
1629 wiersze
54 KiB

____ _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/ __ \ / ____| (_) | | | \ | | | | | |
| | | |_ __ ___ _ __ | | __| |_ __| | ___ _ __ | \| | ___| |___ _____ _ __| | __
| | | | '_ \ / _ \ '_ \ | | |_ | | |/ _` |/ _ \ '__| | . ` |/ _ \ __\ \ /\ / / _ \| '__| |/ /
| |__| | |_) | __/ | | | | |__| | | | (_| | __/ | | |\ | __/ |_ \ V V / (_) | | | <
\____/| .__/ \___|_| |_| \_____|_|_|\__,_|\___|_| |_| \_|\___|\__| \_/\_/ \___/|_| |_|\_\
| |
var map;
var autoc = "";
var acaff = "";
var cton = false;
var tcolor = ["000000", "FF0000", "00FF00", "0000FF", "FFFF00", "00FFFF", "FF00FF", "C0C0C0", "FFFFFF"];
var ccolor = 0;
var aflist = true;
var vallpolon = true;
var vallpoloff = true;
var vallmaron = true;
var vallmaroff = true;
var lside = 0; // 0=right 1=left
var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
var online = []; // ([cn,alt*1,cn+"_"+ps,colcn,afdif]);
var offline = []; // ([cn,alt*1,cn+"_"+ps,colcn,afdif]);
var receivers = [];
var all = 0;
var pathl = 30; // path length 5' (30points)
var unit = "m"; // metric units
var onoff = 1; // 1: online, 2: offline, 3: Menu
var onoffaff = "OnLine";
var triasc = 1; // 1: asc 2: desc
var tricol = 0; // 0:tri sur cn 1: tri sur alti
var ett1 = "<CENTER><IMG style=\"z-index:50\" onclick=\"alist();\" SRC=\"" + tld + "/pict/min.png\">&nbsp;&nbsp;<IMG style=\"z-index:50\" onclick=\"sideclick();\" SRC=\"" + tld + "/pict/dbarrow.gif\">&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF=\"" + tld + "/help-fr.html\" target=\"_blank\"><IMG style=\"z-index:50\" SRC=\"" + tld + "/pict/hel.png\"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span id=\"onoff\" onclick=\"onofff();\"></span></CENTER>";
var w = 0; // watchdog variable
var tmgm, tmwd;
var nbreq = 0; // nb request launch
var wlt = 0; // tasks white list
var wlist = [];
var vasp = false;
var vrec = false;
var vrecl = false;
var vstm = false;
var vapt = false;
var vwin = false;
var vpre = false;
var hnew = false;
selrec = "";
var ftype = ["unknown", "Glider/MotorGlider", "Tow Plane", "Helicopter", "Parachute", "Drop Plane", "Hangglider", "Paraglider", "Plane", "Jet", "UFO", "Balloon", "Airship", "Drone", "unknown", "Static Object"];
var ftypec = ["_b", "", "_g", "_r", "_b", "_b", "_p", "_p", "_b", "_b", "_b", "_b", "_b", "_b", "_b", "_b"];
var taskFeatures = [];
var initialResolution = 2 * Math.PI * 6378137 / 256; // == 156543.0339
var originShift = 2 * Math.PI * 6378137 / 2.0; // == 20037508.34
var m2ft={"m":1, "i":3.2808};
var am2ft={"m":"m", "i":"ft"};
var kh2kt={"m":1, "i":0.53996};
var akh2kt={"m":"km/h", "i":"kt"};
var m2kt={"m":1, "i":1.94384};
var am2kt={"m":"m/s", "i":"kt"};
var hashc="",hashz="",hashm="",hasho="",hashb="",hashs="",hashl="",hasht="",hl=" ",hashw="",hashu="",hashp="",hashn="",hashy="";
// center zoom maptype offline bound autoset2ma layers tasks warning units pathlength nolist devtype
// close popup
function cp() {
var d = document.getElementById('popup');
d.style.display = 'none';
// open popup
function op(maxw) {
var d = document.getElementById('popup');
d.style.display = 'block';
d.style.width = maxw + 'px';
d.style.height = maxw + 'px';
tmop = setTimeout(cp, 15000);
function chunit() { // change units
if (document.getElementById('uni').checked === true) { // units imperial
unit = 'i';
hashu = "&u=i";
} else { // units metric
unit = 'm';
hashu = "";
function chpl() { // change path length
if (document.getElementById('rp1').checked === true) { // 5 minutes
pathl = 30;
hashp = "";
} else if (document.getElementById('rp2').checked === true) { // 10 minutes
pathl = 60;
hashp = "&p=2";
} else { // all points
pathl = 99999;
hashp = "&p=3";
function devtype() { // devices types selected
var dt = 0;
if (document.getElementById('ICAObox').checked) {
dt += 1;
if (document.getElementById('Flarmbox').checked) {
dt += 2;
if (document.getElementById('OGNbox').checked) {
dt += 4;
if (dt == 7) hashy = ""; // all devices
else hashy = "&y=" + dt;
function onofff() {
switch (onoff) {
case 1:
if (all == 1) {
onoffaff = "OffLine";
onoff = 2;
} else {
onoffaff = "Menu";
onoff = 3;
document.getElementById("ett2").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("dtlist").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("menu").style.display = "block";
case 2:
onoffaff = "Menu";
onoff = 3;
document.getElementById("ett2").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("dtlist").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("menu").style.display = "block";
case 3:
onoffaff = "OnLine";
onoff = 1;
document.getElementById("ett2").style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("dtlist").style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("menu").style.display = "none";
function delpon() { // delete all online path
var j = -1;
while (online[++j]) {
window["P_" + online[j][2]].getPath().clear();
window["M_" + online[j][2]].set('tra', 0);
function delpoff() { // delete all offline path
var j = -1;
while (offline[++j]) {
window["P_" + offline[j][2]].getPath().clear();
window["M_" + offline[j][2]].set('tra', 0);
function deletepath(pol) {
window["M_" + pol.substring(2)].set('tra', 0);
function deleteallpath() {
if (onoff == 1) {
} else {
function allpath() {
var j = -1;
if (onoff == 1) {
if (vallpolon === true) vallpolon = false;
else vallpolon = true;
while (online[++j]) {
window["P_" + online[j][2]].setOptions({
visible: vallpolon
} else {
if (vallpoloff === true) vallpoloff = false;
else vallpoloff = true;
while (offline[++j]) {
window["P_" + offline[j][2]].setOptions({
visible: vallpoloff
function allmarker() {
var j = -1;
if (onoff == 1) {
if (vallmaron === true) vallmaron = false;
else vallmaron = true;
while (online[++j]) {
window["M_" + online[j][2]].setOptions({
visible: vallmaron
} else {
if (vallmaroff === true) vallmaroff = false;
else vallmaroff = true;
while (offline[++j]) {
window["M_" + offline[j][2]].setOptions({
visible: vallmaroff
function tricn() {
if (tricol == 1) triasc = 1;
else if (triasc == 1) triasc = 2;
else triasc = 1;
tricol = 0;
function trialti() {
if (tricol === 0) triasc = 1;
else if (triasc == 1) triasc = 2;
else triasc = 1;
tricol = 1;
function focuson(poly) {
if (document.getElementById(poly) !== null) document.getElementById(poly).className = 'yel';
strokeWeight: 4,
strokeOpacity: 1
function focusoff(poly) {
if (document.getElementById(poly) !== null) document.getElementById(poly).className = 'whi';
strokeWeight: 2,
strokeOpacity: 0.75
function asp() {
if (document.getElementById('aspbox').checked) {
vasp = true;
map.overlayMapTypes.setAt(1, airspaceoverlay);
rempl(4, "z");
} else {
vasp = false;
rempl(4, " ");
function apt() {
if (document.getElementById('aptbox').checked) {
vapt = true;
map.overlayMapTypes.setAt(2, airportoverlay);
rempl(5, "a");
} else {
vapt = false;
rempl(5, " ");
function wind() {
if (document.getElementById('winbox').checked) {
vwin = true;
map.overlayMapTypes.setAt(3, windoverlay);
if (map.getZoom() > 7) map.setZoom(7);
rempl(2, "v");
} else {
vwin = false;
rempl(2, " ");
function pres() {
if (document.getElementById('prebox').checked) {
vpre = true;
map.overlayMapTypes.setAt(4, presoverlay);
if (map.getZoom() > 7) map.setZoom(7);
rempl(3, "p");
} else {
vpre = false;
rempl(3, " ");
function hidenew() {
if (document.getElementById('hnewbox').checked) hnew = true;
else hnew = false;
function reseton() { // delete all online markers and their path
var j = -1;
while (online[++j]) {
window["M_" + online[j][2]].setMap(null);
delete window["M_" + online[j][2]];
window["P_" + online[j][2]].setMap(null);
delete window["P_" + online[j][2]];
function resetoff() { // delete all offline markers and their path
var j = -1;
while (offline[++j]) {
window["M_" + offline[j][2]].setMap(null);
delete window["M_" + offline[j][2]];
window["P_" + offline[j][2]].setMap(null);
delete window["P_" + offline[j][2]];
function lineoff() {
if (document.getElementById('offl').checked) {
all = 0;
hasho = "";
} else {
all = 1;
hasho = "&o=1";
function bounds() {
if (document.getElementById('boundsbox').checked) {
bound = true;
if (document.getElementById('astmbox').checked) {
vstm = false;
hashs = "";
document.getElementById('astmbox').checked = false;
amax = parseFloat(document.getElementById('latmax').value);
amin = parseFloat(document.getElementById('latmin').value);
if (amin > amax) {
var tmp = amax;
amax = amin;
amin = tmp;
omax = parseFloat(document.getElementById('lonmax').value);
omin = parseFloat(document.getElementById('lonmin').value);
if (omin > omax) {
var tmp = omax;
omax = omin;
omin = tmp;
if (amax > 85) amax = 85;
if (amin < -85) amin = -85;
if (omax > 180) omax = 180;
if (omin < -180) omin = -180;
boundc = "&b=" + amax + "&c=" + amin + "&d=" + omax + "&e=" + omin;
document.getElementById('latmax').value = amax;
document.getElementById('latmin').value = amin;
document.getElementById('lonmax').value = omax;
document.getElementById('lonmin').value = omin;
hashb = "&b=" + amax.toFixed(4) + "," + amin.toFixed(4) + "," + omax.toFixed(4) + "," + omin.toFixed(4);
} else {
bound = false;
if (vstm === false) boundc = "";
hashb = "";
function afftab() {
var j = -1;
var dlistd = "<TABLE class=\"tt\">";
var mar = "";
var pol = "";
var affcpt = "";
switch (onoff) {
case 1:
if (triasc == 2) online.reverse();
while (online[++j]) {
mar = "M_" + online[j][2];
pol = "P_" + online[j][2];
dlistd += "<TR id=\"" + pol + "\" onmouseover=\"focuson('" + pol + "');\" onmouseout=\"focusoff('" + pol + "');\"><TD class=\"cgv\"><input onchange=\"vpolmar(this.checked ,'" + mar + "');\" type=\"checkbox\" " + isvisib(mar) + " ></TD><TD class=\"cgv\"><input onchange=\"vpolmar(this.checked ,'" + pol + "');\" type=\"checkbox\" " + isvisib(pol) + " ></TD><TD class=\"cgn\" onmousedown=\"centeron('" + mar + "');\" onmouseup=\"centeroff();\" oncontextmenu=\"event.stopPropagation(); redraw('" + pol + "'); return false;\" ondblclick=\"event.stopPropagation(); autocenter('" + mar + "');\" >" + online[j][0] + "</TD><TD class=\"cgc\"><span style='background-color: " + online[j][3] + "' ondblclick=\"deletepath('" + pol + "'); return false;\" oncontextmenu=\"this.style.backgroundColor=changecolor('" + mar + "'); return false;\">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></TD><TD onclick=\"affinfo('" + mar + "')\" class=\"cga\">";
if (unit == "i") {
dlistd += (online[j][1] * m2ft[unit]).toFixed();
} // { var tv=online[j][1]*m2ft[unit]; dlistd+= tv.toFixed(); }
else dlistd += online[j][1] + "m";
dlistd += "</TD><TD class=\"cgv\"><IMG src='" + tld + "/pict/" + online[j][4] + ".gif'></TD></TR>";
affcpt = " (" + online.length + ")";
case 2:
if (triasc == 2) offline.reverse();
while (offline[++j]) {
mar = "M_" + offline[j][2];
pol = "P_" + offline[j][2];
dlistd += "<TR id=\"" + pol + "\" onmouseover=\"focuson('" + pol + "');\" onmouseout=\"focusoff('" + pol + "');\"><TD class=\"cgv\"><input onchange=\"vpolmar(this.checked ,'" + mar + "');\" type=\"checkbox\" " + isvisib(mar) + " ></TD><TD class=\"cgv\"><input onchange=\"vpolmar(this.checked ,'" + pol + "');\" type=\"checkbox\" " + isvisib(pol) + " ></TD><TD class=\"cgn\" onmousedown=\"centeron('" + mar + "');\" onmouseup=\"centeroff();\" oncontextmenu=\"event.stopPropagation(); redraw('" + pol + "'); return false;\" ondblclick=\"event.stopPropagation(); autocenter('" + mar + "');\" >" + offline[j][0] + "</TD><TD class=\"cgc\"><span style='background-color: " + offline[j][3] + "' ondblclick=\"deletepath('" + pol + "'); return false;\" oncontextmenu=\"this.style.backgroundColor=changecolor('" + mar + "'); return false;\">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></TD><TD onclick=\"affinfo('" + mar + "')\" class=\"cga\">";
if (unit == "i") {
dlistd += (offline[j][1] * m2ft[unit]).toFixed();
} else dlistd += offline[j][1] + "m";
dlistd += "</TD><TD class=\"cgv\"><IMG src='" + tld + "/pict/" + offline[j][4] + ".gif'></TD></TR>";
affcpt = " (" + offline.length + ")";
case 3:
affcpt = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
dlistd += "</TABLE>";
document.getElementById("dtlist").innerHTML = dlistd;
if (aflist === true) document.getElementById("onoff").innerHTML = "<B>" + onoffaff + "</B>" + affcpt;
function ASC(a, b) {
a = a[tricol];
b = b[tricol];
if (a > b)
return 1;
if (a < b)
return -1;
return 0;
function alist() {
if (aflist === true) {
document.getElementById("ett1").innerHTML = "<CENTER><IMG style=\"z-index:50\" onclick=\"alist();\" SRC=\"" + tld + "/pict/plu.png\"></CENTER>";
document.getElementById('dlist').style.width = "20px";
document.getElementById('dlist').style.height = "20px";
if (lside == 1) document.getElementById('ac').style.left = "65px";
else document.getElementById('ac').style.right = "0px";
aflist = false;
hashn = "&n=0";
} else {
document.getElementById("ett1").innerHTML = ett1;
document.getElementById('dlist').style.width = "180px";
document.getElementById('dlist').style.height = "90%";
if (lside == 1) document.getElementById('ac').style.left = "245px";
else document.getElementById('ac').style.right = "180px";
aflist = true;
hashn = "";
function sideclick() {
if (lside === 0) {
document.getElementById('dlist').className = "lleft";
document.getElementById('ac').className = "acleft";
document.getElementById('ac').style.right = "";
lside = 1;
} else {
document.getElementById('dlist').className = "lright";
document.getElementById('ac').className = "acright";
document.getElementById('ac').style.left = "";
lside = 0;
function autocenter(mark) {
document.getElementById("divInfoac").innerHTML = "<B>AC</B>: " + window[mark].get('title');
autoc = mark;
document.getElementById("divInfoac").style.display = "block";
function centeron(mark) {
cton = true;
function centeroff() {
if (autoc !== "") {
cton = false;
function vpolmar(chk, polmar) {
visible: chk
function isvisib(pol) {
if (window[pol].getVisible() === true) return "checked";
else return "";
function dec2dms(dec) {
dec = Math.abs(dec);
var decd = Math.floor(dec);
var decm = Math.floor((dec - decd) * 60);
var decs = Math.floor((dec - decd - (decm / 60)) * 3600);
return "" + decd + "&deg; " + decm + "' " + decs + "\"";
function changecolor(mark) {
var colactive = window[mark].get('icol');
if (++colactive == 9) colactive = 0;
var ncol = tcolor[colactive];
strokeColor: '#' + ncol
window[mark].set('icol', "" + colactive);
return "#" + ncol;
function redraw(pol) {
var p = pol.substring(2);
var mrk = window["M_" + p];
var fi = mrk.get('fid');
var lo = mrk.getPosition().lng().toFixed();
mrk.set('tra', 1);
downloadUrl(tld + '/' + cxml1 + '?id=' + p + "&l=" + lo, function(data) {
var vtrace = data.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("m");
var err = parseFloat(vtrace[0].getAttribute("e"));
var idd = vtrace[0].getAttribute("i");
var encodedt = vtrace[0].getAttribute("r");
if (err === 0 && encodedt.length > 2) {
window['P_' + idd].getPath().clear();
var ftrace = google.maps.geometry.encoding.decodePath(encodedt);
window['P_' + idd].setPath(ftrace);
function taskbox() {
var vtas = false;
if (document.getElementById('taskbox').checked) {
vtas = true;
if (wlt == 2) {
} else {
if (wlt == 1) {
var j = -1;
while (taskFeatures[++j]) {
visible: vtas
function reclbox() {
if (document.getElementById('reclbox').checked) {
vrecl = true;
rempl(6, "r");
} else {
vrecl = false;
rempl(6, " ");
var j = -1;
while (receivers[++j]) {
window["R_" + receivers[j][0]].setOptions({
visible: vrecl
function checkrec() {
downloadUrl(tld + '/' + rxml, function(data) {
var vlrec = data.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("m");
var err = parseFloat(vlrec[0].getAttribute("e"));
if (err === 0 && vlrec.length > 1) {
selrec = "";
// effacer markers
var j = -1;
while (receivers[++j]) {
window["R_" + receivers[j][0]].setMap(null);
delete window["R_" + receivers[j][0]];
receivers.length = 0;
for (var i = 1; i < vlrec.length; i++) {
var re = vlrec[i].getAttribute("a");
var rlat = parseFloat(vlrec[i].getAttribute("b"));
var rlon = parseFloat(vlrec[i].getAttribute("c"));
var ract = parseInt(vlrec[i].getAttribute("d"));
var rind = 2000 * ract;
selrec += "<option value='" + re + "'>" + re + "</option>";
receivers.push([re, rlat, rlon]); // lat et lon stockées mais jamais utilisées ?
window["R_" + re] = new google.maps.Marker({
position: new google.maps.LatLng(rlat, rlon),
title: "Receiver: " + re,
map: map,
icon: "" + tld + "/pict/rec" + ract + ".png",
zIndex: rind,
visible: vrecl
setTimeout(checkrec, 120000);
} else {
selrec = "<option value='_error_'>Error</option>";
setTimeout(checkrec, 20000);
function receiv() {
if (document.getElementById('recbox').checked) {
vrec = true;
} else {
vrec = false;
function affinfodata(mark) {
var mrk = window[mark];
var vz = mrk.get('vz') * m2kt[unit];
var vx = mrk.get('speed') * kh2kt[unit];
var al = mrk.get('alt') * m2ft[unit];
document.getElementById("aclt").innerHTML = mrk.get('tim');
document.getElementById("acla").innerHTML = mrk.getPosition().lat().toFixed(6);
document.getElementById("aclo").innerHTML = mrk.getPosition().lng().toFixed(6);
document.getElementById("acal").innerHTML = al.toFixed() + "&thinsp;" + am2ft[unit];
document.getElementById("acsp").innerHTML = vx.toFixed() + "&thinsp;" + akh2kt[unit];
document.getElementById("actr").innerHTML = mrk.get('track');
document.getElementById("acvz").innerHTML = ((vz >= 0) ? "+" : "&ndash;") + Math.abs(vz).toFixed(1) + "&thinsp;" + am2kt[unit];
var re = mrk.get('rec');
if (typeof(window["R_" + re]) != 'undefined') {
var mre = window["R_" + re];
var di = dist(mrk.getPosition().lat(), mrk.getPosition().lng(), mre.getPosition().lat(), mre.getPosition().lng());
re += " (" + di.toFixed() + " Km)";
} else {
re += " (?)";
document.getElementById("acrx").innerHTML = re;
function affinfodata2(mark) {
var mrk = window[mark];
document.getElementById("acmo").innerHTML = mrk.get('model');
function affinfo(mark) {
var mrk = window[mark];
var rg = mrk.get('reg');
var fi = mrk.get('fid');
var vd = "block";
if (fi == rg) vd = "none";
document.getElementById("ac1").style.display = vd;
document.getElementById("accn").innerHTML = mrk.get('cn');
document.getElementById("acfi").innerHTML = fi;
document.getElementById("acre").innerHTML = rg;
document.getElementById("acty").innerHTML = ftype[mrk.get('type') * 1];
if (fi != "hidden") {
document.getElementById("acif").innerHTML = "<A HREF='https://www.google.com/search?nfpr=1&q=\"" + rg + "\"' target='_blank' onclick=\"event.stopPropagation();\">Infos</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF='https://www.google.com/search?nfpr=1&q=\"" + rg + "\"&tbm=isch' target='_blank' onclick=\"event.stopPropagation();\">Pictures</a>";
if (mrk.get('dinfo') === "") {
downloadUrl(tld + '/' + dxml + '?i=' + mark + '&f=' + fi, function(data) {
var dat = data.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("m");
var err = parseFloat(dat[0].getAttribute("g"));
var mrk = dat[0].getAttribute("i");
if (err === 0) {
window[mrk].set('model', "" + dat[0].getAttribute("c"));
document.getElementById("ac2").style.display = "block";
window[mrk].set('dinfo', "ok");
} else {
window[mrk].set('dinfo', "_");
document.getElementById("ac2").style.display = "none";
} else {
if (mrk.get('dinfo') != "_") {
document.getElementById("ac2").style.display = "block";
} else {
document.getElementById("ac2").style.display = "none";
} else {
document.getElementById("ac2").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("acif").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("acmo").innerHTML = "";
acaff = mark;
document.getElementById("ac").style.display = "block";
function settomap() {
var b = map.getBounds();
amax = b.getNorthEast().lat();
amin = b.getSouthWest().lat();
omax = b.getNorthEast().lng();
omin = b.getSouthWest().lng();
if (amax > 85) amax = 85;
if (amin < -85) amin = -85;
if (omax > 180) omax = 180;
if (omin < -180) omin = -180;
document.getElementById('latmax').value = amax;
document.getElementById('latmin').value = amin;
document.getElementById('lonmax').value = omax;
document.getElementById('lonmin').value = omin;
if (bound === true) bounds();
if (vstm === true) {
boundc = "&b=" + amax + "&c=" + amin + "&d=" + omax + "&e=" + omin;
hashs = "&s=1";
function astm() {
if (document.getElementById('astmbox').checked) {
vstm = true;
if (document.getElementById('boundsbox').checked) {
bound = false;
document.getElementById('boundsbox').checked = false;
hashb = "";
} else {
vstm = false;
if (bound === false) boundc = "";
hashs = "";
function dist(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) {
var torad = Math.PI / 180;
lat1 *= torad;
lon1 *= torad;
lat2 *= torad;
lon2 *= torad;
var dt = Math.acos((Math.sin(lat1) * Math.sin(lat2)) + (Math.cos(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2) * Math.cos(lon1 - lon2)));
dt *= 6366;
return dt;
function gesmark() {
if (nbreq > 0) {
downloadUrl(tld + '/' + cxml + "?a=" + all + boundc + recc + parc + tz + hashy, function(data) {
var planeurs = data.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("m");
online.length = 0;
offline.length = 0;
var colcn;
var del = "N";
for (var i = 0; i < planeurs.length; i++) {
// récupération des données transmises pour ce planeur
var tab = planeurs[i].getAttribute("a").split(",");
var fid = tab[12];
if (wlt == 1) {
if (wlist.indexOf(fid) == -1) continue;
var ps = tab[3];
var lat = parseFloat(tab[0]);
var lon = parseFloat(tab[1]);
var cn = tab[2];
if (cn == "") cn = "_";
var alt = tab[4];
var tim = tab[5];
var ddf = tab[6];
var track = tab[7];
var speed = tab[8];
var vz = tab[9];
var typ = tab[10];
var rec = tab[11];
var crc = tab[13];
var posi = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lon);
var polyvar = "P_" + crc;
var markvar = "M_" + crc;
var visib = true;
if (typeof(window[polyvar]) == 'undefined') // If aircraft not already created
// create path color for array
hcol = tcolor[ccolor];
if (hnew === true) visib = false;
// create Marker
var polyOptions = {
strokeColor: '#' + hcol,
strokeOpacity: 0.75,
strokeWeight: 2,
visible: visib
window[polyvar] = new google.maps.Polyline(polyOptions);
window[polyvar].set('nom', "" + cn + " - " + ps);
window[polyvar].set('poly', "" + polyvar);
window[polyvar].getPath().push(posi); // ajout d'une position sur le tracé
google.maps.event.addListener(window[polyvar], "mouseover", function() {
var bcol = this.strokeColor;
document.getElementById("divInfo").innerHTML = "<span style='background-color: " + bcol + "'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>&nbsp;" + this.get('nom');
google.maps.event.addListener(window[polyvar], "mouseout", function() {
document.getElementById("divInfo").innerHTML = "&nbsp;";
// création du Marker
window[markvar] = new google.maps.Marker({
position: posi,
title: cn + " - " + ps + " @ " + alt + "m",
map: map,
icon: "" + tld + "/markers/" + cn + ftypec[typ * 1] + ".png",
visible: visib
window[markvar].set('poly', "" + polyvar);
window[markvar].set('mark', "" + markvar);
window[markvar].set('nom', "" + cn + " - " + ps);
window[markvar].set('cn', "" + cn);
window[markvar].set('reg', "" + ps);
if (fid == "0") fid = "hidden";
window[markvar].set('fid', "" + fid);
window[markvar].set('type', "" + typ);
window[markvar].set('icol', "" + ccolor);
window[markvar].set('off', 0);
window[markvar].set('dinfo', "");
window[markvar].setTitle("" + cn + " - " + ps + " @ " + (alt * m2ft[unit]).toFixed() + am2ft[unit] + " @ " + tim);
window[markvar].set('speed', "" + speed);
window[markvar].set('track', "" + track);
window[markvar].set('vz', "" + vz);
window[markvar].set('tim', "" + tim);
window[markvar].set('rec', "" + rec);
window[markvar].set('alt', "" + alt);
window[markvar].set('tra', 0);
google.maps.event.addListener(window[markvar], "mouseover", function() {
var bcol = window[this.get('poly')].strokeColor;
document.getElementById("divInfo").innerHTML = "<span style='background-color: " + bcol + "'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>&nbsp;" + this.get('nom');
google.maps.event.addListener(window[markvar], "mouseout", function() {
document.getElementById("divInfo").innerHTML = "&nbsp;";
google.maps.event.addListener(window[markvar], "click", function() {
google.maps.event.addListener(window[markvar], "dblclick", function() {
document.getElementById("divInfoac").innerHTML = "<B>AC</B>: " + this.get('title');
autoc = this.get('mark');
document.getElementById("divInfoac").style.display = "block";
google.maps.event.addListener(window[markvar], "rightclick", function() {
var pol = this.get('poly');
if (++ccolor == 9) ccolor = 0;
} // fin du if typeof...
var difalt = vz * 1;
colcn = window[polyvar].strokeColor;
if (ddf < 600) { // if online (active during 10 last minutes)
if (ddf > 120) afdif = "n";
else if (difalt === 0) afdif = "z";
else if (difalt < -4) afdif = "mmm";
else if (difalt < -1) afdif = "mm";
else if (difalt < 0) afdif = "m";
else if (difalt > 4) afdif = "ppp";
else if (difalt > 1) afdif = "pp";
else afdif = "p";
online.push([cn, alt * 1, crc, colcn, afdif]);
if (window[markvar].get('off') == 1) {
zIndex: 50
window[markvar].setIcon("" + tld + "/markers/" + cn + ftypec[typ * 1] + ".png");
window[markvar].set('off', 0);
if (window[markvar].get('tra') === 0) {
if (window[polyvar].getPath().getLength() >= pathl) window[polyvar].getPath().removeAt(0); // remove first point of the trace
window[polyvar].getPath().push(posi); // ajout d'une position sur le tracé
window[markvar].setPosition(posi); // déplace le marker
// change l'altitude affichée
window[markvar].setTitle("" + cn + " - " + ps + " @ " + (alt * m2ft[unit]).toFixed() + am2ft[unit] + " @ " + tim);
window[markvar].set('speed', "" + speed);
window[markvar].set('track', "" + track);
window[markvar].set('vz', "" + vz);
window[markvar].set('tim', "" + tim);
window[markvar].set('rec', "" + rec);
window[markvar].set('alt', "" + alt);
} else {
if (all === 0) {
if (typeof(window[polyvar]) != 'undefined') { // si pas déjà effacé
// efface et détruit le PolyLine et le Marker
delete window[polyvar];
delete window[markvar];
if (autoc == markvar) {
autoc = "";
document.getElementById("divInfoac").innerHTML = "&nbsp;";
document.getElementById("divInfoac").style.display = "none";
if (acaff == markvar) acaff = "";
} else {
offline.push([cn, alt * 1, crc, colcn, "n"]);
if (window[markvar].get('off') === 0) {
zIndex: 10
window[markvar].setIcon("" + tld + "/markers/" + cn + "_o.png");
window[markvar].set('off', 1);
if (autoc == markvar) {
document.getElementById("divInfoac").innerHTML = "<B>AC</B>: " + cn + " - " + ps + " @ " + (alt * m2ft[unit]).toFixed() + am2ft[unit];
if (cton === false) map.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lon));
if (acaff == markvar) affinfodata(markvar);
} // fin du for (var i = 0; i < planeurs.length; i++)
// tri et affichage du tableau
if (--nbreq < 0) {
nbreq = 0;
} else {
tmgm = setTimeout(gesmark, 10000);
function wd() {
if (w === 0) {
w = 0;
tmwd = setTimeout(wd, 30000);
function rehash() {
window.location.hash = hashc + hashz + hashm + hasho + hashb + hashs + hashl + hashw + hashp + hashu + hashn + hashy;
function rempl(po, c) {
var thl = hl;
hl = thl.substring(0, po) + c + thl.substring(po + 1);
thl = hl.replace(/ /g, '');
if (thl === '') hashl = '';
else hashl = "&l=" + thl;
function taskclic() {
function loadtask(cont) {
var tasks = [];
try {
tasks = tasks.concat(parseJSONTasks(cont));
} catch (err) {
for (var i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
function parseJSONTasks(cont) {
var res = JSON.parse(cont);
var tasks = [];
for (var i = 0; i < res.tasks.length; i++) {
var task = {};
task.name = res.tasks[i].name;
task.color = res.tasks[i].color;
var tp = [];
if (typeof res.tasks[i].legs != 'undefined') {
for (var ii = 0; ii < res.tasks[i].legs.length; ii++) {
if (typeof res.tasks[i].legs[ii][1] == 'undefined') { // circle
tp[tp.length - 1].type = "circle";
tp[tp.length - 1].radius = res.tasks[i].legs[ii][0];
} else {
lat: res.tasks[i].legs[ii][0],
lon: res.tasks[i].legs[ii][1]
task.turnpoints = tp;
if (typeof res.tasks[i].wlist != 'undefined') {
task.wlist = [];
for (var ii = 0; ii < res.tasks[i].wlist.length; ii++) {
return tasks;
function parseXCSoarTask(cont) {
var ltp;
var tp = [];
var wl = [];
tp.length = 0;
var oParser = new DOMParser();
var oDOM = oParser.parseFromString(cont, "text/xml");
var points = oDOM.getElementsByTagName("Point");
for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
var loc = points[i].getElementsByTagName("Waypoint")[0].getElementsByTagName("Location")[0];
var ltp = {
lat: loc.getAttribute("latitude"),
lon: loc.getAttribute("longitude")
if (points[i].getElementsByTagName("ObservationZone")[0].getAttribute("type") == "Cylinder") {
ltp.type = "circle";
ltp.radius = parseFloat(points[i].getElementsByTagName("ObservationZone")[0].getAttribute("radius"));
var task = {
turnpoints: tp
return task;
function showTask(task) {
var tc, tn, ltp;
var tp = [];
tn = task.name || 'task ' + taskFeatures.length;
tc = task.color || 'FF0000';
for (var ii = 0; ii < task.turnpoints.length; ii++) {
if ((task.turnpoints[ii].type == 'circle')) {
point = new google.maps.LatLng(task.turnpoints[ii].lat, task.turnpoints[ii].lon);
aatCircle = new google.maps.Circle({
strokeColor: '#' + tc,
strokeOpacity: 0.5,
strokeWeight: 2,
fillColor: '#' + tc,
fillOpacity: 0.1,
map: map,
center: point,
radius: task.turnpoints[ii].radius
} else { // Point
point = new google.maps.LatLng(task.turnpoints[ii].lat, task.turnpoints[ii].lon);
var flightPath = new google.maps.Polyline({
path: tp,
strokeColor: '#' + tc,
strokeOpacity: 1,
strokeWeight: 2,
map: map
flightPath.set('nom', '' + tn);
google.maps.event.addListener(flightPath, 'mouseover', function() {
var bcol = this.strokeColor;
document.getElementById('divInfo').innerHTML = '<span style=\'background-color: ' + bcol + '\'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>&nbsp;task:&nbsp;' + this.get('nom');
google.maps.event.addListener(flightPath, 'mouseout', function() {
document.getElementById('divInfo').innerHTML = '&nbsp;';
document.getElementById('dtaskbox').innerHTML = '<INPUT type="checkbox" id="taskbox" onChange="javascript : taskbox();" checked>';
function filterDevices(wl) {
if (typeof wl != 'undefined') {
for (var i = 0; i < wl.length; i++) {
if (wlist.length > 0) {
wlt = 1;
function rtask() { // select a task file
var files = document.getElementById('chfile').files;
if (!files.length) {
alert('Please select a file!');
var file = files[0];
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function(evt) {
if (evt.target.readyState == FileReader.DONE) {
var cont = evt.target.result;
cont = cont.trim();
function initialize() {
var has = window.location.hash.substring(1).split('&'); // parse the parameters
var parh = [];
var cent = [];
var gmdelay = 0; // to delay first call to gesmark if task file required
for (var i = 0; i < has.length; i++) {
var x = has[i].split('=');
parh[x[0]] = x[1];
// parameter c=lat,lon (center of the map)
if (typeof(parh.c) != 'undefined') {
cent = parh.c.split(',');
vlat = parseFloat(cent[0]);
vlon = parseFloat(cent[1]);
hashc = "c=" + vlat.toFixed(5) + "," + vlon.toFixed(5);
// parameter o=1 (display offline)
if (typeof(parh.o) != 'undefined') {
if (parh.o == "1") {
all = 1;
hasho = "&o=1";
airspaceoverlay = new google.maps.ImageMapType({
getTileUrl: function(tile, zoom) {
var tx = tile.x;
var ty = tile.y;
var res = initialResolution / Math.pow(2, zoom);
ty = ((1 << zoom) - ty - 1); // TMS
var swlon = tx * 256 * res - originShift;
var swlat = ty * 256 * res - originShift;
var nelon = (tx + 1) * 256 * res - originShift;
var nelat = (ty + 1) * 256 * res - originShift;
var baseURL = "http://maps.openaip.net/geowebcache/service/wms?service=WMS&request=GetMap&version=1.1.1&layers=openaip_approved_airspaces_geometries&styles=&format=image/png&transparent=true&height=256&width=256&srs=EPSG:900913&bbox=";
var url = baseURL + swlon + "," + swlat + "," + nelon + "," + nelat;
return url;
maxZoom: 17,
minZoom: 4,
opacity: 0,
tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256, 256)
airportoverlay = new google.maps.ImageMapType({
getTileUrl: function(tile, zoom) {
var tx = tile.x;
var ty = tile.y;
var res = initialResolution / Math.pow(2, zoom);
ty = ((1 << zoom) - ty - 1); // TMS
var swlon = tx * 256 * res - originShift;
var swlat = ty * 256 * res - originShift;
var nelon = (tx + 1) * 256 * res - originShift;
var nelat = (ty + 1) * 256 * res - originShift;
var baseURL = "http://maps.openaip.net/geowebcache/service/wms?service=WMS&request=GetMap&version=1.1.1&layers=openaip_approved_airports&styles=&format=image/png&transparent=true&height=256&width=256&srs=EPSG:900913&bbox=";
var url = baseURL + swlon + "," + swlat + "," + nelon + "," + nelat;
return url;
maxZoom: 17,
minZoom: 6,
opacity: 0,
tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256, 256)
windoverlay = new google.maps.ImageMapType({
getTileUrl: function(tile, zoom) {
if (zoom > 7) return;
return "http://www.openportguide.org/tiles/actual/wind_vector/5/" + zoom + "/" + tile.x + "/" + tile.y + ".png";
maxZoom: 7,
opacity: 0,
tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256, 256)
presoverlay = new google.maps.ImageMapType({
getTileUrl: function(tile, zoom) {
if (zoom > 7) return;
return "http://www.openportguide.org/tiles/actual/surface_pressure/5/" + zoom + "/" + tile.x + "/" + tile.y + ".png";
maxZoom: 7,
opacity: 0,
tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256, 256)
var myOptions = {
mapTypeControlOptions: {
// mapTypeIds: ['RELIEF', google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN, google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE, google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID ]
mapTypeIds: [google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN, google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE, google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID]
zoom: 13,
center: new google.maps.LatLng(vlat, vlon),
overviewMapControl: true,
scaleControl: true,
draggableCursor: 'default',
draggingCursor: 'default'
//mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), myOptions);
//map.mapTypes.set('RELIEF' , RELIEF);
var mid = 'TERRAIN';
var tmid = {
"r": "ROADMAP",
"t": "TERRAIN",
"h": "HYBRID"
// parameter m= map type
if (typeof(parh.m) != 'undefined') {
mid = tmid[parh.m];
hashm = "&m=" + parh.m;
google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'maptypeid_changed', function() {
hashm = "&m=" + map.getMapTypeId().substr(0, 1);
google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', function() {
google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'bounds_changed', function() {
if (vstm === true) settomap();
google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'zoom_changed', function() {
hashz = "&z=" + map.getZoom();
google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'center_changed', function() {
var nc = map.getCenter();
hashc = "c=" + nc.lat().toFixed(5) + "," + nc.lng().toFixed(5);
// parameter z= zoom level
if (typeof(parh.z) != 'undefined') map.setZoom(parseInt(parh.z));
else {
var southWest = new google.maps.LatLng(vlatmin, vlonmin);
var northEast = new google.maps.LatLng(vlatmax, vlonmax);
var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(southWest, northEast);
var divinfoCont = document.createElement('DIV'); // contener glider info when overmouse
divinfoCont.style.paddingTop = "7px";
divinfoCont.style.paddingRight = "3px";
var divinfoContac = document.createElement('DIV'); // contener autocenter
divinfoContac.style.paddingTop = "7px";
divinfoContac.style.paddingRight = "3px";
var divinfoContpb = document.createElement('DIV'); // contener poweredby
divinfoContpb.style.paddingTop = "7px";
divinfoContpb.style.paddingRight = "3px";
var divInfo = document.createElement("div");
divInfo.id = "divInfo";
divInfo.className = "divInfoclass";
divInfo.style.width = "170px";
divInfo.style.float = "left";
divInfo.style.display = "block";
var divInfoac = document.createElement("div");
divInfoac.id = "divInfoac";
divInfoac.className = "divInfoclass";
divInfoac.style.width = "170px";
divInfoac.style.cursor = 'pointer';
divInfoac.style.float = "left";
divInfoac.style.display = "none";
var divInfopb = document.createElement("div");
divInfopb.id = "divInfopb";
//divInfopb.className = "divInfoclass";
//divInfopb.style.width = "170px";
divInfopb.style.backgroundColor = '#F5F5F5';
divInfopb.style.opacity = 0.7;
divInfopb.style.cursor = 'pointer';
divInfopb.style.float = "left";
divInfopb.style.display = "block";
divInfopb.innerHTML = "&nbsp;&nbsp;Powered By <A HREF=\"http://glidernet.org\" target=\"_blank\"><B>GliderNet.Org</B></A>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
// divInfopb.appendChild ( document.createTextNode("Powered By <B>GliderNet.Org</B>"));
divinfoCont.index = 1;
google.maps.event.addDomListener(divInfoac, 'click', function() {
document.getElementById("divInfoac").innerHTML = "&nbsp;";
autoc = "";
document.getElementById("divInfoac").style.display = "none";
// affiche l'altitude du terrain quand clic-droit
elevator = new google.maps.ElevationService();
google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'rightclick', function(event) {
var locations = [];
var clickedLocation = event.latLng;
var latc = clickedLocation.lat();
var alat = (latc >= 0 ? "N" : "S") + " " + dec2dms(latc);
var lonc = clickedLocation.lng();
var alon = (lonc >= 0 ? "E" : "W") + " " + dec2dms(lonc);
var positionalRequest = {
'locations': locations
elevator.getElevationForLocations(positionalRequest, function(results, status) {
if (status == google.maps.ElevationStatus.OK) {
if (results[0]) {
var te = Math.round(results[0].elevation);
infowindow.setContent('Elevation:' + (te * m2ft[unit]).toFixed() + am2ft[unit] + '<BR>Lat: ' + alat + '<BR>Lon: ' + alon);
} else {
alert('No results found');
} else {
alert('Elevation service failed due to: ' + status);
document.getElementById("ett1").innerHTML = ett1;
document.getElementById("ett2").innerHTML = "<TABLE class=\"tt\"><TR width=\"12\"><TH class=\"cgv\" ondblclick=\"allmarker();\"><IMG src='" + tld + "/pict/ico.png'></TH><TH class=\"cgv\" ondblclick=\"allpath();\"><IMG src='" + tld + "/pict/tra.gif'></TH><TH class=\"cgn\" onclick=\"tricn();\">CN</TH><TH class=\"cgc\" ondblclick=\"deleteallpath();\"><IMG border =\"0\" src='" + tld + "/pict/a.gif'></TH><TH class=\"cga\" onclick=\"trialti();\">Alti.</TH><TH class=\"cgz\">Vz</TH></TR></table>";
document.getElementById("ac").innerHTML = "<span style=\"color: #333; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; line-height: 1.3em;\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;..::Aircraft::..</span><BR><span class=\"act\">CN: </span><span id=\"accn\" class=\"aca\"></span><BR><DIV id=\"ac1\"><span class=\"act\">Regist.: </span><span id=\"acre\" class=\"aca\"></span><BR></DIV><span class=\"act\">Device Id: </span><span id=\"acfi\" class=\"aca\"></span><BR><span class=\"act\">Type: </span><span id=\"acty\" class=\"aca\"></span><BR><DIV id=\"ac2\"><span class=\"act\">Model: </span><span id=\"acmo\" class=\"aca\"></span></DIV><span class=\"act\">Last time: </span><span id=\"aclt\" class=\"aca\"></span><BR><span class=\"act\">Latitude: </span><span id=\"acla\" class=\"aca\"></span><BR><span class=\"act\">Longitude: </span><span id=\"aclo\" class=\"aca\"></span><BR><span class=\"act\">Altitude: </span><span id=\"acal\" class=\"aca\"></span><BR><span class=\"act\">G.Speed: </span><span id=\"acsp\" class=\"aca\"></span><BR><span class=\"act\">Track: </span><span id=\"actr\" class=\"aca\"></span><span class=\"aca\">&thinsp;&deg;</span><BR><span class=\"act\">Vz: </span><span id=\"acvz\" class=\"aca\"></span><BR><span class=\"act\">Receiver: </span><span id=\"acrx\" class=\"aca\"></span><BR><span id=\"acif\" class=\"aca\"></span>";
document.getElementById("dtable").innerHTML = "<DIV id=\"menu\" style=\"display:none;\"></DIV><DIV id=\"dtlist\" style=\"display:block\"></DIV>";
document.getElementById("menu").innerHTML = "<TABLE class=\"tt\"><TR><TD><INPUT type=\"checkbox\" id=\"hnewbox\" onChange='javascript : hidenew();'> Hide new gliders<BR><INPUT type=\"checkbox\" id=\"offl\" onChange='javascript : lineoff();'" + ((all === 0) ? " checked" : "") + "> Ignore Offline<HR><INPUT type=\"checkbox\" id=\"boundsbox\" onChange='javascript : bounds();'" + ((bound === true) ? " checked" : "") + "> Bounds<BR><TABLE cellspacing=\"0\" cellpading=\"0\"><TR align=\"center\"><TD colspan=\"2\"><INPUT type=\"text\" id=\"latmax\" name=\"latmax\" size=\"7\" value=\"" + amax + "\"></TD></TR><TR align=\"center\"><TD><INPUT type=\"text\" id=\"lonmin\" name=\"lonmin\" size=\"7\" value=\"" + omin + "\"></TD><TD><INPUT type=\"text\" id=\"lonmax\" name=\"lonmax\" size=\"7\" value=\"" + omax + "\"></TD></TR><TR align=\"center\"><TD colspan=\"2\"><INPUT type=\"text\" id=\"latmin\" name=\"latmin\" size=\"7\" value=\"" + amin + "\"></TD></TR></TABLE><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT type=\"button\" onclick=\"settomap()\" value=\"Set to map\"><BR><INPUT type=\"checkbox\" id=\"astmbox\" onChange='javascript : astm();'> Auto Set to map<HR>..:: Devices ::..<BR><INPUT type=\"checkbox\" id=\"ICAObox\" onChange=\"javascript : devtype();\"> ICAO<BR><INPUT type=\"checkbox\" id=\"Flarmbox\" onChange=\"javascript : devtype();\"> Flarm<BR><INPUT type=\"checkbox\" id=\"OGNbox\" onChange=\"javascript : devtype();\"> OGN Trackers<HR>..:: Layers ::..<BR><INPUT type=\"checkbox\" id=\"winbox\" onChange=\"javascript : wind();\"> Wind <BR><INPUT type=\"checkbox\" id=\"prebox\" onChange=\"javascript : pres();\"> Pressure <BR><INPUT type=\"checkbox\" id=\"aspbox\" onChange=\"javascript : asp();\"> AirSpaces <A HREF=\"http://www.openaip.net\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"font-size:10px;\">( openaip.net )</A><BR><INPUT type=\"checkbox\" id=\"aptbox\" onChange=\"javascript : apt();\"> Airports <A HREF=\"http://www.openaip.net\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"font-size:10px;\">( openaip.net )</A><BR><INPUT type=\"checkbox\" id=\"reclbox\" onChange=\"javascript : reclbox();\"> Receivers<BR><span id=\"dtaskbox\"><INPUT type=\"checkbox\" disabled></span> <span onclick=\"taskclic();\">Tasks</span><BR> <DIV style=\"display:none\"><input type=\"file\" id=\"chfile\" onchange=\"rtask()\" /></DIV><HR>..::Units::..<BR><input type=\"radio\" name=\"units\" id=\"unm\" value=\"m\" onclick=\"chunit()\" checked>Met. <input type=\"radio\" name=\"units\" id=\"uni\" value=\"i\" onclick=\"chunit()\">Imp.<HR>..::Path length::..<BR><input type=\"radio\" name=\"pl\" id=\"rp1\" value=\"1\" checked onclick=\"chpl()\">5' <input type=\"radio\" name=\"pl\" id=\"rp2\" value=\"2\" onclick=\"chpl()\">10' <input type=\"radio\" name=\"pl\" id=\"rp3\" value=\"3\" onclick=\"chpl()\">All<HR><CENTER>Join the<BR><A HREF=\"http://ddb.glidernet.org\" target=\"_blank\">OGN DataBase</A></CENTER><HR><CENTER><A HREF=\"https://github.com/glidernet/ogn-live\" target=\"_blank\">Sources</A></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE>";
// parameter b=lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2 bounds
if (typeof(parh.b) != 'undefined') {
cent = parh.b.split(',');
document.getElementById('latmax').value = parseFloat(cent[0]);
document.getElementById('latmin').value = parseFloat(cent[1]);
document.getElementById('lonmax').value = parseFloat(cent[2]);
document.getElementById('lonmin').value = parseFloat(cent[3]);
boundc = "&b=" + cent[0] + "&c=" + cent[1] + "&d=" + cent[2] + "&e=" + cent[3];
document.getElementById('boundsbox').checked = true;
bound = true;
hashb = "&b=" + cent[0] + "," + cent[1] + "," + cent[2] + "," + cent[3];
// parameter l= active layers
if (typeof(parh.l) != 'undefined') {
for (var i = 0; i < parh.l.length; i++) {
switch (parh.l[i]) {
case 'v': // wind
document.getElementById('winbox').checked = true;
case 'p': // pressure
document.getElementById('prebox').checked = true;
case 'z': // airspace
document.getElementById('aspbox').checked = true;
case 'a': // airport
document.getElementById('aptbox').checked = true;
case 'r': // receivers
document.getElementById('reclbox').checked = true;
if (typeof(parh.t) != 'undefined') {
gmdelay = 1;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("GET", parh.t, true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
var status = xhr.status;
if ((status >= 200 && status < 300) || status === 304) {
} else {
alert("Task Request unsuccessful" + status);
// parameter w=0 (Don't display the warning)
var warn = 1;
if (typeof(parh.w) != 'undefined') {
if (parh.w == "0") {
warn = 0;
hashw = "&w=0";
// parameter n=0 (Hide the panel)
if (typeof(parh.n) != 'undefined') {
if (parh.n == "0") {
if (warn == 1) {
document.getElementById("popup").innerHTML = "<img class=\"pr\" alt=\"close\" src=\"" + tld + "/pict/close.png\"><H1>Warning!</H1><BR><P style=\"text-align:justify;\"><B>The data on this site can be ambiguous in certain situations and the displayed position of an aircraft or glider can be displaced relative to the actual position.<BR>Before raising an alert please contact us so we can interpret the data correctly.</B><BR><BR><B>If you want your devices to be identified, join the <A HREF=\"http://ddb.glidernet.org\" target=\"_blank\">OGN DataBase</A>.</B></P>";
// parameter s=1 auto set bounds to the map
if (typeof(parh.s) != 'undefined') {
if (parh.s == "1") {
document.getElementById('astmbox').checked = true;
vstm = true;
hashs = "&s=1";
// parameter u=i units imperial ou metric (default))
if (typeof(parh.u) != 'undefined') {
if (parh.u == "i") {
document.getElementById('uni').checked = true;
unit = "i";
hashu = "&u=i";
// parameter p=1,2 or 3 path length 5", 10" or all points
if (typeof(parh.p) != 'undefined') {
if (parh.p == "2") { // 10 minutes
pathl = 60;
document.getElementById('rp2').checked = true;
hashp = "&p=2";
} else if (parh.p == "3") { // all points
pathl = 99999;
document.getElementById('rp3').checked = true;
hashp = "&p=3";
// parameter device type d=1 ICAO ,2 Flarm or 3 OGN tracker
if (typeof(parh.y) != 'undefined') {
if ((parh.y & 1) == 1) {
document.getElementById('ICAObox').checked = true;
if ((parh.y & 2) == 2) {
document.getElementById('Flarmbox').checked = true;
if ((parh.y & 4) == 4) {
document.getElementById('OGNbox').checked = true;
} else {
document.getElementById('ICAObox').checked = true;
document.getElementById('Flarmbox').checked = true;
document.getElementById('OGNbox').checked = true;
tz = "&z=" + (tz / -60); // the javascript gettimezone function return negative value in minutes then /-60 to have correct hours
tmwd = setTimeout(wd, 30000);
if (gmdelay == 0) gesmark();