Speed up takeoff / landing detection

Konstantin Gründger 2016-04-29 14:03:21 +02:00
rodzic b5f111c257
commit dbda5a9c4b
1 zmienionych plików z 27 dodań i 14 usunięć

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from datetime import timedelta
from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger
from ogn.collect.celery import app
@ -16,24 +16,33 @@ logger = get_task_logger(__name__)
def compute_takeoff_and_landing():
logger.info("Compute takeoffs and landings.")
takeoff_speed = 30
landing_speed = 30
# takeoff / landing detection is based on 3 consecutive points
takeoff_speed = 55 # takeoff detection: 1st point below, 2nd and 3rd above this limit
landing_speed = 40 # landing detection: 1st point above, 2nd and 3rd below this limit
duration = 100 # the points must not exceed this duration
radius = 0.05 # the points must not exceed this radius (degree!) around the 2nd point
# calculate the time where the computation starts
last_takeoff_landing_query = app.session.query(func.max(TakeoffLanding.timestamp))
last_takeoff_landing = last_takeoff_landing_query.one()[0]
if last_takeoff_landing is None:
begin_computation = last_takeoff_landing_query.one()[0]
if begin_computation is None:
# if the table is empty
last_takeoff_landing = datetime(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
last_takeoff_landing_query = app.session.query(func.min(AircraftBeacon.timestamp))
begin_computation = last_takeoff_landing_query.one()[0]
if begin_computation is None:
return 0
# we get the beacons async. to be safe we delete takeoffs/landings from last 5 minutes and recalculate from then
# alternative: takeoff/landing has a primary key (timestamp,address)
last_takeoff_landing = last_takeoff_landing - timedelta(minutes=5)
# we get the beacons async. to be safe we delete takeoffs/landings from last 24 hours and recalculate from then
begin_computation = begin_computation - timedelta(hours=24)
app.session.query(TakeoffLanding) \
.filter(TakeoffLanding.timestamp > last_takeoff_landing) \
.filter(TakeoffLanding.timestamp >= begin_computation) \
end_computation = begin_computation + timedelta(days=30)
# make a query with current, previous and next position, so we can detect takeoffs and landings
logger.debug("Calculate takeoffs and landings between {} and {}"
.format(begin_computation, end_computation))
# make a query with current, previous and next position
sq = app.session.query(
func.lag(AircraftBeacon.address).over(order_by=and_(AircraftBeacon.address, AircraftBeacon.timestamp)).label('address_prev'),
@ -59,11 +68,12 @@ def compute_takeoff_and_landing():
func.lag(AircraftBeacon.altitude).over(order_by=and_(AircraftBeacon.address, AircraftBeacon.timestamp)).label('altitude_prev'),
func.lead(AircraftBeacon.altitude).over(order_by=and_(AircraftBeacon.address, AircraftBeacon.timestamp)).label('altitude_next')) \
.filter(AircraftBeacon.timestamp > last_takeoff_landing) \
.filter(AircraftBeacon.timestamp >= begin_computation) \
.filter(AircraftBeacon.timestamp <= end_computation) \
.order_by(func.date(AircraftBeacon.timestamp), AircraftBeacon.address, AircraftBeacon.timestamp) \
# find takeoffs and landings (look at the trigger_speed)
# find takeoffs and landings
takeoff_landing_query = app.session.query(
@ -82,9 +92,12 @@ def compute_takeoff_and_landing():
and_(sq.c.ground_speed_prev > landing_speed, # landing
sq.c.ground_speed < landing_speed,
sq.c.ground_speed_next < landing_speed))) \
.filter(sq.c.timestamp_next - sq.c.timestamp_prev < timedelta(seconds=duration)) \
.filter(and_(func.ST_DFullyWithin(sq.c.location, sq.c.location_wkt_prev, radius),
func.ST_DFullyWithin(sq.c.location, sq.c.location_wkt_next, radius))) \
.order_by(func.date(sq.c.timestamp), sq.c.timestamp)
# ... and save the
# ... and save them
ins = insert(TakeoffLanding).from_select((TakeoffLanding.address, TakeoffLanding.name, TakeoffLanding.receiver_name, TakeoffLanding.timestamp, TakeoffLanding.location_wkt, TakeoffLanding.track, TakeoffLanding.ground_speed, TakeoffLanding.altitude, TakeoffLanding.is_takeoff), takeoff_landing_query)
result = app.session.execute(ins)
counter = result.rowcount