# This file defines default environment variables for all images # Use 3-part patch version to ignore patch updates, e.g. 5.0.0 TOOLS_VERSION=5.2 # Make sure these values are in sync with the ones in .env-postgres file PGDATABASE=openmaptiles PGUSER=openmaptiles PGPASSWORD=openmaptiles PGHOST=postgres PGPORT=5432 QUICKSTART_MIN_ZOOM=0 QUICKSTART_MAX_ZOOM=7 DIFF_MODE=false BBOX=-180.0,-85.0511,180.0,85.0511 MIN_ZOOM=0 MAX_ZOOM=14 # Hide some output from Mapnik tile generation for clarity FILTER_MAPNIK_OUTPUT=1 # Some area data like openstreetmap.fr can contain invalid references # that must be cleaned up before using it for borders -- set it to true. BORDERS_CLEANUP=false # The current setup assumes this file is placed inside the data/ dir MBTILES_FILE=tiles.mbtiles # This is the current repl_config.json location, pre-configured in the tools Dockerfile # Makefile and quickstart replace it with the dynamically generated one, but we keep it here in case some other method is used to run. IMPOSM_CONFIG_FILE=/usr/src/app/config/repl_config.json # import-borders temp files - set them here to defaults, and override in the Makefile based on the area BORDERS_CLEANUP_FILE=data/borders/cleanup.pbf BORDERS_PBF_FILE=data/borders/filtered.pbf BORDERS_CSV_FILE=data/borders/lines.csv