
31 wiersze
949 B
Executable File

#! /bin/sh -x
# Pull translations from transifex
# Forcibly pull all translations becase git clone in a fresh repo causes the local files to
# be more recent then translations on transifex, therefore the translastion is skipped
tx pull --force --all
# Commit any changes
# git diff
git config user.email "hakan@gurkensalat.com"
git config user.name "Hakan Tandogan"
# git add scripts/transifex-fetch-translations.sh
# git commit -m "Updated message translation fetching script" scripts/transifex-fetch-translations.sh
# Loop over all translations
for translation in $(find locale -name \*.po)
$(dirname $0)/../ci-scripts/transifex-commit-translations.pl ${translation}
# Reset my own git config after shell run
git config user.email "hakan@gurkensalat.com"
git config user.name "Hakan Tandogan"
# Keep Jenkins happy so it won't mark the build as failed for no reason :-(
# Done, git push to be done manually or from jenkins