layer: id: aerodrome_label description: | [Aerodrome labels]( buffer_size: 64 srs: +proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs +over fields: name: The OSM [`name`]( value of the aerodrome. Language-specific values are in `name:xx`. name_en: English name `name:en` if available, otherwise `name`. This is deprecated and will be removed in a future release in favor of `name:en`. name_de: German name `name:de` if available, otherwise `name` or `name:en`. This is deprecated and will be removed in a future release in favor of `name:de`. class: description: | Distinguish between more and less important aerodromes. Class is derived from the value of [`aerodrome`]( and `aerodrome:type` tags. values: international: aerodrome: 'international' aerodrome_type: 'international' public: aerodrome: 'public' aerodrome_type: ['%public%', 'civil'] regional: aerodrome: 'regional' aerodrome_type: 'regional' military: aerodrome: 'military' aerodrome_type: '%military%' military: 'airfield' private: aerodrome: 'private' aerodrome_type: 'private' other: iata: 3-character code issued by the IATA. icao: 4-letter code issued by the ICAO. ele: Elevation (`ele`) in meters. ele_ft: Elevation (`ele`) in feets. datasource: geometry_field: geometry key_field: id key_field_as_attribute: no srid: 900913 query: (SELECT id, geometry, name, name_en, name_de, {name_languages}, class, iata, icao, ele, ele_ft FROM layer_aerodrome_label(!bbox!, z(!scale_denominator!))) AS t schema: - ./update_aerodrome_label_point.sql - ./aerodrome_label.sql datasources: - type: imposm3 mapping_file: ./mapping.yaml