Merge branch 'master' into feature/transportation

Lukas Martinelli 2016-11-30 18:59:46 +00:00
commit f3a507473e
34 zmienionych plików z 431 dodań i 633 usunięć

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@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
all: build/openmaptiles.tm2source/data.yml build/mapping.yaml build/tileset.sql
.PHONY: docs
docs: layers/railway/ layers/boundary/ layers/water/ layers/building/ layers/transportation/ layers/transportation_name/ layers/poi/ layers/place/ layers/waterway/ layers/water_name/ layers/landcover/ layers/landuse/ layers/housenumber/
mkdir -p build/openmaptiles.tm2source && generate-tm2source openmaptiles.yaml --host="postgres" --port=5432 --database="openmaptiles" --user="openmaptiles" --password="openmaptiles" > build/openmaptiles.tm2source/data.yml
@ -12,44 +9,5 @@ build/mapping.yaml:
mkdir -p build && generate-sql openmaptiles.yaml > build/tileset.sql
generate-doc layers/poi/poi.yaml --diagram layers/poi/mapping > layers/poi/
generate-doc layers/transportation/transportation.yaml --diagram layers/transportation/mapping > layers/transportation/
generate-doc layers/transportation_name/transportation_name.yaml > layers/transportation_name/
generate-doc layers/railway/railway.yaml --diagram layers/railway/mapping > layers/railway/
generate-doc layers/boundary/boundary.yaml --diagram layers/boundary/mapping > layers/boundary/
generate-doc layers/water_name/water_name.yaml > layers/water_name/
generate-doc layers/water/water.yaml --diagram layers/water/mapping > layers/water/
generate-doc layers/waterway/waterway.yaml --diagram layers/waterway/mapping > layers/waterway/
generate-doc layers/building/building.yaml > layers/building/
generate-doc layers/place/place.yaml --diagram layers/place/mapping > layers/place/
generate-doc layers/landuse/landuse.yaml --diagram layers/landuse/mapping > layers/landuse/
generate-doc layers/landcover/landcover.yaml --diagram layers/landcover/mapping > layers/landcover/
generate-doc layers/housenumber/housenumber.yaml > layers/housenumber/
rm -f build/openmaptiles.tm2source/data.yml && rm -f build/mapping.yaml && rm -f build/tileset.sql

Wyświetl plik

@ -17,19 +17,19 @@ We welcome new standard layers from other data sources or import tools (like osm
Each layer is documented and self contained. Click on the link for each layer to get more information.
Layers can be chosen to create a **Tileset** like the `openmaptiles.yaml` tileset.
- [boundary](layers/boundary/
- [building](layers/building/
- [highway](layers/highway/
- [highway_name](layers/highway_name/
- [housenumber](layers/housenumber/
- [landcover](layers/landcover/
- [landuse](layers/landuse/
- [place](layers/place/
- [poi](layers/poi/
- [railway](layers/railway/
- [water](layers/water/
- [water_name](layers/water_name/
- [waterway](layers/waterway/
- [boundary](
- [building](
- [highway](
- [highway_name](
- [housenumber](
- [landcover](
- [landuse](
- [place](
- [poi](
- [railway](
- [water](
- [water_name](
- [waterway](
### Define your own Layer

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@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ services:
image: "openmaptiles/postgis:2.2"
- pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data
- pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data
- "5432"
env_file: .env
image: "openmaptiles/import-natural-earth"
image: "openmaptiles/import-natural-earth:1.0"
env_file: .env
- postgres
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ services:
- postgres
image: "openmaptiles/import-lakelines"
image: "openmaptiles/import-lakelines:0.9"
env_file: .env
- postgres

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
# boundary
Contains administrative boundaries as linestrings (no maritime boundaries yet) as linestrings.
Until z7 [Natural Earth data](
is used after which OSM boundaries ([`boundary=administrative`]( are present from z8 to z14.
OSM data contains all [`admin_level`](
but for most styles it makes sense to just style `admin_level=2` and `admin_level=4`.
## Fields
- **admin_level**: OSM [admin_level](
indicating the level of importance of this boundary.
At low zoom levels the Natural Earth boundaries are mapped to the equivalent admin levels.
## Mapping

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@ -56,6 +56,18 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW boundary_z5 AS (
WHERE scalerank <= 7 AND featurecla = 'Adm-1 boundary'
-- etldoc: ne_10m_admin_0_boundary_lines_land -> boundary_z6
-- etldoc: ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces_lines_shp -> boundary_z6
SELECT geom, 2 AS admin_level
FROM ne_10m_admin_0_boundary_lines_land
SELECT geom, 4 AS admin_level
FROM ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces_lines_shp
WHERE scalerank <= 9 AND featurecla = 'Adm-1 boundary'
-- etldoc: ne_10m_admin_0_boundary_lines_land -> boundary_z7
-- etldoc: ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces_lines_shp -> boundary_z7
@ -102,8 +114,8 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW boundary_z12 AS (
FROM osm_boundary_linestring_gen1
-- etldoc: layer_boundary[shape=record fillcolor=lightpink, style="rounded,filled",
-- etldoc: label="<sql> layer_boundary |<z0> z0 |<z1_2> z1_2 | <z3> z3 | <z4> z4 |<z5_6> z5_6 | <z7> z7 | <z8> z8 | <z9> z9 |<z10> z10 |<z11> z11 |<z12> z12|<z13_> z13_ " ]
-- etldoc: layer_boundary[shape=record fillcolor=lightpink, style="rounded,filled",
-- etldoc: label="<sql> layer_boundary |<z0> z0 |<z1_2> z1_2 | <z3> z3 | <z4> z4 | <z5> z5 || <z6> z6 || <z7> z7 | <z8> z8 | <z9> z9 |<z10> z10 |<z11> z11 |<z12> z12|<z13> z13+"]
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION layer_boundary (bbox geometry, zoom_level int)
RETURNS TABLE(geometry geometry, admin_level int) AS $$
@ -120,8 +132,11 @@ RETURNS TABLE(geometry geometry, admin_level int) AS $$
-- etldoc: boundary_z4 -> layer_boundary:z4
SELECT * FROM boundary_z4 WHERE geom && bbox AND zoom_level = 4
-- etldoc: boundary_z5 -> layer_boundary:z5_6
SELECT * FROM boundary_z5 WHERE geom && bbox AND zoom_level BETWEEN 5 AND 6
-- etldoc: boundary_z5 -> layer_boundary:z5
SELECT * FROM boundary_z5 WHERE geom && bbox AND zoom_level = 5
-- etldoc: boundary_z6 -> layer_boundary:z6
SELECT * FROM boundary_z6 WHERE geom && bbox AND zoom_level = 6
-- etldoc: boundary_z7 -> layer_boundary:z7
SELECT * FROM boundary_z7 WHERE geom && bbox AND zoom_level = 7
@ -141,7 +156,7 @@ RETURNS TABLE(geometry geometry, admin_level int) AS $$
-- etldoc: boundary_z12 -> layer_boundary:z12
SELECT * FROM boundary_z12 WHERE geom && bbox AND zoom_level = 12
-- etldoc: boundary_z12 -> layer_boundary:z13_
-- etldoc: boundary_z12 -> layer_boundary:z13
SELECT * FROM boundary_z12 WHERE geom && bbox AND zoom_level >= 13
) AS zoom_levels;

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Szerokość:  |  Wysokość:  |  Rozmiar: 6.8 KiB

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@ -3,27 +3,27 @@ generalized_tables:
# etldoc: imposm3 -> osm_boundary_linestring_gen5
source: boundary_linestring
tolerance: 420.0
tolerance: 480.0
# etldoc: imposm3 -> osm_boundary_linestring_gen4
source: boundary_linestring
tolerance: 320.0
tolerance: 240.0
# etldoc: imposm3 -> osm_boundary_linestring_gen3
source: boundary_linestring
tolerance: 150.0
tolerance: 120.0
# etldoc: imposm3 -> osm_boundary_linestring_gen2
source: boundary_linestring
tolerance: 100.0
tolerance: 60.0
# etldoc: imposm3 -> osm_boundary_linestring_gen1
source: boundary_linestring
tolerance: 50.0
tolerance: 30.0
# etldoc: imposm3 -> osm_boundary_linestring

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
# building
All [OSM Buildings]( All building tags are imported ([`building=*`]( The buildings are not yet ready for 3D rendering support and any help to improve
this is welcomed.
## Fields
- **render_height**: An approximated height from levels and height of building after the method of Paul Norman in [OSM Clear]( For future 3D rendering of buildings.

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,21 +1,23 @@
-- etldoc: layer_building[shape=record fillcolor=lightpink, style="rounded,filled",
-- etldoc: layer_building[shape=record fillcolor=lightpink, style="rounded,filled",
-- etldoc: label="layer_building | <z13> z13 | <z14_> z14_ " ] ;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION layer_building(bbox geometry, zoom_level int)
RETURNS TABLE(geom geometry, osm_id bigint, render_height numeric) AS $$
SELECT geometry, osm_id,
least(greatest(3, COALESCE(height, levels*3.66,5)),400)^.7::int AS render_height
RETURNS TABLE(geom geometry, osm_id bigint, render_height int, render_min_height int) AS $$
SELECT geometry, osm_id, render_height, render_min_height
-- etldoc: osm_building_polygon_gen1 -> layer_building:z13
SELECT osm_id, geometry, height, levels FROM osm_building_polygon_gen1
osm_id, geometry,
NULL::int AS render_height, NULL::int AS render_min_height
FROM osm_building_polygon_gen1
WHERE zoom_level = 13 AND geometry && bbox AND area > 1400
-- etldoc: osm_building_polygon -> layer_building:z14_
SELECT osm_id, geometry, height, levels FROM osm_building_polygon
osm_id, geometry,
greatest(5, COALESCE(height, levels*3.66,5))::int AS render_height,
greatest(0, COALESCE(min_height, min_level*3.66,0))::int AS render_min_height
FROM osm_building_polygon
WHERE zoom_level >= 14 AND geometry && bbox
) AS zoom_levels
ORDER BY render_height ASC, ST_YMin(geometry) DESC;

Wyświetl plik

@ -5,10 +5,12 @@ layer:
this is welcomed.
buffer_size: 4
query: (SELECT geom FROM layer_building(!bbox!, z(!scale_denominator!))) AS t
query: (SELECT geom, render_height, render_min_height FROM layer_building(!bbox!, z(!scale_denominator!))) AS t
render_height: |
An approximated height from levels and height of building after the method of Paul Norman in [OSM Clear]( For future 3D rendering of buildings.
An approximated height from levels and height of the building or building:part after the method of Paul Norman in [OSM Clear]( For future 3D rendering of buildings.
render_min_height: |
An approximated height from levels and height of the bottom of the building or building:part after the method of Paul Norman in [OSM Clear]( For future 3D rendering of buildings.
- ./building.sql

Wyświetl plik

@ -17,13 +17,29 @@ tables:
type: validated_geometry
- name: area
type: pseudoarea
- name: building
key: building
type: string
- name: height
key: height
type: integer
- name: min_height
key: min_height
type: integer
- name: levels
key: levels
key: building:levels
type: integer
- name: min_level
key: building:min_level
type: integer
- __any__
- __any__
- [ "building", "no" ]
- [ "building", "none" ]
- [ "building", "No" ]
type: polygon

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
# housenumber
Everything in OpenStreetMap which contains a `addr:housenumber` tag useful for labelling housenumbers on a map.
This adds significant size to *z14*. For buildings the centroid of the building is used as housenumber.
## Fields
- **housenumber**: Value of the [`addr:housenumber`]( tag.

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
# landcover
Landcover is used to describe the physical material at the surface of the earth. At lower zoom levels this is
from Natural Earth data for glaciers and ice shelves and at higher zoom levels the landcover is implied
by OSM tags (like `landuse` or `natural`).
## Fields
- **class**: More generalized groups of either `farmland`, `ice`, `wood`, `grass` or `wetland`.
Use this to assign general colors to the landcover.
- **subclass**: Original value of either the `landuse`, `natural` or `wetland` tag.
Use this to do more precise styling.
## Mapping

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Szerokość:  |  Wysokość:  |  Rozmiar: 56 KiB

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@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
# landuse
Landuse is used to describe use of land by humans.At lower zoom levels this is
from Natural Earth data for residential (urban) areas and at higher zoom levels mostly OSM `landuse` tags.
## Fields
- **class**: More generalized groups of either `park`, `school`, `hospital`, `railway`,
`cemetery`, `military`, `residential`. Use this to assign general for landuse.
- **subclass**: Original value of either the `amenity`, `landuse`, `leisure` or `boundary` tag.
Use this to do more precise styling.
## Mapping

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Szerokość:  |  Wysokość:  |  Rozmiar: 37 KiB

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@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
# place
The place layer consists out of [countries](,
[states]( and [cities](
Apart from the roads this is also one of the more important layers to create a beautiful map.
We suggest you use different font styles and sizes to create a text hierarchy.
## Fields
- **name_en**: The english `name:en` value if available.
- **name**: The OSM [`name`]( value of the POI.
- **rank**: Countries, states and the most important cities all have a `rank` to boost their importance on the map.
The `rank` field for counries and states ranges from `1` to `6` while the `rank` field for
cities ranges from `1` to `10` for the most important cities and continues from `10` serially based
on the local importance of the city (derived from population and city class).
Use the `rank` field to build a text hierarchy.
The rank value is a combination of the Natural Earth `scalerank`, `labelrank` and `datarank` values for countries
and states and for cities consists out of a shifted Natural Earth `scalerank` combined with a local rank
within a grid for cities that do not have a Natural Earth `scalerank`.
- **class**: Distinguish between `country`, `state` and other city classes like
`city`, `town`, `village`, `hamlet`, `suburb`, `neighbourhood` or `isolated_dwelling`.
Use this to separately style the different places according to their importance (usually country and state different
than cities).
## Mapping

Wyświetl plik

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ RETURNS TABLE(osm_id bigint, geometry geometry, name text, name_en text, class c
FROM osm_city_point
WHERE geometry && bbox
AND ((zoom_level = 2 AND "rank" = 1)
OR (zoom_level BETWEEN 3 AND 7 AND "rank" <= zoom_level)
OR (zoom_level BETWEEN 3 AND 7 AND "rank" <= zoom_level + 1)
SELECT osm_id, geometry, name,

Plik binarny nie jest wyświetlany.


Szerokość:  |  Wysokość:  |  Rozmiar: 27 KiB

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@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
# poi
[Points of interests]( containing
a of a variety of OpenStreetMap tags. Mostly contains amenities, sport, shop and tourist POIs.
## Fields
- **class**: More general classes of POIs. If there is no more general `class` for the `subclass`
this field will contain the same value as `subclass`.
But for example for schools you only need to style the class `school` to filter the subclasses `school`
and `kindergarten`. Or use the class `shop` to style all shops.
- **name_en**: The english `name:en` value if available.
- **name**: The OSM [`name`]( value of the POI.
- **rank**: The POIs are ranked ascending according to their importance within a grid. The `rank` value shows the
local relative importance of a POI within it's cell in the grid. This can be used to reduce label density at z14.
Since all POIs already need to be contained at `z14` you can use `less than rank=10` epxression to limit
POIs. At some point like z17 you can show all POIs.
- **subclass**: Original value of either the
or [`shop`](
tag. Use this to do more precise styling.
## Mapping

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,18 +1,25 @@
-- etldoc: layer_poi[shape=record fillcolor=lightpink, style="rounded,filled",
-- etldoc: layer_poi[shape=record fillcolor=lightpink, style="rounded,filled",
-- etldoc: label="layer_poi | <z14_> z14_" ] ;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION layer_poi(bbox geometry, zoom_level integer, pixel_width numeric)
RETURNS TABLE(osm_id bigint, geometry geometry, name text, name_en text, class text, subclass text, "rank" int) AS $$
SELECT osm_id, geometry, name, NULLIF(name_en, ''), poi_class(subclass) AS class, subclass,
SELECT osm_id, geometry, NULLIF(name, '') AS name, NULLIF(name_en, '') AS name_en, poi_class(subclass) AS class, subclass,
row_number() OVER (
PARTITION BY LabelGrid(geometry, 100 * pixel_width)
ORDER BY poi_class_rank(poi_class(subclass)) ASC, length(name) DESC
ORDER BY CASE WHEN name = '' THEN 2000 ELSE poi_class_rank(poi_class(subclass)) END ASC
)::int AS "rank"
-- etldoc: osm_poi_point -> layer_poi:z14_
FROM osm_poi_point
WHERE geometry && bbox
AND zoom_level >= 14
AND name <> ''
ORDER BY "rank";
-- etldoc: osm_poi_point -> layer_poi:z14
SELECT * FROM osm_poi_point
WHERE geometry && bbox
AND zoom_level >= 14
-- etldoc: osm_poi_polygon -> layer_poi:z14
SELECT * FROM osm_poi_polygon
WHERE geometry && bbox
AND zoom_level >= 14
) as poi_union
ORDER BY "rank"

Plik binarny nie jest wyświetlany.


Szerokość:  |  Wysokość:  |  Rozmiar: 521 KiB

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@ -1,3 +1,296 @@
# imposm3 mapping file for
# Warning: this is not the official imposm3
# aerialway values , see
def_poi_mapping_aerialway: &poi_mapping_aerialway
- station
# amenity values , see
def_poi_mapping_amenity: &poi_mapping_amenity
- arts_centre
- bank
- bar
- bbq
- bicycle_rental
- biergarten
- bus_station
- cafe
- cinema
- college
- community_centre
- courthouse
- dentist
- doctors
- embassy
- fast_food
- ferry_terminal
- fire_station
- food_court
- fuel
- grave_yard
- hospital
- ice_cream
- kindergarten
- library
- marketplace
- nightclub
- nursing_home
- pharmacy
- place_of_worship
- police
- post_box
- post_office
- prison
- pub
- public_building
- recycling
- restaurant
- school
- shelter
- swimming_pool
- taxi
- telephone
- theatre
- toilets
- townhall
- university
- veterinary
- waste_basket
# barrier values , see
def_poi_mapping_barrier: &poi_mapping_barrier
- bollard
- border_control
- cycle_barrier
- gate
- lift_gate
- sally_port
- stile
- toll_booth
# highway values , see
def_poi_mapping_highway: &poi_mapping_highway
- bus_stop
# historic values , see
def_poi_mapping_historic: &poi_mapping_historic
- monument
# landuse values , see
def_poi_mapping_landuse: &poi_mapping_landuse
- basin
- brownfield
- cemetery
- reservoir
# leisure values , see
def_poi_mapping_leisure: &poi_mapping_leisure
- dog_park
- garden
- golf_course
- ice_rink
- marina
- miniature_golf
- park
- pitch
- playground
- sports_centre
- stadium
- swimming_area
- swimming_pool
- water_park
# shop values , see
def_poi_mapping_shop: &poi_mapping_shop
- accessories
- alcohol
- antiques
- art
- bag
- bakery
- beauty
- bed
- beverages
- bicycle
- books
- boutique
- butcher
- camera
- car
- car_repair
- carpet
- charity
- chemist
- chocolate
- clothes
- coffee
- computer
- confectionery
- convenience
- copyshop
- cosmetics
- deli
- delicatessen
- department_store
- doityourself
- dry_cleaning
- electronics
- erotic
- fabric
- florist
- furniture
- garden_centre
- general
- gift
- greengrocer
- hairdresser
- hardware
- hearing_aids
- hifi
- ice_cream
- interior_decoration
- jewelry
- kiosk
- lamps
- laundry
- mall
- massage
- mobile_phone
- motorcycle
- music
- musical_instrument
- newsagent
- optician
- outdoor
- perfume
- perfumery
- pet
- photo
- second_hand
- shoes
- sports
- stationery
- supermarket
- tailor
- tattoo
- ticket
- tobacco
- toys
- travel_agency
- video
- video_games
- watches
- weapons
- wholesale
- wine
# sport values , see
def_poi_mapping_sport: &poi_mapping_sport
- american_football
- archery
- athletics
- australian_football
- badminton
- baseball
- basketball
- beachvolleyball
- billiards
- bmx
- boules
- bowls
- boxing
- canadian_football
- canoe
- chess
- climbing
- climbing_adventure
- cricket
- cricket_nets
- croquet
- curling
- cycling
- disc_golf
- diving
- dog_racing
- equestrian
- fatsal
- field_hockey
- free_flying
- gaelic_games
- golf
- gymnastics
- handball
- hockey
- horse_racing
- horseshoes
- ice_hockey
- ice_stock
- judo
- karting
- korfball
- long_jump
- model_aerodrome
- motocross
- motor
- multi
- netball
- orienteering
- paddle_tennis
- paintball
- paragliding
- pelota
- racquet
- rc_car
- rowing
- rugby
- rugby_league
- rugby_union
- running
- sailing
- scuba_diving
- shooting
- shooting_range
- skateboard
- skating
- skiing
- soccer
- surfing
- swimming
- table_soccer
- table_tennis
- team_handball
- tennis
- toboggan
- volleyball
- water_ski
- yoga
# tourism values , see
def_poi_mapping_tourism: &poi_mapping_tourism
- alpine_hut
- artwork
- attraction
- bed_and_breakfast
- camp_site
- caravan_site
- chalet
- gallery
- guest_house
- hostel
- hotel
- information
- motel
- museum
- picnic_site
- theme_park
- viewpoint
- zoo
# waterway values , see
def_poi_mapping_waterway: &poi_mapping_waterway
- dock
# etldoc: imposm3 -> osm_poi_point
@ -16,269 +309,44 @@ tables:
- name: subclass
type: mapping_value
- arts_centre
- police
- fire_station
- post_box
- post_office
- telephone
- library
- townhall
- courthouse
- prison
- place_of_worship
- embassy
- community_centre
- nursing_home
- university
- school
- kindergarten
- college
- public_building
- pharmacy
- hospital
- doctors
- dentist
- veterinary
- theatre
- nightclub
- cinema
- restaurant
- recycling
- fast_food
- cafe
- pub
- bar
- food_court
- biergarten
- swimming_pool
- shelter
- grave_yard
- bank
- ferry_terminal
- fuel
- waste_basket
- bicycle_rental
- bbq
- taxi
- bus_station
- marketplace
- toilets
- park
- playground
- dog_park
- sports_centre
- pitch
- swimming_pool
- swimming_area
- water_park
- golf_course
- miniature_golf
- marina
- stadium
- ice_rink
- garden
- cemetery
- basin
- reservoir
- brownfield
- swimming
- tennis
- soccer
- baseball
- basketball
- multi
- golf
- equestrian
- athletics
- volleyball
- climbing
- bowls
- american_football
- skateboard
- shooting
- skiing
- boules
- beachvolleyball
- cricket
- table_tennis
- hockey
- gymnastics
- running
- canoe
- rugby_union
- skating
- scuba_diving
- motor
- horse_racing
- handball
- team_handball
- karting
- cycling
- archery
- motocross
- pelota
- rugby
- gaelic_games
- model_aerodrome
- netball
- rugby_league
- free_flying
- rowing
- chess
- australian_football
- cricket_nets
- racquet
- bmx
- sailing
- ice_stock
- badminton
- paddle_tennis
- dog_racing
- fatsal
- billiards
- ice_hockey
- yoga
- disc_golf
- orienteering
- toboggan
- horseshoes
- paragliding
- korfball
- diving
- rc_car
- canadian_football
- field_hockey
- shooting_range
- boxing
- curling
- surfing
- water_ski
- judo
- croquet
- paintball
- climbing_adventure
- long_jump
- table_soccer
- attraction
- artwork
- gallery
- hotel
- motel
- bed_and_breakfast
- guest_house
- hostel
- chalet
- camp_site
- alpine_hut
- caravan_site
- museum
- viewpoint
- zoo
- theme_park
- information
- picnic_site
- accessories
- alcohol
- antiques
- art
- bag
- bakery
- beauty
- bed
- beverages
- bicycle
- books
- boutique
- butcher
- camera
- car
- car_repair
- carpet
- charity
- chemist
- chocolate
- clothes
- coffee
- computer
- confectionery
- convenience
- copyshop
- cosmetics
- garden_centre
- deli
- delicatessen
- department_store
- doityourself
- dry_cleaning
- video
- electronics
- erotic
- fabric
- florist
- furniture
- video_games
- general
- gift
- greengrocer
- hairdresser
- hardware
- hearing_aids
- hifi
- ice_cream
- interior_decoration
- jewelry
- kiosk
- lamps
- laundry
- mall
- massage
- mobile_phone
- motorcycle
- music
- musical_instrument
- newsagent
- optician
- outdoor
- perfumery
- perfume
- pet
- photo
- second_hand
- shoes
- sports
- stationery
- supermarket
- tailor
- tattoo
- ticket
- tobacco
- toys
- travel_agency
- watches
- weapons
- wholesale
- wine
- bus_stop
- sally_port
- lift_gate
- gate
- bollard
- stile
- cycle_barrier
- toll_booth
- border_control
- monument
- dock
- station
aerialway: *poi_mapping_aerialway
amenity: *poi_mapping_amenity
barrier: *poi_mapping_barrier
highway: *poi_mapping_highway
historic: *poi_mapping_historic
landuse: *poi_mapping_landuse
leisure: *poi_mapping_leisure
shop: *poi_mapping_shop
sport: *poi_mapping_sport
tourism: *poi_mapping_tourism
waterway: *poi_mapping_waterway
# etldoc: imposm3 -> osm_poi_polygon
type: polygon
- name: osm_id
type: id
- name: geometry
type: geometry
- name: name
key: name
type: string
- name: name_en
key: name:en
type: string
- name: subclass
type: mapping_value
aerialway: *poi_mapping_aerialway
amenity: *poi_mapping_amenity
barrier: *poi_mapping_barrier
highway: *poi_mapping_highway
historic: *poi_mapping_historic
landuse: *poi_mapping_landuse
leisure: *poi_mapping_leisure
shop: *poi_mapping_shop
sport: *poi_mapping_sport
tourism: *poi_mapping_tourism
waterway: *poi_mapping_waterway

Wyświetl plik

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ layer:
srid: 900913
query: (SELECT geometry, name, name_en, class, subclass, rank FROM layer_poi(!bbox!, z(!scale_denominator!), !pixel_width!)) AS t
- ./poi_polygon_update.sql
- ./class.sql
- ./layer.sql

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
-- etldoc: osm_poi_polygon -> osm_poi_polygon
UPDATE osm_poi_polygon SET geometry=topoint(geometry)
WHERE ST_GeometryType(geometry) <> 'ST_Point';
ANALYZE osm_poi_polygon;

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
# highway
Roads or [`highway`]( in OpenStreetMap lingo.
This layer is directly derived from the OSM road hierarchy which is why it is called `highway`. Only
at zoom level 4 to 7 some major highways from Natural Earth are used otherwise it is only OSM data.
It contains all roads from motorways to primary, secondary and tertiary roads to residential roads and
foot paths. Styling the roads is the most essential part of the map. If you can put enough effort into it
makes sense to carefully style each `subclass`. For more comfortable styling you can also just style the roads
by `class`. Roads can have different properties, a road can have `oneway=yes` and `bridge=yes` at the same time.
These properties are reflected in the field `properties`.
This layer is not meant for labelling the roads (the purpose of the layer `highway_name`).
The `highway` layer also contains polygons for things like plazas.
## Fields
- **class**: Either `motorway`, `major_road` (containing `trunk`, `primary`, `secondary` and `tertiary` roads) and `minor_road` (less important roads in the hierarchy like `residential` or `service`) or `path` for
non vehicle paths (such as `cycleway` or `footpath`).
- **subclass**: Original value of the [`highway`]( tag. Use this to do more
precise styling.
- **properties**: Additional properties describing the nature of road.
The properties `bridge` and `tunnel` can be combined with `oneway` as well. So to style all bridges the same you
should style both the properties `bridge` and `bridge:oneway`.
Properties can be one of `bridge:oneway`, `tunnel:oneway`, `ramp`, `ford`, `bridge`, `tunnel` or`oneway`.
## Mapping

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
digraph "Imposm Mapping" {
graph [rankdir=LR ranksep=3]
subgraph highway_polygon {
node [fixed_size=shape "width:"=20]
highway_polygon [shape=box]
key_highway [label=highway shape=box]
key_highway -> highway_polygon [label=pedestrian]
subgraph highway_linestring {
node [fixed_size=shape "width:"=20]
highway_linestring [shape=box]
key_highway [label=highway shape=box]
key_highway -> highway_linestring [label="motorway

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Wyświetl plik

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
# highway_name
This is the layer for labelling the highways. Only highways that are named `name=*` and are long enough
to place text upon appear. The OSM roads are stitched together if they contain the same name
to have better label placement than having many small linestrings.
For motorways you should use the `ref` field to label them while for other roads you should use `name`.
## Fields
- **ref**: The OSM [`ref`]( tag of the motorway or road.
- **ref_length**: Length of the `ref` field. Useful for having a shield icon as background for labeling motorways.
- **name**: The OSM [`name`]( value of the highway.
- **subclass**: Original value of the [`highway`]( tag. Use this to do more
precise styling.
- **class**: Either `motorway`, `major_road` (containing `trunk`, `primary`, `secondary` and `tertiary` roads) and `minor_road` (less important roads in the hierarchy like `residential` or `service`) or `path` for
non vehicle paths (such as `cycleway` or `footpath`).

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
# water
Water polygons representing oceans and lakes. Covered watered areas are excluded (`covered=yes`).
Until z6 all water originates from Natural Earth. To get a more correct display of the south pole you should also
style the covering ice shelves over the water.
Water from OpenStreetMap after z7 is split into many smaller polygons to improve rendering performance.
This however can lead to less rendering options in clients since these boundaries show up. So you might not be
able to use border styling for ocean water features.
## Fields
- **class**: Either `ocean`, `lake` or `river`.
## Mapping

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Wyświetl plik

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
# water_name
Lake center lines for labelling lake bodies.
This is based of the [osm-lakelines]( project
which derives nice centerlines from OSM water bodies. Only the most important lakes contain labels.
## Fields
- **name_en**: The english `name:en` value if available.
- **name**: The OSM [`name`]( value of the water body.
- **class**: At the moment only `lake` since no ocean parts are labelled. *Reserved for future use*.

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
# waterway
Rivers based of OpenStreetMap [waterways]( for *z8* to *z14*
and Natural Earth rivers and lake centerlines from *z3* to *z7*.
Too short linestrings are filtered out for some zoom levels. Waterways do no not have a `subclass`.
## Fields
- **class**: The original value of the [`waterway`]( tag.
Can be one of [`stream`](,
## Mapping

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