import { inclusiveRange, NumericRange } from "./util"; export type RandomParameters = { modulus: number; multiplier: number; increment: number; }; const NUMERICAL_RECIPES_PARAMETERS: RandomParameters = { modulus: Math.pow(2, 32), multiplier: 1664525, increment: 1013904223, }; /** * A simple linear congruential random number generator, as described in * */ export class Random { private latestSeed: number; constructor( readonly seed: number =, readonly params: RandomParameters = NUMERICAL_RECIPES_PARAMETERS ) { this.latestSeed = seed; } /** * Create an exact replica of this instance. */ clone(): Random { return new Random(this.latestSeed, this.params); } /** * Return a random number that is greater than or equal to zero, and less * than one. */ next(): number { this.latestSeed = (this.params.multiplier * this.latestSeed + this.params.increment) % this.params.modulus; return this.latestSeed / this.params.modulus; } /** * Return a random boolean with the given probability of being true. */ bool(trueProbability: number = 0.5): boolean { return < trueProbability; } /** * Return a number in the given range, inclusive. */ inRange(range: NumericRange): number { return this.choice(inclusiveRange(range)); } /** * Return a random item from the given array. If the array is * empty, an exception is thrown. */ choice(array: T[]): T { if (array.length === 0) { throw new Error("Cannot choose randomly from an empty array!"); } const idx = Math.floor( * array.length); return array[idx]; } /** * Attempt to randomly choose *at most* the given number of unique items from * the array. If the array is too small, fewer items are returned. */ uniqueChoices(array: T[], howMany: number): T[] { let choicesLeft = [...array]; const result: T[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < howMany; i++) { if (choicesLeft.length === 0) { break; } const choice = this.choice(choicesLeft); choicesLeft = choicesLeft.filter((item) => item !== choice); result.push(choice); } return result; } }