import React from "react"; import { AttachedCreatureSymbol, CreatureSymbol, NestedCreatureSymbol, } from "./creature-symbol"; import { AttachmentPointType } from "./specs"; import { SvgSymbolData } from "./svg-symbol"; type AttachmentIndices = { left?: boolean; right?: boolean; }; type AttachmentChildren = JSX.Element | JSX.Element[]; type SimpleCreatureSymbolProps = AttachmentIndices & { nestInside?: boolean; children?: AttachmentChildren; attachTo?: AttachmentPointType; indices?: number[]; }; function getAttachmentIndices(ai: AttachmentIndices): number[] { const result: number[] = []; if (ai.left) { result.push(0); } if (ai.right) { result.push(1); } if (result.length === 0) { result.push(0); } return result; } type SplitCreatureSymbolChildren = { attachments: JSX.Element[]; nests: JSX.Element[]; }; function splitCreatureSymbolChildren( children?: AttachmentChildren ): SplitCreatureSymbolChildren { const result: SplitCreatureSymbolChildren = { attachments: [], nests: [], }; if (!children) return result; React.Children.forEach(children, (child) => { if (child.props.nestInside) { result.nests.push(child); } else { result.attachments.push(child); } }); return result; } type SimpleCreatureSymbolFC = React.FC & { creatureSymbolData: SvgSymbolData; }; /** * Create a factory that can be used to return React components to * render a ``. */ export function createCreatureSymbolFactory( getSymbol: (name: string) => SvgSymbolData ) { /** * Returns a React component that renders a ``, using the symbol * with the given name as its default data. */ return function createCreatureSymbol( name: string ): React.FC { const data = getSymbol(name); const Component: SimpleCreatureSymbolFC = (props) => { const symbol = getCreatureSymbol(data, props); return ; }; Component.creatureSymbolData = data; return Component; }; } function isSimpleCreatureSymbolFC(fn: any): fn is SimpleCreatureSymbolFC { return !!fn.creatureSymbolData; } function extractNestedCreatureSymbol(el: JSX.Element): NestedCreatureSymbol { const base = extractCreatureSymbolFromElement(el); const props: SimpleCreatureSymbolProps = el.props; const indices = props.indices || getAttachmentIndices(props); const result: NestedCreatureSymbol = { ...base, indices, }; return result; } function extractAttachedCreatureSymbol( el: JSX.Element ): AttachedCreatureSymbol { const base = extractNestedCreatureSymbol(el); const props: SimpleCreatureSymbolProps = el.props; const { attachTo } = props; if (!attachTo) { throw new Error("Expected attachment to have `attachTo` prop!"); } const result: AttachedCreatureSymbol = { ...base, attachTo, }; return result; } function getCreatureSymbol( data: SvgSymbolData, props: SimpleCreatureSymbolProps ): CreatureSymbol { const { attachments, nests } = splitCreatureSymbolChildren(props.children); const result: CreatureSymbol = { data, attachments:, nests:, }; return result; } export function extractCreatureSymbolFromElement( el: JSX.Element ): CreatureSymbol { if (isSimpleCreatureSymbolFC(el.type)) { return getCreatureSymbol(el.type.creatureSymbolData, el.props); } throw new Error("Found unknown component type!"); }