DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_flag ON osm_country_point; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_store ON osm_country_point; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_refresh ON place_country.updates; CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS place_country; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS place_country.osm_ids ( osm_id bigint ); -- etldoc: ne_10m_admin_0_countries -> osm_country_point -- etldoc: osm_country_point -> osm_country_point CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_osm_country_point(full_update boolean) RETURNS void AS $$ UPDATE osm_country_point AS osm SET "rank" = 7, iso3166_1_alpha_2 = COALESCE( NULLIF(osm.country_code_iso3166_1_alpha_2, ''), NULLIF(osm.iso3166_1_alpha_2, ''), NULLIF(osm.iso3166_1, '') ) WHERE (full_update OR osm_id IN (SELECT osm_id FROM place_country.osm_ids)) AND rank IS NULL; WITH important_country_point AS ( SELECT osm.geometry, osm.osm_id, osm.name, COALESCE(NULLIF(osm.name_en, ''), ne.name) AS name_en, ne.scalerank, ne.labelrank FROM ne_10m_admin_0_countries AS ne, osm_country_point AS osm WHERE -- We match only countries with ISO codes to eliminate disputed countries iso3166_1_alpha_2 IS NOT NULL -- that lies inside polygon of sovereign country AND ST_Within(osm.geometry, ne.geometry) ) UPDATE osm_country_point AS osm -- Normalize both scalerank and labelrank into a ranking system from 1 to 6 -- where the ranks are still distributed uniform enough across all countries SET "rank" = LEAST(6, CEILING((scalerank + labelrank) / 2.0)) FROM important_country_point AS ne WHERE (full_update OR osm.osm_id IN (SELECT osm_id FROM place_country.osm_ids)) AND rank = 7 AND osm.osm_id = ne.osm_id; -- Repeat the step for archipelago countries like Philippines or Indonesia -- whose label point is not within country's polygon WITH important_country_point AS ( SELECT osm.osm_id, -- osm.name, ne.scalerank, ne.labelrank, -- ST_Distance(osm.geometry, ne.geometry) AS distance, ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY osm.osm_id ORDER BY ST_Distance(osm.geometry, ne.geometry) ) AS rk FROM osm_country_point osm, ne_10m_admin_0_countries AS ne WHERE iso3166_1_alpha_2 IS NOT NULL AND NOT (osm."rank" BETWEEN 1 AND 6) ) UPDATE osm_country_point AS osm -- Normalize both scalerank and labelrank into a ranking system from 1 to 6 -- where the ranks are still distributed uniform enough across all countries SET "rank" = LEAST(6, CEILING((ne.scalerank + ne.labelrank) / 2.0)) FROM important_country_point AS ne WHERE (full_update OR osm.osm_id IN (SELECT osm_id FROM place_country.osm_ids)) AND rank = 7 AND osm.osm_id = ne.osm_id AND ne.rk = 1; UPDATE osm_country_point AS osm SET "rank" = 6 WHERE (full_update OR osm_id IN (SELECT osm_id FROM place_country.osm_ids)) AND "rank" = 7; -- TODO: This shouldn't be necessary? The rank function makes something wrong... UPDATE osm_country_point AS osm SET "rank" = 1 WHERE (full_update OR osm_id IN (SELECT osm_id FROM place_country.osm_ids)) AND "rank" = 0; UPDATE osm_country_point SET tags = update_tags(tags, geometry) WHERE (full_update OR osm_id IN (SELECT osm_id FROM place_country.osm_ids)) AND COALESCE(tags->'name:latin', tags->'name:nonlatin', tags->'name_int') IS NULL AND tags != update_tags(tags, geometry); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; SELECT update_osm_country_point(true); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS osm_country_point_rank_idx ON osm_country_point ("rank"); -- Handle updates CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION place_country.store() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN IF (tg_op = 'DELETE') THEN INSERT INTO place_country.osm_ids VALUES (OLD.osm_id); ELSE INSERT INTO place_country.osm_ids VALUES (NEW.osm_id); END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS place_country.updates ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, t text, UNIQUE (t) ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION place_country.flag() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN INSERT INTO place_country.updates(t) VALUES ('y') ON CONFLICT(t) DO NOTHING; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION place_country.refresh() RETURNS trigger AS $$ DECLARE t TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE := clock_timestamp(); BEGIN RAISE LOG 'Refresh place_country rank'; PERFORM update_osm_country_point(false); -- noinspection SqlWithoutWhere DELETE FROM place_country.osm_ids; -- noinspection SqlWithoutWhere DELETE FROM place_country.updates; RAISE LOG 'Refresh place_country done in %', age(clock_timestamp(), t); RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER trigger_store AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON osm_country_point FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE place_country.store(); CREATE TRIGGER trigger_flag AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON osm_country_point FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE place_country.flag(); CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER trigger_refresh AFTER INSERT ON place_country.updates INITIALLY DEFERRED FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE place_country.refresh();