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____ _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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| | | |_ __ ___ _ __ | | __| |_ __| | ___ _ __ | \| | ___| |___ _____ _ __| | __
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| |
<title>Spot the gliders</title>
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<p style="text-align:justify; color:blue;"><b>live.glidernet.org</b>
displays <a href="http://www.flarm.com/" target=window>FLARM</a> equipped aircraft in flight on a map. Their positions are recovered by a network of
<a href="http://flarmrange.onglide.com/" target=window> Flarm ground receivers</a> and
uploaded to this website via the InterNet. Each aircraft is represented by an icon with
a 3 character identifier (this is either its competition number, the last 3 characters
of its registration or _xx where xx is the last 2 characters of a randomly assigned hex ID).
A coloured line on the map represents the track of each aircraft. A list of all aircraft
in flight is displayed in a panel at the side of the window and shows the identifier of the
aircraft, the colour of its track, its altitude and its vertical speed (Vz).
<img src="/pict/c1.gif" height="372" width="750">
<tr> <td>
<tbody><tr><td><b>..:: Lists and Menu Panel ::..</b></td></tr>
<tr> <td width="800"><img src="/pict/h1.gif" height="26" width="184">
<p style="text-align:justify; color:blue;">
Clicking on the header label <span style="color:black;">OnLine</span>,
<span style="color:black;">OffLine</span> or <span style="color:black;">Menu</span>
rotates this panel through a sequence of 3 pages.<br><br>
The default condition is that all aircraft for which data has been available within the
last 10 minutes are displayed in the <span style="color:black;">OnLine</span> list.
If there has been no data for an aircraft after a period of 10 minutes then
it goes into the <span style="color:black;">OffLine</span> list.<br><br>
To hide the panel you must click on the <img src="/pict/min.png" height="16" width="16"> icon.
To make the panel reappear you must click on the <img src="/pict/plu.png" height="16" width="16"> icon.<br>
To switch the panel to the other side of the screen (left / right) you must click the double arrow
<img src="/pict/dbarrow.gif" height="21" width="28"> icon.<br>
To view this help page, click on the <img src="/pict/hel.png" height="16" width="16"> icon.
The <span style="color:black;">Menu</span> page enables the user to access the map
display controls:<br>
- The checkbox "Hide new gliders" prevents new gliders that are picked up by the network from being displayed.<br>
- The checkbox "Ignore Offline" disables the <span style="color:black;">OffLine</span> page.<br><br>
- The checkbox "Bounds" limits the <span style="color:black;">OnLine</span> and
<span style="color:black;">OffLine</span> lists to show only gliders within the geographical boundaries
specified in the boxes below:<br>
<table cellpading="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr align="center"><td colspan="2"><input readonly="readonly" id="latmax" name="latmax" size="7" value="lat max" type="text"></td></tr><tr align="center"><td><input readonly="readonly" id="lonmin" name="lonmin" size="7" value="long min" type="text"></td><td><input readonly="readonly" id="lonmax" name="lonmax" size="7" value="long max" type="text"></td></tr><tr align="center"><td colspan="2"><input readonly="readonly" id="latmin" name="latmin" size="7" value="lat min" type="text"></td></tr></tbody></table>
The "Set to map" button adjusts the boundaries to be those of the current map display.<br>
- The checkbox "Auto Set to map" allows the boundaries to be continually updated as the map is zoomed and panned.<br><br>
The "..:: Layers ::.." section shows or hides additional layers on the map which are self explanatory:<br>
- Receiver status<br>
<td><img src="/pict/rec1.png"></td>
<td><span style="color:green;">Green</span>: <span style="color:blue;">Receiver online and active</span></td>
<td><img src="/pict/rec0.png"></td>
<td><span style="color:red;">Red</span>: <span style="color:blue;">Receiver offline or inactive</span></td>
<td width="400"><p style="text-align:justify; color:blue;"><b>Column headers:</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<img src="/pict/h2.gif" border="1" height="25" width="172"><br>
A double-click on <img src="/pict/ico.png" height="17" width="15"> shows or hides all icons.<br>
A double-click on <img src="/pict/tra.gif" height="18" width="9"> shows or hides all traces.<br>
A click on <b>CN</b> sorts the list in alphabetical order of IDs (another click will sort in reverse order).<br>
A double-click on <img src="/pict/a.gif" height="18" width="9"> erases the tracks of all aircraft.<br>
A click on <b>Alti.</b> sorts the list in order of ascending altitudes (another click will sort in reverse order).
<td width="400"><p style="text-align:justify; color:blue;"><b>Individual aircraft lines:</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="/pict/h3.gif" border="1" height="23" width="162"><br>
Unchecking or checking the first box hides or shows the icon of the aircraft.<br>
Unchecking or checking the second box hides or shows the track of the aircraft.<br>
A click on the ID centers the map on the aircraft icon (momentarily if automatic centering is active on another aircraft).<br>
A double-click on the ID (or the icon of the aircraft in the map) activates automatic centering on the aircraft icon in the map.<br>
A right-click on the ID (or the icon of the aircraft in the map) displays the complete track for the aircraft for the day.<br>
A right-click on the coloured rectangle changes the colour of the track that is assigned to the aircraft
(looping through 9 possible colours).<br>
A double-click on the coloured rectangle clears the aircraft's track for the day.<br>
A click on the altitude (or the icon of a aircraft in the map) brings up a detail panel
containing the information registered on <a href="http://flarmnet.org/index.php/en/">flarmnet</a>
for the aircraft.
<tbody><tr><td></td><td style="color:blue;">Ranges of Vz icons:</td></tr>
<tr><td><img src="/pict/ppp.gif" border="1" height="19" width="19"></td><td>Vz &gt; +4m/s</td></tr>
<tr><td><img src="/pict/pp.gif" border="1" height="19" width="19"></td><td>+4m/s &#8805; Vz &gt; +1m/s</td></tr>
<tr><td><img src="/pict/p.gif" border="1" height="19" width="19"></td><td>+1m/s &#8805; Vz &gt; 0m/s</td></tr>
<tr><td><img src="/pict/z.gif" border="1" height="19" width="19"></td><td>Vz = 0m/s</td></tr>
<tr><td><img src="/pict/m.gif" border="1" height="19" width="19"></td><td>0m/s &gt; Vz &#8805; -1m/s</td></tr>
<tr><td><img src="/pict/mm.gif" border="1" height="19" width="19"></td><td>-1m/s &gt; Vz &#8805; -4m/s</td></tr>
<tr><td><img src="/pict/mmm.gif" border="1" height="19" width="19"></td><td>-4m/s &gt; Vz</td></tr>
<tr><td><img src="/pict/n.gif" border="1" height="19" width="19"></td><td>Inactive, no data received for more than 2 min.</td></tr>
<tbody><tr><td><b>..:: The map ::..</b></td></tr>
<td width="800"><table>
<td><img src="/pict/OGN.png"></td>
<td>Yellow: Gliders and motorgliders</td>
<td><img src="/pict/OGN_g.png"></td>
<td>Green: Tugs</td>
<td><img src="/pict/OGN_r.png"></td>
<td>Red: Helicopters</td>
<td><img src="/pict/OGN_b.png"></td>
<td>Blue: Other aircraft</td>
<td><img src="/pict/OGN_o.png"></td>
<td>Grey: All inactive aircraft (no data received for the last 10 minutes)</td>
<center><img src="/pict/c4.gif" height="195" width="337"></center>
<p style="text-align:justify; color:blue;">
On the map, hovering the mouse over an icon or track displays the ID and registration of
the aircraft on a label at the top center and highlights the track of the aircraft.<br>
Hovering the mouse over an icon highlights the line in the
list for that aircraft and momentarily displays a bubble with its ID, registration, altitude
and time of the last data received.<br>
A click on the icon of a aircraft (or the altitude of the aircraft in the list) brings up
the detail panel containing the information held on <a href="http://flarmnet.org/index.php/en/">flarmnet</a> for the aircraft
(clicking on this panel closes it).
<td width="800">
<p style="text-align:justify; color:blue;"><br>
A double-click on the icon of a aircraft (or the identifier of a aircraft in the list)
activates automatic centering on that aircraft.<br>
A label at the top left shows which aircraft automatic centering (AC) is active on.<br>
To disable automatic centering, click on this label.
<center><img src="/pict/c3.gif" height="107" width="289"></center>
<p style="text-align:justify; color:blue;">
A right-click on the icon of a aircraft (or the identifier of
a aircraft in the list) displays the complete track for that aircraft for the day.
<td width="800">
<p style="text-align:justify; color:blue;">
A right-click on the background map shows the topographic elevation and geographical coordinates
of the clicked point.</p>
<center><img src="/pict/c5.gif" height="235" width="300"></center>