Remove useless indices on osm_transportation_merge_linestring_genX (#1079)

On creation of materialized views `osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_zX`, an index is created each time the new view and not used else where than the next generalization step.
It does not worth it to to a scan on the table to create index that will be used only once, while the next generalisation step can also be done in one full scan.
So, removing these indices.
Frédéric Rodrigo 2021-03-05 09:42:27 +01:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic d69ae015ad
commit 50d569dfee
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ID klucza GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
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@ -41,9 +41,6 @@ FROM (
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS osm_transportation_merge_linestring_geometry_idx
ON osm_transportation_merge_linestring USING gist (geometry);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS osm_transportation_merge_linestring_highway_partial_idx
ON osm_transportation_merge_linestring (highway, construction)
WHERE highway IN ('motorway', 'trunk', 'primary', 'construction');
-- etldoc: osm_transportation_merge_linestring -> osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z8
DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW IF EXISTS osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z8 CASCADE;
@ -63,9 +60,6 @@ WHERE highway IN ('motorway', 'trunk', 'primary')
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z8_geometry_idx
ON osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z8 USING gist (geometry);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z8_highway_partial_idx
ON osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z8 (highway, construction)
WHERE highway IN ('motorway', 'trunk', 'primary', 'construction');
-- etldoc: osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z8 -> osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z7
DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW IF EXISTS osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z7 CASCADE;
@ -86,9 +80,6 @@ WHERE (highway IN ('motorway', 'trunk', 'primary') OR
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z7_geometry_idx
ON osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z7 USING gist (geometry);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z7_highway_partial_idx
ON osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z7 (highway, construction)
WHERE highway IN ('motorway', 'trunk', 'primary', 'construction');
-- etldoc: osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z7 -> osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z6
DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW IF EXISTS osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z6 CASCADE;
@ -108,9 +99,6 @@ WHERE (highway IN ('motorway', 'trunk') OR highway = 'construction' AND construc
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z6_geometry_idx
ON osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z6 USING gist (geometry);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z6_highway_partial_idx
ON osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z6 (highway, construction)
WHERE highway IN ('motorway', 'trunk', 'construction');
-- etldoc: osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z6 -> osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z5
DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW IF EXISTS osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z5 CASCADE;
@ -130,9 +118,6 @@ WHERE (highway IN ('motorway', 'trunk') OR highway = 'construction' AND construc
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z5_geometry_idx
ON osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z5 USING gist (geometry);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z5_highway_partial_idx
ON osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z5 (highway, construction)
WHERE highway IN ('motorway', 'trunk', 'construction');
-- etldoc: osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z5 -> osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z4
DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW IF EXISTS osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z4 CASCADE;