All color and style for the default UI need to be placed outside
constructor and defined after the component is defined.
Unless it could broke skin mecanism. You define style by giving style
class to component, then add the css class the default.css file
At the beginning of NanoVNASaver initialization,
NanoVNA_UI.defaultUI(app) is called to initialize the default css file.
(For future release: When all needed component will be ported in the
default.css file, this will solved the know issue on Skin Mode )
About dialog palette removed from the constructor so it will be possible
to skin.
It has been replace by styling. Giving another palette than the global
one, broke the skin mode for about dialog. Only Chart Palette should
remain static.
All color and style for the default UI need to be placed outside
constructor and defined after the component is defined.
Unless it could broke skin mecanism
i.e. Like this: self.aboutWindow = ....
Improoved UI Quality in the skins
Skins are css files located in the skins folder
Added author and contributors to the about dialog
Known issue: The app need to be restarted when return to default UI when
changed from a skinned UI