Set rank of countries with limited recognition to 6

jirik 2017-11-20 15:00:27 +01:00 zatwierdzone przez Jiri Kozel
rodzic 30539e78d1
commit b88b34c98d
2 zmienionych plików z 25 dodań i 8 usunięć

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@ -49,6 +49,15 @@ tables:
- *name_en
- *name_de
- *rank
- name: country_code_iso3166_1_alpha_2
key: country_code_iso3166_1_alpha_2
type: string
- name: iso3166_1_alpha_2
key: ISO3166-1:alpha2
type: string
- name: iso3166_1
key: ISO3166-1
type: string
- name: tags
type: hstore_tags

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@ -10,18 +10,25 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_osm_country_point() RETURNS VOID AS $$
UPDATE osm_country_point AS osm
SET "rank" = 7;
"rank" = 7,
iso3166_1_alpha_2 = COALESCE(
NULLIF(osm.country_code_iso3166_1_alpha_2, ''),
NULLIF(osm.iso3166_1_alpha_2, ''),
NULLIF(osm.iso3166_1, '')
WITH important_country_point AS (
SELECT osm.geometry, osm.osm_id,, COALESCE(NULLIF(osm.name_en, ''), AS name_en, ne.scalerank, ne.labelrank
FROM ne_10m_admin_0_countries AS ne, osm_country_point AS osm
-- We only match whether the point is within the Natural Earth polygon
-- because name matching is to difficult since OSM does not contain good
-- enough coverage of ISO codesy
ST_Within(osm.geometry, ne.geometry)
-- We leave out tiny countries
AND ne.scalerank <= 1
-- We match only countries with ISO codes to eliminate disputed countries
-- that lies inside polygon of sovereign country
iso3166_1_alpha_2 IS NOT NULL
AND ST_Within(osm.geometry, ne.geometry)
-- We leave out tiny countries
AND ne.scalerank <= 1
UPDATE osm_country_point AS osm
-- Normalize both scalerank and labelrank into a ranking system from 1 to 6
@ -48,7 +55,8 @@ BEGIN
FROM osm_country_point osm,
ne_10m_admin_0_countries AS ne
NOT (osm."rank" BETWEEN 1 AND 6)
iso3166_1_alpha_2 IS NOT NULL
AND NOT (osm."rank" BETWEEN 1 AND 6)
UPDATE osm_country_point AS osm
-- Normalize both scalerank and labelrank into a ranking system from 1 to 6