#!/bin/bash #Automatic buildscript for Nextcloud apps #Made by @OliverParoczai #Requires git, xmlstarlet, tar, and optionally openssl REPOURL="https://github.com/OliverParoczai/nextcloud-unroundedcorners.git" #official repo, change if forked SIGN=FALSE #Sign the file for uploading to the official appstore SIGNCERT=~/.nextcloud/certificates/unroundedcorners.key #The location of the key mkdir tmp echo "Cloning $REPOURL" git clone -q $REPOURL tmp/unroundedcorners/ VERSION=$(xmlstarlet sel -T -t -m '//info/version' -v . -n tmp/unroundedcorners/appinfo/info.xml) echo "Version is ${VERSION}" echo "Starting compression" tar --exclude='code' --exclude='differences.png' --exclude=".git" -czf unroundedcorners-v${VERSION}.tar.gz -C tmp unroundedcorners/ rm -rf tmp if [ $SIGN ]; then echo "" echo "The signature:" echo "" openssl dgst -sha512 -sign $SIGNCERT unroundedcorners-v${VERSION}.tar.gz | openssl base64 echo "" fi