kopia lustrzana https://github.com/openmaptiles/openmaptiles
improved ./quickstart.sh ( more comments, debug infos, more safe )
@ -3,3 +3,12 @@ data.xml
# quickstart log
# imput / output data
# generated sourece files
@ -53,3 +53,6 @@ layers/housenumber/README.md:
rm -f build/openmaptiles.tm2source/data.yml && rm -f build/mapping.yaml && rm -f build/tileset.sql && rm -f layers/**/README.md&& rm -f layers/**/*.png
rm -f build/openmaptiles.tm2source/data.yml && rm -f build/mapping.yaml && rm -f build/tileset.sql
@ -3,44 +3,161 @@ set -o errexit
set -o pipefail
set -o nounset
#Check installed versions
docker --version
## OpenMapTiles quickstart.sh
STARTTIME=$(date +%s)
STARTDATE=$(date -Iminutes)
githash=$( git rev-parse HEAD )
rm -f $log_file
exec &> >(tee -a "$log_file")
echo "====> : OpenMapTiles quickstart! [ https://github.com/openmaptiles/openmaptiles ] "
echo " : This will be logged to the $log_file file ( for debugging) and to the screen"
echo " : git version: $githash / started: $STARTDATE "
echo " : Your system is:"
lsb_release -a
echo "====> : Please check the docker and docker-compose version!"
echo " : We are using docker-compose V2 file format ! see more: https://docs.docker.com/ "
echo " : (theoretically;not tested) minumum Docker version is 1.10.0+. "
echo " : (theoretically;not tested) minimum Docker-compose version is 1.6.0+."
echo " : See the .travis testfile for the current supported versions "
echo " : Your docker systems is:"
docker --version
docker-compose --version
echo "====> : Checking OpenMapTiles docker images "
docker images | grep openmaptiles
echo "====> : Stop running services & Removing old containers "
docker-compose down
docker-compose rm -fv
echo "Remove old volume"
echo "====> : For a clean start, We are removing old postgresql data volume ( if exists )"
docker volume ls -q | grep openmaptiles | xargs -r docker volume rm || true
echo "Make directories "
echo "====> : Making directories - if not exists (./build ./data ) "
mkdir -p build
mkdir -p data
echo "====> : Removing old MBTILES if exists ( ./data/*.mbtiles ) "
rm -f ./data/*.mbtiles
if [ ! -f ./data/${testdata} ]; then
echo "Download $testdata "
echo "====> : The testdata downloading $testdata "
rm -f ./data/*
wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/metro-extracts.mapzen.com/zurich_switzerland.osm.pbf -P ./data
wget $testdataurl -P ./data
echo "====> : The testdata ./data/$testdata exists, we don't download! "
echo " "
echo "====> : Clean old generated source files ( ./build/* ) ( if exists ) "
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/tileset openmaptiles/openmaptiles-tools make clean_build
echo " "
echo "====> : Code generating from the layer definitions ( ./build/mapping.yaml; ./build/tileset.sql )"
echo " : the tool source code: https://github.com/openmaptiles/openmaptiles-tools "
echo " : but we generate code from this directory informations! "
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/tileset openmaptiles/openmaptiles-tools make
echo " "
echo "====> : Start PostgreSQL service ; create PostgreSQL data volume "
echo " : source code: https://github.com/openmaptiles/postgis "
echo " : Thank you: https://www.postgresql.org ! Thank you http://postgis.org !"
docker-compose up -d postgres
sleep 30
echo " "
echo "====> : Start Importing water data from http://openstreetmapdata.com into PostgreSQL "
echo " : source code: https://github.com/openmaptiles/import-water "
echo " : Data license: http://openstreetmapdata.com/info/license "
echo " : Thank you: http://openstreetmapdata.com/info/supporting "
docker-compose run --rm import-water
echo " "
echo "====> : Start importing http://www.naturalearthdata.com into PostgreSQL "
echo " : source code: https://github.com/openmaptiles/import-natural-earth "
echo " : term-of-use: http://www.naturalearthdata.com/about/terms-of-use "
echo " : Thank you: Natural Earth Contributors! "
docker-compose run --rm import-natural-earth
echo " "
echo "====> : Start importing OpenStreetMap Lakelines data "
echo " : Source code: https://github.com/openmaptiles/import-lakelines "
echo " : https://github.com/lukasmartinelli/osm-lakelines "
echo " : Data license: .. "
docker-compose run --rm import-lakelines
echo " "
echo "====> : Start importing OpenStreetMap data: ./data/${testdata} -> imposm3[./build/mapping.yaml] -> PostgreSQL"
echo " : Imposm3 documentation: https://imposm.org/docs/imposm3/latest/index.html "
echo " : Thank you Omniscale! "
echo " : source code: https://github.com/openmaptiles/import-osm "
echo " : The OpenstreetMap data license: https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright (ODBL) "
echo " : Thank you OpenStreetMap Contributors ! "
docker-compose run --rm import-osm
echo " "
echo "====> : Start SQL postprocessing: ./build/tileset.sql -> PostgreSQL "
echo " : source code: https://github.com/openmaptiles/import-sql "
docker-compose run --rm import-sql
echo " "
echo "====> : Start generating MBTiles (containing gzipped MVT PBF) from a TM2Source project. "
echo " : TM2Source project definitions : ./build/openmaptiles.tm2source/data.yml "
echo " : output MBTiles: ./data/tiles.mbtiles "
echo " : source code: https://github.com/openmaptiles/generate-vectortiles "
echo " : We are using a lot of Mapbox Open Source tools! : https://github.com/mapbox "
echo " : Thank you https://www.mapbox.com !"
echo " : See other MVT tools : https://github.com/mapbox/awesome-vector-tiles "
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-test-override.yml run --rm generate-vectortiles
echo " "
echo "====> : Stop PostgreSQL service ( but we keep PostgreSQL data volume for debugging )"
docker-compose stop postgres
echo "The vectortiles created from $testdata "
ENDTIME=$(date +%s)
ENDDATE=$(date -Iminutes)
MODDATE=$(stat -c %y ./data/${testdata} )
echo " "
echo " "
echo "------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "-- Summary --"
echo "------------------------------------------------------------"
echo " "
echo " "
echo "====> : (disk space) We have created a lot of docker images: "
echo " : hint: you can remove with: docker rmi IMAGE "
docker images | grep openmaptiles
echo " "
echo "====> : (disk space) We have created this new docker volumes for PostgreSQL data:"
echo " : hint: you can remove with : docker volume rm openmaptiles_pgdata "
docker volume ls -q | grep openmaptiles
echo " "
echo "====> : (disk space) We have created the new vectortiles ( ./data/tiles.mbtiles ) "
echo " : The OpenMapTiles MBTILES license: ..... "
echo " : We created from $testdata ( file moddate: $MODDATE ) "
echo " : Size: "
ls ./data/*.mbtiles -la
echo "Hello ... start experimenting - see docs ! "
echo " "
echo "============================================================"
echo "The quickstart.sh is finished! "
echo "It takes $(($ENDTIME - $STARTTIME)) seconds to complete"
echo "We saved the log file to $log_file ( for debugging ) "
echo " "
echo "Start experimenting -> see the documentations! "
echo "============================================================"
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