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Alex Puiu 2022-01-25 11:37:43 +02:00
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commit 820e511788
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# mail2deck
Provides an "email in" solution for the Nextcloud Deck app
## A. For users
Retains the following:
1) Email subject is the card title, and email body is the card description! <br/>
2) You can add even attachments to the email and they will be transposed as attachments of the card.<br/>
3) __mail2deck__ doesn't add stacks (for now), so you must to have at least one stack on the board you want to add the cards.<br>
Follow the above steps to add a new card from email.
To have the feature as your email to be transformed in a Deck card you have to follow some easy steps.
### 1) Deck Bot needs to be assigned as a user of the board that you want to add the cards.
The card will be assigned to the Deck Bot. In case you aren't the board owner or you haven't rights to add users to the board, we consider that mail2deck for that board is disabled.
### 2) Send the email.
You have two posibilities to choose the board that you want to add the card:
#### 1) Set the board in the email subject
We interprate that is mail subject:
<code>mail subject b-'personalBoard'</code><br/>
You can use single or double quotes, and the word from inside the quotes has to be exactly the board name.
For the stack you can use:
<code>mail subject b-'personalBoard' s-'important stuff'</code>
or not, because the default stack is the left one.
#### 2) Set the board in the email address
For that, we have to introduce you the structure of the email address.<br/>
The email address is composed like:
<code>incoming+boardname@server.domain</code>, and string between the plus (**+**) and the at (**@**) needs to be exactly the board name that you want to add the card.
* Deck Bot is the user who will create the cards and it will be set up by your nextcloud admin.
* In this tutorial email address for Deck Bot will be: <code>bot@ncserver.com<code>
### 1) Assign Deck Bot to the board.
### 2) Mail subject & content
Let's assume you want to add a card with title "Update website logo" on board "Website" and stack "To do".
You can do this in two ways.
#### 2.1: Set stack and board in the email subject
Here's how the email subject should look like:
<code>Update website logo b-'Website' s-'To do'</code>
*You can use single or double quotes.*
#### 2.2: Set the board in the email address
At the end of the email address prefix (before @) add "+Website"
Example: <code>bot+Website@ncserver.com</code>
In this case, if you don't specify the stack in the email subject, the card will be added in the first stack (if it exists).
* Email content will be card description
* You can add attachments in the email and those will be integrated in the created card
## B. For NextCloud admins to setup
### Requirements