTITION BY member ORDER BY osm_route_member_network_type(network, ref), network, LENGTH(ref), ref ) AS concurrency_index, CASE WHEN network IN ('iwn', 'nwn', 'rwn') THEN 1 WHEN network = 'lwn' THEN 2 WHEN osmc_symbol || colour <> '' THEN 2 END AS rank FROM ( -- etldoc: osm_route_member -> osm_route_member -- see http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Relation:route#Road_routes SELECT DISTINCT ON (member, COALESCE(network, ''), COALESCE(ref, '')) member, COALESCE(network, '') AS network, COALESCE(ref, '') AS ref, osm_id, role, type, name, osmc_symbol, colour, ref_colour FROM osm_route_member WHERE full_update OR EXISTS( SELECT NULL FROM transportation_name.network_changes c WHERE c.is_old IS FALSE AND c.osm_id = osm_route_member.member ) ) osm_route_member_filtered ON CONFLICT (member, network, ref) DO UPDATE SET osm_id = EXCLUDED.osm_id, role = EXCLUDED.role, type = EXCLUDED.type, name = EXCLUDED.name, osmc_symbol = EXCLUDED.osmc_symbol, colour = EXCLUDED.colour, ref_colour = EXCLUDED.ref_colour, concurrency_index = EXCLUDED.concurrency_index, rank = EXCLUDED.rank; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Indexes which can be utilized during full-update for queries originating from update_osm_route_member() function CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS osm_route_member_member_network_ref_idx ON osm_route_member (member, COALESCE(network, ''), COALESCE(ref, '')); -- Analyze created index ANALYZE osm_route_member; -- Ensure transportation_name.network_changes table exists since it is required by update_osm_route_member CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS transportation_name; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS transportation_name.network_changes ( is_old bool, osm_id bigint, PRIMARY KEY (is_old, osm_id) ); -- Fill transportation_route_member_coalesced table TRUNCATE transportation_route_member_coalesced; SELECT update_osm_route_member(TRUE); -- Index for queries against transportation_route_member_coalesced during transportation-name-network updates CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS transportation_route_member_member_idx ON transportation_route_member_coalesced ("member", "concurrency_index"); -- Analyze populated table with indexes ANALYZE transportation_route_member_coalesced; -- Ensure OSM-ID index exists on osm_highway_linestring CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS osm_highway_linestring_osm_id_idx ON osm_highway_linestring ("osm_id"); -- etldoc: osm_route_member -> osm_highway_linestring UPDATE osm_highway_linestring hl SET network = rm.network_type FROM transportation_route_member_coalesced rm WHERE hl.osm_id=rm.member AND rm.concurrency_index=1; -- etldoc: osm_route_member -> osm_highway_linestring_gen_z11 UPDATE osm_highway_linestring_gen_z11 hl SET network = rm.network_type FROM transportation_route_member_coalesced rm WHERE hl.osm_id=rm.member AND rm.concurrency_index=1;