Merge pull request #11 from oe3cjb/severalideas

bug in position for southern hemisphere solved
oe3cjb 2021-01-18 16:44:08 +01:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
commit 42795d9706
Nie znaleziono w bazie danych klucza dla tego podpisu
ID klucza GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
3 zmienionych plików z 61 dodań i 47 usunięć

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ platform = espressif32
board = ttgo-t-beam
framework = arduino
monitor_speed = 115200
lib_deps =
lib_deps =
Adafruit BusIO

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@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
// Variables for DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor
int chk;
boolean hum_temp = false;
uint8_t hum_temp_ctr, hum_temp_ctr_max = 3;
float hum=0; //Stores humidity value
float temp=99.99; //Stores temperature value
float tempf=99.99; //Stores temperature value
@ -354,7 +355,7 @@ void setup()
if ((digitalRead(BUTTON) == LOW) || (Tcall == "OE1XYZ-0")) { // into setup when no real data entered in TTGO...config.h
if ((digitalRead(BUTTON) == LOW) || (Tcall == "XX9XXX-0")) { // into setup when no real data entered in TTGO...config.h
writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","","Entering Setup!","","",2000);
@ -478,6 +479,8 @@ void setup()
writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Init:","FINISHED OK!"," =:-) ","",250);
Serial.println("LoRa-APRS / Init / FINISHED OK! / =:-)");
hum_temp_ctr = 0;
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------+//
@ -532,7 +535,11 @@ void loop() {
if (hum_temp) {
if (hum_temp_ctr>hum_temp_ctr_max) {
hum_temp_ctr = 0;
#ifdef DS18B20
sensors.requestTemperatures(); // Send the command to get temperature readings
temp = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0); // get temp from 1st (!) sensor only
@ -545,7 +552,11 @@ void loop() {
} else {
if (hum_temp_ctr>hum_temp_ctr_max) {
hum_temp_ctr = 0;
#ifdef DS18B20
hum = 0;
@ -824,19 +835,21 @@ void recalcGPS(){
Altx += Talt;
if(Tlat<0) { Ns = "S"; } else { Ns = "N"; }
if(Tlon<0) { Ew = "W"; } else { Ew = "E"; }
if(Tlat < 0) { Tlat= -Tlat; }
unsigned int Deg_Lat = Tlat;
Lat = 100*(Deg_Lat) + (Tlat - Deg_Lat)*60;
if(Tlon < 0) { Tlon= -Tlon; }
unsigned int Deg_Lon = Tlon;
Lon = 100*(Deg_Lon) + (Tlon - Deg_Lon)*60;
aprs_lat = 900000000 - Tlat * 10000000;
aprs_lat = aprs_lat / 26 - aprs_lat / 2710 + aprs_lat / 15384615;
aprs_lon = 900000000 + Tlon * 10000000 / 2;
aprs_lon = aprs_lon / 26 - aprs_lon / 2710 + aprs_lon / 15384615;
if(Tlat<0) { Ns = "S"; } else { Ns = "N"; }
if(Tlat < 0) { Tlat= -Tlat; }
unsigned int Deg_Lat = Tlat;
Lat = 100*(Deg_Lat) + (Tlat - Deg_Lat)*60;
if(Tlon<0) { Ew = "W"; } else { Ew = "E"; }
if(Tlon < 0) { Tlon= -Tlon; }
unsigned int Deg_Lon = Tlon;
Lon = 100*(Deg_Lon) + (Tlon - Deg_Lon)*60;
outString = "";
@ -926,9 +939,9 @@ switch(tracker_mode) {
outString += Ew;
outString += wxSymbol;
for (i=0; i<Tcall.length();++i){ // remove unneeded "spaces" from callsign field
if (Tcall.charAt(i) != ' ') {
outString += Tcall.charAt(i);
for (i=0; i<wxTcall.length();++i){ // remove unneeded "spaces" from callsign field
if (wxTcall.charAt(i) != ' ') {
outString += wxTcall.charAt(i);
// outString = (Tcall);
@ -1056,9 +1069,9 @@ case WX_MOVE:
outString += Ew;
outString += wxSymbol;
for (i=0; i<Tcall.length();++i){ // remove unneeded "spaces" from callsign field
if (Tcall.charAt(i) != ' ') {
outString += Tcall.charAt(i);
for (i=0; i<wxTcall.length();++i){ // remove unneeded "spaces" from callsign field
if (wxTcall.charAt(i) != ' ') {
outString += wxTcall.charAt(i);
// outString = (Tcall);
@ -1297,7 +1310,7 @@ void setup_data(void) {
int8_t initial_ssid;
// set Tx Symbol - gleich zu Beginn, falls man nur das Symbol ändern möchte
// set Tx Symbol und die normale SSID - gleich zu Beginn, falls man nur das Symbol ändern möchte
pos_ssid = 0;
while (true) {
TxSymbol = werte_TxSymbol_symbol[pos_ssid];
@ -1319,7 +1332,32 @@ void setup_data(void) {
if (pos_ssid>=6) {pos_ssid=0;}
// smartDelay(500);
// set normal SSID
initial_ssid = (int8_t) (Tcall.substring(7,9)).toInt();
pos_ssid = initial_ssid;
pfeile = " ^";
key_pressed = false;
initial_waiter = 2000;
while (true) {
writedisplaytext(" SETUP", " normal SSID"," "+Tcall, pfeile, "PRESS KEY to select", "", 0);
waiter = millis();
while (millis()<(waiter+1000+initial_waiter)) {
if (digitalRead(BUTTON)==LOW) {
key_pressed = true;
initial_waiter = 0;
if (key_pressed==true) {
key_pressed = false;
if (pos_ssid>=16) {pos_ssid=0;}
Tcall = Tcall.substring(0,6)+"-"+werte_SSID[pos_ssid];
writedisplaytext(" SETUP", " SSID"," "+Tcall," ", "programmed", "", 2000);
// fragen, ob es weiter gehen soll
pos_ssid = 0;
@ -1383,33 +1421,9 @@ void setup_data(void) {
// set normal SSID
initial_ssid = (int8_t) (Tcall.substring(7,9)).toInt();
pos_ssid = initial_ssid;
pfeile = " ^";
key_pressed = false;
initial_waiter = 2000;
while (true) {
writedisplaytext(" SETUP", " normal SSID"," "+Tcall, pfeile, "PRESS KEY to select", "", 0);
waiter = millis();
while (millis()<(waiter+1000+initial_waiter)) {
if (digitalRead(BUTTON)==LOW) {
key_pressed = true;
initial_waiter = 0;
if (key_pressed==true) {
key_pressed = false;
if (pos_ssid>=16) {pos_ssid=0;}
Tcall = Tcall.substring(0,6)+"-"+werte_SSID[pos_ssid];
writedisplaytext(" SETUP", " Call"," "+Tcall," ", "programmed", "", 2000);
// set WX SSID
initial_ssid = (int8_t) (wxTcall.substring(7,9)).toInt();

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@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
// #define DONT_USE_FLASH_MEMORY // uncomment if you don't want to use Flashmemory - instead data below must be corrected
#define TRACKERMODE 0 // preset MODE here, if flash not used >> 0=TRACKER, 1=WX_TRACKER, 2=WX_MOVE, 3=WX_FIXED
#define CALLSIGN "OE3CJB-11" // enter your callsign here - less then 6 letter callsigns please add "spaces" so total length is 6 (without SSID)
#define WX_CALLSIGN "OE3CJB-11" // use same callsign but you can use different SSID
#define CALLSIGN "XX9XXX-11" // enter your callsign here - less then 6 letter callsigns please add "spaces" so total length is 6 (without SSID)
#define WX_CALLSIGN "XX9XXX-11" // use same callsign but you can use different SSID
#define LONGITUDE_PRESET "01539.85E" // please in APRS notation DDDMM.mmE or DDDMM.mmW
#define LATIDUDE_PRESET "4813.62N" // please in APRS notation DDMM.mmN or DDMM.mmS
#define APRS_SYMBOL ">" // other symbols are