# NanoVNASaver # # A python program to view and export Touchstone data from a NanoVNA # Copyright (C) 2019, 2020 Rune B. Broberg # Copyright (C) 2020,2021 NanoVNA-Saver Authors # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import logging import cmath import math import os import re from collections import defaultdict, UserDict from typing import List from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from NanoVNASaver.RFTools import Datapoint RXP_CAL_LINE = re.compile(r"""^\s* (?P\d+) \s+ (?P[-0-9Ee.]+) \s+ (?P[-0-9Ee.]+) \s+ (?P[-0-9Ee.]+) \s+ (?P[-0-9Ee.]+) \s+ (?P[-0-9Ee.]+) \s+ (?P[-0-9Ee.]+)(?: \s (?P[-0-9Ee.]+) \s+ (?P[-0-9Ee.]+) \s+ (?P[-0-9Ee.]+) \s+ (?P[-0-9Ee.]+) \s+ (?P[-0-9Ee.]+) \s+ (?P[-0-9Ee.]+) )? """, re.VERBOSE) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def correct_delay(d: Datapoint, delay: float, reflect: bool = False): mult = 2 if reflect else 1 corr_data = d.z * cmath.exp( complex(0, 1) * 2 * math.pi * d.freq * delay * -1 * mult) return Datapoint(d.freq, corr_data.real, corr_data.imag) class CalData(UserDict): def __init__(self): data = { "short": None, "open": None, "load": None, "through": None, "thrurefl": None, "isolation": None, # the frequence "freq": 0, # 1 Port "e00": 0.0, # Directivity "e11": 0.0, # Port1 match "delta_e": 0.0, # Tracking "e10e01": 0.0, # Forward Reflection Tracking # 2 port "e30": 0.0, # Forward isolation "e22": 0.0, # Port2 match "e10e32": 0.0, # Forward transmission } super().__init__(data) def __str__(self): d = self.data s = (f'{d["freq"]}' f' {d["short"].re} {d["short"].im}' f' {d["open"].re} {d["open"].im}' f' {d["load"].re} {d["load"].im}') if d["through"] is not None: s += (f' {d["through"].re} {d["through"].im}' f' {d["thrurefl"].re} {d["thrurefl"].im}' f' {d["isolation"].re} {d["isolation"].im}') return s class CalDataSet: def __init__(self): self.data = defaultdict(CalData) def insert(self, name: str, dp: Datapoint): if name not in self.data[dp.freq]: raise KeyError(name) self.data[dp.freq]["freq"] = dp.freq self.data[dp.freq][name] = dp def frequencies(self) -> List[int]: return sorted(self.data.keys()) def get(self, freq: int) -> CalData: return self.data[freq] def items(self): yield from self.data.items() def values(self): for freq in self.frequencies(): yield self.get(freq) def size_of(self, name: str) -> int: return len([v for v in self.data.values() if v[name] is not None]) def complete1port(self) -> bool: for val in self.data.values(): for name in ("short", "open", "load"): if val[name] is None: return False return any(self.data) def complete2port(self) -> bool: for val in self.data.values(): for name in ("short", "open", "load", "through", "thrurefl", "isolation"): if val[name] is None: return False return any(self.data) class Calibration: CAL_NAMES = ("short", "open", "load", "through", "thrurefl", "isolation",) IDEAL_SHORT = complex(-1, 0) IDEAL_OPEN = complex(1, 0) IDEAL_LOAD = complex(0, 0) def __init__(self): self.notes = [] self.dataset = CalDataSet() self.interp = {} self.useIdealShort = True self.shortL0 = 5.7 * 10E-12 self.shortL1 = -8960 * 10E-24 self.shortL2 = -1100 * 10E-33 self.shortL3 = -41200 * 10E-42 self.shortLength = -34.2 # Picoseconfrequenciesds # These numbers look very large, considering what Keysight # suggests their numbers are. self.useIdealOpen = True # Subtract 50fF for the nanoVNA calibration if nanoVNA is # calibrated? self.openC0 = 2.1 * 10E-14 self.openC1 = 5.67 * 10E-23 self.openC2 = -2.39 * 10E-31 self.openC3 = 2.0 * 10E-40 self.openLength = 0 self.useIdealLoad = True self.loadR = 25 self.loadL = 0 self.loadC = 0 self.loadLength = 0 self.useIdealThrough = True self.throughLength = 0 self.isCalculated = False self.source = "Manual" def insert(self, name: str, data: List[Datapoint]): for dp in data: self.dataset.insert(name, dp) def size(self) -> int: return len(self.dataset.frequencies()) def data_size(self, name) -> int: return self.dataset.size_of(name) def isValid1Port(self) -> bool: return self.dataset.complete1port() def isValid2Port(self) -> bool: return self.dataset.complete2port() def _calc_port_1(self, freq: int, cal: CalData): g1 = self.gamma_short(freq) g2 = self.gamma_open(freq) g3 = self.gamma_load(freq) gm1 = cal["short"].z gm2 = cal["open"].z gm3 = cal["load"].z denominator = (g1 * (g2 - g3) * gm1 + g2 * g3 * gm2 - g2 * g3 * gm3 - (g2 * gm2 - g3 * gm3) * g1) cal["e00"] = - ((g2 * gm3 - g3 * gm3) * g1 * gm2 - (g2 * g3 * gm2 - g2 * g3 * gm3 - (g3 * gm2 - g2 * gm3) * g1) * gm1 ) / denominator cal["e11"] = ((g2 - g3) * gm1 - g1 * (gm2 - gm3) + g3 * gm2 - g2 * gm3) / denominator cal["delta_e"] = - ((g1 * (gm2 - gm3) - g2 * gm2 + g3 * gm3) * gm1 + (g2 * gm3 - g3 * gm3) * gm2) / denominator def _calc_port_2(self, freq: int, cal: CalData): gt = self.gamma_through(freq) gm4 = cal["through"].z gm5 = cal["thrurefl"].z gm6 = cal["isolation"].z gm7 = gm5 - cal["e00"] cal["e30"] = cal["isolation"].z cal["e10e01"] = cal["e00"] * cal["e11"] - cal["delta_e"] cal["e22"] = gm7 / ( gm7 * cal["e11"] * gt**2 + cal["e10e01"] * gt**2) cal["e10e32"] = (gm4 - gm6) * ( 1 - cal["e11"] * cal["e22"] *gt**2) / gt def calc_corrections(self): if not self.isValid1Port(): logger.warning( "Tried to calibrate from insufficient data.") raise ValueError( "All of short, open and load calibration steps" "must be completed for calibration to be applied.") logger.debug("Calculating calibration for %d points.", self.size()) for freq, caldata in self.dataset.items(): try: self._calc_port_1(freq, caldata) if self.isValid2Port(): self._calc_port_2(freq, caldata) except ZeroDivisionError as exc: self.isCalculated = False logger.error( "Division error - did you use the same measurement" " for two of short, open and load?") raise ValueError( f"Two of short, open and load returned the same" f" values at frequency {freq}Hz.") from exc self.gen_interpolation() self.isCalculated = True logger.debug("Calibration correctly calculated.") def gamma_short(self, freq: int) -> complex: g = Calibration.IDEAL_SHORT if not self.useIdealShort: logger.debug("Using short calibration set values.") Zsp = complex(0, 2 * math.pi * freq * ( self.shortL0 + self.shortL1 * freq + self.shortL2 * freq**2 + self.shortL3 * freq**3)) # Referencing https://arxiv.org/pdf/1606.02446.pdf (18) - (21) g = (Zsp / 50 - 1) / (Zsp / 50 + 1) * cmath.exp( complex(0, 2 * math.pi * 2 * freq * self.shortLength * -1)) return g def gamma_open(self, freq: int) -> complex: g = Calibration.IDEAL_OPEN if not self.useIdealOpen: logger.debug("Using open calibration set values.") Zop = complex(0, 2 * math.pi * freq * ( self.openC0 + self.openC1 * freq + self.openC2 * freq**2 + self.openC3 * freq**3)) g = ((1 - 50 * Zop) / (1 + 50 * Zop)) * cmath.exp( complex(0, 2 * math.pi * 2 * freq * self.openLength * -1)) return g def gamma_load(self, freq: int) -> complex: g = Calibration.IDEAL_LOAD if not self.useIdealLoad: logger.debug("Using load calibration set values.") Zl = complex(self.loadR, 0) if self.loadC > 0: Zl = self.loadR / complex(1, 2 * self.loadR * math.pi * freq * self.loadC) if self.loadL > 0: Zl = Zl + complex(0, 2 * math.pi * freq * self.loadL) g = (Zl / 50 - 1) / (Zl / 50 + 1) * cmath.exp( complex(0, 2 * math.pi * 2 * freq * self.loadLength * -1)) return g def gamma_through(self, freq: int) -> complex: g = complex(1, 0) if not self.useIdealThrough: logger.debug("Using through calibration set values.") g = cmath.exp(complex(0, 1) * 2 * math.pi * self.throughLength * freq * -1) return g def gen_interpolation(self): freq = [] e00 = [] e11 = [] delta_e = [] e10e01 = [] e30 = [] e22 = [] e10e32 = [] for caldata in self.dataset.values(): freq.append(caldata["freq"]) e00.append(caldata["e00"]) e11.append(caldata["e11"]) delta_e.append(caldata["delta_e"]) e10e01.append(caldata["e10e01"]) e30.append(caldata["e30"]) e22.append(caldata["e22"]) e10e32.append(caldata["e10e32"]) self.interp = { "e00": interp1d(freq, e00, kind="slinear", bounds_error=False, fill_value=(e00[0], e00[-1])), "e11": interp1d(freq, e11, kind="slinear", bounds_error=False, fill_value=(e11[0], e11[-1])), "delta_e": interp1d(freq, delta_e, kind="slinear", bounds_error=False, fill_value=(delta_e[0], delta_e[-1])), "e10e01": interp1d(freq, e10e01, kind="slinear", bounds_error=False, fill_value=(e10e01[0], e10e01[-1])), "e30": interp1d(freq, e30, kind="slinear", bounds_error=False, fill_value=(e30[0], e30[-1])), "e22": interp1d(freq, e22, kind="slinear", bounds_error=False, fill_value=(e22[0], e22[-1])), "e10e32": interp1d(freq, e10e32, kind="slinear", bounds_error=False, fill_value=(e10e32[0], e10e32[-1])), } def correct11(self, dp: Datapoint): i = self.interp s11 = (dp.z - i["e00"](dp.freq)) / ( (dp.z * i["e11"](dp.freq)) - i["delta_e"](dp.freq)) return Datapoint(dp.freq, s11.real, s11.imag) def correct21(self, dp: Datapoint, dp11: Datapoint): i = self.interp s21 = (dp.z - i["e30"](dp.freq)) / i["e10e32"](dp.freq) s21 = s21 * (i["e10e01"](dp.freq)/(i["e11"](dp.freq)*dp11.z-i["delta_e"](dp.freq))) return Datapoint(dp.freq, s21.real, s21.imag) # TODO: implement tests def save(self, filename: str): # Save the calibration data to file if not self.isValid1Port(): raise ValueError("Not a valid 1-Port calibration") with open(filename, mode="w", encoding='utf-8') as calfile: calfile.write("# Calibration data for NanoVNA-Saver\n") for note in self.notes: calfile.write(f"! {note}\n") calfile.write( "# Hz ShortR ShortI OpenR OpenI LoadR LoadI" " ThroughR ThroughI ThrureflR ThrureflI IsolationR IsolationI\n") for freq in self.dataset.frequencies(): calfile.write(f"{self.dataset.get(freq)}\n") # TODO: implement tests # TODO: Exception should be catched by caller def load(self, filename): self.source = os.path.basename(filename) self.dataset = CalDataSet() self.notes = [] parsed_header = False with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as calfile: for i, line in enumerate(calfile): line = line.strip() if line.startswith("!"): note = line[2:] self.notes.append(note) continue if line.startswith("#"): if not parsed_header and line == ( "# Hz ShortR ShortI OpenR OpenI LoadR LoadI" " ThroughR ThroughI ThrureflR ThrureflI IsolationR IsolationI"): parsed_header = True continue if not parsed_header: logger.warning( "Warning: Read line without having read header: %s", line) continue m = RXP_CAL_LINE.search(line) if not m: logger.warning("Illegal data in cal file. Line %i", i) cal = m.groupdict() nr_cals = 6 if cal["throughr"] else 3 for name in Calibration.CAL_NAMES[:nr_cals]: self.dataset.insert( name, Datapoint(int(cal["freq"]), float(cal[f"{name}r"]), float(cal[f"{name}i"])))