Fix import-borders if runs multiple times (#916)

Running './quickstart monaco' twice in a row will cause an error the second time.
Yuri Astrakhan 2020-06-05 12:48:48 -04:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic 1a9f6132c3
commit 805d95df09
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ID klucza GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
1 zmienionych plików z 3 dodań i 2 usunięć

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@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ ifeq ($(strip $(area)),)
# if $area is not set. set it to the name of the *.osm.pbf file, but only if there is only one
data_files := $(wildcard data/*.osm.pbf)
ifneq ($(word 2,$(data_files)),)
AREA_ERROR := The 'area' parameter (or env var) has not been set, and there are more than one data/*.osm.pbf files. Set area to one of these IDs, or a new one: $(patsubst data/%.osm.pbf,'%',$(data_files))
AREA_ERROR := The 'area' parameter (or env var) has not been set, and there are more than one data/*.osm.pbf files: $(patsubst data/%.osm.pbf,'%',$(data_files))
ifeq ($(word 1,$(data_files)),)
AREA_ERROR := The 'area' parameter (or env var) has not been set, and there are no data/*.osm.pbf files
@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ AREA_DC_CONFIG_FILE ?= data/$(area).dc-config.yml
ifeq ($(strip $(area)),)
define assert_area_is_given
@echo ""
@echo "ERROR: $(AREA_ERROR)"
@echo ""
@echo " make $@ area=<area-id>"
@ -319,7 +320,7 @@ import-borders: start-db-nowait
# If CSV borders file already exists, use it without re-parsing
$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) run $(DC_OPTS) openmaptiles-tools sh -c \
'pgwait && import-borders $$([ -f "$(BORDERS_CSV_FILE)" ] && echo 'load' || echo 'import') $(PBF_FILE)'
'pgwait && import-borders $$([ -f "$(BORDERS_CSV_FILE)" ] && echo load $(BORDERS_CSV_FILE) || echo import $(PBF_FILE))'
.PHONY: import-sql
import-sql: all start-db-nowait