from datetime import datetime, timedelta from app import db, celery @celery.task(name="update_statistics") def update_statistics(date_str=None): """ Update relation_statistics, sender_statistics, receiver_statistics (all depend on coverage_statistics).""" if date_str is None: date_str = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") # Update relation statistics db.session.execute(f""" DELETE FROM relation_statistics WHERE date = '{date_str}'; INSERT INTO relation_statistics AS rs (date, sender_id, receiver_id, is_trustworthy, max_distance, max_normalized_quality, messages_count, coverages_count) SELECT, tmp.sender_id, tmp.receiver_id, is_trustworthy, MAX(tmp.max_distance) AS max_distance, MAX(tmp.max_normalized_quality) AS max_normalized_quality, SUM(tmp.messages_count) AS messages_count, COUNT(DISTINCT tmp.location_mgrs_short) AS coverages_count FROM coverage_statistics AS tmp WHERE = '{date_str}' GROUP BY date, sender_id, receiver_id, is_trustworthy; """) # Update sender statistics db.session.execute(f""" DELETE FROM sender_statistics WHERE date = '{date_str}'; INSERT INTO sender_statistics AS rs (date, sender_id, is_trustworthy, max_distance, max_normalized_quality, messages_count, coverages_count, receivers_count) SELECT, tmp.sender_id, is_trustworthy, MAX(tmp.max_distance) AS max_distance, MAX(tmp.max_normalized_quality) AS max_normalized_quality, SUM(tmp.messages_count) AS messages_count, COUNT(DISTINCT tmp.location_mgrs_short) AS coverages_count, COUNT(DISTINCT tmp.receiver_id) AS receivers_count FROM coverage_statistics AS tmp WHERE = '{date_str}' GROUP BY date, sender_id, is_trustworthy; """) # Update receiver statistics db.session.execute(f""" DELETE FROM receiver_statistics WHERE date = '{date_str}'; INSERT INTO receiver_statistics AS rs (date, receiver_id, is_trustworthy, max_distance, max_normalized_quality, messages_count, coverages_count, senders_count) SELECT, tmp.receiver_id, is_trustworthy, MAX(tmp.max_distance) AS max_distance, MAX(tmp.max_normalized_quality) AS max_normalized_quality, SUM(tmp.messages_count) AS messages_count, COUNT(DISTINCT tmp.location_mgrs_short) AS coverages_count, COUNT(DISTINCT tmp.sender_id) AS senders_count FROM coverage_statistics AS tmp WHERE = '{date_str}' GROUP BY date, receiver_id, is_trustworthy; """) db.session.commit() @celery.task(name="update_sender_direction_statistics") def update_sender_direction_statistics(): """ Update sender_direction_statistics.""" db.session.execute(""" DELETE FROM sender_direction_statistics; INSERT INTO sender_direction_statistics(sender_id, receiver_id, directions_count, messages_count, direction_data) SELECT sq2.sender_id, sq2.receiver_id, COUNT(sq2.*) AS directions_count, SUM(sq2.messages_count) AS messages_count, json_agg(json_build_object('direction', direction, 'messages_count', messages_count, 'max_range', max_range)) AS direction_data FROM ( SELECT sq.sender_id, sq.receiver_id, sq.direction, COUNT(sq.*) AS messages_count, MAX(sq.max_range) AS max_range FROM ( SELECT AS sender_id, AS receiver_id, 10000 * 10^(sp.normalized_quality/20.0) AS max_range, CASE WHEN sp.bearing-sp.track < 0 THEN CAST((sp.bearing-sp.track+360)/10 AS INTEGER)*10 ELSE CAST((sp.bearing-sp.track)/10 AS INTEGER)*10 END AS direction FROM sender_positions AS sp INNER JOIN senders s ON = INNER JOIN receivers r ON sp.receiver_name = WHERE sp.track IS NOT NULL AND sp.bearing IS NOT NULL AND sp.normalized_quality IS NOT NULL AND sp.agl >= 200 AND turn_rate BETWEEN -10.0 AND 10.0 AND climb_rate BETWEEN -3.0 AND 3.0 ) AS sq GROUP BY sq.sender_id, sq.receiver_id, sq.direction ORDER BY sq.sender_id, sq.receiver_id, sq.direction ) AS sq2 GROUP BY sq2.sender_id, sq2.receiver_id; """)