import React, { useContext, useRef, useState } from "react"; import { SvgVocabulary } from "../svg-vocabulary"; import { createSvgSymbolContext, SvgSymbolData } from "../svg-symbol"; import { iterAttachmentPoints } from "../specs"; import { Random } from "../random"; import { SymbolContextWidget } from "../symbol-context-widget"; import { range } from "../util"; import { AutoSizingSvg } from "../auto-sizing-svg"; import { exportSvg } from "../export-svg"; import { createCreatureSymbolFactory, extractCreatureSymbolFromElement, } from "../creature-symbol-factory"; import { CreatureContext, CreatureContextType, CreatureSymbol, NestedCreatureSymbol, } from "../creature-symbol"; import { HoverDebugHelper } from "../hover-debug-helper"; const DEFAULT_BG_COLOR = "#858585"; /** * Mapping from symbol names to symbol data, for quick and easy access. */ const SYMBOL_MAP = new Map( => [, symbol]) ); /** Symbols that can be the "root" (i.e., main body) of a creature. */ const ROOT_SYMBOLS = SvgVocabulary.filter( (data) => data.meta?.always_be_nested !== true ); /** Symbols that can be attached to the main body of a creature. */ const ATTACHMENT_SYMBOLS = ROOT_SYMBOLS; /** Symbols that can be nested within any part of a creature. */ const NESTED_SYMBOLS = SvgVocabulary.filter( (data) => data.meta?.always_nest !== true ); /** * Returns the data for the given symbol, throwing an error * if it doesn't exist. */ function getSymbol(name: string): SvgSymbolData { const symbol = SYMBOL_MAP.get(name); if (!symbol) { throw new Error(`Unable to find the symbol "${name}"!`); } return symbol; } /** * Given a parent symbol, return an array of random children to be nested within * it. * * Can return an empty array e.g. if the parent symbol doesn't have * any nesting areas. */ function getNestingChildren( parent: SvgSymbolData, rng: Random ): NestedCreatureSymbol[] { const { meta, specs } = parent; if (meta?.always_nest && specs?.nesting) { const indices = range(specs.nesting.length); const child = rng.choice(NESTED_SYMBOLS); return [ { data: child, attachments: [], nests: [], indices, }, ]; } return []; } /** * Randomly creates a symbol with the given number of * types of attachments. The symbol itself, and where the * attachments are attached, are chosen randomly. */ function getSymbolWithAttachments( numAttachmentKinds: number, rng: Random ): CreatureSymbol { const root = rng.choice(ROOT_SYMBOLS); const result: CreatureSymbol = { data: root, attachments: [], nests: getNestingChildren(root, rng), }; if (root.specs) { const attachmentKinds = rng.uniqueChoices( Array.from(iterAttachmentPoints(root.specs)) .filter((point) => point.type !== "anchor") .map((point) => point.type), numAttachmentKinds ); for (let kind of attachmentKinds) { const attachment = rng.choice(ATTACHMENT_SYMBOLS); const indices = range(root.specs[kind]?.length ?? 0); result.attachments.push({ data: attachment, attachTo: kind, indices, attachments: [], nests: getNestingChildren(attachment, rng), }); } } return result; } const symbol = createCreatureSymbolFactory(getSymbol); const Eye = symbol("eye"); const Hand = symbol("hand"); const Arm = symbol("arm"); const Antler = symbol("antler"); const Crown = symbol("crown"); const Wing = symbol("wing"); const MuscleArm = symbol("muscle_arm"); const Leg = symbol("leg"); const Tail = symbol("tail"); const Lightning = symbol("lightning"); const EYE_CREATURE = ( ); const EYE_CREATURE_SYMBOL = extractCreatureSymbolFromElement(EYE_CREATURE); /** * Randomly replace all the parts of the given creature. Note that this * might end up logging some console messages about not being able to find * attachment/nesting indices, because it doesn't really check to make * sure the final creature structure is fully valid. */ function randomlyReplaceParts( rng: Random, creature: T ): T { const result: T = { ...creature, data: rng.choice(SvgVocabulary), attachments: => randomlyReplaceParts(rng, a)), nests: => randomlyReplaceParts(rng, n)), }; return result; } type CreatureGenerator = (rng: Random) => CreatureSymbol; /** * Each index of this array represents the algorithm we use to * randomly construct a creature with a particular "complexity level". * * For instance, the algorithm used to create a creature with * complexity level 0 will be the first item of this array. */ const COMPLEXITY_LEVEL_GENERATORS: CreatureGenerator[] = [ ...range(5).map((i) => getSymbolWithAttachments.bind(null, i)), (rng) => randomlyReplaceParts(rng, EYE_CREATURE_SYMBOL), ]; const MAX_COMPLEXITY_LEVEL = COMPLEXITY_LEVEL_GENERATORS.length - 1; function getDownloadFilename(randomSeed: number | null) { let downloadBasename = "mystic-symbolic-creature"; if (randomSeed !== null) { downloadBasename += `-${randomSeed}`; } return `${downloadBasename}.svg`; } export const CreaturePage: React.FC<{}> = () => { const svgRef = useRef(null); const [bgColor, setBgColor] = useState(DEFAULT_BG_COLOR); const [randomSeed, setRandomSeed] = useState(null); const [symbolCtx, setSymbolCtx] = useState(createSvgSymbolContext()); const [complexity, setComplexity] = useState(MAX_COMPLEXITY_LEVEL); const defaultCtx = useContext(CreatureContext); const newRandomSeed = () => setRandomSeed(; const ctx: CreatureContextType = { ...defaultCtx, ...symbolCtx, fill: symbolCtx.showSpecs ? "none" : symbolCtx.fill, }; const creature = randomSeed === null ? EYE_CREATURE_SYMBOL : COMPLEXITY_LEVEL_GENERATORS[complexity](new Random(randomSeed)); const handleSvgExport = () => exportSvg(getDownloadFilename(randomSeed), svgRef); return ( <>


setBgColor(} />{" "}

{ setComplexity(parseInt(; newRandomSeed(); }} />{" "} {complexity === MAX_COMPLEXITY_LEVEL ? "bonkers" : complexity}

{" "} {" "}

); };