75 wiersze
1.6 KiB

// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`convertSvgMarkupToSymbolData() processes specs 1`] = `
Object {
"anchor": Array [
Object {
"normal": Object {
"x": 0,
"y": -1,
"point": Object {
"t": 0,
"x": 360,
"y": 701.804,
exports[`convertSvgMarkupToSymbolData() processses radial gradients 1`] = `
Array [
Object {
"cx": "49.97%",
"cy": "76.69%",
"id": "blargy",
"r": "68.79%",
"stops": Array [
Object {
"color": "#000000",
"offset": "0.00%",
Object {
"color": "#ffffff",
"offset": "100.00%",
"type": "radialGradient",
exports[`convertSvgMarkupToSymbolData() works with SVGs that just have a path and no specs 1`] = `
Object {
"bbox": Object {
"x": Object {
"max": 692.249,
"min": 27.751,
"y": Object {
"max": 692.249,
"min": 27.751,
"defs": undefined,
"layers": Array [
Object {
"children": Array [],
"props": Object {
"d": "M 360.000 29.751 C 542.791 29.751 690.249 177.209 690.249 360.000 C 690.249 542.791 542.791 690.249 360.000 690.249 C 177.209 690.249 29.751 542.791 29.751 360.000 C 29.751 177.209 177.209 29.751 360.000 29.751 Z",
"fill": "#ffffff",
"fillRule": "evenodd",
"stroke": "#000000",
"strokeLinecap": "round",
"strokeLinejoin": "round",
"strokeWidth": "4",
"tagName": "path",
"name": "blarg",
"specs": undefined,