# NanoVNASaver # # A python program to view and export Touchstone data from a NanoVNA # Copyright (C) 2019, 2020 Rune B. Broberg # Copyright (C) 2020ff NanoVNA-Saver Authors # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import math import logging from typing import List, Tuple import numpy as np from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtGui, QtCore from NanoVNASaver.Charts.Chart import Chart from NanoVNASaver.Formatting import ( parse_frequency, parse_value, format_frequency_chart, format_frequency_chart_2, format_y_axis) from NanoVNASaver.RFTools import Datapoint from NanoVNASaver.SITools import Format, Value logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class FrequencyChart(Chart): def __init__(self, name): super().__init__(name) self.maxFrequency = 100000000 self.minFrequency = 1000000 self.fixedSpan = False self.fixedValues = False self.logarithmicX = False self.logarithmicY = False self.leftMargin = 30 self.rightMargin = 20 self.bottomMargin = 20 self.topMargin = 30 self.dim.width = 250 self.dim.height = 250 self.fstart = 0 self.fstop = 0 self.name_unit = "" self.value_function = lambda x: 0.0 # TODO: use unscaled values instead of unit dependend ones self.minDisplayValue = -1 self.maxDisplayValue = 1 self.minValue = -1 self.maxValue = 1 self.span = 1 self.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.DefaultContextMenu) mode_group = QtWidgets.QActionGroup(self) self.menu = QtWidgets.QMenu() self.reset = QtWidgets.QAction("Reset") self.reset.triggered.connect(self.resetDisplayLimits) self.menu.addAction(self.reset) self.x_menu = QtWidgets.QMenu("Frequency axis") self.action_automatic = QtWidgets.QAction("Automatic") self.action_automatic.setCheckable(True) self.action_automatic.setChecked(True) self.action_automatic.changed.connect( lambda: self.setFixedSpan(self.action_fixed_span.isChecked())) self.action_fixed_span = QtWidgets.QAction("Fixed span") self.action_fixed_span.setCheckable(True) self.action_fixed_span.changed.connect( lambda: self.setFixedSpan(self.action_fixed_span.isChecked())) mode_group.addAction(self.action_automatic) mode_group.addAction(self.action_fixed_span) self.x_menu.addAction(self.action_automatic) self.x_menu.addAction(self.action_fixed_span) self.x_menu.addSeparator() self.action_set_fixed_start = QtWidgets.QAction( f"Start ({format_frequency_chart(self.minFrequency)})") self.action_set_fixed_start.triggered.connect(self.setMinimumFrequency) self.action_set_fixed_stop = QtWidgets.QAction( f"Stop ({format_frequency_chart(self.maxFrequency)})") self.action_set_fixed_stop.triggered.connect(self.setMaximumFrequency) self.x_menu.addAction(self.action_set_fixed_start) self.x_menu.addAction(self.action_set_fixed_stop) self.x_menu.addSeparator() frequency_mode_group = QtWidgets.QActionGroup(self.x_menu) self.action_set_linear_x = QtWidgets.QAction("Linear") self.action_set_linear_x.setCheckable(True) self.action_set_logarithmic_x = QtWidgets.QAction("Logarithmic") self.action_set_logarithmic_x.setCheckable(True) frequency_mode_group.addAction(self.action_set_linear_x) frequency_mode_group.addAction(self.action_set_logarithmic_x) self.action_set_linear_x.triggered.connect( lambda: self.setLogarithmicX(False)) self.action_set_logarithmic_x.triggered.connect( lambda: self.setLogarithmicX(True)) self.action_set_linear_x.setChecked(True) self.x_menu.addAction(self.action_set_linear_x) self.x_menu.addAction(self.action_set_logarithmic_x) self.y_menu = QtWidgets.QMenu("Data axis") self.y_action_automatic = QtWidgets.QAction("Automatic") self.y_action_automatic.setCheckable(True) self.y_action_automatic.setChecked(True) self.y_action_automatic.changed.connect( lambda: self.setFixedValues(self.y_action_fixed_span.isChecked())) self.y_action_fixed_span = QtWidgets.QAction("Fixed span") self.y_action_fixed_span.setCheckable(True) self.y_action_fixed_span.changed.connect( lambda: self.setFixedValues(self.y_action_fixed_span.isChecked())) mode_group = QtWidgets.QActionGroup(self) mode_group.addAction(self.y_action_automatic) mode_group.addAction(self.y_action_fixed_span) self.y_menu.addAction(self.y_action_automatic) self.y_menu.addAction(self.y_action_fixed_span) self.y_menu.addSeparator() self.action_set_fixed_minimum = QtWidgets.QAction( f"Minimum ({self.minDisplayValue})") self.action_set_fixed_minimum.triggered.connect(self.setMinimumValue) self.action_set_fixed_maximum = QtWidgets.QAction( f"Maximum ({self.maxDisplayValue})") self.action_set_fixed_maximum.triggered.connect(self.setMaximumValue) self.y_menu.addAction(self.action_set_fixed_maximum) self.y_menu.addAction(self.action_set_fixed_minimum) if self.logarithmicYAllowed(): # This only works for some plot types self.y_menu.addSeparator() vertical_mode_group = QtWidgets.QActionGroup(self.y_menu) self.action_set_linear_y = QtWidgets.QAction("Linear") self.action_set_linear_y.setCheckable(True) self.action_set_logarithmic_y = QtWidgets.QAction("Logarithmic") self.action_set_logarithmic_y.setCheckable(True) vertical_mode_group.addAction(self.action_set_linear_y) vertical_mode_group.addAction(self.action_set_logarithmic_y) self.action_set_linear_y.triggered.connect( lambda: self.setLogarithmicY(False)) self.action_set_logarithmic_y.triggered.connect( lambda: self.setLogarithmicY(True)) self.action_set_linear_y.setChecked(True) self.y_menu.addAction(self.action_set_linear_y) self.y_menu.addAction(self.action_set_logarithmic_y) self.menu.addMenu(self.x_menu) self.menu.addMenu(self.y_menu) self.menu.addSeparator() self.menu.addAction(self.action_save_screenshot) self.action_popout = QtWidgets.QAction("Popout chart") self.action_popout.triggered.connect( lambda: self.popoutRequested.emit(self)) self.menu.addAction(self.action_popout) self.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ClickFocus) self.setMinimumSize(self.dim.width + self.rightMargin + self.leftMargin, self.dim.height + self.topMargin + self.bottomMargin) self.setSizePolicy( QtWidgets.QSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding)) pal = QtGui.QPalette() pal.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.Background, Chart.color.background) self.setPalette(pal) self.setAutoFillBackground(True) def _set_start_stop(self): if self.fixedSpan: self.fstart = self.minFrequency self.fstop = self.maxFrequency return if self.data: self.fstart = self.data[0].freq self.fstop = self.data[len(self.data) - 1].freq return self.fstart = self.reference[0].freq self.fstop = self.reference[len(self.reference) - 1].freq def contextMenuEvent(self, event): self.action_set_fixed_start.setText( f"Start ({format_frequency_chart(self.minFrequency)})") self.action_set_fixed_stop.setText( f"Stop ({format_frequency_chart(self.maxFrequency)})") self.action_set_fixed_minimum.setText( f"Minimum ({self.minDisplayValue})") self.action_set_fixed_maximum.setText( f"Maximum ({self.maxDisplayValue})") if self.fixedSpan: self.action_fixed_span.setChecked(True) else: self.action_automatic.setChecked(True) if self.fixedValues: self.y_action_fixed_span.setChecked(True) else: self.y_action_automatic.setChecked(True) self.menu.exec_(event.globalPos()) def setFixedSpan(self, fixed_span: bool): self.fixedSpan = fixed_span if fixed_span and self.minFrequency >= self.maxFrequency: self.fixedSpan = False self.action_automatic.setChecked(True) self.action_fixed_span.setChecked(False) self.update() def setFixedValues(self, fixed_values: bool): self.fixedValues = fixed_values self.update() def setLogarithmicX(self, logarithmic: bool): self.logarithmicX = logarithmic self.update() def setLogarithmicY(self, logarithmic: bool): self.logarithmicY = logarithmic and self.logarithmicYAllowed() self.update() @staticmethod def logarithmicYAllowed() -> bool: return False def setMinimumFrequency(self): min_freq_str, selected = QtWidgets.QInputDialog.getText( self, "Start frequency", "Set start frequency", text=str(self.minFrequency)) if not selected: return span = abs(self.maxFrequency - self.minFrequency) min_freq = parse_frequency(min_freq_str) if min_freq < 0: return self.minFrequency = min_freq if self.minFrequency >= self.maxFrequency: self.maxFrequency = self.minFrequency + span self.fixedSpan = True self.update() def setMaximumFrequency(self): max_freq_str, selected = QtWidgets.QInputDialog.getText( self, "Stop frequency", "Set stop frequency", text=str(self.maxFrequency)) if not selected: return span = abs(self.maxFrequency - self.minFrequency) max_freq = parse_frequency(max_freq_str) if max_freq < 0: return self.maxFrequency = max_freq if self.maxFrequency <= self.minFrequency: self.minFrequency = max(self.maxFrequency - span, 0) self.fixedSpan = True self.update() def setMinimumValue(self): text, selected = QtWidgets.QInputDialog.getText( self, "Minimum value", "Set minimum value", text=format_y_axis(self.minDisplayValue, self.name_unit)) if not selected: return min_val = parse_value(text) yspan = abs(self.maxDisplayValue - self.minDisplayValue) self.minDisplayValue = min_val if self.minDisplayValue >= self.maxDisplayValue: self.maxDisplayValue = self.minDisplayValue + yspan # TODO: negativ logarythmical scale if self.logarithmicY and min_val <= 0: self.minDisplayValue = 0.01 self.fixedValues = True self.update() def setMaximumValue(self): text, selected = QtWidgets.QInputDialog.getText( self, "Maximum value", "Set maximum value", text=format_y_axis(self.maxDisplayValue, self.name_unit)) if not selected: return max_val = parse_value(text) yspan = abs(self.maxDisplayValue - self.minDisplayValue) self.maxDisplayValue = max_val if self.maxDisplayValue <= self.minDisplayValue: self.minDisplayValue = self.maxDisplayValue - yspan self.fixedValues = True self.update() def resetDisplayLimits(self): self.fixedValues = False self.y_action_automatic.setChecked(True) self.fixedSpan = False self.action_automatic.setChecked(True) self.logarithmicX = False self.action_set_linear_x.setChecked(True) self.logarithmicY = False if self.logarithmicYAllowed(): self.action_set_linear_y.setChecked(True) self.update() def getXPosition(self, d: Datapoint) -> int: span = self.fstop - self.fstart if span > 0: if self.logarithmicX: span = math.log(self.fstop) - math.log(self.fstart) return self.leftMargin + round( self.dim.width * (math.log(d.freq) - math.log(self.fstart)) / span) return self.leftMargin + round( self.dim.width * (d.freq - self.fstart) / span) return math.floor(self.width() / 2) def getYPosition(self, d: Datapoint) -> int: try: return ( self.topMargin + round((self.maxValue - self.value_function(d) / self.span * self.dim.height))) except ValueError: return self.topMargin def frequencyAtPosition(self, x, limit=True) -> int: """ Calculates the frequency at a given X-position :param limit: Determines whether frequencies outside the currently displayed span can be returned. :param x: The X position to calculate for. :return: The frequency at the given position, if one exists or -1 otherwise. If limit is True, and the value is before or after the chart, returns minimum or maximum frequencies. """ if self.fstop - self.fstart <= 0: return -1 absx = x - self.leftMargin if limit: if absx < 0: return self.fstart if absx > self.dim.width: return self.fstop if self.logarithmicX: span = math.log(self.fstop) - math.log(self.fstart) step = span / self.dim.width return round(math.exp(math.log(self.fstart) + absx * step)) span = self.fstop - self.fstart step = span / self.dim.width return round(self.fstart + absx * step) def valueAtPosition(self, y) -> List[float]: """ Returns the chart-specific value(s) at the specified Y-position :param y: The Y position to calculate for. :return: A list of the values at the Y-position, either containing a single value, or the two values for the chart from left to right Y-axis. If no value can be found, returns the empty list. If the frequency is above or below the chart, returns maximum or minimum values. """ absy = y - self.topMargin val = -1 * ((absy / self.dim.height * self.span) - self.maxValue) return [val * 10e11] def zoomTo(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): val1 = self.valueAtPosition(y1) val2 = self.valueAtPosition(y2) if len(val1) == len(val2) == 1 and val1[0] != val2[0]: self.minDisplayValue = round(min(val1[0], val2[0]), 3) self.maxDisplayValue = round(max(val1[0], val2[0]), 3) self.setFixedValues(True) freq1 = max(1, self.frequencyAtPosition(x1, limit=False)) freq2 = max(1, self.frequencyAtPosition(x2, limit=False)) if freq1 > 0 and freq2 > 0 and freq1 != freq2: self.minFrequency = min(freq1, freq2) self.maxFrequency = max(freq1, freq2) self.setFixedSpan(True) self.update() def mouseMoveEvent(self, a0: QtGui.QMouseEvent): if a0.buttons() == QtCore.Qt.RightButton: a0.ignore() return if a0.buttons() == QtCore.Qt.MiddleButton: # Drag the display a0.accept() if self.dragbox.move_x != -1 and self.dragbox.move_y != -1: dx = self.dragbox.move_x - a0.x() dy = self.dragbox.move_y - a0.y() self.zoomTo(self.leftMargin + dx, self.topMargin + dy, self.leftMargin + self.dim.width + dx, self.topMargin + self.dim.height + dy) self.dragbox.move_x = a0.x() self.dragbox.move_y = a0.y() return if a0.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier: # Dragging a box if not self.dragbox.state: self.dragbox.pos_start = (a0.x(), a0.y()) self.dragbox.pos = (a0.x(), a0.y()) self.update() a0.accept() return x = a0.x() f = self.frequencyAtPosition(x) if x == -1: a0.ignore() return a0.accept() m = self.getActiveMarker() if m is not None: m.setFrequency(str(f)) m.frequencyInput.setText(str(f)) def resizeEvent(self, a0: QtGui.QResizeEvent) -> None: self.dim.width = a0.size().width() - self.rightMargin - self.leftMargin self.dim.height = a0.size().height() - self.bottomMargin - self.topMargin self.update() def paintEvent(self, _: QtGui.QPaintEvent) -> None: qp = QtGui.QPainter(self) self.drawChart(qp) self.drawValues(qp) self._check_frequency_boundaries(qp) if self.dragbox.state and self.dragbox.pos[0] != -1: self.drawDragbog(qp) qp.end() def _data_oob(self, data: list[Datapoint]) -> bool: return (data[0].freq > self.fstop or self.data[-1].freq < self.fstart) def _check_frequency_boundaries(self, qp: QtGui.QPainter): if (self.data and self._data_oob(self.data) and (not self.reference or self._data_oob(self.reference))): # Data outside frequency range qp.setBackgroundMode(QtCore.Qt.OpaqueMode) qp.setBackground(Chart.color.background) qp.setPen(Chart.color.text) qp.drawText(self.leftMargin + self.dim.width / 2 - 70, self.topMargin + self.dim.height / 2 - 20, "Data outside frequency span") def drawDragbog(self, qp: QtGui.QPainter): dashed_pen = QtGui.QPen(Chart.color.foreground, 1, QtCore.Qt.DashLine) qp.setPen(dashed_pen) top_left = QtCore.QPoint( self.dragbox.pos_start[0], self.dragbox.pos_start[1]) bottom_right = QtCore.QPoint(self.dragbox.pos[0], self.dragbox.pos[1]) rect = QtCore.QRect(top_left, bottom_right) qp.drawRect(rect) def drawChart(self, qp: QtGui.QPainter): qp.setPen(QtGui.QPen(Chart.color.text)) headline = self.name if self.name_unit: headline += f" ({self.name_unit})" qp.drawText(3, 15, headline) qp.setPen(QtGui.QPen(Chart.color.foreground)) qp.drawLine(self.leftMargin, 20, self.leftMargin, self.topMargin + self.dim.height + 5) qp.drawLine(self.leftMargin - 5, self.topMargin + self.dim.height, self.leftMargin + self.dim.width, self.topMargin + self.dim.height) self.drawTitle(qp) def drawValues(self, qp: QtGui.QPainter): if len(self.data) == 0 and len(self.reference) == 0: return pen = QtGui.QPen(Chart.color.sweep) pen.setWidth(self.dim.point) line_pen = QtGui.QPen(Chart.color.sweep) line_pen.setWidth(self.dim.line) highlighter = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(20, 0, 255)) highlighter.setWidth(1) self._set_start_stop() # Draw bands if required if self.bands.enabled: self.drawBands(qp, self.fstart, self.fstop) min_value, max_value = self._find_scaling() self.maxValue = max_value self.minValue = min_value span = max_value - min_value if span == 0: logger.info( "Span is zero for %s-Chart, setting to a small value.", self.name) span = 1e-15 self.span = span target_ticks = math.floor(self.dim.height / 60) fmt = Format(max_nr_digits=1) for i in range(target_ticks): val = min_value + (i / target_ticks) * span y = self.topMargin + \ round((self.maxValue - val) / self.span * self.dim.height) qp.setPen(Chart.color.text) if val != min_value: valstr = str(Value(val, fmt=fmt)) qp.drawText(3, y + 3, valstr) qp.setPen(QtGui.QPen(Chart.color.foreground)) qp.drawLine(self.leftMargin - 5, y, self.leftMargin + self.dim.width, y) qp.setPen(QtGui.QPen(Chart.color.foreground)) qp.drawLine(self.leftMargin - 5, self.topMargin, self.leftMargin + self.dim.width, self.topMargin) qp.setPen(Chart.color.text) qp.drawText(3, self.topMargin + 4, str(Value(max_value, fmt=fmt))) qp.drawText(3, self.dim.height + self.topMargin, str(Value(min_value, fmt=fmt))) self.drawFrequencyTicks(qp) self.drawData(qp, self.data, Chart.color.sweep) self.drawData(qp, self.reference, Chart.color.reference) self.drawMarkers(qp) def _find_scaling(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: min_value = self.minDisplayValue / 10e11 max_value = self.maxDisplayValue / 10e11 if self.fixedValues: return (min_value, max_value) for d in self.data: val = self.value_function(d) min_value = min(min_value, val) max_value = max(max_value, val) for d in self.reference: # Also check min/max for the reference sweep if d.freq < self.fstart or d.freq > self.fstop: continue val = self.value_function(d) min_value = min(min_value, val) max_value = max(max_value, val) return (min_value, max_value) def drawFrequencyTicks(self, qp): fspan = self.fstop - self.fstart qp.setPen(Chart.color.text) # Number of ticks does not include the origin ticks = math.floor(self.dim.width / 100) # try to adapt format to span if int(fspan / ticks / self.fstart * 10000) > 2: my_format_frequency = format_frequency_chart else: my_format_frequency = format_frequency_chart_2 qp.drawText(self.leftMargin - 20, self.topMargin + self.dim.height + 15, my_format_frequency(self.fstart)) for i in range(ticks): x = self.leftMargin + round((i + 1) * self.dim.width / ticks) if self.logarithmicX: fspan = math.log(self.fstop) - math.log(self.fstart) freq = round( math.exp(((i + 1) * fspan / ticks) + math.log(self.fstart))) else: freq = round(fspan / ticks * (i + 1) + self.fstart) qp.setPen(QtGui.QPen(Chart.color.foreground)) qp.drawLine(x, self.topMargin, x, self.topMargin + self.dim.height + 5) qp.setPen(Chart.color.text) qp.drawText(x - 20, self.topMargin + self.dim.height + 15, my_format_frequency(freq)) def drawBands(self, qp, fstart, fstop): qp.setBrush(self.bands.color) qp.setPen(QtGui.QColor(128, 128, 128, 0)) # Don't outline the bands for _, start, end in self.bands.bands: try: start = int(start) end = int(end) except ValueError: continue # don't draw if either band not in chart or completely in band if start < fstart < fstop < end or end < fstart or start > fstop: continue x_start = max(self.leftMargin + 1, self.getXPosition(Datapoint(start, 0, 0))) x_stop = min(self.leftMargin + self.dim.width, self.getXPosition(Datapoint(end, 0, 0))) qp.drawRect(x_start, self.topMargin, x_stop - x_start, self.dim.height) def drawData(self, qp: QtGui.QPainter, data: List[Datapoint], color: QtGui.QColor, y_function=None): if y_function is None: y_function = self.getYPosition pen = QtGui.QPen(color) pen.setWidth(self.dim.point) line_pen = QtGui.QPen(color) line_pen.setWidth(self.dim.line) qp.setPen(pen) for i, d in enumerate(data): x = self.getXPosition(d) y = y_function(d) if y is None: continue if self.isPlotable(x, y): qp.drawPoint(int(x), int(y)) if self.flag.draw_lines and i > 0: prevx = self.getXPosition(data[i - 1]) prevy = y_function(data[i - 1]) if prevy is None: continue qp.setPen(line_pen) if self.isPlotable(x, y) and self.isPlotable(prevx, prevy): qp.drawLine(x, y, prevx, prevy) elif self.isPlotable(x, y) and not self.isPlotable(prevx, prevy): new_x, new_y = self.getPlotable(x, y, prevx, prevy) qp.drawLine(x, y, new_x, new_y) elif not self.isPlotable(x, y) and self.isPlotable(prevx, prevy): new_x, new_y = self.getPlotable(prevx, prevy, x, y) qp.drawLine(prevx, prevy, new_x, new_y) qp.setPen(pen) def drawMarkers(self, qp, data=None, y_function=None): if data is None: data = self.data if y_function is None: y_function = self.getYPosition highlighter = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(20, 0, 255)) highlighter.setWidth(1) for m in self.markers: if m.location != -1 and m.location < len(data): x = self.getXPosition(data[m.location]) y = y_function(data[m.location]) if self.isPlotable(x, y): self.drawMarker(x, y, qp, m.color, self.markers.index(m) + 1) def isPlotable(self, x, y): return y is not None and x is not None and \ self.leftMargin <= x <= self.leftMargin + self.dim.width and \ self.topMargin <= y <= self.topMargin + self.dim.height def getPlotable(self, x, y, distantx, distanty): p1 = np.array([x, y]) p2 = np.array([distantx, distanty]) # First check the top line if distanty < self.topMargin: p3 = np.array([self.leftMargin, self.topMargin]) p4 = np.array([self.leftMargin + self.dim.width, self.topMargin]) elif distanty > self.topMargin + self.dim.height: p3 = np.array([self.leftMargin, self.topMargin + self.dim.height]) p4 = np.array([self.leftMargin + self.dim.width, self.topMargin + self.dim.height]) else: return x, y da = p2 - p1 db = p4 - p3 dp = p1 - p3 dap = np.array([-da[1], da[0]]) denom = np.dot(dap, db) if denom: x, y = ((np.dot(dap, dp) / denom.astype(float)) * db + p3)[:2] return int(x), int(y) def copy(self): new_chart = super().copy() new_chart.fstart = self.fstart new_chart.fstop = self.fstop new_chart.maxFrequency = self.maxFrequency new_chart.minFrequency = self.minFrequency new_chart.span = self.span new_chart.minDisplayValue = self.minDisplayValue new_chart.maxDisplayValue = self.maxDisplayValue new_chart.pointSize = self.dim.point new_chart.lineThickness = self.dim.line new_chart.setFixedSpan(self.fixedSpan) new_chart.action_automatic.setChecked(not self.fixedSpan) new_chart.action_fixed_span.setChecked(self.fixedSpan) new_chart.setFixedValues(self.fixedValues) new_chart.y_action_automatic.setChecked(not self.fixedValues) new_chart.y_action_fixed_span.setChecked(self.fixedValues) new_chart.setLogarithmicX(self.logarithmicX) new_chart.action_set_logarithmic_x.setChecked(self.logarithmicX) new_chart.action_set_linear_x.setChecked(not self.logarithmicX) new_chart.setLogarithmicY(self.logarithmicY) if self.logarithmicYAllowed(): new_chart.action_set_logarithmic_y.setChecked(self.logarithmicY) new_chart.action_set_linear_y.setChecked(not self.logarithmicY) return new_chart def keyPressEvent(self, a0: QtGui.QKeyEvent) -> None: m = self.getActiveMarker() if m is not None and a0.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.NoModifier: if a0.key() in [QtCore.Qt.Key_Down, QtCore.Qt.Key_Left]: m.frequencyInput.keyPressEvent(QtGui.QKeyEvent( a0.type(), QtCore.Qt.Key_Down, a0.modifiers())) elif a0.key() in [QtCore.Qt.Key_Up, QtCore.Qt.Key_Right]: m.frequencyInput.keyPressEvent(QtGui.QKeyEvent( a0.type(), QtCore.Qt.Key_Up, a0.modifiers())) else: super().keyPressEvent(a0)