# NanoVNASaver # # A python program to view and export Touchstone data from a NanoVNA # Copyright (C) 2019, 2020 Rune B. Broberg # Copyright (C) 2020 NanoVNA-Saver Authors # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import math import logging import numpy as np from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtGui, QtCore from .Chart import Chart logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TDRChart(Chart): maxDisplayLength = 50 minDisplayLength = 0 fixedSpan = False minImpedance = 0 maxImpedance = 1000 fixedValues = False markerLocation = -1 def __init__(self, name): super().__init__(name) self.tdrWindow = None self.leftMargin = 30 self.rightMargin = 20 self.bottomMargin = 25 self.topMargin = 20 self.setMinimumSize(300, 300) self.setSizePolicy( QtWidgets.QSizePolicy( QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding)) pal = QtGui.QPalette() pal.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.Background, self.backgroundColor) self.setPalette(pal) self.setAutoFillBackground(True) self.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.DefaultContextMenu) self.menu = QtWidgets.QMenu() self.reset = QtWidgets.QAction("Reset") self.reset.triggered.connect(self.resetDisplayLimits) self.menu.addAction(self.reset) self.x_menu = QtWidgets.QMenu("Length axis") self.mode_group = QtWidgets.QActionGroup(self.x_menu) self.action_automatic = QtWidgets.QAction("Automatic") self.action_automatic.setCheckable(True) self.action_automatic.setChecked(True) self.action_automatic.changed.connect( lambda: self.setFixedSpan(self.action_fixed_span.isChecked())) self.action_fixed_span = QtWidgets.QAction("Fixed span") self.action_fixed_span.setCheckable(True) self.action_fixed_span.changed.connect( lambda: self.setFixedSpan(self.action_fixed_span.isChecked())) self.mode_group.addAction(self.action_automatic) self.mode_group.addAction(self.action_fixed_span) self.x_menu.addAction(self.action_automatic) self.x_menu.addAction(self.action_fixed_span) self.x_menu.addSeparator() self.action_set_fixed_start = QtWidgets.QAction( f"Start ({self.minDisplayLength})") self.action_set_fixed_start.triggered.connect(self.setMinimumLength) self.action_set_fixed_stop = QtWidgets.QAction( f"Stop ({self.maxDisplayLength})") self.action_set_fixed_stop.triggered.connect(self.setMaximumLength) self.x_menu.addAction(self.action_set_fixed_start) self.x_menu.addAction(self.action_set_fixed_stop) self.y_menu = QtWidgets.QMenu("Impedance axis") self.y_mode_group = QtWidgets.QActionGroup(self.y_menu) self.y_action_automatic = QtWidgets.QAction("Automatic") self.y_action_automatic.setCheckable(True) self.y_action_automatic.setChecked(True) self.y_action_automatic.changed.connect( lambda: self.setFixedValues(self.y_action_fixed.isChecked())) self.y_action_fixed = QtWidgets.QAction("Fixed") self.y_action_fixed.setCheckable(True) self.y_action_fixed.changed.connect( lambda: self.setFixedValues(self.y_action_fixed.isChecked())) self.y_mode_group.addAction(self.y_action_automatic) self.y_mode_group.addAction(self.y_action_fixed) self.y_menu.addAction(self.y_action_automatic) self.y_menu.addAction(self.y_action_fixed) self.y_menu.addSeparator() self.y_action_set_fixed_maximum = QtWidgets.QAction( f"Maximum ({self.maxImpedance})") self.y_action_set_fixed_maximum.triggered.connect(self.setMaximumImpedance) self.y_action_set_fixed_minimum = QtWidgets.QAction( f"Minimum ({self.minImpedance})") self.y_action_set_fixed_minimum.triggered.connect(self.setMinimumImpedance) self.y_menu.addAction(self.y_action_set_fixed_maximum) self.y_menu.addAction(self.y_action_set_fixed_minimum) self.menu.addMenu(self.x_menu) self.menu.addMenu(self.y_menu) self.menu.addSeparator() self.menu.addAction(self.action_save_screenshot) self.action_popout = QtWidgets.QAction("Popout chart") self.action_popout.triggered.connect( lambda: self.popoutRequested.emit(self)) self.menu.addAction(self.action_popout) self.chartWidth = self.width() - self.leftMargin - self.rightMargin self.chartHeight = self.height() - self.bottomMargin - self.topMargin def contextMenuEvent(self, event): self.action_set_fixed_start.setText( f"Start ({self.minDisplayLength})") self.action_set_fixed_stop.setText( f"Stop ({self.maxDisplayLength})") self.y_action_set_fixed_minimum.setText( f"Minimum ({self.minImpedance})") self.y_action_set_fixed_maximum.setText( f"Maximum ({self.maxImpedance})") self.menu.exec_(event.globalPos()) def isPlotable(self, x, y): return self.leftMargin <= x <= self.width() - self.rightMargin and \ self.topMargin <= y <= self.height() - self.bottomMargin def resetDisplayLimits(self): self.fixedSpan = False self.minDisplayLength = 0 self.maxDisplayLength = 100 self.fixedValues = False self.minImpedance = 0 self.maxImpedance = 1000 self.update() def setFixedSpan(self, fixed_span): self.fixedSpan = fixed_span self.update() def setMinimumLength(self): min_val, selected = QtWidgets.QInputDialog.getDouble( self, "Start length (m)", "Set start length (m)", value=self.minDisplayLength, min=0, decimals=1) if not selected: return if not (self.fixedSpan and min_val >= self.maxDisplayLength): self.minDisplayLength = min_val if self.fixedSpan: self.update() def setMaximumLength(self): max_val, selected = QtWidgets.QInputDialog.getDouble( self, "Stop length (m)", "Set stop length (m)", value=self.minDisplayLength, min=0.1, decimals=1) if not selected: return if not (self.fixedSpan and max_val <= self.minDisplayLength): self.maxDisplayLength = max_val if self.fixedSpan: self.update() def setFixedValues(self, fixed_values): self.fixedValues = fixed_values self.update() def setMinimumImpedance(self): min_val, selected = QtWidgets.QInputDialog.getDouble( self, "Minimum impedance (\N{OHM SIGN})", "Set minimum impedance (\N{OHM SIGN})", value=self.minDisplayLength, min=0, decimals=1) if not selected: return if not (self.fixedValues and min_val >= self.maxImpedance): self.minImpedance = min_val if self.fixedValues: self.update() def setMaximumImpedance(self): max_val, selected = QtWidgets.QInputDialog.getDouble( self, "Maximum impedance (\N{OHM SIGN})", "Set maximum impedance (\N{OHM SIGN})", value=self.minDisplayLength, min=0.1, decimals=1) if not selected: return if not (self.fixedValues and max_val <= self.minImpedance): self.maxImpedance = max_val if self.fixedValues: self.update() def copy(self): new_chart: TDRChart = super().copy() new_chart.tdrWindow = self.tdrWindow new_chart.minDisplayLength = self.minDisplayLength new_chart.maxDisplayLength = self.maxDisplayLength new_chart.fixedSpan = self.fixedSpan new_chart.minImpedance = self.minImpedance new_chart.maxImpedance = self.maxImpedance new_chart.fixedValues = self.fixedValues self.tdrWindow.updated.connect(new_chart.update) return new_chart def mouseMoveEvent(self, a0: QtGui.QMouseEvent) -> None: if a0.buttons() == QtCore.Qt.RightButton: a0.ignore() return if a0.buttons() == QtCore.Qt.MiddleButton: # Drag the display a0.accept() if self.moveStartX != -1 and self.moveStartY != -1: dx = self.moveStartX - a0.x() dy = self.moveStartY - a0.y() self.zoomTo(self.leftMargin + dx, self.topMargin + dy, self.leftMargin + self.chartWidth + dx, self.topMargin + self.chartHeight + dy) self.moveStartX = a0.x() self.moveStartY = a0.y() return if a0.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier: # Dragging a box if not self.draggedBox: self.draggedBoxStart = (a0.x(), a0.y()) self.draggedBoxCurrent = (a0.x(), a0.y()) self.update() a0.accept() return x = a0.x() absx = x - self.leftMargin if absx < 0 or absx > self.width() - self.rightMargin: a0.ignore() return a0.accept() width = self.width() - self.leftMargin - self.rightMargin if len(self.tdrWindow.td) > 0: if self.fixedSpan: max_index = np.searchsorted(self.tdrWindow.distance_axis, self.maxDisplayLength * 2) min_index = np.searchsorted(self.tdrWindow.distance_axis, self.minDisplayLength * 2) x_step = (max_index - min_index) / width else: max_index = math.ceil(len(self.tdrWindow.distance_axis) / 2) x_step = max_index / width self.markerLocation = int(round(absx * x_step)) self.update() return def paintEvent(self, a0: QtGui.QPaintEvent) -> None: qp = QtGui.QPainter(self) qp.setPen(QtGui.QPen(self.textColor)) qp.drawText(3, 15, self.name) width = self.width() - self.leftMargin - self.rightMargin height = self.height() - self.bottomMargin - self.topMargin qp.setPen(QtGui.QPen(self.foregroundColor)) qp.drawLine(self.leftMargin - 5, self.height() - self.bottomMargin, self.width() - self.rightMargin, self.height() - self.bottomMargin) qp.drawLine(self.leftMargin, self.topMargin - 5, self.leftMargin, self.height() - self.bottomMargin + 5) # Number of ticks does not include the origin ticks = math.floor((self.width() - self.leftMargin) / 100) self.drawTitle(qp) if len(self.tdrWindow.td) > 0: if self.fixedSpan: max_length = max(0.1, self.maxDisplayLength) max_index = np.searchsorted(self.tdrWindow.distance_axis, max_length * 2) min_index = np.searchsorted(self.tdrWindow.distance_axis, self.minDisplayLength * 2) if max_index == min_index: if max_index < len(self.tdrWindow.distance_axis) - 1: max_index += 1 else: min_index -= 1 x_step = (max_index - min_index) / width else: min_index = 0 max_index = math.ceil(len(self.tdrWindow.distance_axis) / 2) x_step = max_index / width if self.fixedValues: min_impedance = max(0, self.minImpedance) max_impedance = max(0.1, self.maxImpedance) else: # TODO: Limit the search to the selected span? min_impedance = max( 0, np.min(self.tdrWindow.step_response_Z) / 1.05) max_impedance = min( 1000, np.max(self.tdrWindow.step_response_Z) * 1.05) y_step = np.max(self.tdrWindow.td) * 1.1 / height y_impedance_step = (max_impedance - min_impedance) / height for i in range(ticks): x = self.leftMargin + round((i + 1) * width / ticks) qp.setPen(QtGui.QPen(self.foregroundColor)) qp.drawLine(x, self.topMargin, x, self.topMargin + height) qp.setPen(QtGui.QPen(self.textColor)) qp.drawText( x - 15, self.topMargin + height + 15, str(round( self.tdrWindow.distance_axis[ min_index + int((x - self.leftMargin) * x_step) - 1] / 2, 1)) + "m") qp.setPen(QtGui.QPen(self.textColor)) qp.drawText( self.leftMargin - 10, self.topMargin + height + 15, str(round(self.tdrWindow.distance_axis[min_index] / 2, 1)) + "m") y_ticks = math.floor(height / 60) y_tick_step = height/y_ticks for i in range(y_ticks): y = self.bottomMargin + int(i * y_tick_step) qp.setPen(self.foregroundColor) qp.drawLine(self.leftMargin, y, self.leftMargin + width, y) y_val = max_impedance - y_impedance_step * i * y_tick_step qp.setPen(self.textColor) qp.drawText(3, y + 3, str(round(y_val, 1))) qp.drawText(3, self.topMargin + height + 3, str(round(min_impedance, 1))) pen = QtGui.QPen(self.sweepColor) pen.setWidth(self.pointSize) qp.setPen(pen) for i in range(min_index, max_index): if i < min_index or i > max_index: continue x = self.leftMargin + int((i - min_index) / x_step) y = (self.topMargin + height) - int(self.tdrWindow.td[i] / y_step) if self.isPlotable(x, y): pen.setColor(self.sweepColor) qp.setPen(pen) qp.drawPoint(x, y) x = self.leftMargin + int((i - min_index) / x_step) y = (self.topMargin + height) -\ int((self.tdrWindow.step_response_Z[i]-min_impedance) / y_impedance_step) if self.isPlotable(x, y): pen.setColor(self.secondarySweepColor) qp.setPen(pen) qp.drawPoint(x, y) id_max = np.argmax(self.tdrWindow.td) max_point = QtCore.QPoint( self.leftMargin + int((id_max - min_index) / x_step), (self.topMargin + height) - int(self.tdrWindow.td[id_max] / y_step)) qp.setPen(self.markers[0].color) qp.drawEllipse(max_point, 2, 2) qp.setPen(self.textColor) qp.drawText(max_point.x() - 10, max_point.y() - 5, str(round(self.tdrWindow.distance_axis[id_max] / 2, 2)) + "m") if self.markerLocation != -1: marker_point = QtCore.QPoint( self.leftMargin + int((self.markerLocation - min_index) / x_step), (self.topMargin + height) - int(self.tdrWindow.td[self.markerLocation] / y_step)) qp.setPen(self.textColor) qp.drawEllipse(marker_point, 2, 2) qp.drawText( marker_point.x() - 10, marker_point.y() - 5, str(round(self.tdrWindow.distance_axis[self.markerLocation] / 2, 2)) + "m") if self.draggedBox and self.draggedBoxCurrent[0] != -1: dashed_pen = QtGui.QPen(self.foregroundColor, 1, QtCore.Qt.DashLine) qp.setPen(dashed_pen) top_left = QtCore.QPoint(self.draggedBoxStart[0], self.draggedBoxStart[1]) bottom_right = QtCore.QPoint(self.draggedBoxCurrent[0], self.draggedBoxCurrent[1]) rect = QtCore.QRect(top_left, bottom_right) qp.drawRect(rect) qp.end() def valueAtPosition(self, y): if len(self.tdrWindow.td) > 0: height = self.height() - self.topMargin - self.bottomMargin absy = (self.height() - y) - self.bottomMargin if self.fixedValues: min_impedance = self.minImpedance max_impedance = self.maxImpedance else: min_impedance = max( 0, np.min(self.tdrWindow.step_response_Z) / 1.05) max_impedance = min( 1000, np.max(self.tdrWindow.step_response_Z) * 1.05) y_step = (max_impedance - min_impedance) / height return y_step * absy + min_impedance return 0 def lengthAtPosition(self, x, limit=True): if len(self.tdrWindow.td) > 0: width = self.width() - self.leftMargin - self.rightMargin absx = x - self.leftMargin if self.fixedSpan: max_length = self.maxDisplayLength min_length = self.minDisplayLength x_step = (max_length - min_length) / width else: min_length = 0 max_length = self.tdrWindow.distance_axis[ math.ceil(len(self.tdrWindow.distance_axis) / 2)] / 2 x_step = max_length / width if limit and absx < 0: return min_length if limit and absx > width: return max_length return absx * x_step + min_length return 0 def zoomTo(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): logger.debug("Zoom to (x,y) by (x,y): (%d, %d) by (%d, %d)", x1, y1, x2, y2) val1 = self.valueAtPosition(y1) val2 = self.valueAtPosition(y2) if val1 != val2: self.minImpedance = round(min(val1, val2), 3) self.maxImpedance = round(max(val1, val2), 3) self.setFixedValues(True) len1 = max(0, self.lengthAtPosition(x1, limit=False)) len2 = max(0, self.lengthAtPosition(x2, limit=False)) if len1 >= 0 and len2 >= 0 and len1 != len2: self.minDisplayLength = min(len1, len2) self.maxDisplayLength = max(len1, len2) self.setFixedSpan(True) self.update() def wheelEvent(self, a0: QtGui.QWheelEvent) -> None: if len(self.tdrWindow.td) == 0: a0.ignore() return chart_height = self.chartHeight chart_width = self.chartWidth do_zoom_x = do_zoom_y = True if a0.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier: do_zoom_x = False if a0.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier: do_zoom_y = False if a0.angleDelta().y() > 0: # Zoom in a0.accept() # Center of zoom = a0.x(), a0.y() # We zoom in by 1/10 of the width/height. rate = a0.angleDelta().y() / 120 if do_zoom_x: zoomx = rate * chart_width / 10 else: zoomx = 0 if do_zoom_y: zoomy = rate * chart_height / 10 else: zoomy = 0 absx = max(0, a0.x() - self.leftMargin) absy = max(0, a0.y() - self.topMargin) ratiox = absx/chart_width ratioy = absy/chart_height # TODO: Change zoom to center on the mouse if possible, # or extend box to the side that has room if not. p1x = int(self.leftMargin + ratiox * zoomx) p1y = int(self.topMargin + ratioy * zoomy) p2x = int(self.leftMargin + chart_width - (1 - ratiox) * zoomx) p2y = int(self.topMargin + chart_height - (1 - ratioy) * zoomy) self.zoomTo(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y) elif a0.angleDelta().y() < 0: # Zoom out a0.accept() # Center of zoom = a0.x(), a0.y() # We zoom out by 1/9 of the width/height, to match zoom in. rate = -a0.angleDelta().y() / 120 if do_zoom_x: zoomx = rate * chart_width / 9 else: zoomx = 0 if do_zoom_y: zoomy = rate * chart_height / 9 else: zoomy = 0 absx = max(0, a0.x() - self.leftMargin) absy = max(0, a0.y() - self.topMargin) ratiox = absx/chart_width ratioy = absy/chart_height p1x = int(self.leftMargin - ratiox * zoomx) p1y = int(self.topMargin - ratioy * zoomy) p2x = int(self.leftMargin + chart_width + (1 - ratiox) * zoomx) p2y = int(self.topMargin + chart_height + (1 - ratioy) * zoomy) self.zoomTo(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y) else: a0.ignore() def resizeEvent(self, a0: QtGui.QResizeEvent) -> None: super().resizeEvent(a0) self.chartWidth = self.width() - self.leftMargin - self.rightMargin self.chartHeight = self.height() - self.bottomMargin - self.topMargin