Feature/actions (#672)

* use python3.11
* noconsole for windows binary
* no more 32-Bit versions
Holger Müller 2023-08-03 17:01:03 +02:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic 4257ac152a
commit 2f8c5346eb
Nie znaleziono w bazie danych klucza dla tego podpisu
ID klucza GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
2 zmienionych plików z 12 dodań i 13 usunięć

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@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
Please check the type of change your PR introduces:
- [ ] Bugfix
- [ ] Feature
- [ ] Code style update (formatting, renaming)
- [ ] Refactoring (no functional changes, no API changes)
- [ ] Build-related changes
- [ ] Documentation content changes
- [ ] Other (please describe):
- [] Bugfix
- [] Feature
- [] Code style update (formatting, renaming)
- [] Refactoring (no functional changes, no API changes)
- [] Build-related changes
- [] Documentation content changes
- [] Other (please describe):
## What is the current behavior?
@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ Issue Number: N/A
## Does this introduce a breaking change?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [] Yes
- [] No
<!-- If this does introduce a breaking change, please describe the impact and migration path for existing applications below. -->

Wyświetl plik

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ jobs:
runs-on: windows-latest
arch: [x64, x86]
arch: [x64, ]
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: 3.9
python-version: 3.11
architecture: ${{ matrix.arch }}
- name: Install dependencies and pyinstall
run: |
@ -30,8 +30,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Build binary
run: |
python setup.py -V
pyinstaller --onefile -i icon_48x48.ico -p src -n nanovna-saver.exe nanovna-saver.py
pyinstaller --onefile --noconsole -i icon_48x48.ico -p src -n nanovna-saver.exe nanovna-saver.py
- name: Archive production artifacts
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1