layer: id: "transportation" description: | **transportation** contains roads, railways, aerial ways, and shipping lines. This layer is directly derived from the OSM road hierarchy. At lower zoom levels major highways from Natural Earth are used. It contains all roads from motorways to primary, secondary and tertiary roads to residential roads and foot paths. Styling the roads is the most essential part of the map. The `transportation` layer also contains polygons for features like plazas. buffer_size: 4 srs: +proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs +over fields: class: description: | Distinguish between more and less important roads or railways and roads under construction. Class is derived from the value of the [`highway`](, [`construction`](, [`railway`](, [`aerialway`](, [`route`]( tag (for shipping ways), or [`man_made`]( values: motorway: highway: ['motorway', 'motorway_link'] trunk: highway: ['trunk', 'trunk_link'] primary: highway: ['primary', 'primary_link'] secondary: highway: ['secondary', 'secondary_link'] tertiary: highway: ['tertiary', 'tertiary_link'] minor: highway: ['unclassified', 'residential', 'living_street', 'road'] path: highway: ['pedestrian', 'path', 'footway', 'cycleway', 'steps', 'bridleway', 'corridor'] public_transport: 'platform' service: highway: service track: highway: track raceway: highway: raceway busway: highway: busway motorway_construction: __AND__: highway: construction construction: ['motorway', 'motorway_link'] trunk_construction: __AND__: highway: construction construction: ['trunk', 'trunk_link'] primary_construction: __AND__: highway: construction construction: ['primary', 'primary_link'] secondary_construction: __AND__: highway: construction construction: ['secondary', 'secondary_link'] tertiary_construction: __AND__: highway: construction construction: ['tertiary', 'tertiary_link'] minor_construction: __AND__: highway: construction construction: ['', 'unclassified', 'residential', 'living_street', 'road'] path_construction: __AND__: - highway: construction - __OR__: construction: ['pedestrian', 'path', 'footway', 'cycleway', 'steps', 'bridleway', 'corridor'] public_transport: platform service_construction: __AND__: highway: construction construction: service track_construction: __AND__: highway: construction construction: track raceway_construction: __AND__: highway: construction construction: raceway subclass: description: | Distinguish more specific classes of railway and path: Subclass is value of the [`railway`](, [`highway`]( (for paths), or [`public_transport`]( (for platforms) tag. values: - rail - narrow_gauge - preserved - funicular - subway - light_rail - monorail - tram - pedestrian - path - footway - cycleway - steps - bridleway - corridor - platform network: description: | The network type derived mainly from [`network`]( tag of the road. See more info about [`us-*`](, [`ca-transcanada`](, or [`gb-*`]( brunnel: description: | Mark whether way is a tunnel or bridge. values: - bridge - tunnel - ford oneway: description: | Mark with `1` whether way is a oneway in the direction of the way, with `-1` whether way is a oneway in the opposite direction of the way or not a oneway with `0`. values: [0, 1, -1] ramp: description: | Mark with `1` whether way is a ramp (link or steps) or not with `0`. values: [0, 1] service: description: | Original value of the [`service`]( tag. values: - spur - yard - siding - crossover - driveway - alley - parking_aisle access: description: | Access restrictions on this road. Supported values of the [`access`]( tag are `no` and `private`, which resolve to `no`. values: - no toll: description: | Whether this is a toll road, based on the [`toll`]( tag. values: [0, 1] layer: description: | Original value of the [`layer`]( tag. level: description: | Experimental feature! Filled only for steps and footways. Original value of the [`level`]( tag. indoor: description: | Experimental feature! Filled only for steps and footways. Original value of the [`indoor`]( tag. values: - 1 bicycle: description: | Original value of the [`bicycle`]( tag (highways only). foot: description: | Original value of the [`foot`]( tag (highways only). horse: description: | Original value of the [`horse`]( tag (highways only). mtb_scale: description: | Original value of the [`mtb:scale`]( tag (highways only). surface: description: | Values of [`surface`]( tag devided into 2 groups `paved` (paved, asphalt, cobblestone, concrete, concrete:lanes, concrete:plates, metal, paving_stones, sett, unhewn_cobblestone, wood) and `unpaved` (unpaved, compacted, dirt, earth, fine_gravel, grass, grass_paver, gravel, gravel_turf, ground, ice, mud, pebblestone, salt, sand, snow, woodchips). values: - paved - unpaved datasource: geometry_field: geometry srid: 900913 query: (SELECT geometry, class, subclass, network, oneway, ramp, brunnel, service, access, toll, layer, level, indoor, bicycle, foot, horse, mtb_scale, surface FROM layer_transportation(!bbox!, z(!scale_denominator!))) AS t schema: - ./network_type.sql - ./class.sql - ./update_route_member.sql - ./update_transportation_merge.sql - ./transportation.sql datasources: - type: imposm3 mapping_file: ./mapping.yaml