/* ____ _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / __ \ / ____| (_) | | | \ | | | | | | | | | |_ __ ___ _ __ | | __| |_ __| | ___ _ __ | \| | ___| |___ _____ _ __| | __ | | | | '_ \ / _ \ '_ \ | | |_ | | |/ _` |/ _ \ '__| | . ` |/ _ \ __\ \ /\ / / _ \| '__| |/ / | |__| | |_) | __/ | | | | |__| | | | (_| | __/ | | |\ | __/ |_ \ V V / (_) | | | < \____/| .__/ \___|_| |_| \_____|_|_|\__,_|\___|_| |_| \_|\___|\__| \_/\_/ \___/|_| |_|\_\ | | |_| */ var map; var autoc=""; var acaff=""; var cton=false; var tcolor= ["000000","FF0000","00FF00","0000FF","FFFF00","00FFFF","FF00FF","C0C0C0","FFFFFF"]; var colort= ["000000","0000FF","00FF00","FF0000","00FFFF","FFFF00","FF00FF","C0C0C0","FFFFFF"]; // pour format aaBBGGRR var ccolor=0; var aflist = true; var vallpolon = true; var vallpoloff = true; var vallmaron = true; var vallmaroff = true; var lside = 0; // 0=right 1=left var online = new Array(); // ([cn,alt*1,ps+"_"+cn,colcn,afdif]); var offline = new Array(); // ([cn,alt*1,ps+"_"+cn,colcn,afdif]); var receivers = new Array(); var onoff = 1; // 1: online, 2: offline, 3: Menu var oldonoff = 1; var onoffaff ="OnLine"; var triasc = 1; // 1: asc 2: desc var tricol = 0; // 0:tri sur cn 1: tri sur alti var ett1 = "
"; var w = 0; // watchdog variable var tmgm; var tmwd; var nbreq = 0; // nb request launch var hnew = false; var ftype=["unknown","Glider/MotorGlider","Tow Plane","Helicopter","Parachute","Drop Plane","Hand Glider","Para Glider","Plane","Jet","UFO","Balloon","Airship","Drone","unknown","Static Object" ]; var ftypec=["_b","","_g","_r","_b","_b","_p","_p","_b","_b","_b","_b","_b","_b","_b","_b"]; // close popup function cp() { clearTimeout(tmop); var d = document.getElementById('popup'); d.style.display='none'; } // open popup function op(maxw) { var d = document.getElementById('popup'); d.style.display='block'; d.style.width = maxw + 'px'; d.style.height = maxw + 'px'; tmop = setTimeout('cp()', 15000); } function onofff() { switch(onoff) { case 1: if (all==1) { onoffaff="OffLine"; onoff=2; } else { onoffaff="Menu"; onoff=3; } break; case 2: onoffaff="Menu"; onoff=3; document.getElementById("ett2").style.display = "none"; break; case 3: onoffaff="OnLine"; onoff=1; document.getElementById("ett2").style.display = "block"; break; } afftab(); } function deletepath(pol) { window[pol].getGeometry().getCoordinates().clear(); } function deleteallpath() { var j=-1; var p; if (onoff==true) { while(online[++j]){ window["P_"+online[j][2]].getGeometry().getCoordinates().clear(); } } else { while(offline[++j]){ window["P_"+offline[j][2]].getGeometry().getCoordinates().clear(); } } } function allpath() { var j=-1; if (onoff==true) { if (vallpolon==true) vallpolon = false; else vallpolon = true; while(online[++j]){ window["P_"+online[j][2]].setVisibility( vallpolon ); } } else { if (vallpoloff==true) vallpoloff = false; else vallpoloff = true; while(offline[++j]){ window["P_"+offline[j][2]].setVisibility( vallpoloff ); } } afftab(); } function allmarker() { var j=-1; if (onoff==true) { if (vallmaron==true) vallmaron = false; else vallmaron = true; while(online[++j]){ window["M_"+online[j][2]].setVisibility( vallmaron ); } } else { if (vallmaroff==true) vallmaroff = false; else vallmaroff = true; while(offline[++j]){ window["M_"+offline[j][2]].setVisibility( vallmaroff ); 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ge.getFeatures().removeChild(window["P_"+offline[j][2]]); delete window["P_"+offline[j][2]]; delete window["V_"+offline[j][2]]; } } else all=1; } function bounds() { if(document.getElementById('boundsbox').checked) { bound = true; amax = document.getElementById('latmax').value; amin = document.getElementById('latmin').value; if (amin > amax) { var tmp = amax; amax = amin; amin = tmp; } omax = document.getElementById('lonmax').value; omin = document.getElementById('lonmin').value; if (omin > omax) { var tmp = omax; omax = omin; omin = tmp; } if (amax > 85) amax = 85; if (amin < -85) amin = -85; if (omax > 180) omax = 180; if (omin < -180) omin = -180; boundc="&b="+amax+"&c="+amin+"&d="+omax+"&e="+omin; document.getElementById('latmax').value = amax; document.getElementById('latmin').value = amin; document.getElementById('lonmax').value = omax; document.getElementById('lonmin').value = omin; var j=-1; while(online[++j]){ ge.getFeatures().removeChild(window["M_"+online[j][2]]); delete window["M_"+online[j][2]]; 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"+online[j][0]+"  "+online[j][1]+"m
"+offline[j][0]+"  "+offline[j][1]+"m
"; dlistd += ""; oldonoff=3; } else raf = false; break; } dlistd +=""; if (raf == true) document.getElementById("dtable").innerHTML = dlistd; document.getElementById("onoff").innerHTML = onoffaff + affcpt; } function ASC(a,b){ a=a[tricol]; b=b[tricol]; if(a > b) return 1 if(a < b) return -1 return 0 } function alist() { if (aflist == true) { document.getElementById("ett1").innerHTML = "
"; document.getElementById('dlist').style.width="20px"; document.getElementById('dlist').style.height="20px"; if (lside==1) document.getElementById('ac').style.left="65px"; else document.getElementById('ac').style.right="0px"; centeroff(); aflist = false; } else { document.getElementById("ett1").innerHTML = ett1; document.getElementById('dlist').style.width="180px"; document.getElementById('dlist').style.height="90%"; if (lside==1) document.getElementById('ac').style.left="245px"; else document.getElementById('ac').style.right="180px"; aflist = true; afftab(); } } function sideclick() { if (lside==0) { document.getElementById('dlist').className="lleft"; document.getElementById('ac').className="acleft"; document.getElementById('ac').style.right=""; lside=1; } else { document.getElementById('dlist').className="lright"; document.getElementById('ac').className="acright"; document.getElementById('ac').style.left=""; lside=0; } } function pointtomarker(mar) { var point = window[mar].getGeometry(); var lookAt = ge.getView().copyAsLookAt(ge.ALTITUDE_RELATIVE_TO_GROUND); lookAt.setLatitude(point.getLatitude()); lookAt.setLongitude(point.getLongitude()); ge.getView().setAbstractView(lookAt); } function autocenter(vvar) { document.getElementById("divInfoac").innerHTML = "AC: "+window[vvar].desc; autoc=vvar; document.getElementById("divInfoac").style.display = "block"; pointtomarker(window[vvar].mark); } function autocenteroff() { document.getElementById("divInfoac").innerHTML=" "; autoc=""; document.getElementById("divInfoac").style.display = "none"; } function centeron(mark) { cton=true; pointtomarker(mark); } function centeroff() { if (autoc!="") { pointtomarker(window[autoc].mark); } cton=false; } function vpolmar(chk, pol) { if (chk) window[pol].setVisibility( true ); else window[pol].setVisibility( false ); } function isvisib(pol) { if (window[pol].getVisibility()==true) return "checked"; else return ""; } function changecolor(vvar) { var colactive = window[vvar].icol; if(++colactive==9) colactive=0; var ncol = colort[colactive]; window[window[vvar].poly].getStyleSelector().getLineStyle().getColor().set('EE'+ncol); // aabbggrr format ncol = tcolor[colactive]; window[vvar].icol = colactive; return "#"+ncol; } function redraw(pol) { var p = pol.substring(2); var vvar = window["V_"+p]; var fi=vvar.fid; var lo = window[vvar.mark].getGeometry().getLongitude().toFixed(); downloadUrl(cxml1+'?id='+p+"&e=1"+"&l="+lo, function(data) { var vtrace = data.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("m"); var err = parseFloat(vtrace[0].getAttribute("e")); var ppol = "P_"+vtrace[0].getAttribute("i"); if (err==0 && vtrace.length>2) { window[ppol].getGeometry().getCoordinates().clear(); for (var i = 1; i < vtrace.length; i++) { var lat = parseFloat(vtrace[i].getAttribute("a")); var lon = parseFloat(vtrace[i].getAttribute("o")); var alt = vtrace[i].getAttribute("t"); window[ppol].getGeometry().getCoordinates().pushLatLngAlt(lat,lon,alt*1); } } }); } // récupère la liste des récepteurs function checkrec() { downloadUrl(rxml, function(data) { var vlrec = data.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("m"); var err = parseFloat(vlrec[0].getAttribute("e")); if (err==0 && vlrec.length>1) { selrec = ""; // effacer markers var j=-1; while(receivers[++j]){ delete window["R_"+receivers[j][0]]; } receivers.length=0; for (var i = 1; i < vlrec.length; i++) { var re = vlrec[i].getAttribute("a"); var rlat = parseFloat(vlrec[i].getAttribute("b")); var rlon = parseFloat(vlrec[i].getAttribute("c")); var ract = parseInt(vlrec[i].getAttribute("d")); selrec += ""; receivers.push([re]); window["R_"+re] = [rlat,rlon]; } setTimeout('checkrec()', 120000); } else { selrec = ""; setTimeout('checkrec()', 20000); } }); } function affinfodata(vvar) { var mrk=window[vvar]; var vz=mrk.vz; var la = window[window[vvar].mark].getGeometry().getLatitude().toFixed(6); var lo = window[window[vvar].mark].getGeometry().getLongitude().toFixed(6); document.getElementById("aclt").innerHTML=mrk.tim; document.getElementById("acla").innerHTML=la; document.getElementById("aclo").innerHTML=lo; document.getElementById("acal").innerHTML=mrk.alt; document.getElementById("acsp").innerHTML=mrk.speed; document.getElementById("actr").innerHTML=mrk.track; document.getElementById("acvz").innerHTML=((vz>=0)?"+":"–")+Math.abs(vz); var re = mrk.rec; if (typeof(window["R_"+re]) != 'undefined') { var mre = window["R_"+re]; var di = dist(la, lo, mre[0], mre[1] ); re += " ("+di.toFixed()+" Km)"; } else { re += " (?)"; } document.getElementById("acrx").innerHTML=re; } function affinfodata2(vvar) { var mrk=window[vvar]; document.getElementById("acmo").innerHTML=mrk.model; } function affinfo(vvar) { affinfodata(vvar); var mrk=window[vvar]; var rg=mrk.reg; var fi=mrk.fid; document.getElementById("accn").innerHTML=mrk.cn; document.getElementById("acfi").innerHTML=fi; document.getElementById("acre").innerHTML=rg; document.getElementById("acty").innerHTML=ftype[mrk.type*1]; if (fi!="hidden") { document.getElementById("acif").innerHTML="Infos    Pictures"; if (mrk.dinfo=="") { downloadUrl(dxml+'?i='+vvar+'&f='+fi, function(data) { var dat = data.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("m"); var err = parseFloat(dat[0].getAttribute("g")); var mrk = dat[0].getAttribute("i"); if (err==0) { window[mrk].model = ""+dat[0].getAttribute("c"); affinfodata2(mrk); document.getElementById("ac2").style.display = "block"; } else { window[mrk].dinfo = "_"; document.getElementById("ac2").style.display = "none"; } }); } else { if (mrk.dinfo!="_") { affinfodata2(vvar); document.getElementById("ac2").style.display = "block"; } else { document.getElementById("ac2").style.display = "none"; } } } else { document.getElementById("ac2").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("acif").innerHTML=""; document.getElementById("acow").innerHTML=""; document.getElementById("acaf").innerHTML=""; document.getElementById("acmo").innerHTML=""; document.getElementById("acfr").innerHTML=""; } acaff=vvar; document.getElementById("ac").style.display = "block"; } function dist(lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2) { var torad = Math.PI / 180; lat1 *= torad; lon1 *= torad; lat2 *= torad; lon2 *= torad; var dt=Math.acos( (Math.sin(lat1)*Math.sin(lat2)) + (Math.cos(lat1)*Math.cos(lat2)*Math.cos(lon1-lon2)) ); dt *=6366; return dt; } function gesmark() { if (nbreq > 0) { --nbreq; return; } ++nbreq; downloadUrl(cxml+"?a="+all+boundc+tz, function(data) { ++w; var planeurs = data.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("m"); online.length=0; offline.length=0; var colcn; for (var i = 0; i < planeurs.length; i++) { // récupération des données transmises pour ce planeur var tab=planeurs[i].getAttribute("a").split(","); var lat = parseFloat(tab[0]); var lon = parseFloat(tab[1]); var cn = tab[2]; var ps = tab[3]; var alt = tab[4]; var tim = tab[5]; var ddf = tab[6]; var track = tab[7]; var speed = tab[8]; var vz = tab[9]; var typ = tab[10]; var rec = tab[11]; var crc = tab[13]; var polyvar="P_"+crc; var markvar="M_"+crc; var varvar="V_"+crc; if (typeof(window[polyvar]) == 'undefined') // si planeur non créé (pas déjà présent sur la carte) { // create a Marker window[markvar] = ge.createPlacemark(''); window[markvar].setDescription(varvar); var icon = ge.createIcon(''); icon.setHref(""+tld+"/markers/"+cn+ftypec[typ*1]+".png"); var style = ge.createStyle(''); style.getIconStyle().setIcon(icon); style.getIconStyle().setScale(1.0); window[markvar].setStyleSelector(style); var pointi = ge.createPoint(''); pointi.setLatitude(lat); pointi.setLongitude(lon); pointi.setAltitude(alt*1); pointi.setAltitudeMode(ge.ALTITUDE_ABSOLUTE); window[markvar].setGeometry(pointi); ge.getFeatures().appendChild(window[markvar]); var fid = tab[12]; if (fid=="0") fid="hidden"; window[varvar]= { icol: ccolor, poly: polyvar, mark: markvar, desc: cn+" - "+ps+" @ "+alt+"m @ "+tim, cn: cn, reg: ps, type: typ, dinfo: "", speed: ""+speed, track: ""+track, vz: ""+vz, tim: ""+tim, rec: ""+rec, off: 0, fid: ""+fid }; google.earth.addEventListener(window[markvar], 'mouseover', function() { focuson(this.getDescription()); }); google.earth.addEventListener(window[markvar], 'mouseout', function() { focusoff(this.getDescription()); }); google.earth.addEventListener(window[markvar], 'dblclick', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); autocenter(this.getDescription()); }); google.earth.addEventListener(window[markvar], 'click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (e.getButton() == 2) { redraw(this.getDescription()); } else affinfo(this.getDescription()); }); // création du PolyLine var hcol= colort[ccolor]; window[polyvar] = ge.createPlacemark(''); window[polyvar].setDescription(varvar); var linei = ge.createLineString(''); linei.setAltitudeMode(ge.ALTITUDE_ABSOLUTE); linei.getCoordinates().pushLatLngAlt(lat,lon,alt*1); window[polyvar].setGeometry(linei); window[polyvar].setStyleSelector(ge.createStyle('')); var stylei = window[polyvar].getStyleSelector().getLineStyle(); stylei.setWidth(3); stylei.getColor().set('EE'+hcol); // aabbggrr format ge.getFeatures().appendChild(window[polyvar]); google.earth.addEventListener(window[polyvar], 'mouseover', function() { focuson(this.getDescription()); }); google.earth.addEventListener(window[polyvar], 'mouseout', function() { focusoff(this.getDescription()); }); if(++ccolor==9) ccolor=0; if (hnew==true) { window[markvar].setVisibility( false ); window[polyvar].setVisibility( false ); } } // fin du if typeof... var difalt=vz*1; colcn="#"+tcolor[window[varvar].icol]; if (ddf<600) { if (ddf>120) afdif="n"; else if (difalt==0) afdif="z"; else if (difalt<-4) afdif="mmm"; else if (difalt<-1) afdif="mm"; else if (difalt<0) afdif="m"; else if (difalt>4) afdif="ppp"; else if (difalt>1) afdif="pp"; else afdif="p"; online.push([cn,alt*1,crc,colcn,afdif]); if (window[varvar].off==1) { window[markvar].getStyleSelector().getIconStyle().getIcon().setHref(""+tld+"/markers/"+cn+ftypec[typ*1]+".png"); window[varvar].off=0; } // add a point to the path window[polyvar].getGeometry().getCoordinates().pushLatLngAlt(lat,lon,alt*1); // move marker and change displayed coord var point = window[markvar].getGeometry(); point.setLatitude(lat); point.setLongitude(lon); point.setAltitude(alt*1); window[varvar].desc = cn+" - "+ps+" @ "+alt+"m @ "+tim; window[varvar].speed = speed; window[varvar].track = track; window[varvar].vz = vz; window[varvar].tim = tim; window[varvar].rec = rec; window[varvar].alt = alt; } else { if (all==0) { ge.getFeatures().removeChild(window[markvar]); delete window[markvar]; ge.getFeatures().removeChild(window[polyvar]); delete window[polyvar]; } else { offline.push([cn,alt*1,crc,colcn,"n"]); if (window[varvar].off==0) { window[markvar].getStyleSelector().getIconStyle().getIcon().setHref(""+tld+"/markers/"+cn+"_o.png"); window[varvar].off=1; } } } if (autoc==varvar) { document.getElementById("divInfoac").innerHTML="AC: "+cn+" - "+ps+" @ "+alt+"m"; if (cton==false) pointtomarker(markvar); } if (acaff==varvar) affinfodata(varvar); } // fin du for (var i = 0; i < planeurs.length; i++) // tri et affichage du tableau afftab(); if (--nbreq < 0) { nbreq = 0; } else { tmgm = setTimeout('gesmark()', 10000); } }); } function wd() { if (w==0) { clearTimeout(tmgm); gesmark(); } w=0; tmwd = setTimeout('wd()', 30000); } function initialize() { google.earth.createInstance('map_canvas', initCB, failureCB); document.getElementById("ett1").innerHTML = ett1; document.getElementById("ett2").innerHTML = "
"; document.getElementById("ac").innerHTML = "   ..::Aircraft::..
Device Id:
Last time:
Altitude:  m
G.Speed:  km/h
Track:  °
Vz:  m/s
"; } function initCB(instance) { var has = window.location.hash.substring(1).split('&'); // parse the parameters var parh = []; var cent = []; for (var i=0; i


The data on this site can be ambiguous in certain situations and the displayed position of an aircraft or glider can be displaced relative to the actual position.
Before raising an alert please contact us so we can interpret the data correctly.

"; op(300); } tz ="&z="+(tz /-60); // the javascript gettimezone function return negative value in minutes then /-60 to have correct hours checkrec(); tmwd = setTimeout('wd()', 60000); gesmark(); } function failureCB(errorCode) { }