LineString Merging Updates (#1538)

This PR addresses two main issues introduced by the new ID-Based Merged-LineString Updates

1. Partial Indexes can only be accessed when the query matches more or less exactly and the query-planner will fail to use indexes when targeted via the join-condition and not the where-condition
    - `osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z9`
    - `osm_transportation_name_network`
    - `osm_shipway_linestring`
    - `osm_aerialway_linestring`
    - `osm_waterway_linestring`
2. When intersecting updated Source-LineStrings with the existing Merged-LineStrings we join the Source-IDs of each existing Merged-LineString. This bloats the table unnecessarily and slows down bigger updates considerably.
    - This is addressed by aggregating the Source-IDs of each existing Merged-LineString into an array and concatinating these arrays when grouping them. Afterwards we add the IDs of updated SourceLineStrings and deduplicate the result before adding it to the Source-IDs-Table.
benedikt-brandtner-bikemap 2023-06-19 10:12:57 +02:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic d8a264cd0c
commit 66731f3544
Nie znaleziono w bazie danych klucza dla tego podpisu
ID klucza GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
3 zmienionych plików z 230 dodań i 138 usunięć

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@ -857,6 +857,12 @@ CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z4_geometry_i
-- osm_highway_linestring_gen_z11 -> osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z11
-- osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z11 -> osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z10
-- osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z11 -> osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z9
CREATE OR REPLACE AGGREGATE array_cat_agg(anycompatiblearray) (
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS transportation.changes_z11
is_old boolean NULL,
@ -958,7 +964,8 @@ BEGIN
-- Create a table containing all LineStrings which should be merged
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE linestrings_to_merge AS
-- Add all Source-LineStrings affected by this update
SELECT osm_highway_linestring_gen_z11.osm_id, NULL::INTEGER AS id, geometry, highway, network, construction,
SELECT osm_highway_linestring_gen_z11.osm_id, NULL::INTEGER AS id, NULL::BIGINT[] AS source_ids,
geometry, highway, network, construction,
visible_brunnel(geometry, is_bridge, 11) AS is_bridge,
visible_brunnel(geometry, is_tunnel, 11) AS is_tunnel,
visible_brunnel(geometry, is_ford, 11) AS is_ford,
@ -981,22 +988,22 @@ BEGIN
-- Drop temporary tables early to save resources
DROP TABLE affected_merged_linestrings;
-- Create index on geometry column and analyze the created table to speed up subsequent queries
CREATE INDEX ON linestrings_to_merge USING GIST (geometry);
-- Analyze the created table to speed up subsequent queries
ANALYZE linestrings_to_merge;
-- Add all Merged-LineStrings intersecting with Source-LineStrings affected by this update
INSERT INTO linestrings_to_merge
SELECT s.source_id AS osm_id,,
geometry, highway, network, construction,
visible_brunnel(geometry, is_bridge, 11) AS is_bridge,
visible_brunnel(geometry, is_tunnel, 11) AS is_tunnel,
visible_brunnel(geometry, is_ford, 11) AS is_ford,
expressway, bicycle, foot, horse, mtb_scale, sac_scale, access, toll,
visible_layer(geometry, layer, 11) AS layer, z_order
FROM osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z11 m
JOIN osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z11_source_ids s ON ( =
WHERE EXISTS(SELECT NULL FROM linestrings_to_merge WHERE ST_Intersects(linestrings_to_merge.geometry, m.geometry));
SELECT s.source_id FROM osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z11_source_ids s WHERE =
)::BIGINT[] AS source_ids, m.geometry, m.highway,,,
visible_brunnel(m.geometry, m.is_bridge, 11) AS is_bridge,
visible_brunnel(m.geometry, m.is_tunnel, 11) AS is_tunnel,
visible_brunnel(m.geometry, m.is_ford, 11) AS is_ford,
m.expressway, m.bicycle, m.foot,, m.mtb_scale, m.sac_scale, m.access, m.toll,
visible_layer(m.geometry, m.layer, 11) AS layer, m.z_order
FROM linestrings_to_merge
JOIN osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z11 m ON (ST_Intersects(linestrings_to_merge.geometry, m.geometry));
-- Analyze the created table to speed up subsequent queries
ANALYZE linestrings_to_merge;
@ -1039,16 +1046,17 @@ BEGIN
CREATE INDEX ON clustered_linestrings_to_merge (cluster_group, cluster);
ANALYZE clustered_linestrings_to_merge;
-- Create temporary Merged-LineString to Source-LineStrings-ID column to store relations before they have been
-- Create temporary Merged-LineString to Source-LineStrings-ID columns to store relations before they have been
-- intersected
ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z11 ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS source_ids bigint[];
ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z11 ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS new_source_ids BIGINT[];
ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z11 ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS old_source_ids BIGINT[];
WITH inserted_linestrings AS (
-- Merge LineStrings of each cluster and insert them
INSERT INTO osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z11(geometry, source_ids, highway, network, construction,
is_bridge, is_tunnel, is_ford, expressway, z_order,
bicycle, foot, horse, mtb_scale, sac_scale, access,
toll, layer)
INSERT INTO osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z11(geometry, new_source_ids, old_source_ids, highway,
network, construction, is_bridge, is_tunnel, is_ford,
expressway, z_order, bicycle, foot, horse, mtb_scale,
sac_scale, access, toll, layer)
SELECT (ST_Dump(ST_LineMerge(ST_Union(geometry)))).geom AS geometry,
-- We use St_Union instead of St_Collect to ensure no overlapping points exist within the geometries to
-- merge.
@ -1057,7 +1065,8 @@ BEGIN
-- In order to not end up with a mixture of LineStrings and MultiLineStrings we dump eventual
-- MultiLineStrings via ST_Dump.
array_agg(osm_id) AS source_ids,
coalesce( array_agg(osm_id) FILTER (WHERE osm_id IS NOT NULL), '{}' )::BIGINT[] AS new_source_ids,
array_cat_agg(source_ids)::BIGINT[] AS old_source_ids,
@ -1077,7 +1086,7 @@ BEGIN
FROM clustered_linestrings_to_merge
GROUP BY cluster_group, cluster, highway, network, construction, is_bridge, is_tunnel, is_ford, expressway,
bicycle, foot, horse, mtb_scale, sac_scale, access, toll, layer
RETURNING id, source_ids, geometry
RETURNING id, new_source_ids, old_source_ids, geometry
-- Store OSM-IDs of Source-LineStrings by intersecting Merged-LineStrings with their sources.
-- This is required because ST_LineMerge only merges across singular intersections and groups its output into a
@ -1085,8 +1094,14 @@ BEGIN
INSERT INTO osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z11_source_ids (id, source_id)
SELECT, source_id
SELECT id, unnest(source_ids) AS source_id, geometry
SELECT id, source_id, geometry
FROM inserted_linestrings
SELECT DISTINCT all_source_ids.source_id
FROM unnest(
array_cat(inserted_linestrings.new_source_ids, inserted_linestrings.old_source_ids)
) AS all_source_ids(source_id)
) source_ids
) m
JOIN osm_highway_linestring_gen_z11 s ON (m.source_id = s.osm_id)
WHERE ST_Intersects(s.geometry, m.geometry)
@ -1095,8 +1110,9 @@ BEGIN
-- Cleanup remaining table
DROP TABLE clustered_linestrings_to_merge;
-- Drop temporary Merged-LineString to Source-LineStrings-ID column
ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z11 DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS source_ids;
-- Drop temporary Merged-LineString to Source-LineStrings-ID columns
ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z11 DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS new_source_ids;
ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z11 DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS old_source_ids;
-- noinspection SqlWithoutWhere
DELETE FROM transportation.changes_z11;
@ -1246,7 +1262,7 @@ BEGIN
-- Create a table containing all LineStrings which should be merged
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE linestrings_to_merge AS
-- Add all Source-LineStrings affected by this update
SELECT id AS source_id, NULL::int AS id, geometry, highway, network, construction,
SELECT id AS source_id, NULL::INT AS id, NULL::INT[] AS source_ids, geometry, highway, network, construction,
visible_brunnel(geometry, is_bridge, 9) AS is_bridge,
visible_brunnel(geometry, is_tunnel, 9) AS is_tunnel,
visible_brunnel(geometry, is_ford, 9) AS is_ford, expressway, z_order
@ -1260,31 +1276,32 @@ BEGIN
ORDER BY source_id
) affected_source_linestrings
JOIN osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z9 ON (
affected_source_linestrings.source_id = AND
highway IN ('motorway', 'trunk', 'primary') OR
construction IN ('motorway', 'trunk', 'primary')
ST_IsValid(geometry) AND
access IS NULL
affected_source_linestrings.source_id =
highway IN ('motorway', 'trunk', 'primary') OR
construction IN ('motorway', 'trunk', 'primary')
ST_IsValid(geometry) AND
access IS NULL;
-- Drop temporary tables early to save resources
DROP TABLE affected_merged_linestrings;
-- Create index on geometry column and analyze the created table to speed up subsequent queries
CREATE INDEX ON linestrings_to_merge USING GIST (geometry);
-- Analyze the created table to speed up subsequent queries
ANALYZE linestrings_to_merge;
-- Add all Merged-LineStrings intersecting with Source-LineStrings affected by this update
INSERT INTO linestrings_to_merge
SELECT s.source_id,, geometry, highway, network, construction,
visible_brunnel(geometry, is_bridge, 9) AS is_bridge,
visible_brunnel(geometry, is_tunnel, 9) AS is_tunnel,
visible_brunnel(geometry, is_ford, 9) AS is_ford, expressway, z_order
FROM osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z8 m
JOIN osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z8_source_ids s ON ( =
WHERE EXISTS(SELECT NULL FROM linestrings_to_merge WHERE ST_Intersects(linestrings_to_merge.geometry, m.geometry));
SELECT NULL::INT AS source_id,,
SELECT s.source_id FROM osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z8_source_ids s WHERE =
)::INT[] AS source_ids, m.geometry, m.highway,,,
visible_brunnel(m.geometry, m.is_bridge, 9) AS is_bridge,
visible_brunnel(m.geometry, m.is_tunnel, 9) AS is_tunnel,
visible_brunnel(m.geometry, m.is_ford, 9) AS is_ford, m.expressway, m.z_order
FROM linestrings_to_merge
JOIN osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z8 m ON (ST_Intersects(linestrings_to_merge.geometry, m.geometry));
-- Analyze the created table to speed up subsequent queries
ANALYZE linestrings_to_merge;
@ -1325,14 +1342,16 @@ BEGIN
CREATE INDEX ON clustered_linestrings_to_merge (cluster_group, cluster);
ANALYZE clustered_linestrings_to_merge;
-- Create temporary Merged-LineString to Source-LineStrings-ID column to store relations before they have been
-- Create temporary Merged-LineString to Source-LineStrings-ID columns to store relations before they have been
-- intersected
ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z8 ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS source_ids bigint[];
ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z8 ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS new_source_ids INT[];
ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z8 ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS old_source_ids INT[];
WITH inserted_linestrings AS (
-- Merge LineStrings of each cluster and insert them
INSERT INTO osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z8(geometry, source_ids, highway, network, construction,
is_bridge, is_tunnel, is_ford, expressway, z_order)
INSERT INTO osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z8(geometry, new_source_ids, old_source_ids, highway,
network, construction, is_bridge, is_tunnel, is_ford,
expressway, z_order)
SELECT (ST_Dump(ST_Simplify(ST_LineMerge(ST_Union(geometry)), ZRes(10)))).geom AS geometry,
-- We use St_Union instead of St_Collect to ensure no overlapping points exist within the geometries to
-- merge.
@ -1341,7 +1360,8 @@ BEGIN
-- In order to not end up with a mixture of LineStrings and MultiLineStrings we dump eventual
-- MultiLineStrings via ST_Dump.
array_agg(source_id) as source_ids,
coalesce( array_agg(source_id) FILTER (WHERE source_id IS NOT NULL), '{}' )::INT[] AS new_source_ids,
array_cat_agg(source_ids)::INT[] as old_source_ids,
@ -1352,7 +1372,7 @@ BEGIN
min(z_order) as z_order
FROM clustered_linestrings_to_merge
GROUP BY cluster_group, cluster, highway, network, construction, is_bridge, is_tunnel, is_ford, expressway
RETURNING id, source_ids, geometry
RETURNING id, new_source_ids, old_source_ids, geometry
-- Store OSM-IDs of Source-LineStrings by intersecting Merged-LineStrings with their sources. This required because
-- ST_LineMerge only merges across singular intersections and groups its output into a MultiLineString if
@ -1360,8 +1380,14 @@ BEGIN
INSERT INTO osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z8_source_ids (id, source_id)
SELECT, m.source_id
SELECT id, unnest(source_ids) AS source_id, geometry
SELECT id, source_id, geometry
FROM inserted_linestrings
SELECT DISTINCT all_source_ids.source_id
FROM unnest(
array_cat(inserted_linestrings.new_source_ids, inserted_linestrings.old_source_ids)
) AS all_source_ids(source_id)
) source_ids
) m
JOIN osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z9 s ON (m.source_id =
WHERE ST_Intersects(s.geometry, m.geometry)
@ -1370,8 +1396,9 @@ BEGIN
-- Cleanup
DROP TABLE clustered_linestrings_to_merge;
-- Drop temporary Merged-LineString to Source-LineStrings-ID column
ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z8 DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS source_ids;
-- Drop temporary Merged-LineString to Source-LineStrings-ID columns
ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z8 DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS new_source_ids;
ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z8 DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS old_source_ids;
-- noinspection SqlWithoutWhere
DELETE FROM transportation.changes_z9;

Wyświetl plik

@ -787,6 +787,12 @@ EXECUTE PROCEDURE transportation_name.refresh_network();
-- osm_transportation_name_linestring -> osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen3
-- osm_transportation_name_linestring -> osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen4
CREATE OR REPLACE AGGREGATE array_cat_agg(anycompatiblearray) (
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS transportation_name.name_changes
is_old boolean,
@ -974,8 +980,8 @@ BEGIN
-- Create a table containing all LineStrings which should be merged
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE linestrings_to_merge AS
-- Add all Source-LineStrings affected by this update
SELECT osm_id, NULL::INTEGER AS id, geometry, tags, ref, highway, subclass, brunnel, sac_scale, level, layer,
indoor, network_type, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6,
SELECT osm_id, NULL::INTEGER AS id, NULL::BIGINT[] AS source_ids, geometry, tags, ref, highway, subclass, brunnel,
sac_scale, level, layer, indoor, network_type, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6,
z_order, route_rank
-- Get Source-LineString-IDs of deleted or updated elements
@ -987,27 +993,30 @@ BEGIN
ORDER BY source_id
) affected_source_linestrings
JOIN osm_transportation_name_network ON (
affected_source_linestrings.source_id = osm_transportation_name_network.osm_id AND
coalesce(tags->'name', '') <> '' OR coalesce(ref, '') <> ''
affected_source_linestrings.source_id = osm_transportation_name_network.osm_id
WHERE coalesce(tags->'name', '') <> '' OR coalesce(ref, '') <> '';
-- Drop temporary tables early to save resources
DROP TABLE affected_merged_linestrings;
-- Create index on geometry column and analyze the created table to speed up subsequent queries
CREATE INDEX ON linestrings_to_merge USING GIST (geometry);
-- Analyze the created table to speed up subsequent queries
ANALYZE linestrings_to_merge;
-- Add all Merged-LineStrings intersecting with Source-LineStrings affected by this update
INSERT INTO linestrings_to_merge
SELECT s.source_id AS osm_id,, geometry, tags, ref, highway, subclass, brunnel, sac_scale, level,
layer, indoor, network AS network_type, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6, z_order,
FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring m
JOIN osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids s ON (s.source = 0 AND =
SELECT NULL FROM linestrings_to_merge WHERE ST_Intersects(linestrings_to_merge.geometry, m.geometry)
SELECT s.source_id
FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids s
WHERE s.source = 0 AND =
)::BIGINT[] AS source_ids,
m.geometry, m.tags, m.ref, m.highway, m.subclass, m.brunnel, m.sac_scale,
m.level, m.layer, m.indoor, AS network_type, m.route_1, m.route_2, m.route_3,
m.route_4, m.route_5, m.route_6, m.z_order, m.route_rank
FROM linestrings_to_merge
JOIN osm_transportation_name_linestring m ON (ST_Intersects(linestrings_to_merge.geometry, m.geometry))
WHERE m.source = 0;
-- Analyze the created table to speed up subsequent queries
ANALYZE linestrings_to_merge;
@ -1050,16 +1059,18 @@ BEGIN
CREATE INDEX ON clustered_linestrings_to_merge (cluster_group, cluster);
ANALYZE clustered_linestrings_to_merge;
-- Create temporary Merged-LineString to Source-LineStrings-ID column to store relations before they have been
-- Create temporary Merged-LineString to Source-LineStrings-ID columns to store relations before they have been
-- intersected
ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS source_ids bigint[];
ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS new_source_ids BIGINT[];
ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS old_source_ids BIGINT[];
WITH inserted_linestrings AS (
-- Merge LineStrings of each cluster and insert them
INSERT INTO osm_transportation_name_linestring(source, geometry, source_ids, tags, ref, highway, subclass,
brunnel, sac_scale, "level", layer, indoor, network, route_1,
route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6,z_order, route_rank)
INSERT INTO osm_transportation_name_linestring(source, geometry, new_source_ids, old_source_ids, tags, ref,
highway, subclass, brunnel, sac_scale, "level", layer, indoor,
network, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6,
z_order, route_rank)
SELECT 0 AS source, (ST_Dump(ST_LineMerge(ST_Union(geometry)))).geom AS geometry,
-- We use St_Union instead of St_Collect to ensure no overlapping points exist within the geometries
-- to merge.
@ -1068,13 +1079,15 @@ BEGIN
-- In order to not end up with a mixture of LineStrings and MultiLineStrings we dump eventual
-- MultiLineStrings via ST_Dump.
array_agg(osm_id) AS source_ids, tags, ref, highway, subclass, brunnel, sac_scale, level, layer,
indoor, network_type, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6, min(z_order) AS z_order,
min(route_rank) AS route_rank
coalesce( array_agg(osm_id) FILTER (WHERE osm_id IS NOT NULL), '{}' )::BIGINT[] AS new_source_ids,
array_cat_agg(source_ids)::BIGINT[] as old_source_ids,
tags, ref, highway, subclass, brunnel, sac_scale, level, layer,
indoor, network_type, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6,
min(z_order) AS z_order, min(route_rank) AS route_rank
FROM clustered_linestrings_to_merge
GROUP BY cluster_group, cluster, tags, ref, highway, subclass, brunnel, level, layer, sac_scale, indoor,
network_type, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6
RETURNING source, id, source_ids, geometry
RETURNING source, id, new_source_ids, old_source_ids, geometry
-- Store OSM-IDs of Source-LineStrings by intersecting Merged-LineStrings with their sources.
-- This is required because ST_LineMerge only merges across singular intersections and groups its output into a
@ -1082,8 +1095,14 @@ BEGIN
INSERT INTO osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids (source, id, source_id)
SELECT m.source,, source_id
SELECT source, id, unnest(source_ids) AS source_id, geometry
SELECT source, id, source_id, geometry
FROM inserted_linestrings
SELECT DISTINCT all_source_ids.source_id
FROM unnest(
array_cat(inserted_linestrings.new_source_ids, inserted_linestrings.old_source_ids)
) AS all_source_ids(source_id)
) source_ids
) m
JOIN osm_transportation_name_network s ON (m.source_id = s.osm_id)
WHERE ST_Intersects(s.geometry, m.geometry)
@ -1092,8 +1111,9 @@ BEGIN
-- Cleanup remaining table
DROP TABLE clustered_linestrings_to_merge;
-- Drop temporary Merged-LineString to Source-LineStrings-ID column
ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS source_ids;
-- Drop temporary Merged-LineString to Source-LineStrings-ID columns
ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS new_source_ids;
ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS old_source_ids;
-- noinspection SqlWithoutWhere
DELETE FROM transportation_name.name_changes;
@ -1155,7 +1175,7 @@ BEGIN
-- Create a table containing all LineStrings which should be merged
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE linestrings_to_merge AS
-- Add all Source-LineStrings affected by this update
SELECT osm_id, NULL::INTEGER AS id, geometry,
SELECT osm_id, NULL::INTEGER AS id, NULL::BIGINT[] AS source_ids, geometry,
NULL::geometry, tags, name, name_en, name_de
) AS tags, shipway AS subclass, layer, z_order
@ -1169,25 +1189,28 @@ BEGIN
ORDER BY source_id
) affected_source_linestrings
JOIN osm_shipway_linestring ON (
affected_source_linestrings.source_id = osm_shipway_linestring.osm_id AND
name <> ''
affected_source_linestrings.source_id = osm_shipway_linestring.osm_id
WHERE name <> '';
-- Drop temporary tables early to save resources
DROP TABLE affected_merged_linestrings;
-- Create index on geometry column and analyze the created table to speed up subsequent queries
CREATE INDEX ON linestrings_to_merge USING GIST (geometry);
-- Analyze the created table to speed up subsequent queries
ANALYZE linestrings_to_merge;
-- Add all Merged-LineStrings intersecting with Source-LineStrings affected by this update
INSERT INTO linestrings_to_merge
SELECT s.source_id AS osm_id,, geometry, tags, subclass, layer, z_order
FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring m
JOIN osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids s ON (s.source = 1 AND =
SELECT NULL FROM linestrings_to_merge WHERE ST_Intersects(linestrings_to_merge.geometry, m.geometry)
SELECT s.source_id
FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids s
WHERE s.source = 1 AND =
)::BIGINT[] AS source_ids,
m.geometry, m.tags, m.subclass, m.layer, m.z_order
FROM linestrings_to_merge
JOIN osm_transportation_name_linestring m ON (ST_Intersects(linestrings_to_merge.geometry, m.geometry))
WHERE m.source = 1;
-- Analyze the created table to speed up subsequent queries
ANALYZE linestrings_to_merge;
@ -1224,14 +1247,15 @@ BEGIN
CREATE INDEX ON clustered_linestrings_to_merge (cluster_group, cluster);
ANALYZE clustered_linestrings_to_merge;
-- Create temporary Merged-LineString to Source-LineStrings-ID column to store relations before they have been
-- Create temporary Merged-LineString to Source-LineStrings-ID columns to store relations before they have been
-- intersected
ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS source_ids bigint[];
ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS new_source_ids BIGINT[];
ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS old_source_ids BIGINT[];
WITH inserted_linestrings AS (
-- Merge LineStrings of each cluster and insert them
INSERT INTO osm_transportation_name_linestring(source, geometry, source_ids, tags, highway, subclass,
INSERT INTO osm_transportation_name_linestring(source, geometry, new_source_ids, old_source_ids, tags, highway,
subclass, z_order)
SELECT 1 AS source, (ST_Dump(ST_LineMerge(ST_Union(geometry)))).geom AS geometry,
-- We use St_Union instead of St_Collect to ensure no overlapping points exist within the geometries
-- to merge.
@ -1240,10 +1264,12 @@ BEGIN
-- In order to not end up with a mixture of LineStrings and MultiLineStrings we dump eventual
-- MultiLineStrings via ST_Dump.
array_agg(osm_id) AS source_ids, tags, 'shipway' AS highway, subclass, min(z_order) AS z_order
coalesce( array_agg(osm_id) FILTER (WHERE osm_id IS NOT NULL), '{}' )::BIGINT[] AS new_source_ids,
array_cat_agg(source_ids)::BIGINT[] as old_source_ids,
tags, 'shipway' AS highway, subclass, min(z_order) AS z_order
FROM clustered_linestrings_to_merge
GROUP BY cluster_group, cluster, tags, subclass, layer
RETURNING source, id, source_ids, geometry
RETURNING source, id, new_source_ids, old_source_ids, geometry
-- Store OSM-IDs of Source-LineStrings by intersecting Merged-LineStrings with their sources.
-- This is required because ST_LineMerge only merges across singular intersections and groups its output into a
@ -1251,8 +1277,14 @@ BEGIN
INSERT INTO osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids (source, id, source_id)
SELECT m.source,, source_id
SELECT source, id, unnest(source_ids) AS source_id, geometry
SELECT source, id, source_id, geometry
FROM inserted_linestrings
SELECT DISTINCT all_source_ids.source_id
FROM unnest(
array_cat(inserted_linestrings.new_source_ids, inserted_linestrings.old_source_ids)
) AS all_source_ids(source_id)
) source_ids
) m
JOIN osm_shipway_linestring s ON (m.source_id = s.osm_id)
WHERE ST_Intersects(s.geometry, m.geometry)
@ -1261,8 +1293,9 @@ BEGIN
-- Cleanup remaining table
DROP TABLE clustered_linestrings_to_merge;
-- Drop temporary Merged-LineString to Source-LineStrings-ID column
ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS source_ids;
-- Drop temporary Merged-LineString to Source-LineStrings-ID columns
ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS new_source_ids;
ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS old_source_ids;
-- noinspection SqlWithoutWhere
DELETE FROM transportation_name.shipway_changes;
@ -1324,7 +1357,7 @@ BEGIN
-- Create a table containing all LineStrings which should be merged
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE linestrings_to_merge AS
-- Add all Source-LineStrings affected by this update
SELECT osm_id, NULL::INTEGER AS id, geometry,
SELECT osm_id, NULL::INTEGER AS id, NULL::BIGINT[] AS source_ids, geometry,
NULL::geometry, tags, name, name_en, name_de
) AS tags, aerialway AS subclass, layer, z_order
@ -1338,25 +1371,28 @@ BEGIN
ORDER BY source_id
) affected_source_linestrings
JOIN osm_aerialway_linestring ON (
affected_source_linestrings.source_id = osm_aerialway_linestring.osm_id AND
name <> ''
affected_source_linestrings.source_id = osm_aerialway_linestring.osm_id
WHERE name <> '';
-- Drop temporary tables early to save resources
DROP TABLE affected_merged_linestrings;
-- Create index on geometry column and analyze the created table to speed up subsequent queries
CREATE INDEX ON linestrings_to_merge USING GIST (geometry);
-- Analyze the created table to speed up subsequent queries
ANALYZE linestrings_to_merge;
-- Add all Merged-LineStrings intersecting with Source-LineStrings affected by this update
INSERT INTO linestrings_to_merge
SELECT s.source_id AS osm_id,, geometry, tags, subclass, layer, z_order
FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring m
JOIN osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids s ON (s.source = 2 AND =
SELECT NULL FROM linestrings_to_merge WHERE ST_Intersects(linestrings_to_merge.geometry, m.geometry)
SELECT s.source_id
FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids s
WHERE s.source = 2 AND =
)::BIGINT[] AS source_ids,
m.geometry, m.tags, m.subclass, m.layer, m.z_order
FROM linestrings_to_merge
JOIN osm_transportation_name_linestring m ON (ST_Intersects(linestrings_to_merge.geometry, m.geometry))
WHERE m.source = 2;
-- Analyze the created table to speed up subsequent queries
ANALYZE linestrings_to_merge;
@ -1393,14 +1429,15 @@ BEGIN
CREATE INDEX ON clustered_linestrings_to_merge (cluster_group, cluster);
ANALYZE clustered_linestrings_to_merge;
-- Create temporary Merged-LineString to Source-LineStrings-ID column to store relations before they have been
-- Create temporary Merged-LineString to Source-LineStrings-ID columns to store relations before they have been
-- intersected
ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS source_ids bigint[];
ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS new_source_ids BIGINT[];
ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS old_source_ids BIGINT[];
WITH inserted_linestrings AS (
-- Merge LineStrings of each cluster and insert them
INSERT INTO osm_transportation_name_linestring(source, geometry, source_ids, tags, highway, subclass,
INSERT INTO osm_transportation_name_linestring(source, geometry, new_source_ids, old_source_ids, tags, highway,
subclass, z_order)
SELECT 2 AS source, (ST_Dump(ST_LineMerge(ST_Union(geometry)))).geom AS geometry,
-- We use St_Union instead of St_Collect to ensure no overlapping points exist within the geometries
-- to merge.
@ -1409,10 +1446,12 @@ BEGIN
-- In order to not end up with a mixture of LineStrings and MultiLineStrings we dump eventual
-- MultiLineStrings via ST_Dump.
array_agg(osm_id) AS source_ids, tags, 'aerialway' AS highway, subclass, min(z_order) AS z_order
coalesce( array_agg(osm_id) FILTER (WHERE osm_id IS NOT NULL), '{}' )::BIGINT[] AS new_source_ids,
array_cat_agg(source_ids)::BIGINT[] as old_source_ids,
tags, 'aerialway' AS highway, subclass, min(z_order) AS z_order
FROM clustered_linestrings_to_merge
GROUP BY cluster_group, cluster, tags, subclass, layer
RETURNING source, id, source_ids, geometry
RETURNING source, id, new_source_ids, old_source_ids, geometry
-- Store OSM-IDs of Source-LineStrings by intersecting Merged-LineStrings with their sources.
-- This is required because ST_LineMerge only merges across singular intersections and groups its output into a
@ -1420,8 +1459,14 @@ BEGIN
INSERT INTO osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids (source, id, source_id)
SELECT m.source,, source_id
SELECT source, id, unnest(source_ids) AS source_id, geometry
SELECT source, id, source_id, geometry
FROM inserted_linestrings
SELECT DISTINCT all_source_ids.source_id
FROM unnest(
array_cat(inserted_linestrings.new_source_ids, inserted_linestrings.old_source_ids)
) AS all_source_ids(source_id)
) source_ids
) m
JOIN osm_aerialway_linestring s ON (m.source_id = s.osm_id)
WHERE ST_Intersects(s.geometry, m.geometry)
@ -1430,8 +1475,9 @@ BEGIN
-- Cleanup remaining table
DROP TABLE clustered_linestrings_to_merge;
-- Drop temporary Merged-LineString to Source-LineStrings-ID column
ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS source_ids;
-- Drop temporary Merged-LineString to Source-LineStrings-ID columns
ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS new_source_ids;
ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS old_source_ids;
-- noinspection SqlWithoutWhere
DELETE FROM transportation_name.aerialway_changes;

Wyświetl plik

@ -304,6 +304,12 @@ CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS osm_important_waterway_linestring_gen_z9_geometry_idx
-- -- osm_important_waterway_linestring -> osm_important_waterway_linestring_gen_z10
-- -- osm_important_waterway_linestring -> osm_important_waterway_linestring_gen_z9
CREATE OR REPLACE AGGREGATE array_cat_agg(anycompatiblearray) (
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS waterway_important.changes
osm_id bigint,
@ -403,7 +409,8 @@ BEGIN
-- Create a table containing all LineStrings which should be merged
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE linestrings_to_merge AS
-- Add all Source-LineStrings affected by this update
SELECT osm_id, NULL::INTEGER AS id, geometry, name, name_en, name_de, slice_language_tags(tags) as tags
SELECT osm_id, NULL::INTEGER AS id, NULL::BIGINT[] AS source_ids, geometry, name, name_en, name_de,
slice_language_tags(tags) as tags
-- Table containing the IDs of all Source-LineStrings affected by this update
-- Get Source-LineString-IDs of deleted or updated elements
@ -414,23 +421,25 @@ BEGIN
ORDER BY source_id
) affected_source_linestrings
JOIN osm_waterway_linestring ON (
affected_source_linestrings.source_id = osm_waterway_linestring.osm_id AND
name <> '' AND waterway = 'river' AND ST_IsValid(geometry)
affected_source_linestrings.source_id = osm_waterway_linestring.osm_id
WHERE name <> '' AND waterway = 'river' AND ST_IsValid(geometry);
-- Drop temporary tables early to save resources
DROP TABLE affected_merged_linestrings;
-- Create index on geometry column and analyze the created table to speed up subsequent queries
CREATE INDEX ON linestrings_to_merge USING GIST (geometry);
-- Analyze the created table to speed up subsequent queries
ANALYZE linestrings_to_merge;
-- Add all Merged-LineStrings intersecting with Source-LineStrings affected by this update
INSERT INTO linestrings_to_merge
SELECT s.source_id AS osm_id,, geometry, name, name_en, name_de, tags
FROM osm_important_waterway_linestring m
JOIN osm_important_waterway_linestring_source_ids s ON ( =
WHERE EXISTS(SELECT NULL FROM linestrings_to_merge WHERE ST_Intersects(linestrings_to_merge.geometry, m.geometry));
SELECT s.source_id FROM osm_important_waterway_linestring_source_ids s WHERE =
)::BIGINT[] AS source_ids,
m.geometry,, m.name_en, m.name_de, m.tags
FROM linestrings_to_merge
JOIN osm_important_waterway_linestring m ON (ST_Intersects(linestrings_to_merge.geometry, m.geometry));
-- Analyze the created table to speed up subsequent queries
ANALYZE linestrings_to_merge;
@ -467,13 +476,15 @@ BEGIN
CREATE INDEX ON clustered_linestrings_to_merge (cluster_group, cluster);
ANALYZE clustered_linestrings_to_merge;
-- Create temporary Merged-LineString to Source-LineStrings-ID column to store relations before they have been
-- Create temporary Merged-LineString to Source-LineStrings-ID columns to store relations before they have been
-- intersected
ALTER TABLE osm_important_waterway_linestring ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS source_ids bigint[];
ALTER TABLE osm_important_waterway_linestring ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS new_source_ids BIGINT[];
ALTER TABLE osm_important_waterway_linestring ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS old_source_ids BIGINT[];
WITH inserted_linestrings AS (
-- Merge LineStrings of each cluster and insert them
INSERT INTO osm_important_waterway_linestring (geometry, source_ids, name, name_en, name_de, tags)
INSERT INTO osm_important_waterway_linestring (geometry, new_source_ids, old_source_ids, name, name_en, name_de,
SELECT (ST_Dump(ST_LineMerge(ST_Union(geometry)))).geom AS geometry,
-- We use St_Union instead of St_Collect to ensure no overlapping points exist within the geometries
-- to merge.
@ -482,14 +493,15 @@ BEGIN
-- In order to not end up with a mixture of LineStrings and MultiLineStrings we dump eventual
-- MultiLineStrings via ST_Dump.
array_agg(osm_id) as source_ids,
coalesce( array_agg(osm_id) FILTER (WHERE osm_id IS NOT NULL), '{}' )::BIGINT[] AS new_source_ids,
array_cat_agg(source_ids)::BIGINT[] as old_source_ids,
FROM clustered_linestrings_to_merge
GROUP BY cluster_group, cluster, name, name_en, name_de, tags
RETURNING id, source_ids, geometry
RETURNING id, new_source_ids, old_source_ids, geometry
-- Store OSM-IDs of Source-LineStrings by intersecting Merged-LineStrings with their sources.
-- This is required because ST_LineMerge only merges across singular intersections and groups its output into a
@ -497,8 +509,14 @@ BEGIN
INSERT INTO osm_important_waterway_linestring_source_ids (id, source_id)
SELECT, source_id
SELECT id, unnest(source_ids) AS source_id, geometry
SELECT id, source_id, geometry
FROM inserted_linestrings
SELECT DISTINCT all_source_ids.source_id
FROM unnest(
array_cat(inserted_linestrings.new_source_ids, inserted_linestrings.old_source_ids)
) AS all_source_ids(source_id)
) source_ids
) m
JOIN osm_waterway_linestring s ON (m.source_id = s.osm_id)
WHERE ST_Intersects(s.geometry, m.geometry)
@ -507,8 +525,9 @@ BEGIN
-- Cleanup remaining table
DROP TABLE clustered_linestrings_to_merge;
-- Drop temporary Merged-LineString to Source-LineStrings-ID column
ALTER TABLE osm_important_waterway_linestring DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS source_ids;
-- Drop temporary Merged-LineString to Source-LineStrings-ID columns
ALTER TABLE osm_important_waterway_linestring DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS new_source_ids;
ALTER TABLE osm_important_waterway_linestring DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS old_source_ids;
-- noinspection SqlWithoutWhere
DELETE FROM waterway_important.changes;