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# NanoVNASaver - a python program to view and export Touchstone data from a NanoVNA
# Copyright (C) 2019. Rune B. Broberg
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import logging
from time import sleep
from typing import List
import numpy as np
from PyQt5 import QtCore
from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSlot, pyqtSignal
import NanoVNASaver
from NanoVNASaver.Calibration import Calibration
from NanoVNASaver.Hardware import VNA, InvalidVNA
from NanoVNASaver.RFTools import RFTools, Datapoint
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class WorkerSignals(QtCore.QObject):
updated = pyqtSignal()
finished = pyqtSignal()
sweepError = pyqtSignal()
fatalSweepError = pyqtSignal()
class SweepWorker(QtCore.QRunnable):
def __init__(self, app: NanoVNASaver):
logger.info("Initializing SweepWorker")
self.signals = WorkerSignals()
self.app = app
self.vna: VNA = InvalidVNA()
self.noSweeps = 1
self.percentage = 0
self.data11: List[Datapoint] = []
self.data21: List[Datapoint] = []
self.rawData11: List[Datapoint] = []
self.rawData21: List[Datapoint] = []
self.stopped = False
self.running = False
self.continuousSweep = False
self.averaging = False
self.averages = 3
self.truncates = 0
self.error_message = ""
self.offsetDelay = 0
def run(self):
logger.info("Initializing SweepWorker")
self.running = True
self.percentage = 0
if not self.app.serial.is_open:
logger.debug("Attempted to run without being connected to the NanoVNA")
self.running = False
if int(self.app.sweepCountInput.text()) > 0:
self.noSweeps = int(self.app.sweepCountInput.text())
logger.info("%d sweeps", self.noSweeps)
if self.averaging:
logger.info("%d averages", self.averages)
if self.app.sweepStartInput.text() == "" or self.app.sweepEndInput.text() == "":
logger.debug("First sweep - standard range")
# We should handle the first startup by reading frequencies?
sweep_from = 1000000
sweep_to = 800000000
sweep_from = RFTools.parseFrequency(self.app.sweepStartInput.text())
sweep_to = RFTools.parseFrequency(self.app.sweepEndInput.text())
logger.debug("Parsed sweep range as %d to %d", sweep_from, sweep_to)
if sweep_from < 0 or sweep_to < 0 or sweep_from == sweep_to:
logger.warning("Can't sweep from %s to %s",
self.error_message = "Unable to parse frequency inputs - check start and stop fields."
self.stopped = True
self.running = False
span = sweep_to - sweep_from
stepsize = int(span / (100 + (self.noSweeps-1)*101))
# Setup complete
values = []
values21 = []
frequencies = []
if self.averaging:
for i in range(self.noSweeps):
logger.debug("Sweep segment no %d averaged over %d readings", i, self.averages)
if self.stopped:
logger.debug("Stopping sweeping as signalled")
start = sweep_from + i * 101 * stepsize
freq, val11, val21 = self.readAveragedSegment(start, start + 100 * stepsize, self.averages)
frequencies += freq
values += val11
values21 += val21
self.percentage = (i + 1) * 100 / self.noSweeps
logger.debug("Saving acquired data")
self.saveData(frequencies, values, values21)
for i in range(self.noSweeps):
logger.debug("Sweep segment no %d", i)
if self.stopped:
logger.debug("Stopping sweeping as signalled")
start = sweep_from + i*101*stepsize
freq, val11, val21 = self.readSegment(start, start+100*stepsize)
frequencies += freq
values += val11
values21 += val21
self.percentage = (i+1)*100/self.noSweeps
logger.debug("Saving acquired data")
self.saveData(frequencies, values, values21)
except NanoVNAValueException as e:
self.error_message = str(e)
self.stopped = True
self.running = False
except NanoVNASerialException as e:
self.error_message = str(e)
self.stopped = True
self.running = False
while self.continuousSweep and not self.stopped:
logger.debug("Continuous sweeping")
for i in range(self.noSweeps):
logger.debug("Sweep segment no %d", i)
if self.stopped:
logger.debug("Stopping sweeping as signalled")
start = sweep_from + i * 101 * stepsize
_, values, values21 = self.readSegment(start, start + 100 * stepsize)
logger.debug("Updating acquired data")
self.updateData(values, values21, i)
except NanoVNAValueException as e:
self.error_message = str(e)
self.stopped = True
self.running = False
except NanoVNASerialException as e:
self.error_message = str(e)
self.stopped = True
self.running = False
# Reset the device to show the full range
logger.debug("Resetting NanoVNA sweep to full range: %d to %d",
self.percentage = 100
logger.debug("Sending \"finished\" signal")
self.running = False
def updateData(self, values11, values21, offset, segment_size=101):
# Update the data from (i*101) to (i+1)*101
logger.debug("Calculating data and inserting in existing data at offset %d", offset)
for i in range(len(values11)):
re, im = values11[i]
re21, im21 = values21[i]
freq = self.data11[offset * segment_size + i].freq
raw_data11 = Datapoint(freq, re, im)
raw_data21 = Datapoint(freq, re21, im21)
data11, data21 = self.applyCalibration([raw_data11], [raw_data21])
self.data11[offset * segment_size + i] = data11[0]
self.data21[offset * segment_size + i] = data21[0]
self.rawData11[offset * segment_size + i] = raw_data11
self.rawData21[offset * segment_size + i] = raw_data21
logger.debug("Saving data to application (%d and %d points)", len(self.data11), len(self.data21))
self.app.saveData(self.data11, self.data21)
logger.debug("Sending \"updated\" signal")
def saveData(self, frequencies, values11, values21):
raw_data11 = []
raw_data21 = []
logger.debug("Calculating data including corrections")
for i in range(len(values11)):
re, im = values11[i]
re21, im21 = values21[i]
freq = frequencies[i]
raw_data11 += [Datapoint(freq, re, im)]
raw_data21 += [Datapoint(freq, re21, im21)]
self.data11, self.data21 = self.applyCalibration(raw_data11, raw_data21)
self.rawData11 = raw_data11
self.rawData21 = raw_data21
logger.debug("Saving data to application (%d and %d points)", len(self.data11), len(self.data21))
self.app.saveData(self.data11, self.data21)
logger.debug("Sending \"updated\" signal")
def applyCalibration(self, raw_data11: List[Datapoint], raw_data21: List[Datapoint]) ->\
(List[Datapoint], List[Datapoint]):
if self.offsetDelay != 0:
tmp = []
for d in raw_data11:
tmp.append(Calibration.correctDelay11(d, self.offsetDelay))
raw_data11 = tmp
tmp = []
for d in raw_data21:
tmp.append(Calibration.correctDelay21(d, self.offsetDelay))
raw_data21 = tmp
if not self.app.calibration.isCalculated:
return raw_data11, raw_data21
data11: List[Datapoint] = []
data21: List[Datapoint] = []
if self.app.calibration.isValid1Port():
for d in raw_data11:
re, im = self.app.calibration.correct11(d.re, d.im, d.freq)
data11.append(Datapoint(d.freq, re, im))
data11 = raw_data11
if self.app.calibration.isValid2Port():
for d in raw_data21:
re, im = self.app.calibration.correct21(d.re, d.im, d.freq)
data21.append(Datapoint(d.freq, re, im))
data21 = raw_data21
return data11, data21
def readAveragedSegment(self, start, stop, averages):
val11 = []
val21 = []
freq = []
logger.info("Reading %d averages from %d to %d", averages, start, stop)
for i in range(averages):
if self.stopped:
logger.debug("Stopping averaging as signalled")
logger.debug("Reading average no %d / %d", i+1, averages)
freq, tmp11, tmp21 = self.readSegment(start, stop)
self.percentage += 100/(self.noSweeps*averages)
logger.debug("Post-processing averages")
logger.debug("Truncating %d values by %d", len(val11), self.truncates)
val11 = self.truncate(val11, self.truncates)
val21 = self.truncate(val21, self.truncates)
logger.debug("Averaging %d values", len(val11))
return11 = np.average(val11, 0).tolist()
return21 = np.average(val21, 0).tolist()
return freq, return11, return21
def truncate(values: List[List[tuple]], count):
logger.debug("Truncating from %d values to %d", len(values), len(values) - count)
if count < 1:
return values
values = np.swapaxes(values, 0, 1)
return_values = []
for valueset in values:
avg = np.average(valueset, 0) # avg becomes a 2-value array of the location of the average
new_valueset = valueset
for n in range(count):
max_deviance = 0
max_idx = -1
for i in range(len(new_valueset)):
deviance = abs(new_valueset[i][0] - avg[0])**2 + abs(new_valueset[i][1] - avg[1])**2
if deviance > max_deviance:
max_deviance = deviance
max_idx = i
next_valueset = []
for i in range(len(new_valueset)):
if i != max_idx:
next_valueset.append((new_valueset[i][0], new_valueset[i][1]))
new_valueset = next_valueset
return_values = np.swapaxes(return_values, 0, 1)
return return_values.tolist()
def readSegment(self, start, stop):
logger.debug("Setting sweep range to %d to %d", start, stop)
self.vna.setSweep(start, stop)
# Let's check the frequencies first:
frequencies = self.readFreq()
# TODO: Set up checks for getting the right frequencies. Challenge: We don't set frequency to single-Hz
# accuracy, but rather "quite close". Ex: 106213728 vs 106213726
# if start != int(frequencies[i*101]):
# # We got the wrong frequencies? Let's just log it for now.
# logger.warning("Wrong frequency received - %d is not %d", int(frequencies[i*101]), start)
# S11
values11 = self.readData("data 0")
# S21
values21 = self.readData("data 1")
return frequencies, values11, values21
def readData(self, data):
logger.debug("Reading %s", data)
done = False
returndata = []
count = 0
while not done:
done = True
returndata = []
tmpdata = self.vna.readValues(data)
if not tmpdata:
logger.warning("Read no values")
raise NanoVNASerialException("Failed reading data: Returned no values.")
logger.debug("Read %d values", len(tmpdata))
for d in tmpdata:
a, b = d.split(" ")
if self.vna.validateInput and (float(a) < -9.5 or float(a) > 9.5):
logger.warning("Got a non-float data value: %s (%s)", d, a)
logger.debug("Re-reading %s", data)
done = False
elif self.vna.validateInput and (float(b) < -9.5 or float(b) > 9.5):
logger.warning("Got a non-float data value: %s (%s)", d, b)
logger.debug("Re-reading %s", data)
done = False
returndata.append((float(a), float(b)))
except Exception as e:
logger.exception("An exception occurred reading %s: %s", data, e)
logger.debug("Re-reading %s", data)
done = False
if not done:
count += 1
if count == 10:
logger.error("Tried and failed to read %s %d times.", data, count)
if count >= 20:
logger.critical("Tried and failed to read %s %d times. Giving up.", data, count)
raise NanoVNAValueException("Failed reading " + str(data) + " " + str(count) + " times.\n" +
"Data outside expected valid ranges, or in an unexpected format.\n\n" +
"You can disable data validation on the device settings screen.")
return returndata
def readFreq(self):
# TODO: Figure out why frequencies sometimes arrive as non-integers
logger.debug("Reading frequencies")
returnfreq = []
done = False
count = 0
while not done:
done = True
returnfreq = []
tmpfreq = self.vna.readFrequencies()
if not tmpfreq:
logger.warning("Read no frequencies")
raise NanoVNASerialException("Failed reading frequencies: Returned no values.")
for f in tmpfreq:
if not f.isdigit():
logger.warning("Got a non-digit frequency: %s", f)
logger.debug("Re-reading frequencies")
done = False
count += 1
if count == 10:
logger.error("Tried and failed %d times to read frequencies.", count)
if count >= 20:
logger.critical("Tried and failed to read frequencies from the NanoVNA %d times.", count)
raise NanoVNAValueException("Failed reading frequencies " + str(count) + " times.")
return returnfreq
def setContinuousSweep(self, continuous_sweep: bool):
self.continuousSweep = continuous_sweep
def setAveraging(self, averaging: bool, averages: str, truncates: str):
self.averaging = averaging
self.averages = int(averages)
self.truncates = int(truncates)
except ValueError:
def setVNA(self, vna):
self.vna = vna
class NanoVNAValueException(Exception):
class NanoVNASerialException(Exception):